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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by auntjanny

  1. I am 5' (first thing in morning), surgery this Monday. It is impossible for me to imagine at this point smaller sizes. My closet lacks a single piece of clothing that is "too big" on me. This could be really fun!!
  2. Going off phentermine is awful, isn't it. I gained 10 easily in 6 months. I hope, if you discover you are denied, you don't give up. Adipex or generic was one of the reasons I used as to get the WLS. It is not as effective of a solution for long term weight loss.For the Bariatric stuff, I went through a 6 month program with the doctor, and nutritionist. While it may seem like a long time, it flew by, and has me so mentally prepared for my surgery on the 22nd. If you do get denied, keep at it. Talk with your insurance company. I have found them to be helpful and provided info that I needed. And, not all office staff is competent, or kind. So, she may have been having a bad day. Best wishes to you. Again, don't give up, I was a year in the process. And all of a sudden I am here sipping chicken broth, and crossing day 4 off of my 10 day pre op diet.
  3. auntjanny

    September Sleevers!

    IDP2014, my date is the same. I began pre op diet today. I hunkered down and had a low key Friday night. Followed it well though. I have a box of no sugar added carnation breakfast vanilla and added to a decaf coffee I purchased on this cold wet day. That was good. Tomorrow is watching soccer in the cold. I may repeat the coffee trick but have to figure out a plan to avoid team bonding meal. I will likely bring three books on WLS, and a small cooler.
  4. auntjanny

    September Sleevers!

    Welcome home. I am seeing more out pt posts. Take care of yourself. Let your husband take care of himself!!! I start 10 preop diet tomorrow. Please continue to update!
  5. Hello Michigan. I am just two days from beginning my 10 day pre-op diet and will be sleeved on 9/22. I have been a bit awful this last week, eating some crap I don't normally eat, and will likely go out for a final beer tomorrow! I began walking just yesterday... My two weeks pre-op walks. I am pretty much at a "Bring it on !!" stage right now. I hope to be crazy self centered with regard to caring for myself and making this adventure successful.
  6. sept 22nd... Two weeks. The 6/7 months has gone by and I so glad it was not sooner. I learn something great everyday! My pre op starts Friday. I began my "exercise program" today. Once the pre-op starts, my life changes and I could not be happier!!
  7. auntjanny

    Need a boost

    Stop being such a freak.
  8. auntjanny

    1 year down, many to go!

    I like the mouth wants to eat more... I will use that!!!
  9. auntjanny

    Anyone else need a TARDIS?

    I am scheduled for the 22nd also. I am looking forward to changing my life. I am also terrified of failure. I feel so strong and know I can do it. But then wonder how in the world I can succeed... It is all just kinda messed up. At a support group last night, there was such agreement amongst attendees that WLS was the greatest decision ever made... I think I will be on that bandwagon and hope you will too!!
  10. auntjanny

    Pics at 12 weeks

    Great update!
  11. auntjanny

    September Sleevers!

    BlessedOne...my medical folks suggest 6 weeks, simply to get used to the new way of life. I am thinking I will take at least 4. Work has been one of the main reasons I chose the surgery... A time to focus just on me, and I am fortunate to have enough sick time to do so. But, while Dr. said he prefers six, he will approve when patient is off pain meds, and getting protein and liquids in... Lifting restrictions apply for 6-8 weeks. Good luck!
  12. auntjanny

    Before & "During"

    Great post. Great success story. I simply cannot imagine loving CrossFit. Just typing the word is frightening! Rock on!!
  13. auntjanny

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    Regarding the pre-op diet and veggies-- I went to pre-op class this past week and while 1 cup of vegetables (no starchy ones) is allowed for the majority of it, the doctors are now saying NO vegetables 48 hours prior to surgery or they will cancel it. Apparently a patient did not follow it, ate corn and has experienced lots of ongoing complications. They are adamant that we be compliant or risk surgery being stopped.
  14. Can anyone tell me about the Unjury brand? Specifically, the smell, the thickness, the lumps, could I blend with ice? What can one do with unflavored? Thanks
  15. auntjanny

    September Sleevers!

    AuntieMel....auntjanny here. I am having my surgery 9/22! Leaving right now for pre-op class
  16. Kedwards, the SF carnation breakfast is a part of my 10 day preop. I don't start for a couple more weeks though...
  17. yes, a bad day indeed. Sorry for this crap. Consider paying for COBRA benefits to continue with the surgery. use your unemployment time to heal and regroup, gain confidence and find something new. I know it sounds easier that it is, but, COBRA may be an option for you. You have gone through so much and were so close to the surgery, I cannot imagine the angst. Good luck and best wishes to you.
  18. auntjanny

    Secret Surgery

    I am telling my boss I am having a sex change operation. She deserves that kind of information.
  19. I have enjoyed this thread....lots of mini topics going on. A lot of diversity in experience and sensitivity. By far, this over all site exemplifies compassion, kindness, encouragement and education. There will always be trolls in these types of spaces. I don't see many but, am learning to ignore and move on. This is a holistic adventure for me.... Wanting to change to be a much better person, not necessarily Mother Theresa, mind you, but to do my part to make the world a kinder place. The weight loss surgery will give me the chance to focus on improving the whole me, and give me lots of confidence to carry out some other habits that will be life changing...for the better, and not just me. Sleep well!!
  20. auntjanny


    May I ask how tall or not tall you are? I am 5' in the morning and less so at night. My hope is that I will finally behave and eat for my height! I am scheduled in 4 weeks... Reading the posts of you peeps who are posting updates is great, but I am looking for some shorties, also.
  21. auntjanny


    Will look forward to your posts when you feel up to it. Best wishes for an in eventful surgery and wonderful changes for you in the future!
  22. Ordered a bra that arrived yesterday. It came in a 10" square box. A BOX!!! I opened it up and saw what appeared to be two giant Soup bowls stacked in one another. I laughed at the size and knew there had to be a mistake. Nope. It fits like a charm. Perky giant breasts today. Gawd, I won't miss this. A "bra in a box" sigh... September 22 can't come soon enough.
  23. auntjanny

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I think you can stay right here!!
  24. auntjanny

    Got approval today

    Beauty, I think my papers were submitted 7 to 10 days prior to getting my phone call that I was approved and scheduled.
  25. auntjanny

    Got approval today

    I was approved and date set this past Monday. I think it takes a couple of days to get more excited than nervous. Good luck. Stay active on this board, you will get the nerves to settle

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