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Joyful WeightFree

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    Joyful WeightFree reacted to James Marusek in Why You Chose That Surgery?   
    I had RNY gastric bypass. I had acid reflux and this was the best option for me. This type of surgery had one of the lowest revision rates. If I undergo the surgery once, I do not want to repeat the process again. It also provided the greatest weight loss the quickest and those that underwent the surgery had sustained weight loss over time.
    On the negative side, my stomach is no longer able to synthesize many of the Vitamins my body needs so I am required to supplement several Vitamins for the remainder of my life.
  2. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to elivaynstein in My Life-Changing Story   
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Eli and I am 21 years old. I just wanted to share my amazing journey with everyone and hopefully help anyone that needs it. Since I was a young boy I struggled with weight loss. I put weight on and I took weight off and it didn't seem like I could ever get it right. Growing up, all of my friends were thin so they never understood what it was really like to be overweight, nobody actually understands unless they actually walk a mile in your shoes. I was miserable, depressed, and felt like there was nothing in the world that could help me. As a lineman for my high school football team I justified my extreme weight gain with the fact that I needed to be bigger to play my position and this mindset caused my weight to spiral out of control.
    When I graduated high school in 2011 I weighed the most I ever did and it took a huge toll on me as I was about to go away to college and had literally no self-esteem. Jumping ahead to my sophomore year of college I had now put on even more weight and it was affecting me more then ever. My grades were slipping, it didn't seem like any girl would ever want to talk to me, and most of all it was hard to look at myself in the mirror. When I came home from school after my sophomore year I weighed about 320 pounds, which was by far the most I ever weighed. When I came home in May that year I just came to the realization of what I did to myself and I asked myself, "How did I let this happen?" Before I continue I want everyone to know that this is not a sob story and that there is a huge gleaming light at the end of that tunnel. When the conversation of weight loss surgery was brought up for the first time I honestly felt offended because I never thought that it would possibly come to that and after countless talks with family members and friends I finally agreed to schedule an appointment and the Center for Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss in Ridgewood, New Jersey in June of 2013.
    Fast forward to September of that year I had completed all of my pre-surgery requirements and a date for surgery was scheduled. My surgery happened on November 4th at New York-Presbyterian in New York City. Let me tell you that November 4th, 2013 was the first day of the rest of my life. I'll save the details of pre-surgery, hospital stay, and post-surgery for another post. On the day of surgery I weighed 316 pounds having lost a little in the months prior to my surgery date. Now, in October of 2014 I am proud to say that I weigh 196 pounds putting my total weight loss at 120 pounds. My life has changed in the most extreme way, not just with how I physically look and feel, but mentally, I am a different person. I am the happiest I've been in my entire life.
    I understand that there are countless reservations people have before making probably the hardest decision of your entire life, because for me it was, but I can also proudly say that it was the best decision I have made in my entire life. I understand that you might feel that there is no way out of being overweight, but I'm here to tell you that there is. I am willing to talk to anyone who has questions and I am always available because I understand how hard it is to make this decision. PLEASE don't hesitate to ask me anything. Thank you for listening to my journey and my story and I hope this might help anyone who is on the fence or anyone who is scared or nervous. Lastly, I'd like to say how amazing the last year of my life has been and I hope everyone can share the same happiness I do.

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    Joyful WeightFree reacted to TxCop300 in New Member-Surgery 2 weeks from today!   
    Howdy from Texas!
    45 year old male here who has been battling obesity for several years. The straw that broke the camels back was realizing that bad ankles, knees and hips along with diabetes and high blood pressure are going to kill me. I got tired in looking in the mirror and seeing that reflection of what I had become through laziness, bad self esteem, and poor choices. I decided it was time to get serious...and get serious now!
    So, now I have started my 2 week pre-op liquid diet, and I am scheduled for surgery two weeks from today. I know it's a long road to achieve my goal, but I am beyond ready. I'm not nervous, which concerns me a little, but I am very anxious to get this procedure done and start seeing the effects. I can't wait to get my energy back, pain relief, and hopefully throwing my meds in the trash!
    I'm glad I found this site. It is a wealth of information and I hope to establish a few new friendships as well.
  4. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to 4me4them in Who Are You?   
    So I think it is maybe time to stop lurking. I'm soon to be 50, happily married for 29 years, successful in my work life, with two grown children and one granddaughter (in the pic with me...from Dec 2012)....everything in my life is good...not sunshine and bluebirds good every day, but I love my life! And yet...the one thing that I haven't been able to get under control is my weight. I look at this as an incredible opportunity to relearn my relationship with food, figure out what makes me tick and to have the energy/fitness to play with my grandchildren. I look forward to sharing highs, lows and nug days with everyone. Beth
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    Joyful WeightFree reacted to denisemhanson in Who Are You?   
    I'm a 25-year-old VGS patient. Had my surgery June 25, 2014.
