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Status Updates posted by KayleeC14

  1. "I got dressed this morning for myself. Put on eyeliner for myself. Put on my favorite red lipstick for myself. Showed a bit of skin for myself. I wanted to be beautiful for myself." I found this quote on Pinterest last night. It really hit home for me because even when though I have a significant other in my life who loves me dearly, I still dress and put on the makeup just to make myself feel beautiful. I don't seek out compliments, but it makes me feel that way internal and happens I have an amazing man in my life who reminds me constantly that I am beautiful on the outside and the inside.

    1. KayleeC14


      excuse the grammar in this this, I wrote it on my phone...


  2. 29 More pounds to go! Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

  3. Fall is here and I am feeling the fall baking itch!

  4. Fighting the urge for emotional eating...broke up with boyfriend over the weekend...at least it was mutual.

    1. Chelly



      Watch a movie.

      Go for a walk even it's a short one.

      Take up a hobby or if you already have one do it.

      Play a game on the computer.

      Go to the library.

      Go for a drive.

      These are all distractions that will get you involved in a positive thing.

      Take care of yourself because you are number one priority.

    2. gowalking


      Don't let this detour your journey. Life always has a way of throwing you a curveball. Learn to deal with these adversities without going to food for comfort.

    3. Laura1014


      Kaylee...there are more fish in the sea. Its a painful process.I was there...butthe more weight I lost, and my plastic surgeries re-shaped me...It gave me great confidence to find Mr. Right...You can focus on your loss...or all you have to gain...you decide!!!

  5. Gallbladder out check, now time to get back to the grind just 15 pounds to go till I reach my first goal of 250! Lets do this body!

  6. Happy Monday!

    1. ProudGrammy


      back at ya! cold here in syracuse ny brrrrr

      have a geat day

    2. Miss Mac
  7. I am praying that this very moving scale will stop going up one day and down the next...I like it better when its on the downward side

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BeagleLover


      I agree with not weighing that often. Remember, you have ALREADY lost a lot of weight!

    3. KayleeC14


      Thank you guys, I am have a horrible addiction to stepping on the scale every day. I know its self defeating at times. I think I am going to do it at least once a week and see how I do with that.

    4. BigGirlPanties


      when you are on maintenance, you may want to "step up" more often...but the day to day will drive you crazy.... even then once a week is more than enough!

  8. I believe summer has arrived! Lovin this weather!!

  9. I know TMI but darn Aunt Flo is visiting and all I am craving is everything salt related! I broke down and had salty food last night. One happy thing is that I am back at it with logging now just to get that motivation a moving to get back into exercising!

    1. Dragonsmate


      I sadly know the feeling-don't beat urself up-its about living right? ~namaste

    2. dlamp112


      I had the same problem this month too only difference is I wanted chocolate. I gave into the craving and now I am done. Sometimes you just need to indulge and be satisfied! Like @Dragonsmate said, don't beat yourself up. This too shall pass.

  10. Just 34 more pounds to go to reach my overall goal!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pinky4652


      yeah I understand I don't know if I will make it to my goal I found out I was pregnant lol so got to make sure the baby is healthy but im still loosing little by little now.

    3. KayleeC14


      Congrats!! That is so exciting! Hopefully someday down the road, if this PCOS will ever get resolved and I get married I will start a family. You will reach your goal! I am excited for you.

    4. pinky4652


      good luck to you !! and thank you...

  11. Just downloaded the app on my phone the Boot Camp Challenge! Going to try that because I am slowly loosing motivation to actually exercise.

  12. Just three pounds away! Come on body we can do this!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KayleeC14


      I decided to set a first goal before my surgery so I will have something to work too, then after I reach my first goal I will work towards my second and over all goal. Its been one h*ll of a journey so far and I have two months from being a year out. I just hope this isn't where I am going to be forever.

    3. Smiling Panda

      Smiling Panda

      Are you focusing on a number or an overall healtly lifestyle? I would like to be around 230 lbs but I worry more about being able to run, bike, hike, chop wood, swim, dance, and live a life. That I know is my overall goal.

    4. KayleeC14


      I focus on both really. I have become a number lady as I started to loose more but at 397 I would still push myself to activities to be active. It sucked at times because it became harder. Now I can do all the things I love with ease. My lifestyle has changed dramatically compared to a year ago.

  13. Never thought being single would be fun!! Anyways only 23 pounds to go to hit my first goal!!

    1. Chelly


      Congratulations on all aspects of your life....

    2. dlamp112


      Lookin good :)

    3. KayleeC14


      Thank you guys!

  14. Nothing like belting out "Hook" by Blues Traveler and getting a high five at work...epic!

  15. Okay body has hit another stall again...these loose a bunch one month and stall the next is driving me nuts!

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      ....hang in there....you keep doing what you do......eating as clean/healthy as you can, exercise, drink and stay hydrated and judge your true/actual success by your better health and clothes getting looser and looser....just because the scale doesnt move (in my opinon) does not mean a stall....it just hasnt caught up yet...

  16. Round three was completed for the boot camp challenge starting round four tonight...I am feeling the burn!!

  17. So excited! I reached my first goal this weekend! I am down 100 pounds!! WOOHOO!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nancy E.

      Nancy E.

      AWSOME!!! Great job! So happy for you! :-)


    3. Carlotta1


      Yahoo, wahoo, ..what an awesome goal to reach.


    4. KayleeC14


      Thank you all!!

  18. SO EXCITED!! Half of my halloween costume came in today and it fits perfect! A check mark off the weight loss bucket list removed...buy a corset!

  19. So far today has been a great day! Hopefully later I will get to go swimming for my exercise!

  20. That little moment to which you find an amazing guy who likes every part of you even the flaws and baggy skin from the weight loss. Feeling truly blessed

  21. Uhh, so frustrated with myself yet again...gained two pounds.

  22. Will this plateau ever end!! Hopefully answers will come in a few weeks regarding some female issues....maybe that will help break this rut!

    1. truck8595


      I can't speak to the female issues, but plateaus happen! I've been in one for a little over a week. Try not to let it drag ya down. :)

    2. KayleeC14


      It is crazy I have been off and on this plateau for three weeks

  23. Woohoo! I feel pretty awesome completed a blog entry! View here at: https://healthykayleesite.wordpress.com/

  24. YES! I made my first goal! I weighed in at 250.6 this morning!

    1. Jordan861


      Congrats... Keep up the work... Your doing amazing. Remember its not a sprint its a marathon!!

    2. ProudGrammy


      i knew you could do it!! congrats - keep up the good job!!

    3. Smiling Panda

      Smiling Panda

      Very cool awesome even!

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