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    Ready4Life14 reacted to ajs in Headed to the hospital   
    Good morning! I'm headed to the hospital for my journey to begin!! I'm nervous but excited. I'll keep you posted
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to RickMG in My surgery was today 9/25/13   
    I just wanted to give a very short report on my surgery experience. I'm in St. Louis and used Dr. Morales at De Paul Hospital. Check-in and pre-op was great, and entertaining as the nurses were really great and fun. The anesthesiologist came in, asked a bunch of questions and went over what he was going to do. Another great guy. Stated I'm going to be out before I leave the little pre-surgery room and I was.
    Dr. Morales came in and described the surgery again and answered any questions I had. I woke up in recovery in no pain, feeling only bad heart burn. They said that was normal and that it would go away with walking but they were going to give me Pepsid which they did and helped much but didn't take it entirely away. After they got me to the room and took an order for me for "my lunch" and hooked me up to everything, I tried sleeping but they come in so much to take vitals that was kind of a waste. I got up and took a walk and couldn't believe how much nothing hurt, how much energy I had walking and how easy it was to walk normal speed. Walked quite a distance too.
    Back in the room again I tried sleeping again and did get a little in. Went walking again and walked pretty far this time and didn't even feel like I was doing anything out of the ordinary (walking is out of the ordinary for me).
    Just a quick note on the diet too. I started a week ago today on my clear liquid diet and honestly never felt hungry. To anyone looking for a good Protein drink I got the Premier Protein chocolate and it, to me and another guy at work who I gave one too, is fabulous. Taste exactly like chocolate milk in the dairy section. I get mine at Sams but he got some at costco and said they were about 20 cents each cheaper at costco. The vanilla tasted exactly like the Chocolate with a little taste of powder inside so I won't be choosing that one. They have 30 grams of Protein and 160 calories, 1 gram of fat in each carton.
    So, I hope this continues but thought this might ease some folks fears so wanted to get it on here.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to RickMG in My surgery was today 9/25/13   
    Well, came home today. I had a horrible night last night but nothing to do with the surgery. I got a cold and was coughing all night. It's bad enough that you never get sleep after the surgery because they are checking on you and give you medication what seems like every hour so along with being super tired I was hurting from the coughing.
    That seemed to go away by mid morning and by noon we were out the door. First thing I did was go home and hit my bed and slept for about six hours. Feel great and cannot say enough how great everyone at the hospital, nurses, staff, radiologist, everyone was. I'm going back to work Monday (desk job so no big deal). Again, I feel great. Just got the second of my Premier Protein shake down so one more. Just have to remember to drink slowly but even the pain of drinking fast is not that bad but it does remind you of not taking that second drink fast.
    My nurse had the sleeve in March and she's down 85 pounds and wouldn't change a thing. She loves it. I did weigh 4 pounds more today when I got home than when I left for the hospital from all the fluids they pump in you because I barely ate anything the entire time in the hospital.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to Mel1976 in My surgery was today 9/25/13   
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to RickMG in My surgery was today 9/25/13   
    Just had my chest ex-ray and everything was perfect, no leaks or anything. Best news is I have had absolutely no pain whatsoever. Now they do give you pain medicine plus the 3 day Novocaine whatever that is. Like said by others I'm sure I will but I can take pain, I just was worried about the nausea and keeping things down or which I've had no problems. Honestly, I could've went to work today I feel that good.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to endless80 in My surgery was today 9/25/13   
    Hey Rick, I'm on day 15 now. You're not alone here... we've all been through it or will go through it soon enough. Get ready, once you're off morphine your largest incision site will start to hurt underneath in the muscle wall. For me that lasted about 6-8 days after surgery but for some it lasts longer. You're going to start shrinking soon but it's a struggle at first. Be prepared to hate and then love your decision and then hate it again only to come around and hopefully love it.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to Purple Iris in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Good Luck Tomorrow, Angelface. My surgery is tomorrow too. I hope everything goes well for both of us!
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to Theresa19 in I have a date!   
    Hi there. I'm having surgery with Dr. Morales on the 19th too! I have pre-op testing tomorrow, the pre-op class on the 12th and surgery the 19! I'm so excited too! It's nice to meet others who are in the same place I am!
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to relentless302 in African American RNY Sisters   
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to Rebellious Butterfly in African American RNY Sisters   
    you got us hun
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to 1Day1Life4Now in Back to work-Nosey co-workers   
    The problem with telling a few select people about WLS is that they never keep it to themselves. They will tell one or two people who tell one or two people more and then they tell one or more people. You then have people watching every bite you eat, watching every pound you lose or gain, and many of them secretly hope that you fail. A few years out if you gain a few pounds they secretly feel elated that you had surgery for weight loss and can't keep it off. Who needs that additional pressure? I am not a big social media person as far as sharing my life for all to see so the thought process of sharing personal medical details with people who don't have a need to know is just silly. I do share on this forum because we are all in the same boat and offer the same support without fear of judgment or betrayal. On the outside...it's not that safe.
