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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Schmincke got a reaction from kw2walker in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    So many straws.
    Watching my cousin go from 400+ pounds, dieting down to 160 pounds, then bouncing back up to 400+ pounds and dying at 50.
    Yo-yo dieting for 45 years, gaining a few more pounds every time.
    Watching my sister yo-yo diet up to 280 pounds, and start to lose her mobility and her zest for life.
    Having more and more trouble controlling my hypertension.
    Developing sore shoulders and hips, that don't get better with physical therapy.
    Having a fall and breaking 4 ribs ... and still having pain 15 years later.
    Having a fall and breaking a bone in my back ... and still having back pain 18 months later.
    Hating to see myself in photos.
    Not being able to dress with the style I would like.
    The last straw? Feeling like food is my master.
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    Schmincke reacted to boom2longhorns in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I wasn't happy with myself and hadn't been for a long long time. My husband gave me an ultimatum...he told me I could do one of two things and he would fully support me either way... 1. I could accept myself as I was... no more diets, no more eating plans...love myself as is. or 2. Pick something and do it...no holds barred, whatever it cost. I knew I wouldn't be happy the way I was and I knew that it was affecting our marriage and the rest of my life as well. It was time to get healthy.
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    Schmincke reacted to Holly5.3 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Awe, you are certainly a girl who loves and respects her dad-admirable quality! I bet your dad has old fashioned ideas about WLS. Maybe you should bring him to a seminar and/or the surgeons appointment with you, if possible. My surgery is next week and while I'm open and honest about it, I'm surprised with some feedback I've received, too. People don't know about the sleeve and the harmones that affect some people who CAN lose weight, we just can't keep it off for long and ultimately regain what was lost - plus more! That's just not the best quality of life! Good luck, hopefully you can go forward with the surgery this year!
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    Schmincke reacted to Sarah P Smith in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My final was back in 2010 I went through all the procedures to have the gastric bypass surgery. My Father asked me not to have it. I respected his wishes. I went through 2011 with regret of not doing it. I had lost about 60 pounds just drinking the Protein. My lifestyle keeps me on the move all the time. My weight is a problem as I get older my legs and feet hurt really bad. Sometimes I hate to get out of bed. My BMI is over 50 at the present I'm in so much pain some days I go on anyway and try to keep a good attitude in the process. I recently made up my mind I was doing it. I was gonna go to Mexico and Cash in my 401 k to pay for everything. My father again requested I not do it. He gave me this big speech about having will power. When he seen I was determined to do it. He had a change off heart. I'm starting from scratch.
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    Schmincke reacted to teen72381 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    In November of 2010 my boyfriend of three years proposed. Now I should have been over the moon happy, but all I could think was: "Why does he want to marry me?". In my head we were going to get married and because I didn't care enough about myself I was going to leave him a widow early. So why would he want to make that kind of commitment to me?
    I then I started thinking about the rest of my family and how my health was affecting them. I have a beautiful niece and nephew I can't keep up with. My father is in another state and I can't visit him because I am too big for the airplane seat. And my mother, she lives with us because she has advance COPD and I couldn't imagine not being around for her.
    All of these thoughts just from a little ring... So i decided I needed to make a change. After some time dealing with some family stuff and a job change I was finally able to take my first step in March of this year, and will be having my surgery next week 9/26/12!
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    Schmincke reacted to JMarshall in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    The Final Straw for me was going to a doctor and stepping on the scale and it hitting 540 pounds . when my mother saw the scale she looked me dead in my eyes and started crying. My mother already lost my sisters 4 years ago from complications from Multiple Sclerosis .i know when she saw that scale she saw me in a grave next to my sister. i had also been having back issues and blood pressure issues. I saw myself in a full mirror and did not recognize who i was starring at. At that point i decided that i had to do something. A Lot of people say that this is elective surgery but for me it was not elective at all. Either i have the surgery or i'm dead by the age of 30. Best decision of my life
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    Schmincke reacted to KatieOkieDokie in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I knew it was time for a major change when I found myself feeling as though I was watching the world go on around because I couldn't get up and move! I'm 32 years old, I live at home with my parents who support me..I do not have a job (who would want to hire someone who can't stand for more than a few seconds to minutes at a time..believe me I tried, I've had several interviews). I dropped out of nursing school right before clinical started because I knew I couldn't do the physical side of the job. I was basically watching my life slip away right before my eyes. I'm tired of being in pain, and I'm in pain every single day..if it's my back, hips, knees, feet and ankle to skin rashes. I'm always tired, and worn out. I'm carrying myself plus two other people on my body! Fearing my heart is going to go give out on me. I don't want to have to take medication for the rest of my life.
