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    Dabliss111114 reacted to McButterpants in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    You're my girl crush, @@LipstickLady!
    I couldn't agree more...I just posted again on that other thread.
    I am nearing one year post op - this process has been so much more difficult than I thought it would be, but it has given me back more than I expected. I am so much more than the sleeve - I'm a wife, mom, daughter, sister, crazy aunt and loyal friend. I love to work out, I do hot yoga 4-5 times a week, hike mountains, and love taking my dog for walks. I'm looking at renting cross country skis this winter to give that a whirl for the first time in 20 years. I also just signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot.
    Just as I don't stand up in the mall and proclaim that I had weight loss surgery, I don't tell people about the other stuff I do...But, I don't bash people for deciding they want to tell everyone they had WLS. I don't see why people think that not telling people is lying - I just don't get that. I admire people that can strike up a conversation with someone and tell them about their WLS - that just isn't in my DNA. I will talk to a stranger and ask all kinds of questions and show interest in their lives, I am just a person that doesn't share stuff with others.
  2. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from walkin'onsunshine in One week to go before surgery   
    Thanks for sharing your story. Like you I've dieted so many times and never really finished the job or maintained. The surgery puts a new perspective on things.
    I'm 3 weeks away from my surgery, so I'll be pulling for you big time. Good luck....you'll do great!!
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    Dabliss111114 reacted to *Lexie* in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    I can sing like Madonna when I'm alone in the car. When other people are around, I sound like Alfalfa.
  4. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from *Lexie* in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    LipstickLady should be applauded. I'm not nearly as accomplished as she is, but i also have had a rich full life, and at one time enjoyed being "fit" and able to do many things. Life can deal us hands of crappy cards sometimes and we all handle those issues in different ways. I handled (mis handled) some of mine by overeating. I miss the person I used to be and want that person back before I get too old to do all the things I used to do.
    I don't want my surgery to define who I am either. With the exception of my family and a couple very close friends I haven't told the entire world. That's why I joined this group. Here we can all be open and honest and give and get the support we need or want without making the WLS the center of our day to day life. We'll hopefully make new friends along this journey within this group, and that'll be a lifelong bonus as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from vmcelroy70611 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Hey everyone,
    Whoever knows how to add someone as a friend please post how to do that. It looks like there's a number of us that would like to know. I did figure out (by accident) that if you hover over someones username under their picture that it gives you the option to send them a message.
    I'm so glad to see that there are so many people that are getting ready for surgery in November. I'm going in 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm really feeling anxious today. I'm going to order some Protein shakes today so that I have them when I start my liquid diet prep. I think I'm going to try the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury ones that my nutritionist gave me a sample of. They seem pricey, but I figure I'll be spending less on groceries overall....
  6. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from *Lexie* in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    LipstickLady should be applauded. I'm not nearly as accomplished as she is, but i also have had a rich full life, and at one time enjoyed being "fit" and able to do many things. Life can deal us hands of crappy cards sometimes and we all handle those issues in different ways. I handled (mis handled) some of mine by overeating. I miss the person I used to be and want that person back before I get too old to do all the things I used to do.
    I don't want my surgery to define who I am either. With the exception of my family and a couple very close friends I haven't told the entire world. That's why I joined this group. Here we can all be open and honest and give and get the support we need or want without making the WLS the center of our day to day life. We'll hopefully make new friends along this journey within this group, and that'll be a lifelong bonus as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from *Lexie* in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    LipstickLady should be applauded. I'm not nearly as accomplished as she is, but i also have had a rich full life, and at one time enjoyed being "fit" and able to do many things. Life can deal us hands of crappy cards sometimes and we all handle those issues in different ways. I handled (mis handled) some of mine by overeating. I miss the person I used to be and want that person back before I get too old to do all the things I used to do.
    I don't want my surgery to define who I am either. With the exception of my family and a couple very close friends I haven't told the entire world. That's why I joined this group. Here we can all be open and honest and give and get the support we need or want without making the WLS the center of our day to day life. We'll hopefully make new friends along this journey within this group, and that'll be a lifelong bonus as far as I'm concerned.
  8. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to sophie'sChoice in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    Standing ovation for Lipstick Lady......I didn't let my weight define me (although I did have my moments from time to time), why should I let my weightloss solution? I never knew how to reply to the threads where there were opinions that suggested I had ulterior motives for keeping my choice as private as I have. BRAVO! and thank you!
  9. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Babbs in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    I could play devil's advocate and say WLS is also part of what makes me, well... me. Along with many, many other things I have done and experienced in my 47 years of life that make me the person I am today. My struggle with my weight has been a part of my whole life and I'm sure, hell I KNOW, it has shaped me in ways both positive and negative. It has for all of us. If not, why would any of us do something so drastic as to get surgically altered to lose weight? No, this surgery does not define me or who I am, but it's part of this wild and crazy journey I call my life, and I don't mind letting people know that this is part (one of many) of who I am.
  10. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from walkin'onsunshine in One week to go before surgery   
    Thanks for sharing your story. Like you I've dieted so many times and never really finished the job or maintained. The surgery puts a new perspective on things.
    I'm 3 weeks away from my surgery, so I'll be pulling for you big time. Good luck....you'll do great!!
  11. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to bluedreams86 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Wow, we're only a day apart. How exciting. I hope you don't mind, but I added you as a friend. I would love to follow your progress.
  12. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Kindle in Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery: Yes or No?   
    At almost 10 months, I still have a Protein smoothie almost everyday. My reasoning is as follows....
    1) since I don't measure or track anything, I seriously don't know how much Protein I'm getting. One of my smoothies is 30-40g protein so I don't worry that I am getting at least another 20-30g from regular food to meet goals.
    2) by assuring the protein intake from the smoothies, I am free to eat a more balanced diet which includes fruits, veggies and whole grains. I still include protein in my meals, but I always leave room for the other stuff.
    3) I drink them over 1-2 hours in between appointments at work which satisfies my urges to snack through the day.
    4) besides the protein, I am getting 24-32oz of my daily Fluid requirement
    5) I mix my insoluble Fiber supplement in my protein smoothie, and believe me, this is a necessity for business on the "other end"
    And as for protein bars, I always have one handy because I rarely have time for Breakfast and I don't get a lunch break, so they are easy Meal Replacements. I also include whole grain and Fiber bars in my list of acceptable Snacks or Meal Replacements.< /p>

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