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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by hiccupingduck

  1. I cannot wait for Zumba tonight. Shaking my ass seems like a good idea.

    1. bobbyswife


      Shake it off! Shake it off! yeah, yeah, yeah

    2. Rach8610


      I can not wait to try zumba but will have to be in my home as I have two left feet and fucking ugly shoes! lol

  2. Pneumonia is keeping me down. At least I had a week of 20,000+ steps a day before a week of sick!

    1. Rach8610


      wow 20k steps!!! that is fantastic!!!! I hope you feel better soon!

  3. I will kick this stall, I will kick this stall, I will kick this stall...

    1. INT125922


      Looked into if the 5:2 may suit you ? I heard of it on BariatricPal when I was stalling in December last year. I started with 2 x 500 cal non consecutive fast days and 1500 cal the other 5 days. I stalled again after 3 months of that so I told my dietitian what I had been up to and she said that while the 5:2 would not suit all of her clients she was comfortable with me following the method and surprisingly approved a drop to 1100 cal on the five days. This 400 drop per day took me through to goal (5 weeks ago).

    2. Calvin Piggie

      Calvin Piggie

      I am having hiccups how can I get rid of them


    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      you keep doing what you do......eating as clean/healthy as you can, exercise, drink and stay hydrated and judge your true/actual success by your better health and clothes getting looser and looser....just because the scale doesnt move (in my opinon) does not mean a stall....it just hasnt caught up yet...

  4. I just want to cook all the time!!

    1. Jordan861


      Me too, I cut all recipes in 1/4 and freeze half of that after cooking then eat the rest over the next three days. Only cooking for one is a challenge.

    2. Rach8610


      funny I am feeling better and the only thing i can think of is cooking! I have been watching my old cooking shows and I want to start making food for my hunny again.....

  5. 56 days until Disney World!! Cannot wait for my friends to see me!

  6. Yesterday I bought a shirt. It's an XL. I bought it in the "normal size" section of the store...not the plus size. I'm so stoked!

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Great job ! Keep it up !

    2. beeteroo
  7. I really enjoy cooking...I just want to cook for everyone!

    1. Colleen C

      Colleen C

      I love to cook too, now find healthier versions of cooking. It is a great challenge and rewarding.


    2. BigGirlPanties


      I'll be right over!

    3. hiccupingduck



  8. The best thing about Chipotle after Gastric Sleeve? The protein and tons of leftovers!

  9. Feeling so much better. Still stuffed and I think I got drunk off of nyquil last night (funny but never again) but I should be able to go to the gym today! YIPPEE!!

  10. Having problems getting my protein in due to being sick :(

    1. Chelly


      Put extra protein powder in your shakes.


    2. finallyfree101


      I was having that problem in my first week of liquids and the extra protein will help and staying hydrated.

  11. Sick with a sore throat and slight fever today :( I just want some Lipton noodle soup but my NUT says no noodles because they expand...but I'd eat mostly the broth. So confused and sick :(

    1. wendyt


      Just eat the broth, then. :)


  12. Honey sesame chicken was delicious! Black bean protein brownies...delicious! This whole "eating healthy" thing is pretty awesome.

    1. 4me4them


      HMMMM did you make black bean protein brownies because I would be interested in that recipe....

    2. Junebug36


      recipe please!! sounds yummy

  13. Honey sesame chicken was delicious! Black bean protein brownies...delicious! This whole "eating healthy" thing is pretty awesome.

  14. Indulging on pizza covered in pepperoni and bacon...turkey pepperoni and turkey bacon made on flatbread. 8g of protein and 88 calories for 1/4? Delicious and filling!

  15. I have my doctor's appointment today which will graduate me to solid foods. I'm scared!!

    1. devint


      Good luck! You'll do great, remember you can always go back to the safer foods if tummy gets grumbly.

  16. NSV - I can fit into a skirt I haven't worn in forever!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devint


      Congrats! I love feeling pretty in a skirt!

    3. ProudGrammy


      congrats!!! clothes NSV's are the best!!

      keep up the good work

    4. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Great job ! Keep it up !

  17. Today I discovered that my pouch does not like egg salad.

  18. Counting the days until I can graduate to solid foods on 6/19. I'm scared as hell, though.

  19. Very annoyed at the scale going up instead of down.

    1. Mia Eck

      Mia Eck

      it could be muscle! i have been gaining a few pounds here and there from growing muscles. maybe thats it ?

    2. Carlotta1


      Don't weigh for a while. Then u will see real change.

  20. I feel as though this is getting easy, which is good for the mushy phase!

  21. 16 days post-op (I think) and I just want to work out.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      I was allowed 5 pound hand weights at one month. I was also allowed to do body weight exercises at one month, my only limit being - if it hurts...stop. Many others have to wait much longer. I have no clue what the requirements are for heavy lifting or sports.

    2. hiccupingduck


      I've been doing walking/light light light jogging (like 15 seconds worth of jogging), and Richard Simmons because it's low impact.

  22. I got put on full liquids early...the cream of chicken soup brought a tear to my eye.

    1. Dragonsmate


      LOL-I remember that feeling :)

  23. I love cheese and pasta so much that I'm wondering how I'm not Italian.

    1. BigGirlPanties


      lol... your heart is Italian, so that's what matters...try using spaghetti squash, surprisingly good alternative!

  24. I feel so much better than yesterday!

  25. 5 days post-op. Getting fevers every night. Doctor tomorrow :(

    1. StayingStrong


      Glad you're going to the doctor!! I had fever every night too and everytime i over-do with working too much and exhausting myself I spike a low grade fever. Tomorrow is 2 days post op for me. Feeling pretty good but still tire easily. Tomorrow I am allowed to start pureed foods. Looking forward to chewing again!! Hope everything is okay with you! Keep me posted!!


    2. hiccupingduck


      I'm on clear liquid for two weeks and then full liquids for another week and THEN pureed or "mushies." So many popsicles...

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