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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by JamieLogical

  1. Guess Babbs got banned too? That's unfortunate. Things are definitely going to be different around here.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. BayougirlMrsS


      Im not going to get into it with you... Tyringtolose. I apologized for over speaking and that's were it stops. So, who ever you are now (and whom you were before the ban)... you have a great day.


      I've been here for way too long. Some have chosen to go .... I choose to stay here were i feel comfortable. We have a lot of great people that i respect very much. Lots of new people that need advice from all the great vets that choose to stick around and pay it forward.

      I wish all the other that left all the best in there future endeavors.

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      I'm glad you're staying, too, @bayougirlmrsc! Thank you! You, also, are a voice of reason and common sense filled with grace and honesty. I appreciate that in a person.

    4. BayougirlMrsS


      Thanks Sugarbabe.... as i sit here eating sugarbabies... only 6, it's my limit. I'm glad your here also.

  2. Saturday was my 11 month surgeversary. I'm now 3.8 pounds from goal and I've officially lost over 100 pounds from my all-time highest weight of 270.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. sprocket



    3. dekathe


      Awesome. I so appreciate your comments and suggestions. Has been so helpful.

    4. Boston Carol

      Boston Carol

      wow , your an inspiration to me. my surgery is Feb 22nd. I'm nervous but seeing your pics has picked me up.

  3. 9 Months Post-op Today! Down 60 pounds since surgery.

  4. Got my foot checked out today. It hurt way worse after I tried running last night. The are worried it's the start of a stress fracture so I have to wear a boot for 2 weeks and no running.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Daisee68


      So sorry! I had a stress fracture last year (in fact was still in my boot when I had RNY. Glad you caught yours early so hopefully you won't be in the boot too long! (I had my for 9 weeks)

    3. Stevehud


      sorry to hear that lets hope after 2 weeks youll be as good as new!

    4. JamieLogical


      Just staying off of it for 24 hours so far has made a big difference. I still really think it's just an inflamed tendon or something. Doctor is being overly cautious. I will just keep off of it and hopefully be healed up soon.

  5. Finished my Half Marathon! Pics coming.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Christinamo7


      I am so proud of you! did I miss the pictures while I was enjoying grilling with the family?

    3. JamieLogical


      Been laying around all day. Will work on getting pics posted after dinner.

    4. Healthy_life2


      Rest up. Cant wait to hear how everything went.

  6. Picked up my race packet with my race bib and t-shirt for Sunday's half marathon. This is getting pretty real!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @WLSResources/ClothingExch I actually weigh just about the same as I did for my last 5K this past August, since that was just before my one year surgiversary and around the time I reached goal. But I will definitely be appreciating how far my fitness has come since then. Struggling through a 5K versus running a half marathon is a big difference!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      My arithmetic and profile-reading were off, but I think you get my meaning. (Also was just reminded that you're in Rochester, not down here as I suggested elsewhere the other day. Mea culpa. I should have recalled, as I flew up to Rochester three or four times a year for several years to spend time with friends in Canandaigua and took many rides to your fair city to see the sights.) Have a great time at the race. You'll shine.

    4. Chrystee


      WOOHOO good luck!


  7. 10 months post-op today! Only 6.6 pounds to goal!

  8. Heading to TN for vacation. Won't be online much this next week. BP, you'll have to fend for yourselves!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @Christinamo7 We won't get there until tomorrow night and it's supposed to be nice from Sunday on, at least. Just have to drive through the snow in PA and WV tomorrow morning.

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Happy trails...

    4. crazygoose


      Have a safe trip.

  9. Today is my two year surgiversary! A full year of maintaining my new weight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OzRoo


      Well done! Congratulations :)

    3. heidikat72


      awesome milestone! congrats on your continued success!

    4. LipstickLady


      It's exciting for sure!

  10. Got the news last night that my sister and her 4 young children will be moving in with us for a while. Really worried about sticking to my routine and staying on track with all the chaos over then next few days/weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jane13


      I think you will be fine. stay focused.

    3. LisaLouBop


      You are an incredibly awesome sister !!

