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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Schmincke reacted to LynnMarie88 in January 2014 Sleevers   
    I had my surgery January 6th at tufts medical center in Boston MA. Everything has gone smooth so far. I came home from the hospital yesterday 1/8/14. I was 217 1/3 weighed in today 1/9 and I was 210.2. I have been very full. Today I had a carnation instant Breakfast with 8 oz skim milk, a small Decaf coffee with skim, and some diet cran grape juice for breakfast. lunch time I had a Dannon light Greek cherry yogurt. That has 12 grams of Protein. dinner I had 1/2 c low fat cottage cheese (I couldn't quite finish it) I also sipped on 16 ounces of Water with crystal light throughout the day. Tomorrow I will work on drinking more Fluid. I did some walking today. Was shopping at Home Depot with my hubby. Feeling really good. The incision sights are sore, but I am taking my pain pills to it isn't too bad. I am not even tempted to eat anything I shouldn't have. I am 39 and have 3 kids 19, 12, and 9. My mother is staying with me and helping so I can rest and not have to cook for everyone just yet. So excited to start this journey. Now when it start getting smaller sizes I won't be too nervous to give away the big clothes. In fear I may need them again later.
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    Schmincke reacted to path2me in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    Well day two of the three day pre-op clear liquid diet is going much better so far. Still have a headache, but I'm down 4 pounds!
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    Schmincke reacted to Bawaji in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    I'm male, 42 - Altho I'm home sipping only Water every few mins I still feel sore/raw inside esp on my left where the stomach was cut off! Can't cough properly - everything hurts when I try, so I use a pillow to hold on to all the mass when attempting to cough! I could not swallow too much on the first night becoz I also got my Hiatus Hernia repaired with a stitch on the diaphragm tear so stayed on IV fluids for an extra day. Now that I can put in 10/20 ml of water without any pain every 5 mins I was sent home. Start tender coconut water tomorrow
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    Schmincke reacted to DCborn in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    My surgery went very good, not a lot of pain, just feel a little bloated from all the air inside of me, women should have no problem in that department, I am home just chilling now, they get you in and out, 1 or 2 days in the hoists and you r home
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    Schmincke reacted to Debstr66 in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    Day 1 postop and feeling fabulous! I'm meeting my Fluid and Protein goals. Pain is minimal, only around the big incision where they took the port, lapband, and excised stomach out. I have 5 incisions. No nausea at all today. My hubby and I can't believe how great I'm feeling. I hope all of you have a similar experience. I've read a wide range of outcomes.
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    Schmincke reacted to AliciaM in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    Hello everyone today is a new day I feel great and today I'm leaving to the Marriott here in Tijuana they took my IV out and I'm drinking juice and gathorade
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    Schmincke reacted to VPAPNYC in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    Hi everyone!! I was just released from the hospital...it's not bad at all...you'll all do great!
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    Schmincke reacted to sheilarae in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    I think I need a grief councilor too. There are many things in my past that have caused grief. I think they've just built on top of each other. If you can find a walking , Zumba, or even a Micky mouse exercise DVD you and your grandchild can do it together.
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    Schmincke reacted to sheilarae in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    Sorry about you too Linda. The pain never goes away. It just turns into a dull ache like a headache that never goes away. I have to get back on track do I try not to beat myself up.
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    Schmincke reacted to LindafromFlorida in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    So sorry to hear this Sheila. We never get past that pain, we just try to cope. I struggle every Thanksgiving and Christmas since 2006 when my 30 year old son died of a heart attack 2 days after Thanksgiving. There are so many people in this world we need to give extra love and hugs to. You will get back on track. The pain of the accident and the fibromyalgia must be awful. Back on a weight loss plan will help those aches and pains. Best wishes for the new year, and a big hug!
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    Schmincke reacted to jenn298 in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    Yes te bumps and bruises if falling off the vsg train do hur. Have two Protein Shakes under my belt so far today and three bottles of Water an a Soup at hand. Aiming for one more shake today and maybe some coffee and one more bottle off water before bed. Trying to heal and jolt my system into the right way if eating. One day at a time.
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    Schmincke reacted to jenn298 in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    I absolutely have been grazing. That is the one habit that was my elephant in the middle of the room when I was 300 lbs. that is my comfort unfortunately. I also find myself not being able to sleep and getting up in the middle of the night looking for sweets. I know I am doing it and haven't cared. I don't know what switch has flipped and I do care. That I have worked too hard to get where I was and need to concentrate on positive choices. I do not know how many calories I am eating but several months ago when things started going crazy I was around 900 and doing three small Protein rich meals a day and that was it. When things went south I started grazing all day and not doing meals at all. I started this morning fresh with determination. I started with coffee and Vitamins. Just finished my first Premier Protein shake and opening the first bottle of Water if the day. I am trying to take it one step at a time. Always forward from here on. I have seen what can happen when I do not watch every choice I make.
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    Schmincke reacted to jenn298 in HELP.. I need advise to get back on track!   
    Thanks so much and all of you make such great points. I am gettin back in myfitneaspal today and starting fresh. I am so ready to take control of something it feels like it has been so long since anything has been in my control at all. Another thing I am going to do is take a serious look at what is In the house that can create a potential temptation or problem for me and address that so that I know what my triggers are. I guess you would say starting from scratch. I am also going to get out my journal from before, durin and after surgery that I kept and read over it and see how I was successful and try to remember those feelings. I really appreciate everyone taking time to reply. I really didn't know where else to turn.
