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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    jenny13 got a reaction from realrawuncutsleeve in 29 year old ladies - skin bounce back?   
    I just turned 30 and I'm 7 months out from surgery. I have lost 73 lbs and my skin is going back to normal pretty good! I have 35 more lbs to lose before I hit my goal and I feel confident that I won't have that much hangy skin. And on a good note I haven't lost my boobs, lol. Good luck to you! Happy New Year!!
  2. Like
    jenny13 got a reaction from realrawuncutsleeve in 29 year old ladies - skin bounce back?   
    I just turned 30 and I'm 7 months out from surgery. I have lost 73 lbs and my skin is going back to normal pretty good! I have 35 more lbs to lose before I hit my goal and I feel confident that I won't have that much hangy skin. And on a good note I haven't lost my boobs, lol. Good luck to you! Happy New Year!!
  3. Like
    jenny13 got a reaction from realrawuncutsleeve in 29 year old ladies - skin bounce back?   
    I just turned 30 and I'm 7 months out from surgery. I have lost 73 lbs and my skin is going back to normal pretty good! I have 35 more lbs to lose before I hit my goal and I feel confident that I won't have that much hangy skin. And on a good note I haven't lost my boobs, lol. Good luck to you! Happy New Year!!
  4. Like
    jenny13 reacted to samanthar in New Year's Resolution?!   
    I don't have a resolution this year. More of a promise to myself. I usually do the whole diet and exercise thing too. But this year I can focus on the shopping trip I'm planning with my daughter (because I really need clothes that fit) and the roller coasters I'm going to ride with my son when we go to amusement parks and all the other fun things I can finally do this year. So excited to start this year out not feeling dumpy and ashamed of myself because I once again let myself go instead of being committed. Such a great feeling to be proud of what you've accomplished and feel great about how you look. And all the little NSV's. I've never taken so many pictures with me in them before. Hope everybody else is feeling blessed for making the best decision we could have ever made.
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    jenny13 reacted to heynowkc in New Year's Resolution?!   
    My surgery was just 2 weeks ago so I still have a "fitness" goal/resolution this year because I want to make sure I do things right.
    Here are my resolutions:
    - Be active (gym, etc.) 3x per week when given the go-ahead by surgeon.
    - Read at least 50 books.
    - Spend more time with friends!
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    jenny13 reacted to Babbs in New Year's Resolution?!   
    My resolutions are all about my Real Estate career this year. Nice to focus on something other than dieting for once!
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    jenny13 reacted to Kindle in New Year's Resolution?!   
    I just realized I have never made a New Years resolution that didn't involve losing weight or some sort of fad diet. Now what to do⁉️ What a wonderful problem to have!
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    jenny13 reacted to Susan11803 in Valentine's Challenge   
    Its time for another challenge! This challenge will be beginning with the first weigh in and goal on Monday, January 5. From there on after, weigh ins will take place Monday. Last weigh in will be Monday, February 16 2015. This will allow a total of 7 weigh ins in all. The link for the spreadsheet is posted below. This challenge will help start the new years off right.

    Few reminders

    You will know it is updated once I have liked your post.
    Please post weigh ins here in this post only.
    We are all here to support each other..so questions posted here will be answered by anyone else willing to help.
    If you want to adjust your goal weight, just add that in any reply to this post.
    if you miss a weigh in...no biggie. Just report back in the next week.
    But If you missed three or more weigh ins, i will amuse that you no longer wish to continue the challenge and your name will be removed from spread sheet.

    Have fun with this! Challenge yourself in new ways! Join us for the Valentine's Challenge!

    Spread Sheet Link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=BAD9C9C886818A59!785&authkey=!AIAKTmNMtcL7W90

  9. Like
    jenny13 reacted to KeeWee in AMAZING! 8 months POST OP and Pregnant after 17 years of trying with PCOS.   
    I need to share this because over a year ago, I was the one looking for post of people that were post op and finally got pregnant with PCOS. Polycystic Ovary syndrome can feel like all womanhood is gone and leave you infertile. I was diagnosed back in 2006 and never was informed to take any meds or anything just lose weight to normalize my hormones.
    Well I could always lose a few pounds 10-20 but it looks like 100 lbs was my magic number because around the time I hit that milestone, I find out that I am pregnant...the real thing, not a faint line, not just feeling pregnant, all 4 test were positive and I am 3 weeks late and my husband and I are so shocked and scared at the same time so we're keeping this under wraps until the doctor says it's all good and we make it out of the 1st trimester!! It's funny because we had just decided to give up on the baby thing since our daughter is heading off to college this upcoming year, we said, it's finally our time, let's move to Cali and rekindle what the kid took for the past 17 years and then GOD says, hey, who asked me my timeline?!?!?!....lol....and now HIS work will be done on HIS time and not mine!! AMEN
    We do plan on telling our moms at Christmas dinner, lets see who hits the floor first...LMAO!!!! P.S. his mom is like 20 years older than mine, my mom, will jump up and down screaming, his mom is going down...I'M SO SURE!!!! Were we wrong to seriously make that $50 bet, because we sure did!!!!!!
    Good luck ladies and Happy Holidays ALL!!
  10. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Mrs.RRn in Updated before/during pics :)   
    Hey everyone! I feel like I've been away for awhile... But I wanted to post some updated before/during pics.
    Just to catch up.....
    My name is Misty. I had my VSG (sleeve) done June 2013. My highest weight was 245lbs. I've lost apporox 119 lbs (ignoring today's weight bc the past few days have been "cheat WEEKEND" LOL). For the most part, I eat very well (I've given up rice, bread, potatoes, Pasta, and a few other things I've deemed unworthy to be in my little tummy). I enjoy my gym time very much & consider myself somewhat of a "gym rat."
    Tonight is my last cheat meal (today is my birthday!) -- which will consist of my first piece of pizza since my surgery and a piece of Godiva chocolate I purchased for the occasion.
    Beginning tomorrow will be a strict ban on all things bad for me... Back to "normal" life, which I quite enjoy. I'm hoping to drop just a few more pounds in the next 6 months, then planning for plastics.
    Hope everyone is doing well!!!

