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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Roheryn

  1. Hey Lellow!! How did the lift go?? are you feeling ok?


    Take Care


  2. Hey There LBG!! I hope you will be able to manage these next few months without being able to get that fill!! I feel so BAD for you!!! Chin up and vent often!

  3. That is great Andrea!! You must be feeling so much better!! I am down about 45 pounds so far! I have had 3 fills...I don't know how much i have in...I forgot to get the figure last time!! Though I finally have some restriction though this time of year sucks for food choices! I am not going to beat myself up though I'll get back onto it soon. I have had some port pain though...exercising, lifting things can irritate it a bit and it is painful at times, they said likely muscle scar tissue breaking down but we'll see. It isn't constant but can be VERY painful when I get the twinge. Hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  4. Hey Lellow, I put another progress shot under my profile. :)

  5. Hey Andrea! I am doing ok although I am getting hungry pretty quickly. Kinda in the same boat as you. I am really in need of a fill, haven't lost anything the past 3 weeks :( but not too stressed I know when I get the right amount of fill I'll be ok. I have my fill booked for the 20th and i hope to last that long ;) take care! lisa

  6. I am feeling a lot better though I feel hungry pretty easily now. I depends but I can be hungry within half an hour or 2.5-3 hours later. And I have to wait another month for my fill!!! ARRGHHHH!!!!


    Started on Soft foods Yesterday....2 more weeks of that then back to real food!


    I hear you on the counting every little bit of weight loss!


    Take care!

  7. Hope you are doing ok Ang!!


    Had my staples out yesterday and I'm into my second week of mushies tomorrow. I've had tuna mornay (with brown rice), Spag bol (with pasta spirals), mashed potato, along with chunky soups (all of these pureed well) I had scrambled egg this morning which was VERY filling.


    For lunch today it was a frittata with pureed ingredients which i then baked and it stayed in the pureed consistency (also pretty filling).


    I am now wanting Mac and cheese!


    Still a bit tender in the port area!!


    where are you up to?

  8. Hope you are doing ok!! I had my staples out yesterday!! I was a bit irritated from the staples. I can't wait til that is completely healed .


    I'm still a bit uncomfortable around the port! Starting week 2 of mushies tomorrow!


    Well take care

  9. Hey Liq!! Hope you are doing ok! Don't work too hard! :)

  10. Hey Claudine!! Hope all is going well with you. Have you been forced to buy new work clothes yet??

  11. Good luck on the fill cutie!!!!!

  12. Glad the fill went well!! Hope the weight comes off as you want! What size is your band?? Found out mine is 10cc.


    I have lost not much at all now i've started puree...I have been walking about 30 mins each day and have been told that exercise wise walking is about it for at least 2-3 more weeks. I am home now though so I'll see how I go getting on the treadmill for a bit longer (especially now I am light enough to go on it :) )


    I had major cravings yesterday for something BAD :) I wanted to puree a pie and I also had a craving for a dim sim :) SIGH didn't act on it but I am SICK of baby food consistency!!


    They booked my fill in for the 20th October which to me seems WAY too long away!! I haven't really been that hungry though but I don't know how much that will change...I may see how I go because that will be more than 7 weeks post op!! My doc is going away though so maybe he won't be back til then but if I am really struggling, I'll try and get in with one of the others.


    I haven't measured myself yet since I've been done. I'll see when i get round to it! :)


    I'm back at work Thursday :( I'll see how I go. I do get a bit sore after sitting upright for long periods around my port site so I'll take some pain killers and if they don't help I may just leave a little earlier...but I'll play it by ear! I haven't put on any work clothes yet so that should be interesting :)


    Getting my hair cut and coloured tomorrow which I am looking forward to :) So I'll head back to work a new woman :)

  13. Hey Michelle!! Have you had your staples out yet?

    Mine should be out Monday and I CANNOT wait!! I think I am finally starting to react to them!


    Hope all is well with you!

  14. Hey Lellow!! Hope your fill went ok today and it makes a difference!


    I started on the Pureed food today...be interesting to see where this takes me!!