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    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from rome in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Super EXCITING!! Congratulations!!
  13. Like
    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from rome in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Super EXCITING!! Congratulations!!
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    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from MrsGloMartin in African American RNY Sisters   
    Surgery date is next week 05/07, Pre-op liquid diet started yesterday. I haven't stuck to it at all! I still don't even have my bariatric Vitamins. They are so expensive! Hoping to do it all this weekend. Then Sunday get serious with my pre-op diet.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to SugarFreeMe in Back to work-Nosey co-workers   
    I didn't tell many at work the truth, I told most that I was having my gall bladder removed. Now as I loose weight I tell them I just kept with the post-op diet because it's easy on my stomach and I'm fine with it. Some asked why I was out so long (3 weeks), I told them I had some minor complications (which I did) and my surgeon required it. Not too many details, I didn't want to keep track of what I said to whom.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to PrettyThick1 in NSV: I woke up sexy   
    Don't get me wrong...my ego hasn't gotten to the Beyonce "Flawless" stage: I'm flawless...I woke up like this, I woke up like this... Not hardly. I'd also like to add that I've never had a big problem with self esteem, even at my heaviest I felt attractive. I've had my band for about 9 1/2 months now and it has been a great journey to say the least. I enjoy the weight loss with this device and I like the fact that I can go off course, gain a few pounds, give it a day or two and be back to normal. Love it!
    Anyway, while I've been losing, there are times when I feel like I am "bad built", out of proportion and simply without feminine form. Now that my weight as stabilized, my body no longer has to go through the big top, small bottom - normal - small top, big bottom - normal - big top, small bottom...you know the thing that seems to happen about every 5-7lbs. I haven't lost or gained in about two weeks and as a result my shape is truly starting to show and I love it. I looked in the mirror this morning and said to myself "damn...I'm sexy!" I've done that many times before (you have to give yourself pep talks or no one else will) but this time it wasn't forced and seemed to just slip out. I guess because I truly feel sexy, in a way that I don't think ever have before.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to LipstickLady in I'm trying to come to terms with the idea that...   
    I'm not fat (on the outside) any more! I'm not skinny by any means, but I'm not fat. I weigh 157 pounds which is still far too much for my 5.3 frame, but I wear size medium tops and size 8 pants, which is officially smaller than the average American woman.
    I am no longer shopping in the women's section.
    I am no longer wearing the largest size in the ladies' department.
    I pick up clothes in consignment shops and often have to reject them for being too big. ( WTF?!?!?!)
    I fit in bathroom stalls and dressing rooms with room to spare.
    I can walk through turnstiles/bus aisles/theatre rows front ways instead of turning sideways and sucking it in.
    I no longer stress when some jackhole parks too close to my minivan when I can barely open my car door to squeeze in.
    Every seatbelt fits.
    I can put my handbag in my seat with me instead of on a different chair.
    I can sit in a booth without my tummy and/or boobs smooshing up against the table.
    People don't mind sitting next to me at the movies or in tight restaurants.
    More people make eye contact/open doors/smile/initiate conversation with me than ever before.
    I am no longer looking around to see if I am the biggest person in the room because I'm not. Ever. Not even in Zumba.
    I can wear my leggings home from the gym and stop at the store without caring if I run I to anyone I know.
    I could go on forever. I'm still a fat girl on the inside so this whole thing is very surreal. It's just finally starting to set in that after 20 years of being obese, I'm now just a regular sized fit mom (with some loose skin) who can do anything I fracking want to do because I gifted myself with the least easy "easy way out" I could have ever chosen to do.
    Love love love. Love.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to HumanMerelyBeing in Actual rate of weight loss - 12 weeks out   
    I know this is always a point of interest for people, so here is a little more data to add to your collection. This is my actual weekly weight loss with an average of 3.3 lbs per week since the day of surgery:
    Highest weight (July 2013) = 283
    1st day Pre-op Diet (Jan 22nd 2014) = 270 (-13)
    Day of Surgery (Feb 4th 2014) = 254.5 (-15.5)
    Post Op Data by Week:
    Week 1 = 244.4 (-10.1)
    Week 2 = 244.4 (-0.0)
    Week 3 = 244.4 (-0.0)
    Week 4 = 241.2 (-3.2) MO 1 = -13.3
    Week 5 = 238.2 (-3.0)
    Week 6 = 235.0 (-3.2)
    Week 7 = 232.2 (-2.8)
    Week 8 = 229.9 (-2.3) MO 2 = -11.3
    Week 9 = 227.2 (-2.7)
    Week 10 = 221.8 (-5.4)
    Week 11 = 220.2 (-1.6)
    Week 12 = 214.8 (-5.4) MO 3 = -15.1
    So there you have it, it really does add up over time, even with some frustrating stall weeks. Keep on plugging, everybody!
