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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Chrystee reacted to MistyAnnMoon829 in And So Our Journey Begins...   
    Another 10 days later, this is my 4 month surgiversary, and I am down to 214.6 which is about the weight I weighed in HS. I just got back from a week in TX visiting my sister and I lost 3.4 lbs while I was there. She gave me a bunch of clothes that she shrunk out of. My sister has always been the small one, so the fact that i'm wearing clothes that she wore is amazing to me. I'm in a 12/13, I can shop in the juniors section at Ross/Target/WM/everywhere and I haven't ever in my life done that. I can eat more now than I could a month ago, but not by a lot, and I continue to make the smarter food choice rather than the easy food choice. I'll upload a picture later to show my 3 month change.
    I pretty much am happy to be alive in a way that I don't remember ever being before. I can run for a short distance without feeling winded, I can carry myself and a suitcase upstairs without dying, in fact when we got to the airport, my sister was hauling my moms suitcase, which weighed 48 lbs and it hit me, while watching her lug that thing up 2 sets of stairs that I was carrying more than that on my body on a daily basis. I've never been so happy with me in my life. This was the best decision i've ever made.
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    Chrystee reacted to MistyAnnMoon829 in And So Our Journey Begins...   
    Happy Friday, friends!!! This week has been a really good week for compliments for me. I think everyday someone different commented on how good I look, and this is from people I never really talk to. I'm down to 218 from 275, and seriously, I haven't been this small since Junior year of HS, 11 years ago. I have a bigger belly than I did then, but I am still in much smaller sizes than I have been in a long time. The guy I'm seeing actually went to HS with me and he was there when I was going through a box of old clothes that I pulled out of storage to donate the other night and I pulled out a pair of jeans that I LOVED and thought I had gotten rid of, and he said he remembers me in those pants (cuz I looked amazing!) and they almost fit me. If they weren't a velcro close I'm sure they would have actually fit me. I was so ecstatic. I'm NSVing all over the place and I love it.
    One side effect of the surgery is that your body is breaking down the fat which stores hormones and the other day I was in a dark mood for no reason. Nothing happened in my personal life or work life to cause me to be like that. I was just moody. I think it was a combination of the weight loss, my new birth control, and I was supposed to start my period around that time, but Mirena (my IUD) said no, but my guy came over and spent time with me, and perked me up. It was amazing. So just a warning, you will get moody with no apparent cause, I was warned about this before and I didn't believe it, now I know better, lol.

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    Chrystee reacted to MistyAnnMoon829 in And So Our Journey Begins...   
    Today I weighed in at 221.2, I about fell off the scale. I'm so happy with my weight loss progress. It has been consistent, I am making good food choices, I've trained all my loved ones to how I eat, and I live to shop. I have gone shopping everyday since Sunday. I went to Goodwill last night for some jeans and I got 5 pairs of cute jeans in various sizes for less than $20. I love a good deal.
    So get this, the jean industry is evil. I got a pair of jeans in a 12, fit snug, have another pair of jeans in a 15/16 and can barely get them up my hips...Can we please get some consistancy?! Geeeeeeeeeeez. So I have come down from a snug 18 to a 14 (on average) and I am loving it. From a 3x/2x to a L/XL depending on the brand. I have started wearing skirts with leggings and boots, which is a look I always wanted to achieve and never could. I love the place I am in my life right now, and other people can really see how much more confident and happy I am. Here's a picture of one of my new favorite outfits, and a dress I got and will wear in about 10 lbs down.

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    Chrystee reacted to MikeB70 in My surgery is in 2 days and was hoping to connect with someone early on.   
    Just an update. I am one month post op now and down to 285. Things are going well with everything but the Vitamins. The chewables are getting tuff for me. Anybody have any ideas for maybe the Gummy type and if they have trouble getting them down?
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    Chrystee reacted to MikeB70 in My surgery is in 2 days and was hoping to connect with someone early on.   
    Thanks for all the replies, it is early Saturday morning right now and I have been dozing in and out a lot since the surgery completed Thursday morning. I have had very little pain and no nausea from the procedure. The worst part for me has been getting rid of the trapped air inside me, I will tell you that it is painful when that air gets up around your shoulders but it is not unbearable. My surgery took place at medical city in Dallas and the people there were great. My Dr. Gregory Barnes did a great job on me. Start of Pre-op diet 344, day of surgery 323, two days post op 315. It already working!!!! Make sure you get up and walk as much as you can after surgery it really helps get rid of the air and helps your stomach relax.
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    Chrystee reacted to Momof2inIowa in My surgery is in 2 days and was hoping to connect with someone early on.   
    Awesome!! good luck I am sure you will do great! Feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have. The one thing that I learned, GET UP as soon as you can, get moving, walk, sip Water, really SIP it...it takes awhile before you can really drink a gulp of Water.< /p>
    I started at 320 and had my surgery on 4/30/2014, moving and keeping active has helped with my success! I am proud to say I am 99.5 lbs down already!! it's a very exciting journey!
  7. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Amber Rein in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    Hello all! I love the topic so this will be my first post
    I will not miss NOT being able to fit my calves into knee high boots, especially the "Wide Calf" ones that zip up half way and then taunt you
    I will not miss my daughter asking me why I'm always so tired
    I will not miss the shin splints I get walking two city blocks to my job
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    Chrystee reacted to MisforMimi in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    Well it finally happened today. I was walking to the car and when I got in my daughter (only 4) said, Mama your stomach looks big in a very matter of fact tone. Just like she was stating the obvious without judgment. And I horrified, mumbled something like. Oh, uh? She is my motivation to get in control of my health and eating. I want to be a good example. She's been blessed with the other sides physique. She is long lean and very muscular and active. Hopefully, I can be smaller by the time she starts elementary school....a sad as that sounds...
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    Chrystee reacted to aSleeveStory in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    Everyone seems to have hit on all the things really... but my list for the sake of science...
    1) Getting tired walking 20 feet.
    2) Sweating!
    3) The judgmental looks. Hate that people think they know so much about me based on one data point.
    4) Bathroom "issues"
    ...and lastly... I'll still fly First Class (I'm a CEO, it's how I roll) but maybe I'll actually ENJOY it for a change!
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    Chrystee reacted to HaddocksEyes in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    I don't miss being a slave to food. I don't miss the cravings and the need to pile a ton of food on my plate.
    I don't miss the huge portions I used to eat.
    This has been the best thing ever for me. Even though I am losing slowly, I am so happy with my decision.
    GOOD LUCK!!!
  11. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from downsizingdiva in 120 pounds lost and 7 months out PIX   
    I can't see the before, but the after is amazing! Congrats!
    I'm about 315 and I'd be happy with anything under 200.
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    Chrystee got a reaction from heynowkc in What is everyone NOT going to miss after sleeve?   
    Accidentally bumping my toddler over with my butt! HAH.
    I really don't have any other things.. except hopefully not feeling so out of place.. although I really don't. I'm pretty active and everything already. I don't really sweat that bad, cause I work out anyway.. but sweat doesn't always go away!
  13. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from Wendyfm in My body feels awful...   
    People are just human.. we make mistakes sometimes.
  14. Like
    Chrystee reacted to kimdlawson06 in Anyone looking at a January date for surgery?   
    My last group nutrition class is Dec 15th and then submitting to insurance! Hopefully looking at an early January date!!
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    Chrystee reacted to Maleice in 4months post op. I'm down 80lbs!   
    I'm so excited for this new journey in my life!!!