  11. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Micah87 in 2 Years and 110 Pounds Later   
    So, I'm sittitng her watching TV with my husband and I start to think, 'Man, I am so lucky. My life is so much better and I am so much happier." I owe this all to my weight loss. Things have been hard, but I am happier with who I am now so it seems like life is somehow easier.
    My Story:
    I was 25 and 260 pounds, I had 3 small children (9 months, 2yrs, and 4yrs old) and I was crazy unhappy. I went to an information session and everything seemed to fall into place from there. I did my 6 months of supervised diet by a Doctor, saw a psychologist, met with the nutritionist and went through many emotions in the process. Then surgery happened. I was sure I made the worse mistake when I woke up in recovery. I ate no more than 2 bites of Jello the entire time I was in the hospital, but I still hadn't lost any weight. What really upset me was that I wasn't losing weight AND I couldn't eat my favorite foods anymore. Yes, I was one of those people that somehow thought I was going to just wake up skinny. Totally unrealistic, but I thought it would be that easy. Boy, was I WRONG! When people say having surgery is the easy way out, they are full of crap. This has by far been one of the hardest things I have ever done.
    Skip ahead almost 2 years (Surgery date was Nov 13) and I am down 110 pounds (weighing in at 150). I am overly excited about how I look and how I feel. Yes there is saggy skin, but ya know what? It beats the hell out of being full of fat and not fitting into even the biggest of sweatpants. I will never forget the way that being bigger made me feel. And while I am still not where I want to be, I happy being me now.
    So, it was my plan to have one of those posts that is funny and everyone can relate to, but well its probably not. It is however, how I feel and what I went through (In VERY few words).
    I'm going to TRY to attach pictures.... we'll see if it works.

  12. Like
    jenny13 reacted to caitiebrady in Can't tolerate Protein Shakes post op   
    I am very recent post op. I had been doing so well on Protein Shakes prior to surgery and actually really liked them. Now, post op, they nauseate me....any good tips on how to get more Protein? I am gonna try some new stuff... Feeling discouraged....
  13. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Mrs.RRn in Recent pic   
    This made me happy happy to see.
    ME: day of surgery vs current
    I still have some work to do, but this makes me feel amazing!!!

