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LAP-BAND Patients
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    cccv4 got a reaction from roxysanchez in My fitness pal   
    i just signed-up today because of you guys! positive peer pressure is good, right?
    my name is cccv4
    to find someone, go to the tab where it says "community" and then you can search for someone by email or username.
    add me!
  2. Like
    cccv4 reacted to enuf in Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life   
    Tomorrow is my surgery. I was not put on a surgical diet given my lower bmi so I have indulged in my Farewell to food Tour over the last 2 weeks. Indulged is an understatement. Tonight at midnight is my cut off. Am going out for my last supper (did someone mention I was going to be executed?) that will definiitely have fois gras on the menu. And then....enough!

    Just got back from the grocery store where I purchased my post-surgical purchases for food for the next few weeks. I was studying the babyfood labels like it was the holy grail when a kind woman behind me asked me how old my baby is. Coulda been worse - she could have asked me when my baby is due!

    I have been so distracted that when I picked up my pre-meds at the drugstore I backed into a guy in the parking lot while leaving. Add $1700 to the bill for the new me!

    I am excited and anxious. I believe I have an excellent surgeon, good hubby support and the attitude to make this work. If only it wasn't for the "e" word. Exercise. But I will do what it takes to make this work.

    Here's hoping. Think of me tomorrow at noon as I drift off to la la land.