    I was born in Westchester, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago. My family and I moved to Alpharetta when I was 7 years old. Since then, I have lived in Madrid, Spain; St. Louis, Missouri; Charleston, West Virginia; Cumming, Georgia; and now Woodstock/Holly Springs, GA.
    I began taking Spanish in 4th grade, because at that time, it was required. I continued all the way through middle school, high school, and my final year in college at Saint Louis University.
    While in high school (magnet school for math/science & visual/performing arts), I focused on acting and technical theater. My greatest joy in theater was acting as stage manager for the school productions. I learned and matured a lot during those years. There, I also found the inspiration for my future aspirations. Señora Nott made me truly fall in love with Spanish and helped me learn that I wanted to become a Spanish teacher. It is after her that I model myself and my Spanish classroom.
    During the summer following my junior year of high school, I attended the Governor's Honors Program (GHP) in Valdosta. I spent several hours 6 days a week learning about education (my "minor") and Spanish (my "major"). I met some amazing people there and improved my Spanish more than I ever thought could be possible in just 6 short weeks.
    Everyone asks why I chose Saint Louis University (SLU) for college. Really, it's quite simple. I had no idea where I wanted to go. All I knew was that I wanted to major in Spanish. I received a piece of mail from SLU's campus in Madrid, Spain, asking me to study abroad. Not only did that sound like an amazing opportunity, but they even offered me a bit of financial aid! How could I pass that up?!
    I spent my entire freshman year of college in Spain. First semester, I lived with a host family, along with 3 other girls from SLU. Second semester, I lived in a SLU-rented (but still "real") apartment with 6 other girls from SLU. While there, I was able to travel to Segovia, Sevilla, Toledo, and Paris. My one and only wish about studying abroad is that I had done it later in college. Moving away from home, having to make new friends, needing the learn the ropes of college... all in a NEW COUNTRY was a bit much for me to handle. But I did it. And the experience was incredible.
    After returning to Missouri from Spain, I spent my remaining 3 years at their home campus, where I earned a Bachelor's in Spanish and a Bachelor's in Education, graduating in 2011.
    My now-fiancee, Eric, proposed to me at my college graduation dinner in front of friends and family. Clearly, I said yes. Then we decided I'd move in with him in Charleston, West Virginia and find a teaching job. Well, I'd try anyway. I lived with him for 5 months and couldn't find a job. Then he got deployed to Afghanistan (he was in the Army until recently) in April of 2012.
    At that point, I decided it was better for me to move back to Georgia to be near friends and family and try once again to find a job. I didn't find one right away. But last minute, before the start of the 2012-13 school year, I got a call from a high school nearby. One of their Spanish teachers had to go on medical leave. Lucky for me, I got a month-long substitute position actually teaching Spanish. It was such a wonderful experience, and it just reaffirmed that teaching was what I KNEW I wanted to do with my life.
    Once that gig was up, I immediately got a call from my current principal. They needed a full-time Spanish teacher. What?! This is it! I got a job! I started there in September of 2012, and my first year was INCREDIBLE. Thankfully, I was re-hired. I could not be more blessed. This school is full of wonderful students, teachers, staff, and administration.
    Eric returned from Afganistan in February of 2013, surprising me at school! We lived in Cumming from the time I came back to Georgia until September 2013. He was honorably discharged from the Army during the Summer of 2013 due to medical problems caused by his several deployments. Since I was re-hired, we bought a house in Woodstock, GA to be closer to where I work.
    Do we have a kids? In December 2013, we adopted a puppy from the humane society. We're not sure what she is (looks to us like a pitbull - she's light brindle colored), but her name is Peaches, and she is the sweetest baby ever!
    Besides teaching Spanish, I love spending time with my doggie and I enjoy photography. Teaching is my passion, though, and I love my students with all my heart (well, what's left of it after Eric and Peaches).
    Nice to meet everyone! Glad to have this support system!
  6. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to AudraN in Who Are You?   
    Hello Everyone! My name is Audra, I am a single mom and am currently in the process of planning for my surgery. I've chosen to have the VSG done in Tijuana with Dr. Elias Ortiz, hopefully within the next month or so. That said, here's more about me.
    I work as the Morning News Anchor for a local Talk Radio station in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I also have my own business designing websites/graphics. I am an avid reader. (more books than friends is a comment that has been heard in reference to me quite often...lol)
    I have always been more of an introvert than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I have friends and I have a lot of fun when I spend time with them, but I am also perfectly happy spending time on my own with a good book. I'm also a very crafty person, although I don't sew (much to the disappointment of my mother...haha).
    I've been divorced for going on 10 years now. I am considered VERY outspoken, sometimes a little too sarcastic for most people to understand, but I'm okay with that. My favorite color is lime green, in fact, I'm a little obsessed with it...if it's possible to be obsessed with a color...lol. I enjoy the outdoors, but don't like to sweat or get dirty, so hopefully that will change as I shed the weight and can be comfortable outdoors. I'm an avid Doctor Who/Sherlock/Supernatural fan and I love superhero movies and sci-fi. Yes, I'm a GEEK and I'm proud to say it!
