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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. So went in today for my first fill since being re banded. I was shocked and concerned when the doc said he was adding 4ccs....considering I only filled to 3.5ccs last time before I got overfilled and my problems began. :ohmy: When I questioned it I was told they put in a bigger band . when my heart settled back to normal he added 4ccs...water went down fine So I have started over. They want me back in 2 weeks for my next fill. it is understandable now why i've been hungrier than the last time and eating more and why i've put on a little bit of weight because i've been grazing more! And FYI: Nurse said that new research has indicated that if you feel uncomfortable after you eat something (even if it doesnt get stuck) you should go on fluids at least for the next meal.
  2. Wait, what, well hey peoples!! Wonderful to see you all doing so well!! Been a while again :thumbdown: I'm such a delinquent. And if you didn't notice by my Sig, I had to have my band replaced...I had been so careful and I don't know when it happened (and I am wondering if it started since I got that overfill!!) but my band slipped slightly and two weekends ago it came to a head when I got home from a night at the movies (where I ate nothing mind you!!) and I couldn't swallow saliva, drinks, nothing!! The end started after I had been sick with a sinus thing so I had added restriction from that and then ate a Pasta dish (which I had no problems with before this mind you) several days before the hospitalisation . Anyway it got stuck and I didn't realise this as I felt fine but the next day it decided to reappear (I won't go into detail :tongue_smilie:). Anyway so I went onto liquids did what you're supposed to do and then moved up to soft foods, etc. but it wasn't going to help me, I was doomed. So after a very uncomfortable Sat night, I called the emergency number (why do these things happen on a weekend when your doc isn't around??) and went in for a complete unfill which was unsuccessful. I was then admitted to hospital and didn't eat or drink for a further 28+ hours, it was just me and a drip. I had to do a barium swallow (not great when you can't keep anything down so it was only a matter of time before it made it's reappearance! Luckily not before they got their images) this showed a possible slip/obstruction. So Monday afternoon I was wheeled into the OR and they replaced my band. Thankfully it all went ok and the pain following surgery was nothing like the first time round (probably because they didn't have to replace the port) though the gas pains were horrid this time! Go figure! Anyway I am doing ok, my spirits are somehwat higher than they were (lots of crying and 'why me's??' before the op). Doc says sometimes these things just happen but I hope it doesn't happen again because I don't want to have to make the decision to have it removed which is what would happen if it did it again! On the plus side :laugh: I've lost a few kilos after months (:thumbdown:) at a plateau!!
  3. Roheryn

    *Silently slinks into the All Stars*

    Thanks guys!! Hope no one else has to deal with this!! Back to the docs tomorrow...Interesting that this time they didn't staple me but stitched inside or something anyway looks much neater and hasn't been itchy like last time was with the staples...Wish they did it this way first time!!
  4. Roheryn


    Yay Cutie!! That is cool! I have been MIA too :smile: Just realised it has been over a month since I've been on. I haven't been losing for a while now (but at least I'm not gaining). I am around my sweet spot and finding it is hard. I was overfilled, had the 1cc taken out....had 0.5cc put back in and I still am slightly too full! I have been feeling really uncomfortable eating after only a couple of mouthfuls. And that is eating slowly. I was not eating much at each sitting which was causing me to get hungry in between meals. I had another 0.25 ish cc's taken out today. We'll see how I feel in a few weeks. though I just had lunch and it went down great. So fingers crossed it will be enough this time!
  5. Hey Lellow!! How did the lift go?? are you feeling ok?


    Take Care


  6. Roheryn

    not good news...

    That is great that it is finally being fixed!! Hope you have a swift recovery and can get back on track asap! Take care!
  7. Roheryn