    Well good luck!

  15. Hey Cutie, doing a little better today. I went to the shopping centre a few days ago and I overdid it. Made me feel crappy fro the rest of that day and the next. Felt better today so I went for a walk with my dogs around the block! The port pain isn't as bad anymore, I can stand up and sit down wihtout to much problem, just feeling tight and like I don't want to stand up straight when I walk!


    How about you have you had a fill yet??

  16. Hey Michelle!! Glad to hear you went ok! I came out Friday...ended up staying 2 nights so they could manage my pain a bit better. Dad has bounced back REALLY well, lucky bugger! He went home the Thursday and is moving around pretty freely and not in much pain at all! I am still a bit tender but am sitting up a little easier than I was the first two days. I'll most likely be staying at mums for a little while! Take care.

  17. Wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow!! I hope it all goes well for you and that you are on your way to recovery quickly!


    Good LUCK!!!

  18. Hey Michelle GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW!!!!!!! See you on the flip side!

  19. Hey Cutie! Not long now until I'm done!! I am getting very excited. Tonight and tomorrow I'm cleaning up and washing my dogs and doing some laundry! Today was my last day at work and then I am having 2 weeks off! Have to be in at 7am which sucks but hey I hope that means I'm one of the first! Thanks for the message!

  20. Hehe Fair enough! It is great about your motivation to exercise!! I think for a while that will be one I'm going to struggle with!! i go through lazy periods with preparing meals but the money I save motivates me to cook at home ;) Being just me though it is hard! And sometimes I just can't be bothered and have toast or cereal for dinner! :)


    It would be a LOT to be dealing with everthing and having to go to Uni! What course are you doing??


    I have my Auntie's bday tonight. I want to go so I am going to suck it up, take my dinner and cook it there (and I have managed to hold off on a shake so I will be able to have a shake and the 2 cups of vegies for dinner!) Dad is too so we'll prop one another up! Another trip to Bunnings this weekend and had to ignore the sausages (by basically power walking past the front entrance and weaving my way around people to get in there quick and away from the SMELL!!) lol


    One more day of work and then organising some stuff Tuesday before I head over to mum's where I'll be for a few days after surgery! (I am so glad we are in Australia! our Leave situation is so much better and we can take those 2 weeks without too many worries!!)

  21. Dad and I will have to motivate one another to get up and move whilst I am at mum and dad's recovering but I really want to get back to my place asap so I hope I can motivate myself enough! :) I did get some Chewable Degas so I hope that helps too! I don't DO tea ;) but I'll tell dad it helped!


    I usually eat fairly well anyway, i seem to have a problem mostly with portion sizes and carbs. It also doesn't help having a desk job and as I've gotten fatter my motivation and energy for exercising has decreased which sucks! I hope I will get more energy and be motivated!


    I totally understand the early mornings! I am up about 6 and at work by 8 then home about 6ish or later. I am also not always too motivated to make something! But I am going to force myself to make stuff as soon as I get home! Also not being able to eat as much I figure I can make more and then have it a few days in a row :)

    It is good though if there is a place near you with ok food, I work in the city and there are lots of places near me that would have good options and I LOVE getting out of the office (more so in summer ;) ) so on days I can't be bothered bringing in my lunch, I won't stress too much about finding something!


    Are you on MSN?

  22. That is great about the clothes, not about the work or the crotch ;) I have a selection of work clothes that will get me through quite a few kilos of my loss which is great! :)

    Canteen food tends to be like that, I hope you can bring in your own or have somewhere near you that has healthier options for those days you can't be bothered making your lunch! ;) Do you have an area you can heat up your own food??


    I will definitely be taking the 2 weeks!! And no it isn't long now!! Had my preop with the surgeon today! Just a formality, only 15minutes. He did say that there appears to be a correlation between those who lose weight well on the preop doing well after the surgery :) Preop Nurse Friday! Did you use Degas after your surgery??

  23. hey lellow!! Hope work went ok today! I HATE MONDAY's

  24. Good luck for tomorrow Ange!!

  25. Happy birthday cutie!!!!

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