    That's all I can think of at the moment, if you would like to know something about me, just ask! I'm pretty open!
  7. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to Alexandria Hammer in Who Are You?   
    I am Alexandria.
    I am a 23 year old mother of one.I am working full time to support him and then come home to another full time job.PARENTING!
    Although I am only 23 I have been struggling with my weight all of my life.I do have some medical conditions that contribute to that struggle quit a bit.
    I am currently 320 pounds but at my heaviest I was almost 400 pounds.Most of the weight that I have lost was just from giving birth and being able to go back to work.
    I am still what they call obese.
    I am going to get the gastric sleeve but i have only just started the process.
    I want to start an new life for not only myself but my son.
    He should not have to play outside by himself because his mommy is too tired from walking out the door.
    He should not have to wonder when he is older if I will make it to my 40th birthday.
    I am doing this so that we all may get a better chance at life.
    I want my son to be proud of me,I want to always be there for him.
    I want to be healthy.
  8. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to Getting-used-to-new-me in Who Are You?   
    Welcome Lorammy! You may want to check out all the "pre-surgery" and post surgery" gastric sleeve posts for insights on what you'll be going through. I also began as a sleeve patient. But my insurance at the time only supported gastric bypass or lap band surgeries. I had a gastric bypass in December 2013. After a harrowing first few months following surgery, I'm appreciating what I had done to me now. I look forward to YOUR many posts!
  9. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to Jolisue in Who Are You?   
    Hi! I'm 54 years old, female, 5'10" and I currently weigh 247. I have struggled with my weight since my 30's after kids, but I've always been on some kind of diet. Since my 30s I have been a yo yo dieter. It used to be easy to drop 20 lbs and then I'd be happy, only to regain the 20 and add 10 more. I hit 200 once I turned 40, and that has been my lowest weight for more than a decade.
    My surgery is Monday, 9/22, at 9:30AM. It is surreal at this moment. I have a slightly stuffy nose so I sure hope that doesn't change anything! I've been doing so so on the pre op diet, but my cheats have been small but not part of the plan. I'm to have 3 Protein shakes, 2 Protein Bars and unlimited veggies. I had a cup of lentils, some almonds, peanuts and cheese over the course of two weeks, which I have felt tremendous guilt about. Almost as though I failed some kind of test. I have lost 12 pounds with two days to go. It makes me wonder if this is an indicator of failing the RNY lifestyle. ???? I think I'm feeling a little down today. Thanks for listening!
  10. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to gidget42683 in My day is coming   
    I'm excited just heading back home from an NA meeting grateful that I have the tools of recovery to help me thru this also. But having people that have had the surgery done also I know will be better cause they know what I'm dealing with.....
  11. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to 4me4them in My Story   
    Welcome to the forums! Sounds like you are off to a great start! You'll find lots of good info and good people here...
  12. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to viktoryalynne in Who Are You?   
    Hello ~
    Victoria from California & Michigan. I divide my time between both states.
    I never had a weight problem until my work injuries in 2007. Both my knees & Achilles' tendon were severely injured. And being Worker's Compensation I had no surgeries (as needed) for injuries until 2009, & 2011. In the mean time I gained 75 pounds. No work and no activities I could do.
    I'm scheduled for sleeve in Oct. 2014. I'm excited to start to feel my life is going to have me in control again.
    I realize this is a tool & not a fix. It is a lifetime change that look forward to with a positive outlook. I keep positive by attending support meetings, research, and knowing my life span will increase.
    I have goals too. I have two daughters being married within 4 weeks apart in Sept. & Oct. of 2015.
    And yes I want to dance..........
  13. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to swtpea637 in Orlando/Central FL Local Support group for sleevers   
    I also live in Orlando....very interested in a local support group...looking for to more info
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    Joyful WeightFree reacted to Seela in Orlando/Central FL Local Support group for sleevers   
    I'm moving to the Daytona Beach area next week, I'd love some occasional support once I get there
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    Joyful WeightFree reacted to Laura1014 in Orlando/Central FL Local Support group for sleevers   
    Hello everyone!
    I will be putting together a day and location for fun meet and greet, in the next coming months once Fall arrives. The more that get to network the more success stories and encouragement we can do!
    Read my profile to understand my journey and who I am.
    best regards!
    Laura Schaefer ARNP
  16. Like
    Joyful WeightFree reacted to gregthegroove in Need a buddy that can help me   
    You should be able to drink 4-6 oz of liquids per hour to help get you to 64 oz. Right now I'm only on day 4 post op, so I'm just counting my two 11 oz Protein Shakes towards my liquid goal of 64 oz. So I try and get in 42 oz of liquids. It's not that hard if you always keep Water or crystal light near you. I keep a big 33 oz Smart. water bottle with me at all times. My goal is to finish one and a half of those before bed time.

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