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Miss Meg

LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Nikki D in I'm getting a little disappointed   
    Try not to let the horror stories get to you. They scare the crap out of me too. There are many success stories as well. I've only had my band 5 months but I'm thrilled with my tool and could not be happier. I'm also very happy that I still have all my intestines and nothing had to be rerouted.
    Good luck on your journey!
  2. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Bandista in I'm getting a little disappointed   
    @@arimerm1 hi there and congratulations on your surgery. I love my band and am so glad to have it as I would not have chosen another surgery. When I was doing my research I found this site which as then called Lapband Talk. I learned so much and will always be grateful for all the support and information. The site then merged to include other weight loss surgeries and that's what we have now, Bariatric Pal. Many of the old banders no longer participate because there was so much anti-band posting from people who chose other surgeries. People with revisions from band are not as many as it seems like but they are sometimes bitter and vociferously opinionated. I don't think they understand that they are undermining those of us who chose band. It would be like saying people with brown eyes are in for it, watch out! I try not to let them rattle me and I skip posts that even begin to sound negative. I am not here to get scared; I'm here to get support and to share experiences. My experience with the band has been great and I wouldn't trade it for anything. If something disastrous ever happens I will deal with it and of course we can just have our bands removed if need be. There's no going back from something more drastic. And the reason band is more rare now is because it requires followup -- quite a bit in the first year. I saw my surgeon 11 times. I bet the insurance company and hospital admin would much rather have him in the OR than shooting the breeze with me, but that's what we did. Not all surgeons want that much patient contact. Good luck to you with all that is ahead -- such an exciting new chapter in your life. Here's to choosing ourselves and our healthy futures. We are worth it!
  3. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from The Candidate in Watershed Moment!   
    Hi everyone, today marks 31 weeks since my lapband surgery and I have lost a total of 25.7kg in that time.
    It's taken me a while to feel any real restriction, although I have had my moments of stuck episodes here and there.
    This morning however, I decided that my usual Cereal and fruit, or yoghurt or a shake were not going to cut it for my Breakfast, so I decided to purchase myself a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, something I have not gone near in a very very long time... Well.... Said ham and cheese sandwich was not going to go anywhere - not at all!!! The way I eat has changed and will continue to change and I need to remember that with every single mouthful.
    It was at this moment that I realised I actually do have the restriction that I need, and I need to work more with my band.
    I really thought that I was working with it, but I realise that every single stuck episode or feeling of discomfort that I get means that I have to change something.
    Light bulb moment!!!!!
  4. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from lisacaron in Watershed Moment!   
    It really is a huge adjustment, I have 42 years worth of bad habits to lose. Sometimes it's really difficult to not get too bogged down in the idea of dieting when I still have a lot of weight to lose... Just gave to remember to let the band do it's thing first and foremost...
  5. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from The Candidate in Watershed Moment!   
    Hi everyone, today marks 31 weeks since my lapband surgery and I have lost a total of 25.7kg in that time.
    It's taken me a while to feel any real restriction, although I have had my moments of stuck episodes here and there.
    This morning however, I decided that my usual Cereal and fruit, or yoghurt or a shake were not going to cut it for my Breakfast, so I decided to purchase myself a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, something I have not gone near in a very very long time... Well.... Said ham and cheese sandwich was not going to go anywhere - not at all!!! The way I eat has changed and will continue to change and I need to remember that with every single mouthful.
    It was at this moment that I realised I actually do have the restriction that I need, and I need to work more with my band.
    I really thought that I was working with it, but I realise that every single stuck episode or feeling of discomfort that I get means that I have to change something.
    Light bulb moment!!!!!
  6. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from The Candidate in Watershed Moment!   
    Hi everyone, today marks 31 weeks since my lapband surgery and I have lost a total of 25.7kg in that time.
    It's taken me a while to feel any real restriction, although I have had my moments of stuck episodes here and there.
    This morning however, I decided that my usual Cereal and fruit, or yoghurt or a shake were not going to cut it for my Breakfast, so I decided to purchase myself a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, something I have not gone near in a very very long time... Well.... Said ham and cheese sandwich was not going to go anywhere - not at all!!! The way I eat has changed and will continue to change and I need to remember that with every single mouthful.
    It was at this moment that I realised I actually do have the restriction that I need, and I need to work more with my band.
    I really thought that I was working with it, but I realise that every single stuck episode or feeling of discomfort that I get means that I have to change something.
    Light bulb moment!!!!!
  7. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from The Candidate in Watershed Moment!   
    Hi everyone, today marks 31 weeks since my lapband surgery and I have lost a total of 25.7kg in that time.
    It's taken me a while to feel any real restriction, although I have had my moments of stuck episodes here and there.
    This morning however, I decided that my usual Cereal and fruit, or yoghurt or a shake were not going to cut it for my Breakfast, so I decided to purchase myself a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, something I have not gone near in a very very long time... Well.... Said ham and cheese sandwich was not going to go anywhere - not at all!!! The way I eat has changed and will continue to change and I need to remember that with every single mouthful.
    It was at this moment that I realised I actually do have the restriction that I need, and I need to work more with my band.
    I really thought that I was working with it, but I realise that every single stuck episode or feeling of discomfort that I get means that I have to change something.
    Light bulb moment!!!!!
  8. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to kwcrnp in It finally happened!   
    I began my journey in Nov 2014 and lost 26 lbs by surgery. I had my LB done 4/16/15 and have lost 23 more lbs for 49 total.
    Today was the first day that I got any compliment on how I look!! I got " wow you look great!", " wow you've lost a lot of weight". This happened all morning!! I was so happy! Only a few people at work know I had WLS.
    Picture from my vacation last week...my dgt said it was my Kim Kardashian dress!! Lol

