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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ambernamber

  1. ambernamber

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I was able to fit into/buy panties at Victoria's Secret! My fiance is certainly excited about that!!!
  2. ambernamber

    Before and after pictures

    I got into a gym routine before surgery which really helped after. I spend 45 minutes to an hour in the gym 3 to 4 times a week. Tracking my food helps too and I'm usually around 800 calories. Just keep to what your doctor says and really listen to your body. Once the weight starts coming off you get excited and do what you can to keep seeing that number drop down!
  3. ambernamber

    Before and after pictures

    This is from my highest weight which was about 290 lbs and the other 2 are from 3 months after surgery and almost 90 lbs down from that first photo. Photos for me really remind me of how far I have really come in the last year.
  4. ambernamber

    During Number 1

    From the album: During

    This is about 1 to 2 months out from surgery and about 40 pounds lost. I'm down another 23 pounds from this picture!
  5. ambernamber

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I posted before but I recently went for a surprise visit to see my family that lives four hours away. I didn't tell anyone I was coming. I hadn't seen my family since probably 3 or 4 months before my surgery and now I am about 3 months out and 63 pounds lighter. When I walked into my grandparents house my grandma almost fell over and my grandpa had started crying. Probably from the initial shock of my showing up but more so the fact that I looked so different. I was glowing and they couldn't stop looking at me and touching me to make sure I was real. It was so overwhelming and it really really made me feel so proud of myself and my accomplishments!!
  6. At what point did people start noticing their double chins have disappeared? I'm 2 months out and about 50 pounds lost but I still have a very noticeable double chin. My neck seems smaller and my collar bones are noticeable for the first time in probably 10 years. BUT THAT DOUBLE CHIN JUST SEEMS TO STAY! When does it usually start to shrink and what can I do "tone" it up?
  7. ambernamber

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    The first thing I noticed was that my engagement ring kept sliding around. I went to the jeweler to get a bar to put on it so that I don't have to keep getting it resized until I sort of stop looking weight. She said it is 2 sizes bigger already! I also found so much extra room in all my pants. Like 4 to 5 inches. I frequent second had stores a lot. I also was able to buy a medium t-shirt instead of a large or extra large and I cried a little bit, I was so happy.
  8. I am looking to try to make more homemade pureed food rather than eating baby food. I really can't get past the smell of most baby foods. I got a Ninja Master Prep that purees food really well. I've experimented a few times with carrots and califlower. Do you guys make your own pureed food? What recipes do you recommend for pureed food?
  9. Would have NEVER thought that four bites of carrots and two bites of tuna would fill me up so much

    1. HappiTam


      I thought you would still be on liquids/shakes?!? It is great knowing you are progressing so well! :-)


    2. BeagleLover


      Yeah, how 'bout that!

    3. ambernamber


      I was only on a liquid diet for a week then transitioned into pureed food

  10. ambernamber


    My surgery was 4 days ago. I stayed in the hospital and extra day because I was having some nasuea the day I was supposed to go home. Overall the pain isn't terrible. I don't have a lot of pain until I stand up. Could be everything shifting again after laying down. Under my doctor's advise I am taking tylonal in the place of a pain killer. I have Oxycodone for times where it gets pretty bad but I am trying to avoid that as much as I can. Do anyone else have that pain while standing? It kind of feels like cramps all over my stomach.
  11. ambernamber


    I had my surgery yesterday. Aside from the pain and nausea right after surgery I haven't been in too much pain. I was having some intense nausea ealier this morning but I got some medication for that. I've gotten up and walked the halls of the hospital 6 or 7 times today. More then they required and I've been using the restroom regularly so that's all great. Getting all the fluids in is proving to be sort of difficult but I think it's just because I am still really drowsy. I can get the liquids down thought. I'm nervous for the hour and a half car ride home tomorrow. Hopefully I can be pretty doped up on pain meds otherwise it is going to be the hardest part of the whole surgery.
  12. ambernamber


    10am tomorrow morning!!! Here goes everything!!
  13. What are some imporant things to make sure you bring to the hospital on the day of your surgery? Toothbrush? Clothes? Things to do? Does your doctor recommend getting any certain type of soap for after surgery? Is regular body wash ok or should I use an antibacterial soap? I don't want my ports from the laproscopic surgery to get infected. Thanks!
  14. ambernamber

    Couples doing WLS together?

    My surgery is Tuesday, February 3rd. My fiance's surgery is Monday February 16th. As soon as I got the approval from my insurance the scheduling was really fast. My doctor hasn't said anything about lifting restrictions (although I am sure it will come up in my pre-op) but he did mention that he personally does not have a driving restriction. Just as long as you are not on any narcotics and can perform the nesscary dutites it takes to drive (ie looking over you shoulder, wearing a seat belt) you can drive as soon as you are ready. As for energy, my mom had the surgery about 14 years ago when my brother and I were around 8 and 4. She was worried too about not having the energy to help my dad take care of us. She found that as soon as she was feeling better that she had enough energy to take care of my brother and I (even more energy then before her surgery). So it all really depends on how you heal. It took my mom about a week or two before she could really get back into the swing of things.
  15. ambernamber

    Couples doing WLS together?

    My fiance and I are both having WLS. I'm having the RNY Bypass and he is having the sleeve. His surgery is two weeks after mine but he origianlly had it scheduled for the day after mine. Hopefully having both of us do this will help keep each other motivated Good luck to you and your spouse!!!
  16. ambernamber


    I'm glad to know others get that feeling too. It's a week away and I am slowly starting to get nervous/panic. I'm so excited I just want this to happen so badly!! My fiance is having the sugery two weeks after mine. It's relieving to know that he will be going through this with me. Our grocery bill will be so less expensive!!
  17. ambernamber


    I have my pre-op appointment the day before my surgery. It makes me nervous that something is going to go wrong that day and my surgery will have to be pushed back when it's so close. I've been doing all that I am supposed to be doing but there is still that irrational fear that something will go wrong. Do you guys feel like that sometimes too?
  18. ambernamber

    Hospital Stay Needs

    Thank you soo much!! That's not something I even thought about. I knew the ride home would be rough but I just figured I would have to push through it.
  19. ambernamber

    Hospital Stay Needs

    Thank you for your feedback!! I am so worried I am going to forget something and I live an hour and a half away from where I am having my surgery.
  20. ambernamber


    I'm February 3rd too! My doctor doesn't require the liquid diet but I think I am going to do it anyway. Just to get used to the diet. I am having my surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I am so excited/nervous!!
  21. I HATE waiting for my insurance to process my prior-authorization. They've made me jump through so many hoops and it's been a month since I sent it in. I want my surgery date!! How do you handle the waiting??

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