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    Chrystee reacted to camden1928 in Has anyone not told anyone about having surgery?   
    Told absolutely no-one, I had a hernia and gallbladder and bile exploration as well (day one, im writting from my hospital bed), because you have to change eating with that too that won't look odd
    Feel like this is on me, my decision,my failure to loose and my success to win, not anyone elses, I had a baby 7 months ago so ppl are expecting some weight loss as well
    Good luck, you will be fine and dont feel like you are living a lie or anything. Your decisions are for your reasons, honor that
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    Chrystee reacted to skikyd in Has anyone not told anyone about having surgery?   
    I told only a few people. Not my mother. I had told a friend and got sooooooo much push back, I did not expect. I stopped telling people.
    The bitch of it is nobody notices the first 75 pounds any way. No need to say anything until then any way.
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    Chrystee reacted to alovelynewme in Has anyone not told anyone about having surgery?   
    Thank you for this post! So many of these posts resonate with me, and I feel even more justified in my decision not to share this with anyone. I am not planning on telling a soul (other than my wife). I don't want to be defined by this decision and this moment in my life. I don't want to be anyone's reference point when they think of weight loss surgery. The only thing people in my life need to know is that I'm getting healthy. I want them to focus on that rather than how I got there. I want people to see ME once I lose the weight, not just see the "result" of weight loss surgery.
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    Chrystee reacted to Ky89 in Has anyone not told anyone about having surgery?   
    I do have a month off from work, my main concern is money though. Im putting everything on my card, which I would rather not do, but I do have the option to stay longer. I think after the surgery I would be very ready to go home, but I am pretty worried about flying home so soon after surgery.
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    Chrystee reacted to DizzyLib in Has anyone not told anyone about having surgery?   
    I agree that this is a personal decision - no one here has the same people in their lives that they have to deal with.
    My husband knows of course and he supports my decision 100% because he knows how unhappy I am.
    Alot of people in my life would think or tell me I'm taking the easy way out. Well I'd like to tell them in advance that this is
    FAR from being the easy way...easy? I'd like to give them ALL a dose of what I've gone through each day all these years!!
    As I've got older, I definately do not care as much about what other people think and I tell them so, where before I would have kept my mouth shut - you know you got to be "nice" ugh!!!!! not anymore.
    I wasn't sure about telling my grown up children but I've recently decided I will. I've kept alot of information from their lives over the years, so they really do not know me well at all (but I've prevented this by doing this) so I am going to take the risk to share - they deserve to know about my experience of life. If they can't support me then that it how it will be, but I think they will, and especially once I share who I truly am and what this surgery means.
    Otherwise anyone else, when they ask about my weightloss, will just get a "I'm eating less and exercising more as I've just not been active enough" and guess what? it's true!
    My Bariatric Counsellor told me "You need to have a action plan about how you will handle the questions because they WILL come."
  21. Like
    Chrystee reacted to MisforMimi in Anyone looking at a January date for surgery?   
    Things are progressing well for me! Scheduled for NUT and Psych on next Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping for first week of January!!!!! Yippee but I'm still scared....
  22. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Citerra Financing- whoa!   
    You could figure out what the payment on that loan would be and put that amount in savings every month for surgery. I bet you could save enough over a shorter amount of time and still get your surgery in a reasonable amount of time.
  23. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from BeagleLover in My body feels awful...   
    If you really feel dehydrated get some pedialyte.. It absorbs quickly. I was very sick during pregnancy, and it was the only thing that I could get down that absorbed quicker than I could throw it up.
  24. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from downsizingdiva in Anyone looking at a January date for surgery?   
    How's everyone doing? I have my second NUT visit on friday. I've lost about 10 pounds since my first consultation.. So I'm excited to see what they say. Hopefully my loss will continue and I'll be 20-30 pounds lighter before my surgery.
  25. Like
    Chrystee reacted to finediva in My body feels awful...   
    thanks, I'm over three months and the Water thing is a major challenge for me. But I'm working on it every day.

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