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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    devint got a reaction from ladybugtee in Anyone from Virginia?   
    NoVa here too!
  2. Like
    devint got a reaction from nieuwevis in Three Years Post-op Today   
    First off, congratulations on your journey, it's an inspiration and a reality check to me, in my first year, who still feel like this is a dream of sorts. On next goals, I would work on a fitness goal, or a "giving back" goal of educating/leading/helping others in your family or community work on their health, or a "never going back" goal of listing all of the things you wanted to do but couldn't because of your weight and actively work on experiencing them, maybe for the first time. (horseback riding, hot air balloon, ballet lessons, scuba, whatever.) I have found things like that reconfirm my emotional commitment never to go back to being obese cause being "normal-sized" opens up so many doors.
  3. Like
    devint got a reaction from Suzzann in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Hi everyone,
    Wow kudos and thanks to all you hardcore peeps keeping this board going. I can relate with so much of what you have shared! I sure wasn't checking in and it's no wonder I fell off the wagon hard. I became pregnant in feb and lost it at 7 weeks so for two months I ate with reckless abandoned and blamed hormones. Afterwards I ate with reckless abandoned and blamed grief and hormones. I had gotten down to 213, but then through this had gained to 232, which is crazy to think can happen in just a short 3 months even with the sleeve. Today, I'm now on the fourth day of <50 carbs, back to basics and coming in at 222.
    May is coming and I'm feeling sad I've "wasted" so many months of my "easy losing time" and I'm way below what I would have hoped for for expected loss. But I can only control what I do today and so that will just have to be enough.
    At least I've stopped losing my hair, and I have like 1" sprigs pointing out on my part in all directions from it coming back.
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    devint reacted to teemarie1078 in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    I think that's called the slimes? I've never experienced it but others on this board have.
    I too need to breakup with Quest bars.... Great source of Protein , but not to have all the time
    I had a month where I didn't drop weight... I didn't gain, but in this game not losing feels like gaining because our " honeymoon " period is almost over! I started slipping back into bad habits ... I went back and looked at my pre surgery pics ..129 pounds ago, and that gave me the kick in the ass I really needed again
    We all got the way we were because of crap in our heads... We need to continue working on that stuff every day to be successful... It will always be a struggle for me !
  5. Like
    devint reacted to Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Its been such a long time it seems since i have come in here...i guess like everyone the honey moon is over. My head is wired wrong again, i want to eat crap ...and now i can, i really feel like i am going to gain back all this weight. What is wrong with me??? In a 2 days will be the one year aniversary of me starting this journey ( i was on the shake for a month, and i feel that was tougher than the surgery)
    I am so ashame that not even a year has passed and my head is back to s year ago wondering all the time what i could eat and of course not exercising...i am so fucked, and i cant find it in me to get back on track
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    devint reacted to Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Merry Christmas everyone
    My christmas wish did not realised i am not yet in the century club, but its ok, only 2 lbs to go
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    devint got a reaction from Countrygrrl in Facial Hair   
    I was also struggling with plucking an insane amount of facial hair every day pre-op. I had tweezers stashed in every purse and bathroom. I am now 7 months out from surgery and I am happy to report that I am seeing significant improvement (but not elimination) of my facial hair problems, hair is lighter, thinner and grows much slower. I run an electric razor now once a week versus the daily battle.
    I didn't see the improvement though until, 1. my normal head hair stopped its significant thinning 2. I became cleared to stop birth control and 3. I stopped using store-bought makeup and face cleaning products and switched to "potions" I've made from pantry items. I have PCOS and the rapid weight loss the first 5 to 6 months (coupled with a gallbladder removal) made my hormones go crazy. But now I feel like I have achieved a more balanced state and the hair issue has eased up significantly.
    Good luck to each of you as you go through the journey, everyones body is very different and I hope you enjoy the new you!
  8. Like
    devint reacted to lorip in You know you lost weight when   
    When you lay on your side and you can feel your knee bones rub together for the first time and it feels weird so you put a pillow between your legs.
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    devint got a reaction from AutumnPunkin in No replies?   
    Hi, from what I understand, the veterans forums is not for newer folks to ask veterans questions... it's for veterans to post and get their questions answered. I would try in the general pre or post op, depending on the topic and stage you're in. Most times, I find answers are most relevant from people who have JUST gone through what you're asking about... fresher in the memory.
    Good luck to you.
