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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Comeflywithme reacted to puttingme1st in How my life has changed since surgery   
    I have been a part of a post talking about what we would not miss after surgery. I thought I would share how my life has changed almost 4 months since surgery and 88 pounds lost.
    I am off ALL diabetes medicine! My triglycerides went from 286 to 118 ( I was a heart attack waiting to happen) I can sit in a booth anywhere we go I can cross my legs I can sit on the floor for long periods of time I get up out of chairs without it seeming like I need the help from a crane! Personal Hygiene is MUCH easier I no longer feel like I smell all the time. Sex is amazing I can wear clothes that have been in my closet for years with the tags still on, because I told myself "one day this will fit." I am active with my family. I am no longer a bystander in my own life My husband said I inspire him My kids can put their arms around me when they hug me I no longer need long naps during the day I can climb stairs I can walk more than 3 miles at a time. Before surgery I could not make it around the block without being incredibly winded. I feel more confident I have not flown since surgery, but I cannot wait to fly because I know I will not need to carry my seatbelt extender. I like looking at myself in the mirror now I am planning things that I have never been able to do before because of my size (zip lining, a 5K, amusement parks, etc...) I no longer live to eat, I eat to live I still have almost 100 pounds more to lose, so I cannot imagine how much more my life will continue to change. There has not been one day that I have regretted doing this surgery. As many have said, my only regret is not doing it sooner.
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from sassycas45 in three months post opt.   
    ..... and you just wait my friend... it gets SOOO MUCH better!!! I am 9 months out, 73 lbs down and couldn't be happier. I'm losing very little nowadays but could eat everything and I feel AMAZING~! Enjoy!!
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from hillgirly in My FIRST Before/After Pic (May Sleever)   
    62 lbs down, super happy, feeling amazingly healthy and blessed.

  4. Like
    Comeflywithme got a reaction from sassycas45 in three months post opt.   
    ..... and you just wait my friend... it gets SOOO MUCH better!!! I am 9 months out, 73 lbs down and couldn't be happier. I'm losing very little nowadays but could eat everything and I feel AMAZING~! Enjoy!!
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    Comeflywithme reacted to sdocforce in As Good As It Gets   
    This is exactly the emotion I'm dealing with right now. thanks for posting so I don't feel so alone...and struggling
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    Comeflywithme reacted to Sara Kelly Keenan LC in As Good As It Gets   
    I've been at goal weight for years, I am 11 years post-WLS and food is often still a struggle. Although my weight doesn't fluctuate more than 5 or so pounds from goal weight, which I maintain, it is always a struggle.
    I was on a cruise last week and the buffet was like a mermaid singing her siren's song enticing me to shipwreck myself on her fattening rocks. So tempting. And for the entire week she never shut-up!

    What I'm beginning to accept is that I will ALWAYS be a food addict and need to remain vigilant at all times. I won't be permanently free of this addiction and there will always be struggle involved.
    It seems my only choice is whether I struggle at a healthy weight able to participate in active sporting and life endeavors or whether I will struggle while I return to morbid obesity at 333 pounds and live out my days sitting in a chair in front of the tv gorging myself.

    I choose to struggle while healthy and active. I have tools and support for continuing to choose the healthy, active path.
    Maybe that's as good as it gets...and that's enough!
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    Comeflywithme reacted to stacyamanda32 in three months post opt.   
    Today makes three months since i had my vsg, loving every minute of it.
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from hillgirly in My FIRST Before/After Pic (May Sleever)   
    62 lbs down, super happy, feeling amazingly healthy and blessed.

