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  1. Like
    jack35 reacted to ProudGrammy in Falling back into habits   
    Lost 75 lbs. Gained 4 back
    NOT minimizing your gain
    but your loss "outweighs" your gain
    you should/must try and stop at 4 lbs
    people have been arrested if they gain more
    "attempted" analogy
    my 85 year old mom has worried she might have dimensia
    doc told her as long as she is concerned about it, she is ok
    you worry that you might be going back to old habits
    "hopefully" that means you won't
    worry/concernd/aware you might go backwards - old bad habits,
    hopefully you'll nip things in the bud
    the only problem about you gaining alittle weight on vacation
    is you forgot to invite me
    @@AvaFern (me too) suggest, weighing yourself daily to make sure you haven't gain.
    if or when i might gain a bit, i work harder and the weight does come off
    when i gained 3-4 lbs, I started throwing Protein shakes and yogurt at poor hubby
    its ok/good to be nervous that you've gained a bit, afraid you will go back to old habits
    if you really think your are going backwards
    keep working hard
    i have faith and confidence that you will be great
    you will continue to do awesome
    you lost 75 lbs
    good luck
  2. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from xmarycontraryx in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    HW 265
    SW 265
    CW 198
    TPL 67
    TGL 23
    Hi I didn't post from long time because I hit stall,I was not reducing from 202 & 200. Now I'm reduced to 198.
  3. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from xmarycontraryx in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    HW 265
    SW 265
    CW 198
    TPL 67
    TGL 23
    Hi I didn't post from long time because I hit stall,I was not reducing from 202 & 200. Now I'm reduced to 198.
  4. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Mrs Havelock in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    wow !!!!! Speechless ...stunning change
  5. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    My CW is 200
    GW was 198
    So I miss my goal by 2 & also onederland.
  6. Like
    jack35 reacted to Flutterby in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    I haven't posted in several months but I wanted to post an update to my Gastric Sleeve story.
    My surgery was July 12, 2013. I am 5'8" tall and at that time I weighed 296 lbs., and wore a size 3X or 22-24 women's.
    Today, April 12, 2014, is 9 months from my surgery and I've lost 76 lbs. At 220 lbs., I fit in size 1X or 16 women's.
    I would like to lose between 40 and 60 lbs. more by September of this year. My ultimate goal would be 147 lbs - a size 10. However, I will feel totally successful and satisfied to get to 170 lbs - a size 12.
    I lost nearly every bit of my weight the first four months after surgery and have been at 220 lbs. since then.
    I am enjoying this new weight and all that it has done for me.
    I no longer have to use a CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea. I have no more heel or foot pain, very little knee pain, almost no more back pain. I have no more acid reflux. Even more good news is that I like looking in the mirror again. I can shop in normal size clothing stores. I am not embarrassed when I go out with my family and friends. I get very encouraging comments from people who have watched me go through this process.
    I do sometimes get frustrated that I'm not losing any more weight currently, however, I am most often optimistic that I will continue to both enjoy my current good health as well as moving forward to meet my weight loss goals. Slowly but surely.
    I can eat nearly anything - in small amounts. I have to be careful with milk (makes my tummy hurt), so I use unsweetened almond/coconut milk for my Protein or fruit smoothies if I need the extra boost. I avoid most sugary foods (thank goodness I wasn't really all that much of a fan of sugary foods before). I also still have to work to make sure I get the Protein I need each day and have to consciously monitor my Water intake. I make my meals of high quality protein, fresh vegetables either raw or steamed or baked, and if I have any room, I'll eat some carbohydrates like whole wheat bread/grain, brown rice, potatoes, corn, Beans, peas, etc. I allow myself a small piece of chocolate once in a while. I can have a cocktail every other month or so when my hubby and I go out to eat.
    I exercise sporadically and I know I need to work on this area. I walk and I use an elliptical machine up to 3 times a week.
    I have the opportunity to encourage others in my life who are contemplating weight loss surgery and I never mind sharing my story.
    I certainly feel super glad that I have this lifelong tool to help me work on my health and fitness!!!
  7. Like
    jack35 reacted to Mrs Havelock in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    April 2013
    April 2014
    372lbs to 191lbs
  8. Like
    jack35 reacted to CowgirlJane in Are you really happy post sleevers?   
    Replies to this are going to vary ALOT by what stage you are in. The first 6-8 weeks for many of us weren't alot of fun. It is hard to get Water in... transitioning to solid food is hard... all that, it was like a fulltime job!