  14. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Rogofulm in 199.5!   
    Broke the big 2-0-0 today! Only 15 more pounds until I'm "overweight". Um.. can't wait!
    Here are before and during pix.
    Cheers, all!
  15. Like
    jenny13 reacted to sapMegan in You get it!   
    My chronically skinny friends wont get this and my overweight friends immediately mae "envy comments".... so I come here. I can buy normal clothes! I have NEVER bought clothes at costco despite it being my parents' favorite store, Today I bought 2 shirts there! Larges! Nd they're loose! I felt super excited. Had to share w/people who get it!
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    jenny13 reacted to DaddyMarie in May 2014 Sleevers   
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    jenny13 reacted to DaddyMarie in May 2014 Sleevers   
    Sleeved on May 7th weighing in at 254 and today I am 194!!!! I feel it's a little slower than others but I'm happy that 60 lbs is gone!!w
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    jenny13 reacted to butterfyeffect in May 2014 Sleevers   
    I'm doing great. Down 59 pounds, but in a bit of a stall for the past two weeks. But if I don't lose another pound, I'm still thrilled that I did this surgery.
    I have been running, and am constantly amazed at how much fun it is to be active now that I'm not struggling with all that extra weight! But I would like to lose another 30 pounds or so, if I can. I have a feeling I am going to be a "slow and steady" loser. Even in the beginning, I never had any huge losses after the first two weeks, when weight was coming off at a rate of nearly a pound a day. Since then, its been 1-2 pounds a week, and I feel that now I've maybe slowed down to 1/2 pound a week if that. But it's still going in the right direction, and that's what matters!
    The other thing that amazes me is how little I think about food now. It's more of a habit, to eat at a mealtime, rather than because I'm hungry. Before surgery, my whole day would revolve around when I was eating next, and what I would eat. My husband and I ate out at least 4 or 5 times in a week. Now I can't remember the last time I actually ate in a restaurant. Probably a month ago. My mother and sister are visiting next week, and I'm actually dreading it a little, just because I know they will want to go out to eat every night! What a change!
  19. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Speeder in May 2014 Sleevers   
    I feel I am doing well. Not great but not bad either. I am down 63 pounds and have perfect bloodwork. Started at 265 the middle of May. I can run mile in 13-14 minuted consistently and ran my first 5K in under 45 minutes. Right now I don't have a scale at home and will not dwell on a number, I will gauge my success on how healthy I feel and look. I have no regrets!
  20. Like
    jenny13 reacted to Thinkingthinner1109 in I know slow & steady wins the race but.....   
    That is exactly why I didn't tell my husbands side of the family! Literally as soon as someone tells her something she picks up the phone to start the phone chain so she can make sure everyone knows your business. And I could just hear the comments....oh she isn't losing very fast....blah, blah, blah. I told my husband under NO circumstances is she to know. He said if you tell her to not say anything she won't. Lol. Yeah I have heard her tell me things like. Oh so and so said not to say anything but I know you won't repeat it so then she tells everything the other person did t want her to tell. Men are blind. He doesn't even know his own mother. Sorry about that it's just the mother in law thing brought out all that. I wouldn't answer the phone either. I out mine on vibrate and say I didn't hear it or I was down stairs doing laundry. Or exercising.
  21. Like
    jenny13 reacted to kimpossible67 in Hair loss not what I expected   
    I am almost 6 months out. I started losing some hair at month 5. I am disabled so I can go 3 days without washing. I rarely (once a month) blow dry, I use no products nor do I straighten, color or curl. So far the Hair loss is manageable. I was on a med for several years and lost a lot of hair. I didn't realize it was the cause until I stopped taking it. This in comparison is nothing.
  22. Like
    jenny13 got a reaction from Monasongbird_38 in Approved! Yay!   
    I was approved by BCBS of AL in only a matter of 2 weeks. I'm having a EGD and EKG done on April 15th and my surgery date isn't unit May 20th. (Due to me already having a vacation planned)
    My question is how long is everyone else taking off work? My doctor said some people go back to work after a week. Right now I have 9 days off after surgery. Do you think that will be enough? I don't do a lot of bending, mostly just standing and walking (for 10 hrs). My employer isn't aware that I'm having surgery, and I'd like to keep it that way if possible.
    Thanks in advance!
  23. Like
    jenny13 reacted to StratusPhr in Bullying Other VSG'ers   
    1. attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify.

    Just for the record, for ALL of you out there. You do not need an "excuse" to NOT do something, whether it be walking in a 5K or climbing on a treadmill. My 'excuse' - I have no interest, 'Nuff said.

    Don't ever feel pressured or bullied, yes, BULLIED - don't ever feel 'less than' because you cannot or CHOOSE not to do what others do. Do not feel this is a competition. Do not feel if you aren't participating, you will be shunned or that you're an outcast. You are not.
    We all must find the path that works best for us as we learn to maneuver our way through this tiny tummy business. Some of us are animals when it comes to walking, running and exercise - let me stop right here and say, many of these people are my friends, they know who they are and they know how much I respect and admire what they do. I am pretty sure I could not do what they do. I don't want to do what they do, but I sure love following their progress and dedication.
    The point is, time and again I see a "What's your excuse?" and it rubs me the wrong way. Bullying rubs me the wrong way and it IS bullying, you can put lipstick on that pig, but it's still a pig. "What's your excuse" is NOT encouragement, it is NOT support, it is a dig to try and make you feel less than and that is NOT ok. Ever.
  24. Like
    jenny13 reacted to madwife2002 in Three Months Anniversary   
    Wow three months since I had surgery seems like forever ago!
    I am down 46 lbs since June 2nd surgery and I feel Great! Loads of energy
    I had to lose 18lbs pre surgery so I started on low fat diet in April which adds up to a whopping 63lbs
    I look so much better than I did
    I don't keep a food diary because I eat the same variation of food every day- 6 small meals
    My saving food is Cream of Wheat, never ate it before but now it keeps me sane
    Since the first couple of weeks my weight loss has been slow with lots of stalls, but it is continuing 1-2 lbs each week
    I am almost half way there
    I exercise 3-4 times a week-I have a very busy job and I don't always get time out to exercise
    If you are considering surgery-I won't lie to you it is very hard the first few weeks and I did suffer from a form of depression, I missed having the option of eating 'normal' food. Once you get into a routine it become easier and your new diet becomes 'normal'
    I can't eat meat it sticks and I don't like the feeling so I do eat moist food rather than dry-minced Turkey in dishes that I would have put minced beef.
    I love the new Me! and I can't wait to Celebrate getting into wonderland! Although it may be November or December before I get the 17 lbs off
  25. Like
    jenny13 got a reaction from gomekast in Labor day Challenge   
    208 lbs this morning. Lost 1 pound this week. Doubt I can lose 8 this week to meet my goal. lol

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