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Gotta Get Down

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Gotta Get Down

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/20/1964
  1. Happy 49th Birthday Gotta Get Down!

  2. Happy 48th Birthday Gotta Get Down!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Gotta Get Down!

  4. Gotta Get Down

    Know anything about Dr Alvarez

    Thanks for the news... And... one more question.... I want to go alone.. My DH thinks he should go and take care of me, but truly, I'd like to do this myself. What do you think? I think I'll do better alone, I know, I'm weird. I think a lot of it is we have young kids and I want him home w/ them, and I'm keeping this private so I don't want to involve anyone else.
  5. Gotta Get Down

    I've lost my manners

    OH MY aching!!!! TOO FUNNY!!!! I can hardly wait to be banded!:heh:
  6. Gotta Get Down

    People can be so mean!

    My Sister always told me to say, "yeah, but you're ugly and I can always lose weight, but you're stuck that way"......... I know, juvenile, but still has to make you laugh! :heh:
  7. Gotta Get Down

    Know anything about Dr Alvarez

    Please Please Please update on Dr. A. I'm in the 'getting moving to schedule' Stage and he's at the top of my list. Thanks!:clap2:
  8. Gotta Get Down

    Countdown to goal.....

    You are all an inspiration. I'm looking at being banded in Nov self pay:-( Seeing all of your successes and drive is helping me to ensure I'm doing the right thing. Good luck and congratulations on what you have accomplished! Jenn:clap2:
  9. Gotta Get Down

    Anyone have BCBS Michigan PPO?

    THis is a great thread. I'm gearing up to go to Mexico, but my company also offers BCBS. I may be able to change... I think I'll see if they know yet what policy they are offering and investigate. I did a supervised diet, but couldn't stick to it, WW and diet pills from my doc. It's gone on for more than a year, but no consistently. I wonder if that would work????
  10. Gotta Get Down

    How to check on Doctors in Mexico?

    Anyone have experience w/ Dr. ALvarez? Does Inamed certified mean anything?
  11. Gotta Get Down

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    Hi, This is my very first post. I'm likely looking at self pay and it will be MX as that's a major stretch on my budget. I have spoken w/ Dr. Shram's office on the West side of the state for follow-up. Does he have support groups, too?

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