    Friday weigh in February 20

    I gained a bit with the too tight eating issues and the unfill...this week I was back to what I was a month ago. I get my first fill since the unfill (which was 2 weeks ago) tomorrow. I have been sick with laryngitis and a virus so i hope that the slightly increased restriction i gained due to this illness doesn't combine with the new fill to tip me over the edge again into too tightness. Hope to be back on track soon
  8. Bindi I'd say that first unfill you had just wasn't enough because you had really irritated your band. the second unfill will have done the trick and you just need to take it easy to ensure that the swelling goes down. Think of it as being similar to when you first got the band and the swelling needed to go down. Now if you are able to keep things down and are not getting the feeling of needing to vomit after eating something (or after a few minutes of eating something) I'd say you are ok. But just take it easy. I know it is hard when you don't concentrate when you eat, I've had things happen too...hopefully you remember this experience and learn from it.
  9. So I had my unfill and I am feeling LOTS better, my appetite has returned and I can feel the need for that fill back to +2.5ccs (amazing what .5ccs can do! But after a pretty horrific weekend in Victoria and reading/hearing about the horrific events that unfolded with the worst natural disaster (and in some cases not so natural:cursing:) to hit Australia. The urge to curl up on the couch with chocolate and follow what is happening to my state...whilst feeling helpless and lucky is pretty much what I did all weekend, well except for the chocolate, I've been pretty restrained. Anyway for those who don't know Victoria erupted in bushfires on Saturday (which reached 46.4degC, I think around 118F with HORRIBLE winds and created fire conditions that were off the charts). There was a fire not far from me but THANKFULLY the local firefighters got it under control. Other areas of my state weren't so lucky. So Far 130 people have been killed though more people will follow, that is a given...(here is a newspaper Herald Sun Homepage | Victoria, National & Australian News | Herald Sun) I know people who have lost their homes, friends, pets and others who are still facing threats from the fires still... So please send positive vibes our nations way and thoughts and prayers for those who have lost so much.
  10. Not coughing so much anymore....but I've got Larangytis and upper respiratory infection so I can't talk!! Oh well. But I had to go to a different doc as I couldn't get in at mine....I asked for antibiotic that would go down easier due to lap band and then proceeded to be lectured on my choice in lap band and not to eat around band etc... I was like F*** Off!! I didn't come for a freaking lecture!! I didn't make this choice on a whim. You don't even know me so don't lump me into your generalisation that all fat people eat crappy foods at every opportunity and won't be able to stop eating junk at every opportunity even with a lap band!! For Crying Out Loud!! But as I couldn't talk I just glared at her and whispered when I could, I didn't do this on a whim and I am not an idiot!!
  11. Roheryn

    Victorian Bushfires.

    We have awesome firefighters and they are described amongst the best in the world but the conditions were abysmal, the fire moved too quickly and caught many by suprise, no matter how good the firefighters were they had no chance of stopping it. (Drought, strong winds and heat combined to produce Victoria fires | Herald Sun) Many have described it like peeing on a bonfire and once started, it moved too quickly for any effective response to be formulated. The fires are also located over a large area and to get enough firefighters from other parts of the state to make a difference takes time. They have been working non stop and are exhausted so we have firefighters coming from interstate and overseas to help out, provide some relief and give us a hand. There are some US firefighters coming over to help out like we helped out sending our firefighters when there were fires in the US. New Zealand are also sending some firefighters. I feel so bad for our firefighters because I know many of them will feel guilty that they didn't save more lives but they couldn't have. It was fire at its worst.
  12. Roheryn

    Victorian Bushfires.

    Took this freaky shot of the Bushfire Moon over Victoria Tonight....
  13. Heartfire I am now there with you having got a kickass cold/flu/virus/whatever the hell it is ....started losing my voice tonight, very husky and that unfill I had that left me open to begin with has now been tightened!!! ARRGHHH!!! And I coughed tonight so much I vomited! UNBELIEVABLE!!! I'll be trying not to do that again anytime soon! As for the fires....there are a few that were deliberately lit....and these caused the deaths of a lot of people (Fire fury as man charged | Herald Sun). They were even reporting that they thought the arsonists were going back a relighting fires....reprehensible! Kind of an eerie day in Melbourne today as the wind changed direction and all the smoke started to come towards the city and outer eastern suburbs, as I sit here typing, I can smell the smoke quite strongly (even through my blocked nose, etc). The moon also is what is referred to as a Bushfire moon, it is really red!!
  14. Hey Jachut...the Narre Warren fire hey??? All cause an idiot used an angle grinder on a day of total fire ban....glad you were ok. I am really sorry to hear about your friends home :smile: I was a little worried about the Upper FTG fire that started Sat night, I thought the whole Dandenongs were about to go up and if they had....I don't even want to think about it. I will be donating blood as soon as I get over this bloody illness I picked up on the weekend! I figure they'll need it long term anyway! I am also worried about Thompsons Dam and our drinking Water Jachut....(Fire threating water, gas supplies in Victoria | Herald Sun) Scary!!
  15. Hey heartfire...that cold is most likely causing an increase in restriction so I'd wait until you get rid of it (provided you aren't too restricted)....I had the same problem weeks ago when I had a cold!
  16. Roheryn

    Need a Melbourne surgeon!! HELP!!

    I'm with Lapsurgery Australia who are at Knox Private, The Valley and are also now at Vimy house.
  17. Roheryn

    Victorian Bushfires.