  10. Like
    devint got a reaction from Countrygrrl in Facial Hair   
    I was also struggling with plucking an insane amount of facial hair every day pre-op. I had tweezers stashed in every purse and bathroom. I am now 7 months out from surgery and I am happy to report that I am seeing significant improvement (but not elimination) of my facial hair problems, hair is lighter, thinner and grows much slower. I run an electric razor now once a week versus the daily battle.
    I didn't see the improvement though until, 1. my normal head hair stopped its significant thinning 2. I became cleared to stop birth control and 3. I stopped using store-bought makeup and face cleaning products and switched to "potions" I've made from pantry items. I have PCOS and the rapid weight loss the first 5 to 6 months (coupled with a gallbladder removal) made my hormones go crazy. But now I feel like I have achieved a more balanced state and the hair issue has eased up significantly.
    Good luck to each of you as you go through the journey, everyones body is very different and I hope you enjoy the new you!
  11. Like
    devint got a reaction from Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Hi everyone,
    I did get the 6 month results back and all were normal! I've never had normal blood tests my entire life, always bad chol and triglycerides and Vitamin d deficiency ever since I was a teenager. So cool we got the green light to try. We've been looking forward to that news for five years. AND while I was there my doctor called me out on not doing strength training as well so he made a point to "clear" me for all levels of lifting and strenuous exercise
    In terms of being cold, I was already cold before surgery with low blood pressure. Now I've lost my protective blubber layer (it shouldn't be funny but really it is.) Now I live in Antartica-land-coldness. Luckily, the heated blanket and the heated mattress pad I got for christmas does help too! I've started to wear thicker/more socks, gloves more often, covered shoes, and I drink herbal tea all day long (good for hydration and antioxidants too.) I've also tackled coldness with more hot soaking baths, which is a refreshing way to take care of myself, something that "big me" never made time to do.
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    devint reacted to 4andcounting in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Glad to see everyone is doing well! Yes Suzann I am also FREEZING! LOL I used to sleep on top of covers now I am buried under 3.
    Congratulations Devint on your go ahead to try and conceive. In July of 2013 I miscarried at 12 weeks. I tried to conceive again but it did not happen. My surgeon said I must wait 18 months even though my blood work is good. I have had to sign a "contract" to not get pregnant until that point. The sad part is that I will be 39 at 18 months so not sure I will even want to conceive at that point but it was a no win. The reason I couldn't conceive was my weight and now I can't conceive because of weight loss surgery - Oh the irony.
    So new question of the "weird things that happen to me, is it happening to anyone else". I have never been a junk food eater, I know that sounds untrue but trust me its true, and all of a sudden I want chips and chocolate. What's up with that???? Before surgery I never ate that stuff, I ate a lot of Pasta but NEVER chips and only occasionally chocolate. Anyone else craving bad stuff that they didn't even like before?
  13. Like
    devint reacted to Suzzann in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Niquee, congratulations on the 101.7. That is great! And wow Devint, I am hoping that your Vitamin levels are where they need to be. I was a bit anemic after the first round of testing.
    I have been taking yoga classes and have found them very helpful. I am now considering joining the regular gym that is near my house since it has been so cold and wet this winter.
    Is it just me, or are you freezing this winter too? I never used to wear long john pants under my jeans and tank tops under the turtlenecks.
  14. Like
    devint got a reaction from 4andcounting in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    @@Niquee, congrats on the century club and onederland! I am so happy for you. I can totally agree and relate to what you mean about the holidays. WOW I was so bad with Cookies and pie jeez. It works against me that I don't throw things up they just go down and stay down and cause me misery.
    I am going to the support group at my doctors tonight and am hoping to get my Vitamin reports from my 6 month checkup. My doctor said that if I have good Vitamin levels I can pursue trying to conceive, which was a primary reason I got the sleeve in the first place. This is somewhat controversial as some doctors make patients wait 2 years but mine says as long as you aren't deficient and have a good handle on calories and can get in 1k then I'm good to go.
    My stall at 220 lasted for about a 6 weeks, but broke early December (hard to believe I'm not sure if I've checked in since then.) and i'm down to 212 today so it's moving, much slower but still. I'm glad because i went down one more size since then. I bought a foam roller to help with home exercises and stretches as I've been having problems caused by posture and muscle imbalances in my middle back and outside of my thighs.
    Hope you all had great holidays and good luck with your resolutions!