    Then, it is AMAZING.. the honeymoon period when the weight is coming off and you feel on top of the world. I can remember all those NSVs (non scale victories). Honestly, I was so happy that it made up for saying good by to my old friend "over eating"
    Then, most of us face a cross roads... weight loss slows or stops and you need to decide how you will face that. I decided that while I was so much better off weighing under 200# rather than over 300# - I wanted to strive for a more normal size so I pushed hard to get to my goal. I didn't want to look matronly I guess - not really sure, but I wanted to be a normal size. Once you are past the rapid weight loss phase, it becomes alot more about your personal efforts to get the weight off.
    Then, there is maintenance which is a whole nother headtrip in many ways.
    Even so, I needed this surgery to get my health under control. Health improvements are the foundation for my life improvements and that is the track I am on.
  9. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    Hi every one
    SW 265
    CW 202
    These week I lost 3 lbs , very happy & close to onederland , just 2 lbs to go .
  10. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Last week weight 205
    Current week weight 202 (lost 3 lbs)
    Happy doing well these week .
  11. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    Hi every one
    SW 265
    CW 202
    These week I lost 3 lbs , very happy & close to onederland , just 2 lbs to go .
  12. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from LeighAnneF in Made it to Twoterville!   
    Wow!!!! U looks great, what a transform.
  13. Like
    jack35 reacted to Indigo1991 in One year sleeved and loving it?   
    I can't quite believe that one year ago today, I was waiting to go into hospital for surgery...
    I had lost 16lbs pre-op, but still had over 70lbs to go at only 5'2". I had type 2 diabetes, was taking a serious combination of chemo and injections to control my arthritis and I was being urged to take medication for my high blood pressure. On the outside, I was professionally successful and didn't appear to care about my weight and its effects.
    Inside? Oh I cared. I was lethargic, miserable and probably depressed. I could barely go up a flight of stairs, wouldn't/couldn't walk any distance and my eating was out of control, although I would never have admitted it. I hated me and punished myself with food.< /p>
    But it was also my self-medication. It numbed the pain related to the rest of my life but was also the biggest cause of many of my problems. I ate when I was happy. I ate when I was sad. I ate when I was angry, in fact I ate in response to every emotion I experienced.
    Having become single after a 30 year relationship, I thought no one would ever look at me again... So a year ago today, I wasn't in a good or happy place. I was quietly desperate for a new life. I was hanging on by my fingernails because I couldn't see how I could ever lose weight.
    Looking back, it really is like looking at someone else. It's still me - but not me. The year has been ostensibly about losing weight but it has also been about the parallel changes going on inside my head. The lighter I've become, the happier I have become. It has been like a rebirth as the real me has re-emerged from where I have been buried for most of my adult life.
    It hasn't all been easy. But I stuck to what my surgeon asked of me at every stage, didn't deviate but that worked for me. It took discipline and patience but my sleeve has given me that. What a partnership! Every time I have struggled, it has stood firm. Yes, there have been occasions I have made bad choices. But with my better health (no HBP, no diabetes and my meds for arthritis now down to one injection per fortnight), my normal sized body and my positive outlook, those now consist of momentary lapses - I don't dwell or beat myself up, I forgive myself and move on.
    So life one year on, do I have regrets? None, not one. I am the person I want to be, I look how I want to look and I have so much hope for the future. Have been on some dates, go dancing, walking, travelling and have started running. I laugh all the time and have had such fun with friends old and new. Who would have guessed it! I have spent this year saying "yes" to invitations I would never dreamed of accepting before - and probably wouldn't have been invited to when I was miserable and angry with myself.
    I am living a life transformed, excited to be alive and looking forward to the many happy and healthy years that I believe now lie ahead of me. I will be eternally grateful to have been sleeved.
    I can't go back and comfort and console the girl who was waiting nervously for surgery a year ago and tell her it will all work out for the best. But her determination and courage is why I am here today, living life out loud. So I say to all of you starting out on the journey or who are coming behind me - I wish you well and if it works out half as well for you as it has for me, hold tight for a fantastic new life. And to those of you who have supported and believed in me over the last year, a heartfelt thank you.
    Jacqui x
  14. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from getnhealthyintx in Blood Pressure Medicine   
    That's great!!! Very happy to know your medicine gone off , I'm also five months post opp & my bp tablets are also stoped.
  15. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    CW on last Monday 207
    On 5/5 Monday 205 (lost two lbs)
    GW is 198
    Sorry I'm late, I was on business trip last week & broken all the rules could not keep control on food habits no excercise , then also reduced two lbs lucky.