    You and me both megsy, at every opportunity I am back watching...one of my work colleagues made it out of Kinglake, lost their home but all family ok. Other people I know still at risk in Broadford area and Alexandra areas. It is absolutely HORRIFIC. And I don't think we'll know the full implications of these fires for weeks if not longer. I am disgusted and so ANGRY at those who would deliberately set the fires. And also for those in Melbourne or throughout Australia who can register to donate blood, they will need it for those burn victims you can go here. Australian Red Cross Blood Service I can't believe the death toll of 130 and we know that this will rise as horrifying as this is. Heartfelt sympathy to those who have lost loved ones, their homes and possessions, pets and livestock.
  18. Roheryn

    I need an unfill....

    Unfill was easy...it was so good to be able to eat a meal without it getting stuck....you kinda get blase about it and really shouldn't...I feel kinda pissed at myself for leaving it the week and a half.....I am so going to be more on top of it next time. And hey at least this time I didn't have to go onto liquids then softs. I heart my doc though he is very nice and really caring. He tut tutted me when I told him I had vomited... with an 'Ohhh Lisa', he worries and rightly so but I am feeling much better now and will not leave it long if I am overfilled next time, especially now I know what to expect when I am too tight! So they took out 1mL then I am back in 2 weeks to get a 0.5mL put back in and then fills after that will be taken much slower. Mum had her gastroscopy and they said everything looks ok. She knows something isn't right though and she thinks maybe it is unrelated to the band and it was just a coincidence that it happened around the time of the band so she'll go and see an Ear Nose and Throat doc just to check herself over. But to forwarn you guys if you vomit, PB, my doc advises that you should go onto liquids for the next two meals then soft foods for one or two and then reintroduce the solid foods. If you then vomit again/have trouble with food getting stuck when you get to the solids, it is probable that you are overfilled and should probably have some taken out. So if this happens CALL YOUR DOCTOR and discuss it with them. Don't leave it too long, you don't want to cause a slip!!
  19. I had some multigrain toast last week...not much and I PB'd (So I am avoiding bread no matter what from now on!), I went onto liquids then went up to softs then harder food and I PB'd again. I have now taken to eating foods that are softer and go through my band easier subsequently I have put on about a kilo this week! I am still uncomfortable and eating slower hasn't helped. Even these softer foods have been getting a little stuck!! It is weird how i am ok, feeling great, great restriction, eating like I should and then a few weeks after the fill WHAM the restriction kicks in! But this time it came in with a vengeance!! Booking in for unfill Friday!
  20. Roheryn

    I need an unfill....

    I do get tighter at that TOM but that isn't the reason this time..and I am not OVERLY overfilled but any time I try to eat something a little more solid, I get stuck and want to vomit...and have several times now....I have made sure I eat slowly, doesn't help at times I can only have a couple of mouthfuls and that is it! Today I had some spaghetti sauce which was not solid at all and it started to get stuck!! I stopped eating for 10 mins then started again, stopped then started. I can't live with meals taking over an hour!!! I will take a little out and I should be ok! I just want to feel full. because at the moment most of what I am eating goes through pretty easily and then I get hungry and want to eat more. I have tried not to overeat crap but it is hard and I feel pretty tired because I don't think I am getting enough food. It may be that mum and I won't need a whole lot to get that restriction. Mum hasn't had any fills and has been having problems with reflux and stuff...she is getting a gastroscopy tomorrow to get an idea of what is happening (tests have proved she hasn't had a slip), I hope they find an easy solution because she hasn't been very comfortable since she was banded. Dad on the other hand is doing great! I guess I am just at that zone trying to find that sweet spot. I'll get there it has just been frustrating the past few weeks. Who knows probably in a few more weeks I'll be complaining about having no restriction!! haha
  21. Roheryn

    Pb'ing and Fill Level Question

    That is not good Jcole!! You don't want to have a slip if you are throwing up everything. After you PB you should go back onto liquids for a day or even longer if needed, it could be that you aggravated your band and now every time you eat you can't get it through, I'd make sure you go back to liquids and call your doc! You may need an unfill.
  22. Roheryn

    Need Your Support Right Now :(

    Hope you're being cheered up Amy!! I can imagine how frustrating it must be when you don't lose as you've expected but like everyone has said, you've had it pretty rough! Now you can focus on moving the weight loss along, I hope you see some results soon!
  23. Roheryn

    5.5months postop - 50lbs lost

    Looking Great LELLOW!!!
  24. Roheryn

    Have a date for plastic surgery

    AWESOME Lellow!!! THat is cool news.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