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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from mldavis1969 in Going back to work   
    I took 4 weeks off -- one week is not enough, you need to heal healthily and completely -- it IS major surgery after all. Good Luck.
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from gruiz27 in Finally 1 year since surgery bfore/after   
    Wow.... gorgeus! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from brebbugbrielle4 in My life is about to change!   
    Good Luck!!! All will be fine, stay positive and MAKE SURE you get walking the next few days to help with your bloating and gas discomfort, if you do, then you'll be just find.... Yayyy! You're going to love it!
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from chrispina in Got my date! Feb 25!   
    GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!!!! Very exciting! You'll both love it!!! It's truly the BEST! I feel amazing and healthy and looking nice too (so they tell me). Couldn't be happier....
  13. Like
    Comeflywithme got a reaction from chrispina in Got my date! Feb 25!   
    GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!!!! Very exciting! You'll both love it!!! It's truly the BEST! I feel amazing and healthy and looking nice too (so they tell me). Couldn't be happier....
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    Comeflywithme reacted to brebbugbrielle4 in My life is about to change!   
    ???????? Surgery Day???????? Good Luck to all going in today hope we all have a easy speedy recovery. ???? I'm ready!!!!!
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from srp2015 in NJ   
    Springfield, NJ here!
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from mercy96 in Any research on changing relationships?   
    Hmmm... it's all about jealosy.... Wait till the weight starts coming down ... then you'll REALLY see it then. I have family members as well as coworkers treating me very differently too. I shrug it off. You just go about your happy self with this tremendous decision that will change your life -- for the better and not mind the opinion of others my dear. I choose to IGNORE those who either used sarcasm or negativity towards my WLS and I am just too happy to deal with that.
  17. Like
    Comeflywithme got a reaction from mercy96 in Any research on changing relationships?   
    Hmmm... it's all about jealosy.... Wait till the weight starts coming down ... then you'll REALLY see it then. I have family members as well as coworkers treating me very differently too. I shrug it off. You just go about your happy self with this tremendous decision that will change your life -- for the better and not mind the opinion of others my dear. I choose to IGNORE those who either used sarcasm or negativity towards my WLS and I am just too happy to deal with that.
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    Comeflywithme got a reaction from smile121 in Best tasting protein shakes?   
    Premier has the MOST Protein and that's what you really need to look for --- sure taste is definetely important but we need our Protein intake. To me, besides it having the most protein, I like them the best!
  19. Like
    Comeflywithme reacted to *Lexie* in Feeling weak... need motivation... :)   
    @TeacherMommy I definitely have moments where I do the same thing. I was a grazer before and want to be a grazer now. I'll do good for a few days and then the Snacks start creeping in. Definitely not an easy battle we are fighting. So glad you posted this since I am very interested in tips to change this behavior.
    @JamieLogical Love that commercial. And yes, that's me. I hope that I stop wanting to eat these things.
    @joatsaint Love this idea and since you have lost 100+ pounds, I'm betting you know what you're talking about. I'm going to try this. I think I keep focusing on trying to stick with 3 meals a day and no more and when I get weak and want to eat, I eat something I shouldn't. I'll try replacing that with Protein and keeping things with me so I'm armed and ready.
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    Comeflywithme reacted to JamieLogical in Feeling weak... need motivation... :)   
    I am 5 months out now, so not much ahead of you. I was DEFINITELY an emotional eater before my sleeve. Have you seen the new weight watchers commercial?
    That was SO me.
    Once I was able to eat solid and crunchy foods, I indulged in some of my old favorites. However, I have found that they didn't satisfy me the same way they used to, mostly because I was a binge eater and I just can't binge anymore. So, I have noticed that I am craving them less and less these days. Once my brain learned that those foods couldn't bring me comfort the way they had before, it stopped triggering those cravings. I do occasionally wish I could eat a whole pizza, just because I know in an abstract way that used to make me "happy", but I don't actually crave pizza anymore. Does that make sense?
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    Comeflywithme reacted to Laydee_G in Feeling weak... need motivation... :)   
    First of all, congratulations on your achievement! Just take a pause and enjoy that...
    I think we have high expectations of ourselves through the surgery forgetting that what got us to the surgery stage in the first place (i.e.comfort eating) still has to be confronted and resolved afterwards.
    I'm going to say it straight: comfort eating is an abusive behaviour and we all of us who do it have to take a look at why we do it. You said the term "weak, emotional patches" so look at what that really means to you. Ask yourself what the emotions are and why are you feeling them?
    They do say old habits die hard and maybe it's just force of habit but try going for a walk if you feel tempted or keeping those 'naughty' Snacks in a cupboard that you cannot go into.
    See how different your body looks and buy yourself an outfit that is the next size down from where you are currently. That way, if you're motivated to stay on track it won't be long until you're wearing it and looking fabulous!
    Keep going, Teach: your success is my motivation! xx
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    Comeflywithme reacted to Stevehud in Feeling weak... need motivation... :)   
    get a hobby that keeps you busy, i have found that if I am focused on something I am so less likely to graze. I seem to be the prototypical bored eater. its easy at work, we have nothing but healthy stuff that i can't have any way or just don't like. but at home i can graze on things i dont need, evn some pepperoni which is ok for you, i dont want to risk stretching my sleeve by constantly grazing, which ive been told is exactly how you stretch it. i started building some models in my spare time, and took up guitar lessons, so when i get the urge i start practicing to avoid the mindset of the need for food.
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    Comeflywithme reacted to joatsaint in Feeling weak... need motivation... :)   
    When I get the old "man that would taste good" feeling, I go eat some Protein, till I'm full. Then and only then will I allow myself to eat the "goodie". The Protein really fills me up, it gets my mind to associate protein with my food cravings (instead of carbs), and I don't have much room in Frankensleeve - so a bite or two of the bad stuff doesn't have a tremendous impact on me.
    Hang in there, you can do it. It takes time to work past old habits and cravings. Take small steps, do what feels right and you'll see the weight fall off.
  24. Like
    Comeflywithme reacted to smile121 in Best tasting protein shakes?   
    Awesome, i will definitely try that first! I need more Protein in my life!! hahaha
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    Comeflywithme reacted to Rovobay in Best tasting protein shakes?   
    like above. premier Protein. I also add espresso to the vanilla shakes. I tire of chocolate, vanilla, so my post workout shakes are Syntrax nectar. they are juice like. not thick, and fruity. call the company, they can send you a sample pack (about 15 for $15 bucks) I liked a lot of them. I bought a big tub of fuzzy navel. nice change from chocolate and vanilla.
    never had much luck with unflavored and adding to foods....
    good luck

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