  9. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to B-52 in Watershed Moment!   
    BINGO !!!!
    As the band changes...fills and adjustments....we need to change right along with it or it will not work!
    The hardest part of this process......change can be difficult.
    I read posts here every day from people struggling with this or that......thinking they are failures, or the band is not "Working"
    Then, I also read posts from people who talk about eating different foods, or speaking of certain recipes, etc....
    Then, I read posts about calories, measuring portions, etc etc, and if I did not know any better, this could easily be a typical "Diet" website like jenny Craig, weight watchers, etc,....where WLS is not the focus..
    All I can do is sit back and wonder if they really "Get it" or not.....
    Yes,,,I had to learn, sometimes the hard way with stuck episodes, etc, to walk away from certain foods...never to eat them again. It's not that someone told me I should not eat them, it is because the band will not allow me to eat them....
    OR, I could get Fluid taken out of my band, then I can eat anything I want, resist change, and be fat again.
  10. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Nikki D in My journey so far   
    Let me start by saying I love my band!! I read so many horror stories and quite frankly they scare the crap out of me. My constant fear was (is) that I would fail at this too. But so far I'm doing pretty well with my new tool. Am I perfect, no. Do I let head hunger win, sometimes. Not all and that's key. As my Dr said Thursday "you're still human, the band doesn't change that."
    My Dr told me that I'm doing "phenomenal" and using my tool perfectly. He's very impressed with my weight loss and even said if I lost not 1 more pound he would consider me a success. ☺️. He then said "we're going to quarterly for your appointments now". His nurse looked at me and said I need to be proud, he doesn't do that for patients the 1st year hardly ever. They did say if I need anything or feel any change in my hunger to call and they'll get me in but I'm doing great and to keep up the great work.
    I know I'm lucky to have found my green zone so quickly and trust me I do *not* take that for granted. I have 1.2cc's in my band and found the green with my 2nd fill. I still have a ways to go but I'm hoping to be at my goal weight by my bandiversary on 1/27/16.
    Well thanks for "listening" lol. I just wanted to be one to share a good lapband story cause I know before my surgery and even now those are so very helpful to me.
    Here are some "stats" of my journey so far:
    7/24/14: Started journey, weight 337
    1/27/15: Banded, weight 294
    6/27/15: 5 months post band, weight 228
    6/27/15: Total inches lost since surgery, 40.5. Most being waist (8) and hips (11.5)
    Starting pant size: 32
    Current pant size: 18
    Starting shirt size: 4X
    Current shirt size: XL
  11. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from jane13 in Substance Abuse After Surgery?   
    Wow... I've never thought about that. I guess it would be a very real issue and possibility for some people. I suppose your personality type would have a bit to do with it, whether you have an addictive personality or not which I know a lot of people do. Thereapy is always great when it's needed so I really hope that anyone who deals with this seeks the help they need.
  12. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to VDB in "I fit into it!" Clothing milestone!   
    I am a thrifty person. Over 20 years ago, I bought a nice suit, an expensive suit, for $5 at a big and tall men's store on their last day of business. It was 6 sizes too small and there was no way I would ever fit into it, but I figured hey, for 5 bucks, I can store it in case I ever lost a bunch of weight. I kept it all these years and this morning, with almost 70# gone, dusted it off and tried it on, it fit! In a twist of fashion fate, it is of a style that had gone out of fashion, but now is back in fashion, looks right in style. Woo-hoo!
  13. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to glitter eyes in What I have gained...   
    So today is my one year post op anniversary. My new stomach is officially one year old!! It is has been one fabulous year. I started at 271 and I am at 151. I would still like to lose 10 more, but I am content with what I have lost.
    Today I am reflecting on what I have gained from the new lease on life...
    1. I am in the best physical shape of my life. I can walk, run, climb, and swim without ever feeling terrible or out of breath
    2. I can buy clothes anywhere!! I especially like shopping for workout gear (who would have ever thought)
    3. I can cross my legs
    4. I can ride rides at amusement parks and have tons of room left over.
    5. I can sit in booths again
    6. I have discovered a love of camping and hiking. I am going to do a week on the Appalachian trail later this summer.
    7. Hubby and I just purchased kayaks and I am loving it.
    8. I finally feel fit enough to audition for Survivor ( one of the things on my bucket list)
    9. I have gained collarbones and hip bones
    10. I have gained a sense of accomplishment
    11. I have gained a more adventurous outlook in life- I will try almost anything once.
    12. I have gained a sense of marvel in what my body can do now and how I can keep up with everyone and sometimes surpass them.
    13. I have gained a lot of saggy skin- I am learning to accept it and move on
    14. I have gained a love of sugar. I was a rice and bread person pre op and now my weakness is cake and Cookies. I am learning to indulge just occasionally and move on- no guilt
    15. Finally I have gained an understanding that I will always be a recovering obese person and a bariatric patient. I need to stay focused on my plan even when I am maintaining.
    Sorry for the long post. Somedays I just feel that what we all have gained, far surpasses a number on the scale that we have lost. I would love to hear some things that others have gained from their WLS
  14. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from caligul in Rumbling in the Bronx!   
    My tummy has never rumbled so much since I've had Lapband Surgery - and yes it is extremely loud. There is no hard and fast rule as to when mine erupts... Sometimes it is when I am hungry, sometimes it is when I am full, sometimes it just happens for the sake of it. A really very odd sensation but very funny at the same time - the looks that come my way are hilarious...
  15. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to JoJoNYC in Five Months Down The Line......   
    This weeks marks five months since my lap-band surgery.
    After so many attempts to lose weight. So many yo-yo diets this has finally paid off into a road to better health and a longer life.
    In exactly, five months I have lost a total of 88 pounds and 12 inches on my waist.
    At first, I was truly skeptical on this working and being able to consume only 1200 calories a day and be full and stay healthy. All I can say is this had met all my expectations and it has worked above and beyond.
    I have about another 50 pounds to go and as many of the older posts that I have read.
    The remaining pounds are always the hardest.
    I say bring it on!!!!
    Wish me luck!!!!
  16. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to CanyonBaby in Rumbling in the Bronx!   
    DON'T shoot the messenger, but my surgical team has informed me this will more than likely be PERMANENT. So give her/him a name and let it defend itself!!!!
  17. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from caligul in Rumbling in the Bronx!   
    My tummy has never rumbled so much since I've had Lapband Surgery - and yes it is extremely loud. There is no hard and fast rule as to when mine erupts... Sometimes it is when I am hungry, sometimes it is when I am full, sometimes it just happens for the sake of it. A really very odd sensation but very funny at the same time - the looks that come my way are hilarious...
  18. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to DavidK in Is some pain with restriction normal?   
    I just got my first fill a couple days ago. I am at a pretty small amount (2.5cc in a 10cc band). liquids go down fine, as well as several slidy type things(pickles, lunch meat, mashed potatoes etc), these things do not leave me feeling full though.
    More substantial things fill me up for hours, but I have some minor to moderate pain as they pass through the band. Nothing has really qualified as stuck as they have always made their way through in less than a minute, but it does often hurt a little bit. Is some pain normal as my stomach gets used to the fill?
  19. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to lisacaron in Am I close to green?   
    @@Miss Sue I want to tell you that the greenzone is the magic bullet, but it's not what you think it is. You are newly banded, and it's going to take some time for your mind to adjust to not wanting to eat and eat.
    Just because you "can" eat doesn't mean you should eat. Are you hungry? Are you measuring out your portions? When you finish the portion are you content? Can you walk away from the food for 10-15 and assess your hunger level?
    Eat your portion and only eat more if you are hungry, truly hungry not just head hunger or emotional hunger, or boredom hunger.
    Our relationship with food can be something that it take time to figure out. I am still working on the relationship I have with my food and my emotions.
    Give yourself a chance to learn what your relationship, and begin to understand it. In the mean time...measure your food out for meals, and assess your hunger.