  3. Like
    cccv4 reacted to MIPoohbear in Going insane already   
    The liwuid and puree phase suck no way to sugar coat it. We feel your pain. Just keep your head in the game. Soft foods very well chewed are essentially pureed in mt humble opinion.
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    cccv4 got a reaction from exclusivestylistnyc in Any April Banders?   
    I can't believe that I will be banded on FRIDAY! It still seems like a dream. Tomorrow I have my pre-op appointment to see if I get the green light. I don't think I'll believe it until I get the OK tomorrow. The liquid diet SUCKS. I haven't been perfect on it, and I read a good thread on here where people were realistic with their struggles on it.
    During these last 2 weeks, I went from 327 to 3116 on the pre-op. Not too shabby. I would say that I'm nervous for Friday, but it still doesn't feel real. I think it will feel real AFTER my appointment tomorrow with my surgeon. My husband has a terrible flu bug so I'm trying to stay away from him and not get sick.
  5. Like
    cccv4 reacted to JustWatchMe in When does it get better?   
    Cccv, thanks for the update and good luck tomorrow. I'm sure you're right on track, and surgery will be here before you know it. I'm in week 5 of a total of 7 weeks of liquids, one preop and 6 post-op. It's getting OLD, but I was doing fine with my boring Soups until yesterday. My husband brought home turkey chili, with pieces of turkey meat, and I thought, hey, it's close to a Soup, so I'll just chew it real well. Guess what. Not a liquid. I had two cups of it and followed it with a big glass of milk a half hour later, and it just SAT right under my breastbone forever. Okay, not forever, maybe 45 minutes. But I felt like crap the rest of the night and woke up today still feeling "off". Mind you, I have no fill yet. I figured what must have happened is a bunch of factors. I'm still not eating slowly enough. I have to learn to slow this down big time, but with Soups, it hasn't mattered so far. Well, those pieces of turkey, even well-chewed, are not liquid. They need time to pass through the pouch. I didn't give it time. And I ate double what I should have. My goal for the next two weeks is to treat my creamy soups (no more chili) like a real meal, and slow it down, and wait between spoonfuls. It was the first time I could really tell I had a band. And if that's what happened with no fill, I'd better learn to respect the rules of band eating before I go on solids, and then four days later, get my first fill. This is sure a learning process.
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    cccv4 reacted to dink007 in April 22 Lap Band Op   
    15 days to go getting very nervous and very excited.
    How are you going banded people?
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    cccv4 reacted to FitSmash in When does it get better?   
    I had my surgery last week and I am all too familiar with the pre op fast. I had the same thoughts of doubt and wondering if I made the right decision but trust me I would go back and do it again. Once you wake up from surgery you will feel no hunger. These two days of pain and sickness are setting you up for a lifetime of success. Fight through it, you can do it!
  8. Like
    cccv4 reacted to valarie kk in When does it get better?   
    Oh honey I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I would recommend calling the surgeon keep him updated on everything that's going on. If you need someone to talk to or just listen I'm here.
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    cccv4 reacted to JustWatchMe in When does it get better?   
    One day at a time. Wow, that's a lot of challenges in a short time. I feel for you. I'm under stress now too, and the surgery was and is giving me a light at the end of my tunnel. No matter what life throws at us, we can handle it better if we're healthier and in control. Your honesty helped me today. Thanks for posting.
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    cccv4 reacted to Trayg in Any April Banders?   
    I'm in at 7 am tomorrow !!! Wooohooooo !!!!xxx
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    cccv4 reacted to AAB in Any April Banders?   
    My surgery is April 14th. I am going to my pre op tests on Monday. I am in the middle of my liquid diet, and I am dying...
    I am a bit nervous of how I will feel after the surgery. I love food and the taste. I am afraid I will not make it and will not be happy...
  12. Like
    cccv4 reacted to Trayg in Any April Banders?   
    we will be great !! I have lost 18lbs already before surgery !! I'm on a mission lol xxx
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    cccv4 reacted to mca98 in Any April Banders?   
    Iam scheduled for monday ! Iam nervous also
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    cccv4 reacted to ssriley in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    I asked my surgeon at my first appointment if I would have to be on a pre-op diet to shrink my liver, and he said in thousands of surgeries he's only had one patient whose liver was large enough to be an issue for surgery. He had me lay on the table and palpated me - then said "You're fine. You've struggled enough, let's give you the tool (my VSG) you need to get you're weight off. Just don't go nuts till then".
    I vote my Dr. for President. He knows most of his patients are professional dieters, and I alone have lost enough weight in my life to equal a small SUV. But without this wonderful tool we've been gifted with, we just couldn't hold our ground. A mechanic can't fix an engine without a wrench, and statistically without surgery the odds of losing most of your body weight and keeping it off for 5 years is ZERO.
    I really appreciate the compassion my Dr. shows his patients. We should all have at least as much if not more, for our fellow warriors.
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    cccv4 reacted to former_vbg in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    Just remember we are here for you.
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    cccv4 reacted to justmeandmysleeve in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    Ok, thank you! I am going to take this next week and get back in line.
    No one said this was going to be easy, but the pre-op diet is a little slice of misery!
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    cccv4 reacted to Bigdogkc in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    I have seen some recent replys that have not been very supportive, so now that i am over a week into my pre-op diet let me review this for you.