  19. Like
    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from tebowfan in Give your opinion to tell or not   
    I know there have been many opinons about this topic. My personal stand is that I am not telling anyone. I told my husband and I wanted to leave it at that. My husband said it would be best to tell our two adult kids. So, that's it. My husband and kids are the only ones who will know. I made the decision that I didn't want anyone to know because I don't want the criticism for my decision and/or the judgement and scrutiny that would come from my friends and family. I don't have anyone that would be supportive enough and not be judgemental about my decision. I also don't want all eyes on me and the contant questions - how much weight have you lost? how much weight do you want to lose? can you eat that? you don't need ot lose anymore weight, why are you doing that you just need more willpower. I'm already expecting some of this from my husband who is still not 100% onboard with my decision. So, for me, I have decided not to tell anyone outside of my iommediate family.
    My family has a lot of overweight people. So, once i do start to lose the weight, i'll get questioned on what I am doing to lose weight. I won't lie but i'll chose how to answer based on what I believe to be the intent of the person asking. My personal choice. Doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just what I decided to do.
  20. Like
    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from tebowfan in Give your opinion to tell or not   
    I know there have been many opinons about this topic. My personal stand is that I am not telling anyone. I told my husband and I wanted to leave it at that. My husband said it would be best to tell our two adult kids. So, that's it. My husband and kids are the only ones who will know. I made the decision that I didn't want anyone to know because I don't want the criticism for my decision and/or the judgement and scrutiny that would come from my friends and family. I don't have anyone that would be supportive enough and not be judgemental about my decision. I also don't want all eyes on me and the contant questions - how much weight have you lost? how much weight do you want to lose? can you eat that? you don't need ot lose anymore weight, why are you doing that you just need more willpower. I'm already expecting some of this from my husband who is still not 100% onboard with my decision. So, for me, I have decided not to tell anyone outside of my iommediate family.
    My family has a lot of overweight people. So, once i do start to lose the weight, i'll get questioned on what I am doing to lose weight. I won't lie but i'll chose how to answer based on what I believe to be the intent of the person asking. My personal choice. Doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just what I decided to do.
  21. Like
    Ready4Life14 got a reaction from tebowfan in Give your opinion to tell or not   
    I know there have been many opinons about this topic. My personal stand is that I am not telling anyone. I told my husband and I wanted to leave it at that. My husband said it would be best to tell our two adult kids. So, that's it. My husband and kids are the only ones who will know. I made the decision that I didn't want anyone to know because I don't want the criticism for my decision and/or the judgement and scrutiny that would come from my friends and family. I don't have anyone that would be supportive enough and not be judgemental about my decision. I also don't want all eyes on me and the contant questions - how much weight have you lost? how much weight do you want to lose? can you eat that? you don't need ot lose anymore weight, why are you doing that you just need more willpower. I'm already expecting some of this from my husband who is still not 100% onboard with my decision. So, for me, I have decided not to tell anyone outside of my iommediate family.
    My family has a lot of overweight people. So, once i do start to lose the weight, i'll get questioned on what I am doing to lose weight. I won't lie but i'll chose how to answer based on what I believe to be the intent of the person asking. My personal choice. Doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just what I decided to do.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to rhfactor272 in Give your opinion to tell or not   
    I'll tell more after surgery...i just dont want anyone to discourage me or give me second thoughts. My mind is made...my body is next.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to MrsGloMartin in Give your opinion to tell or not   
    Hi, I too have an addiction to sugary, fatty foods. When I made the decision to hav emy surgery I decided not to tell anyone but my hubby and my neighbor who had the surgery in October 2013. My reason for this is based on the reaction i see among freinds and family members who have had the surgery and the opinion that the surgery is the easy way out. We both know that's not true so to avoid this negativity so I can concentrate on me I'm not telling anyone else. My way of getting the additional support that my neighbor and hubby may not be able to provide is this site and I joined over eaters anynomous. I'm getting support with my decision to have the surgery from my best friend, my hubby and my neighbor, plus I'm getting the emotional and psychological support I need to help me understand my addiction to foods that are bad for me and how to overcome come it. I hope this helps you somewhat for me it has made my network of support much wider.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to Red597 in Any Divine Nine /nphcgreeks ?   
    Good luck to both of you . Proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, 5DZ97 currently a member of Charlotte Alumnae chapter. I know that I have a few sorors on here as well.
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    Ready4Life14 reacted to NewJamie in Anyone having surgery in May   
    I haven't gotten my post-op vitamins or anything yet, either. I better get on that. I'm concerned that some surgeons require a pre-op liquid diet and mine doesn't. From what I'm reading, it looks like there are some real benefits to a liquid diet prior to surgery. It's too late for me to do two weeks but maybe I can do the liquid thing for several days prior to my surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