  20. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from Chrystee in Any Regrets?   
    Absolutely none, zero, nada, zip.... Except of course that I didn't do it years ago...
  21. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Anume 937 in Onederland   
    After 8+yrs I'm back in the Onederland

  22. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Any Regrets?   
    No regrets whatsoever! Not even when I woke up from the surgery. Not when I first got up from the hospital bed to walk the halls. Not when I got home and had to sleep on my back. Not when the drain was pulled out. Not when I had to give myself injections to prevent blood clots. This is been the most wonderful journey I could ever imagine. I had a really easy recovery, and I truly believe being totally educated on what you will be facing and experiencing during this time is key. I knew what to expect, and I enjoyed every second of it. Attitude is truly everything!!
  23. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Bandista in Incidental Exercise?   
    When I go upstairs I try to turn right around, go back down and go up again -- so it's a two for one on the stairs.....
    Planking. I've got to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder! And have fun.....music definitely helps me get moving around the house. Dance it!
  24. Like
    Miss Meg got a reaction from Chrystee in Any Regrets?   
    Absolutely none, zero, nada, zip.... Except of course that I didn't do it years ago...
  25. Like
    Miss Meg reacted to Miss Mac in Any Regrets?   
    I only regret that Iw as not able to do this on my own. But I had been on a diet since 1978 and gained 105 pounds.
    When my doctor sent me to the bariatric center and I fully understood Metabolic Syndrome X, I finally gave in. I realized that I could keep fighting this fight with my slingshot and bow & arrow, or I could get a Sherman tank with all the big guns and get the job done.
    In spite of the temporary inconveniece of diet phases and lifestyle adjustments, it has all been worth it. I just wish I had done it before I had a stroke.

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