    First I posted that i was having trouble, and was very tempted to cheat. If I was already going to cheat, then why would I post a question asking for you alls permission? I posted because i felt weak and was looking for support. Thankfully that is what i got. I also got some people, who i think very little of that said that if I cheat, then I am not ready for the surgery, and/or I will cheat after the surgery. Wow, you folks need some help of your own. that isn't tough love, that is projecting your own short commings onto others.
    Second - I updated that I was able to get through it, because my nutrionist told me I could eat some lean Protein. i have all three of my shakes, and then eat a little tuna, or chicken in the evening if I am hurting. A couple of nights i made it without anything.
    Third - I did end up cheating. I went on vacation last weekend and one night at dinner, I was watching TV, and happened to eat four of my son's nachos that he could not finish. I felt like an idiot, and told my surgeon about it yesterday at my final pre-opp appointment. His response was to smile and tell me that it was not a big deal since I stuck to it before that, and went right back to it.
    Most importatly, in my opinion when you reply to a person's post, that is looking for support, and if they posted on here that is exactly what they are looking for... Then don't be a jerk. Yes I needed someone to be honest and tell me that I need to stick with it, but I don't need to be insulted, belittled, or put down in any other way. The reason i joined the site was to learn from those who went before me, to have some mentors. Mentors and teachers don't yell at there students until they really screw up.
    so to sum up.... If you replied to this thread and you thought you were giving "tough love" Go "tough love" yourself and keep me out of it. I appreciate those of you that were actually decent people and were supportive. Those that were not, can kiss my soon to be shrinking fat ass.
    Good Day
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    cccv4 reacted to former_vbg in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    I'm ALL for bluntness when the need arises, but saying someone isn't ready for surgery just because they are struggling w/the pre-op diet is just not fair. I don't hear him saying he isn't following it, but that the occasional cheating is really difficult. That is WHY we have this surgery, to have a tool to HELP us with our will power.
    I am confident he will do just fine.
  19. Like
    cccv4 reacted to ssather54 in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    I am scheduled for surgery on June 28th and have been on my 10 day high Protein liquid diet for one week now and it's hell! I am a carb junkie so it's been extremely difficult, the shakes do nothing for my hunger. I have cheated a little and felt bad but I was so hungry it was effecting my energy and brain! I have been on mostly high protein liquids the whole time but I have eaten a little and I refuse to beat myself up about it because I have to have energy--I work 2 jobs and have 3 children. I have just tried to make healthy choices when I do need to eat something. Can't wait til after surgery when I won't actually be so hungry. My advice is just do your best and don't beat yourself up : )
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    cccv4 reacted to Bigdogkc in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    After one week, I cheated once, but it wasn't too bad. I didn't go out for pizza or anything, just had a couple spoon fulls of Beans. I can not think of anything I have done in my life that was more difficult than this, but it is half way over now. distractions are the best thing to keep you honest, and making sure you drink your shakes before you get too hungry,
  21. Like
    cccv4 reacted to TiredOfChubRub in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    i too am very scared about being able to do the 2 week pre op diet. We are only allowed to choose between 2 kinds of "meal replacement" shakes, and powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury smells funky to me, so I will have to go with Bariatric Advantage. How are you doing?
    I am not one to start drama either, but I also think that people who have not been through the experiences yet, should not be the ones judging or giving advice. There are plenty of people here to be supportive, so please do not get discouraged by the people who pipe in with opinions and don't know what they are talking about.
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    cccv4 reacted to msstori in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    Also, since pork rine doesnot have any carbs and is crunchy I wonder if we can have that?
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    cccv4 reacted to tjmom in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    Bigdogkc .... I am proud of you for recognizing your issue, posting it here: asking for advice, then posting the next day that you made it through another night..
    I was there: committed to the surgery but still going through so much mentally during pre-op it didn't seem do-able .... But i did it, as you are... We made it through...
    It is ok to feel the way you did, it is ok to vent your frustrations...
    not one (1) of us will be perfect every day of pre-op or post-op ...we will flub up...but .... we remember tomorrow is another day, to try harder, to feel more confident, and to smile when we realize "we CAN do this"..
    good luck, stay strong and believe in yourself !!!
  24. Like
    cccv4 reacted to former_vbg in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    We need to give him a little slack though here. To compare the difficulty of being on liquids before surgery and after surgery is almost night and day. Prior to surgery, we are relying soley on our own willpower and well, let's face it, if that's all it took- none of us would need surgery. Post surgery, our entire body has gone through shock and physically most people don't have that same sensation of hunger. I won't say everyone is like that, but I think that is most.
    Anyhow, just do the best you can on this and understand that if your surgeon is really strict on the pre-op diet that you risk having to reschedule your surgery. Probably not unless you really blow it, but it's something you want to look into.
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    cccv4 reacted to Bigdogkc in What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?   
    I can actually have more three days after the surgery than I can now. Plus I will be resting then, and not moving around a lot like I was at work. Yes, I am addicted to food, it is my crack. And yes i wanted very badly to cheat last night. Talk to me after you are on the liquid diet and then you will see how difficult it is. Anyway I made it through, without eating anything that my nutirionilist said I couldn't. I joined this board looking for support, not judgement, so please keep that in mind the next time you consider replying to a question from me.

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