    4. JamieLogical


      Well, I've spent about 12 of the last 20 hours moving heavy objects up and down stairs and chasing children around, so I think I've burned about 10,000 calories. Also didn't find time for a morning snack OR lunch today, so I've had two afternoon snacks. This is definitely going to take some adapting. Things should settle down SOME once everything is moved in and unpacked. My husband and I spent all evening yesterday from the time we got home from work until my sister arrived at 11:30 clearing out all of OUR stuff in the two rooms we're relinquishing, plus trying to do at least a nominal level of toddler-proofing the living areas of the house. Then this morning I spent the whole morning either unloading the uhaul or wrangling children. Is it sad that I was RELIEVED to come to work this afternoon to escape the madness?

  11. Trying to carbo-load for my half marathon tomorrow. Feels impossible!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamieLogical


      There will definitely be photos. My husband has strict instructions!

    3. 2goldengirl


      Good luck tomorrow!


    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      "Impossible?" Nay, Jamie, you've proved that nothing is impossible for you.

  12. I am alive! Sorry I haven't been around much. Life has been crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamieLogical


      My next race isn't until April. It's a half-marathon and I am hoping to start training for it after the first of the year.

    3. ProudGrammy


      just saw your post w/explanations - new condo, new life!!! continued "new" weight - 2017 look out -here comes Jamie - kathy

    4. OutsideMatchInside


      How are things with the new guy?


  13. Can't believe I'm 4 weeks into Half Marathon training!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fatty McFatster

      Fatty McFatster

      That is awesome!! Congrats!!!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Terrific!! You're doing great!

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      As long as you're doing it, you don't have to believe it. The rest of us will believe it for you.

  14. Finally mostly recovered from my half marathon on Sunday. Think I might try to run for a little bit tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @OKCPirate I took a hot jaccuzi bath, but no ice bath. I really wasn't in too bad of shape. My quads were sore for two days from the hills... felt like I had done "leg day" at the gym for the first time in three months. My left foot was the main issue. It hurt to the point where I thought I might actually need to go to the doctor, but I have babied it, iced it, elevated it, wrapped it, and tried to stay off of it as much as possible and it's feeling MUCH better today.

    3. OKCPirate


      My only marathon was when I was 19, I had to fly out the next day and I remember how my quads were bouncing up and down in my seat. And the dumbest thing I ever did was going to church after a sprint triathlon, I could not get out of the pew for the final hymn. ;-) Congrats on your accomplishment. This lactic acid will pass.

    4. Stevehud


      So proud of you maam, love the inspiration.

  15. You guys, I really am going to run this marathon! Longest training run (20 miles) is now behind me and less than three weeks until the race!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Babbs


      Woo Hoo! What an inspiration you are!


    3. kmorri


      You're amazing! I've just signed up for a 5k with my granddaughter scheduled for October, but we can run or walk. My guess is we'll do a little of both. Best of luck to you!


    4. Caribear


      That is so fantastic!

  16. Get my FitBit Blaze tomorrow! Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @Xena7158 First FitBit. I've used other activity trackers in the past, but not FitBit brand.

    3. Xena7158


      I just got my first Fitbit (also my first tracker) about 10 days ago now - i'm a wee bit obsessed with it, and all the graphs and stats - but I do find it extremely motivating! I had no idea I moved around so much at my 'desk/office' job - lol

    4. Margie122


      Let us know how you like it. I have a fitbit, but I am looking to upgrade. The Fitbit Blaze is a contender but I'm hesitating at the price for now.

  17. Posted about my one year surgiversary and after pics yesteday. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/349659-well-i-made-it-after-pics/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. borg/assimilated


      Great pic's, thanks for sharing.

    3. kimby1029


      You look delightful!

    4. SleeveandRNYchica


      You look fabulous! I love your shape.

  18. Today is my 18 month surgiversary! Maintaining at about 5 pounds below goal. Had blood work done and it's all perfect!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OKCPirate
    3. borg/assimilated


      Good for you! You are one of my heroes.

    4. liannatx


      You have done fabulous!

  19. Had my longest run yet for my half marathon training this past Saturday. 10 miles running, plus another mile of warm-up/cool-down, for a total of 11 miles!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. liposuction68


      WOW that's Amazing Congratulations to you. Just want to let you know That i was APPROVED!! Surgery Tomorrow here in the US of A.