  16. Like
    jack35 reacted to NewBeginning2014 in My first "out to eat" experience - Two weeks post op   
    I am just over two weeks post op. Last night we went out to run some errands and stopped at the mall. Anyway, he and I go our separate ways for a while to do our own thing. I did some "window" shopping but didn't buy anything. (I'm reserving that shopping high for when I can actually try on clothes in a regular size and feel they look good enough on my new body to buy.) He goes off to buy some video series.
    When we meet back up he says he has already taken his stuff to the car. We walk out of the mall to the car and I open the door and am overcome by the smell of fresh Cinnabons! Are you kidding me??? I don't say a word. (I was thinking "what a jerk" but didn't say it.)
    He chooses Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Okay, I haven't eaten out for a while...I think I will have some Soup and be fine. We are seated, he orders a margarita- I order Water with two lemons. All is good. He inhales most of the bread basket before the waitress comes back for our order. I ask for the Soups and guess what? They don't have soup. Again, are you kidding me??? He proceeds to order the largest steak on the menu with mushrooms and onions, a sweet potato with brown sugar and marshmallow and corn.
    I say it's okay and say I will just have my water. I tell the waitress I can only have liquids -not that I needed to give any reason for not ordering anything after her no soup answer but she looked perplexed by my decision to not order anything. She is so apologetic about the no soup thing. I play games on my phone and text a fellow sleever (thanks for your support Aubwise and listening to my vent!) about the situation while he eats his meal, all while I am enjoying my water. The funny thing is, I wasn't even interested or tempted by the situation. I was somewhat 'hungry' since I hadn't had anything but water since after work, so after we left I stopped by Red Robin and picked up a bowl of chicken tortilla soup to go (which they strained for me - thank you Red Robin!) When we got home I had had my soup and was truly satisfied.
    This morning he proceeds to make coffee (which I have not had since before my sleeve) and starts in on his dozen Cinnabons (which will be gone by tomorrow night) and I go for a two plus mile walk.
    I feel so much better after that walk than I remember feeling after a morning of coffee and Cinnabons on Saturdays past. The surgery is definitely a tool but we ultimately have the final decision on how to incorporate that tool into our lives to make ourselves the best we can be.
    I learned a few things last night...Call, ask or lookup restaurant menus ahead of time. Everyone has to make their own decisions. Having support from someone who understands where you are coming from, even if just to vent, helps tremendously. My choices cannot be influenced by circumstance or the choices of others. I am stronger than I ever thought. And most of all - I will succeed!
  17. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from SandeeD in I made it ya'll!   
    Wow!! Congrats !!! It's sounds great happy for you.
  18. Like
    jack35 reacted to Mrs.RRn in 9 mo. post-op (pic)   
    So... This week made 9 months post op VSG-- LOVE my little sleeve (Mikey). Getting enough Protein but slacking a little on the Water intake (which I'm paying for this week w/ heart palpitations). I'm exercising most days a week, which I'm really enjoying.
    I've been getting random complements from strangers-- that's cool. And I love walking in heels all day long. Lol.
    I still don't (and won't) eat any breads, Pasta, rice, or potatoes. I've only lost 1 lb in the past month-- but as long as the scale is moving downward, I'm happy.
    Oh, and I ate crawfish for the first time since surgery-- yum. I managed to get through King Cake season w/o giving in & I'm finding Lent a little easier on the diet. lol
    New goals:
    - increase Water intake from 40 oz to 60 oz
    - lose 2 lbs by the 1st week of May (my next follow up appointment)
    - save $$ for plastic surgery

  19. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Hello to all
    SW 265
    CW on last week 209
    Monday weight was 207 ( lost 2 lbs)
    GW is 198.
    Finding very hard to achieve my GW but I will try my best.
  20. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Hi everyone
    I'm in stall there is no change these week & very hard to except it, hope to do best in these challenge . Thanks
    CW 209
    GW 198
  21. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in Memorial Day Challenge   
    Count me to , I'm in.
  22. Like
    jack35 reacted to Julie G T in Before and After Pics   
    HW: 266
    CW: 150
    Feeling GREAT!!!

  23. Like
    jack35 reacted to ebonisekim in Before and After Pics   



    14 months post sleeve down 140 pounds 5'8 @ 160 pounds ..starting weight 299 ..lost first 100 at 5 months ..
  24. Like
    jack35 reacted to PdxMan in How often do you weigh yourself?   
    I weighed once a month. I always saw losses and wasn't disappointed. So many folks get discouraged when the inevitable stalls occur. I never saw them which helped to keep me motivated.
  25. Like
    jack35 got a reaction from Mich129 in December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log   
    HW 265
    SW 265
    CW 209
    This weak I loose 2 lbs & I will take it.

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