  15. Like
    devint got a reaction from 4andcounting in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    @@Niquee, congrats on the century club and onederland! I am so happy for you. I can totally agree and relate to what you mean about the holidays. WOW I was so bad with Cookies and pie jeez. It works against me that I don't throw things up they just go down and stay down and cause me misery.
    I am going to the support group at my doctors tonight and am hoping to get my Vitamin reports from my 6 month checkup. My doctor said that if I have good Vitamin levels I can pursue trying to conceive, which was a primary reason I got the sleeve in the first place. This is somewhat controversial as some doctors make patients wait 2 years but mine says as long as you aren't deficient and have a good handle on calories and can get in 1k then I'm good to go.
    My stall at 220 lasted for about a 6 weeks, but broke early December (hard to believe I'm not sure if I've checked in since then.) and i'm down to 212 today so it's moving, much slower but still. I'm glad because i went down one more size since then. I bought a foam roller to help with home exercises and stretches as I've been having problems caused by posture and muscle imbalances in my middle back and outside of my thighs.
    Hope you all had great holidays and good luck with your resolutions!
  16. Like
    devint got a reaction from 4andcounting in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    @@Niquee, congrats on the century club and onederland! I am so happy for you. I can totally agree and relate to what you mean about the holidays. WOW I was so bad with Cookies and pie jeez. It works against me that I don't throw things up they just go down and stay down and cause me misery.
    I am going to the support group at my doctors tonight and am hoping to get my Vitamin reports from my 6 month checkup. My doctor said that if I have good Vitamin levels I can pursue trying to conceive, which was a primary reason I got the sleeve in the first place. This is somewhat controversial as some doctors make patients wait 2 years but mine says as long as you aren't deficient and have a good handle on calories and can get in 1k then I'm good to go.
    My stall at 220 lasted for about a 6 weeks, but broke early December (hard to believe I'm not sure if I've checked in since then.) and i'm down to 212 today so it's moving, much slower but still. I'm glad because i went down one more size since then. I bought a foam roller to help with home exercises and stretches as I've been having problems caused by posture and muscle imbalances in my middle back and outside of my thighs.
    Hope you all had great holidays and good luck with your resolutions!
  17. Like
    devint reacted to Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Omg! With the holidays i have been bad and indulging, i didnt even exercise because i was not home and didnt feel like it. I was sure i would have gain weight....i am now in the century club and i have lost 101.7 lbs. I am so glad that even though i wasnt strict at all i didnt gain some weight back....i was really dreading this moment i knkw that will really demotivate me...
    I am really happy, thats a great way to start the year off...2 more lbs and i will be under 200lbs, which is a number i dont remember seeing
  18. Like
    devint got a reaction from Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    Yeah I am also looking forward to joining "the century club!" But i have about 18lbs to go. I am also realizing that I do look a lot different even at 82 lbs down from april. I wore some of my old clothes to work today (pants I had taken in myself) and the sweater just looked so tent-like, and even the cami went down below the crotch of my pants. I looked like a kid wearing mom's clothes around the house. I am different, and so are you @Niquee. Good luck on hitting those big milestones!
  19. Like
    devint got a reaction from Suzzann in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    I've also noticed that I'm bruising really easily, especially on my legs and chairs feel like they have less padding (even though clearly its me that has less padding lol!) I just went for my bloodcheck yesterday and haven't gotten the results back but the internet (in its vast wisdom) has made me concerned that maybe my Iron levels are low and that's causing easy bruising.
    I am currently and annoyingly between pants sizes. I was so excited I was losing weight pretty good for a while and then as soon as I bought pants that were a little tight, then I hit the stall and have to look at them in my closet taunting me! I suppose it doesn't matter what weight I'm at, my clothes and I will still have a rocky relationship ha!
    Made it through the Thanksgiving holiday, indulging a little bit but not overdoing it, no reflux or getting sick. Now things are "back to normal." Since Christmas is right around the corner, did any of you find any awesome holiday meal bariatric type substitution recipes worth sharing? Never hurts to ask. Thanks!
  20. Like
    devint got a reaction from Suzzann in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    I've also noticed that I'm bruising really easily, especially on my legs and chairs feel like they have less padding (even though clearly its me that has less padding lol!) I just went for my bloodcheck yesterday and haven't gotten the results back but the internet (in its vast wisdom) has made me concerned that maybe my Iron levels are low and that's causing easy bruising.
    I am currently and annoyingly between pants sizes. I was so excited I was losing weight pretty good for a while and then as soon as I bought pants that were a little tight, then I hit the stall and have to look at them in my closet taunting me! I suppose it doesn't matter what weight I'm at, my clothes and I will still have a rocky relationship ha!