      And i also thank you for all the information you have provided to me re Surgery In Mexico. I'm going to email Bill as promised to give him update.

    3. JamieLogical


      @liposuction68 So glad to hear you were approved. When do you get a date?

    4. liposuction68


      Tomorrow Morning 9:00 am

  20. Going camping this weekend. A little stressed about the food situation, but I am bringing lots of protein bars!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kmorri


      I hope you have fun too but dang it's probably the hottest weekend this year.....I hope you're going somewhere cool!

    3. Valentina


      Come to the Mts! Whenever I go "into the wood", I take jerky, pork rinds, protein bars, and lots of protein to mix into mountain stream water. Life doesn't get any better than that. I hope you have a fantastic adventure.

    4. OutsideMatchInside


      I would get protein wraps from Wegmans and take lunch meat too. They also have fresh riced cauliflower. Not sure if you shop there, but you could get some supplies from there. I thought it was low carb/high protein heaven when I was there.

  21. So tired of wearing this stupid boot! Foot is feeling perfectly fine now, but I promised myself I'd wear the boot for a full week. Worried it's doing more harm than good to other parts of my foot and ankle, but I'm going to tough it out and see how I feel without it next Monday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christinamo7


      it has got to be extra frustrating to go from flying like the wind when you run to dragging the leg behind you. the boot is hard. I broke my right leg above the ankle some 11 years or so ago and was in a boot for 12 weeks I think.

    3. JamieLogical


      @2goldengirl I have it off most of the time when I'm at home, and just try to limit how much I walk around the house. But at work I have to leave it on all day and it sucks. Just three more days, though. I can do it! But then again, I'm the one who broke my elbow and then went back to the doctor 4 days later and made them cut my cast off because I just COULD NOT stand it! I apparently don't do well with orthopedic devices...

    4. 2goldengirl


      when I broke my elbow, my ortho didn't put me in a cast, only a sling. He didn't believe in immobility.

  22. Threw up for the first time post-op on Thanksgiving. Guess I overdid it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jane13


      I haven't hit the four on the floor position either but I have had the sweats and knot in the throat feeling. thought I wanted to puke and remembered I had just gotten sleeved about three weeks earlier and said never again.

    3. JamieLogical


      I had seriously terrible stabby pains in my chest... like the worst heart burn in history. Then I was spitting up this clear, foamy mucus stuff. Then finally I threw up for real and immediately felt way better. But the chest pain and mucus stuff lasted a good hour and a half before the throwing up happened.

    4. jane13



      like @Babbs I will keep the no throw up thing going....

  23. Walking around work today without my boot. Going to see how my foot feels by the end of the day and if it still feels completely normal, I might try running a bit tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @Christinamo7 I promise to stop at the first little twinge of anything. Not even pain, just any kind of sensation at all from that part of my foot.

    3. Christinamo7


      great! let me know how it goes!

    4. 2goldengirl


      Yay! Be carful to watch your gait during the day, the boot makes you walk funny. Be careful if you decide to run.!

  24. My run tonight went fine. Can't believe how out of shape after just two weeks of no running. But my foot still feels 100% normal. Not even a twinge of pain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamieLogical


      @Margie122 Luckily I didn't gain any weight during these two weeks without exercise! Not for lack of trying. I had actually tried to put on a pound or two, because I'm further below goal than I really want, but it was not to be.

    3. Margie122


      I wish I had that problem! Right now I am losing, but it's very very very slowly. I just have to be patient and keep on working on it.

    4. Christinamo7


      I missed this the other day, kept meaning to go look and see how you did, finally got a chance to! I am pleased as can be that you are able to be back to normal.

  25. Posted after pics to my gallery. Tomorrow's my one year surgiversary and I'm officially one pound below goal. Will do a full forum post tomorrow.

    1. wascott


      What a difference a year makes. You look great!

    2. dsparks2024


      Congratulations! No regrets I assume. Did you have any trouble during the beginning stages? I'm about 2 months from my surgery.

    3. JamieLogical


      dspark2024, it was rough in the beginning for sure. I had a lot of trouble with sipping because of the swelling in my esophagus. And then it was just a lot of adaptation to my new way of eating. That's all a pretty distant memory now, though.

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