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    Schmincke reacted to thicvik in Im still in the hospital   
    I was sleeved on Tuesday 1/7 was suppose to be release today but I was still nauseous & not holding down my liquids so the Doctor said I gain myself another night in the hospital. I was send down to do a swallow test and everything looked really good so he said the anesthesia still hasn't passed my system. So I was put back on a IV so it can run its course. I am feeling so much better this evening. I can't wait to go home to my own bed and especially to see my 14 month old.
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    Schmincke reacted to lauri407 in January 2014 Sleevers   
    I guess I forgot to add myself to this thread. My surgery is on January 15th. A week through the pre-op and no longer have headaches, knock on wood. Having many personal issues at home recently which isn't good, but I'm trying to focus on the positive stuff going on in my life like this surgery. One more week and I'll be on the other side.
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    Schmincke reacted to shungsleeve in January 2014 Sleevers   
    Just got my drain removed. Yay!!!!
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    Schmincke reacted to AliciaM in January 2014 Sleevers   
    I had the surgery yesterday and everything went great they even fixed a 1 centimeter hernia Thai I had on the essofagus. Very nice doctors and staff. :)
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    Schmincke reacted to shungsleeve in January 2014 Sleevers   
    Walk, walk, walk. That will get the gas down. Also get gas x strips.
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    Schmincke reacted to dandrassy in January 2014 Sleevers   
    My surgery was yesterday! Today is really the first day of my new life! I'm feeling ok. Slept well in spite of every 2 hour vitals check. I have a button I can push for pain medicine - it's great. Today (hopefully ASAP) I'll have a test for leaks and I can finally start sipping water! I'll be in here until tomorrow.
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    Schmincke got a reaction from Dani.o.dani in January 2014 Sleevers   
    My surgery is one week from tomorrow - the 14th.
    Pre-op diet is okay, but my surgeon's recommendation is not as strict as many others. High Protein, low carbo. I'm making chicken Soup (no noodles) for dinner but craving fruit. Cleaned the bad stuff out of the kitchen today ... and DID NOT EAT IT!
    MyFitnessPal and my new Fitbit are ultra-helpful but today it's too cold here in Chicago to go walking for very long.
    Tomorrow is pre-op test day, and my last pre-op nutrition class.
    I'm a bit nervous, but more excited than anything. This forum really helps.
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    Schmincke reacted to RJ'S/beginning in My new life begins in 36 hours!   
    Once about 10 years ago I went on a ride that consisted of going down this huge mountain in a small car on a track!!! I asked my sister if she thought I could fit in the car and she said I can so you can too....
    Well I squeezed my 333 lbs. into that car and it was fun going down that hill..Until I reached the bottom and there was a crowd of people on the side lines watching the ride and the people who were on it...Cameras were flashing and all eyes seemed to be on me....
    I could not go anywhere, I was just there in a pickle...I could not lift myself out of the ride...I was so stuck it was impossible....
    Finally this little tiny Japanese guy came over and put his camera down and pulled and tugged until I was free...Trust me people were taping the entire event....My sister had finished the ride and joined people on the side lines..My husband had not come down the mountain yet so he missed the entire thing...
    Finally which seemed like hours to me I was released from the ride...I stood up and bowed to the onlookers and said that is how an obese person rides down this mountain...Hope everyone got enough movies and photos to share and put on face book....
    There was no laughing or anything, just people looking at me.....Inside I wanted to die..On the outside I gave a speech and hoped beyond hope that it would not end up on YouTube..Never saw it there so I must have missed that one by a hair...
    Never went on another ride since...never talked about it until now...
    I have always wondered what my sister was thinking when she said the ride was safe for me.....I would have to ask..But I really don't know if I want the answer....
    So..I have been there too, done that...Know how you felt....
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    Schmincke reacted to Lainey3074 in My new life begins in 36 hours!   
    My surgery went well! Beside the normal pain from the surgery, I feel great!!!
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    Schmincke reacted to Noor1969 in Thoughts and concerns about the preop diet   
    What a happy coincidence that we have the same surgeon. I haven't been to Dr. Lisa's support group at the Hamilton YMCA yet but I'm going to try. My surgery is going to be at Princeton Hospital @ Plainsboro.
    Well, it's Day 3 of the diet and I must say I'm feeling awful. Have a major headache. I am so grateful that my surgeon is allowing me to eat veggies--I ate an entire cauliflower for lunch this afternoon! I walked in the pool for an hour today and was pretty worn out afterwards. I'm going to stay away from more intense cardio and weights until after my surgery. I'm just not up to it now.
    Thanks again to all of you. Your kindness and concern shown means more than you could ever know. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
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    Schmincke reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Thoughts and concerns about the preop diet   
    You sound like you are getting in the right frame of mind to start this journey. Dehydration also can make you "feel hungry" when you're not. Keep liquids at the ready.
    Every day closer to surgery is a victory for you. You are making the choices you need to succeed. I love that when your trainer told you to eat something you consulted your doctor first. Trusting our doctors is critical. We all had / have different pre-ops for different reasons. No one else's advise should trump the advise of the person we trust to take out a chunk of our stomachs. Butter knows his stuff regarding the exercise aspect.
    Support from your hubby is awesome. Best of luck to you!! You got this!!
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    Schmincke reacted to ashlewis1977 in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    On the other side now! Just a bit uncomfortable now. So I go on full liquids for 2 weeks tomorrow... Haven't lost any weight yet.. Nor do I want to even look at food.

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