    Made it through the Thanksgiving holiday, indulging a little bit but not overdoing it, no reflux or getting sick. Now things are "back to normal." Since Christmas is right around the corner, did any of you find any awesome holiday meal bariatric type substitution recipes worth sharing? Never hurts to ask. Thanks!
  21. Like
    devint reacted to 4andcounting in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    SO I have a kind of odd question. Is anyone noticing that things hurt you more? For example my husband has always pulled me across the bed to cuddle with him (I am not a cuddler and this is his way of forcing me to cuddle LOL) well it never hurt but now its like it hurts my ribs and my stomach. I am not sure if he is using to much force because he thinks he needs more strength to pull me or if my bones are more sensative. I feel like it may be the latter. We moved some furniture around for Christmas decorations and I have bruises all over me and I very sore. I don't think I should be this sore since I exercise pretty frequently.
    Ok another weird thing - I am noticing that I have a bone that sticks out on my chest near my collar bone. I am wondering did something change or is it just not hidden by fat anymore?
    Anyone else experiencing weird stuff like this or should I talk to the Dr?
  22. Like
    devint reacted to Niquee in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    So i went to my 6 months check up today.At my surgeon they have made over 2500 of these surgery, and from that data base they can draw conclusion. and so at the 6 months point he checks if you are within the average and on target compare to the group. On average these 2500 people, have lost 50% of their excess weight after 6 months . for example me at 300 lbs and being 5'3', my healthy weight according to imc should be 140 lbs, so i excess weight is a 160 lbs. So 6 months after surgery i should have lost about 80lbs...but i have lost about 93lbs so i am around at 56% so he was really happy and said i was doing well.
    So i'd like to know what is everyone percentage of weight loss base on your excess weight
    Finally he said something scary, he said that the surgery that he perform is responsible for 50 to 60% of the patient lost....or he garanties 50%....so basically as of now, if you stop losing weight its all up to you and i havent learned my lesson. And from now on i should not expect drastic weight lost ina given month, i should still lose, in the next 6 more months but its going to be tough, and its normal that i am hungry, the body is healed and its acting like before
  23. Like
    devint reacted to Suzzann in Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers   
    I was hauling in 3 ten pound bags of ice over the holiday and thinking to myself how much this weights. I had to chuckle, I used to carry around twice this weight all the time!

  24. Like
    devint got a reaction from thesuse2000 in After 2 years! Finally found my word.   
    I know my "word" is probably unpopular and some might roll their eyes, but it works for me on a couple levels. I call my experience "recovery."
    In a very real physical sense, I'm still recovering from the surgery and the dramatic weight loss side effects of the first six months. Some peoples ride down is smooth and easy, but not mine. Reading about it ahead of time is nothing like living it.
    Deeper, I am recovering from a lifetime of unhealthy use of food as an emotional numbing agent and my weight as an emotional barrier to meaningful relationships. I am recovering from those behavior patterns because my buffer and my numbness are being stripped away as the pounds melt. I have to deal with things like emotions and relationships now instead of hiding.
    I also never want to forget where I was and where I'm coming from, so calling it recovery reminds me that its not a dream, it's not a magic fix and life isn't going to be all roses and butterflies when I hit goal. I could end up living large again if I'm not diligent.
    Some people need the optimism of inspiring language when talking about their experience. I need a reality check.
  25. Like
    devint got a reaction from thesuse2000 in After 2 years! Finally found my word.   
    I know my "word" is probably unpopular and some might roll their eyes, but it works for me on a couple levels. I call my experience "recovery."
    In a very real physical sense, I'm still recovering from the surgery and the dramatic weight loss side effects of the first six months. Some peoples ride down is smooth and easy, but not mine. Reading about it ahead of time is nothing like living it.
    Deeper, I am recovering from a lifetime of unhealthy use of food as an emotional numbing agent and my weight as an emotional barrier to meaningful relationships. I am recovering from those behavior patterns because my buffer and my numbness are being stripped away as the pounds melt. I have to deal with things like emotions and relationships now instead of hiding.
    I also never want to forget where I was and where I'm coming from, so calling it recovery reminds me that its not a dream, it's not a magic fix and life isn't going to be all roses and butterflies when I hit goal. I could end up living large again if I'm not diligent.
    Some people need the optimism of inspiring language when talking about their experience. I need a reality check.

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