    I really just want to start my life, to have one of my own! To be able to walk without being in pain, or out of breath or dreading it. To play with my nephews instead of just watching them from a chair. To go to Kings Island and ride the rides. To go to a concert and not worry about not having a place to sit because I won't fit. Or a local show and know I can go up close to the stage and stand and not be in pain. To go swimming and not have to wear regular clothes into the swimming pool, trying to pass them off as swimming clothes because I can't find any to fit me. The list goes on and on.
    I haven't had the surgery yet. I am self pay, no insurance (I have no job), and I can't get financing (no job) I really wish my parents would help out some because the surgery would be life changing for me. They know this. But they feel trapped money wise too. I'm praying that something happens, a door opens, and I get some help. I never thought having surgery would be a dream of mine, and something I want so bad. But this is... because I know it will offer me life.
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    Schmincke reacted to Suko67 in Hit my 9 month mark--almost to goal weight before/after photos   
    Hello All:
    It's been a few months since I've been on this forums, but all those who had gone through the VSG before me and gave me such wonderful advise and encouragement--I wanted to say THANK YOU!
    I am at my 9 month mark post surg, and I have maneuvered through the maze of adopting a whole new relationship with "eating" and healthy lifestyle and I wanted to put myself out there for anyone who would like some encouragement or anyone who has questions about the procedure (positive and negative). According to my surgeon I am in the <10% who have experienced some unwanted effects of the procedure--BUT given even the (at times) struggle with those negative effects--I would do this all over again to LIVE this wonderful life I have now.
    I have lost 76lbs, started at 222 and I am now 146.
    From BMI of 39.4 to new BMI 25.2
    From size 16 to size 6.
    I no longer use a CPAP because I no longer have sleep apnea.
    My back pain is (mostly) gone.
    I can walk up flights of stairs w/o feeling like I was going to pass out!
    If anybody out there has had the sleeve or is considering the sleeve--please use me as support!
    I am still losing weight (I would like to lose 12 lbs more) and I am toning my body up.
    I've attached a picture from my birthday in 2013 right before my surgery and a picture from Thanksgiving of this year (about 6.5 months post sleeve). I will try to get some more recent pictures taken.
    . Before
    . In progress
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    Schmincke reacted to Branmuffin in Frequently Asked Questions   
    I had blood thinning shots in my belly while in hospital 5x but nothing since home. Two week post op today and doing good! Ready to conquer the world.....ok so maybe just ready to conquer whatever language my stomach seems to be speaking now. Anyone else have a "talkative" sleeve? It would be humorous if it weren't usually so loud. Oh and the loud and excessive hiccups? What is that about? Will it stop?
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    Schmincke reacted to shungsleeve in January 2014 Sleevers   
    I'm 19 days post op. I have lost 22.6 pounds since I was released from the hospital on 01/08/14.
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    Schmincke reacted to donaboss in I cant believe how happy I am with phase 3   
    I am beyond happy and pleased. Last night I had my first meal which included a piece of thin deli meat and a slice of cheese and it was delicious. Today for lunch I made a tuna salad which included dice onions, light mayo and lemon and pepper and I LOvED it. It tasted sooo delicious and my sleeve loved it and accepted it. I was so scared that I was never going to be able to eat again but that was not the case. I took care of my sleeve though and I ate by my doctors rules and ate very slowly. I was so scared to eat the tuna but I felt normal again. I could cry from happiness. Only my mom, 2 sisters and 3 closest friends knew of my surgery and now that I am eating more "healthy" food the rest of the family are not suspicious. I try to eat every 4 hours just like I am told too but sometimes every 3 hours because I do get hungry. I also work out so for 4 weeks I ate between 300-420 calories and yesterday was the first day I ate 690 calories and I did burn 390 at the gym. This is my phase 3 so not sure how much calories I should be eating. I make sure each of my meal had lots of Protein and low carbs. Just a week ago I was barely getting 20g of Protein and yesterday it was 63g I was beyond happy. I also take my Vitamins everyday it's part of me now and I don't want to get sick. I drink lots of Water especially at night I have a bottle next to my night stand and I am surprised how much I drink. I used to love sweet food but I am starting to hate them a lot. Like I loved my yogurt in the morning which is light and fit Greek yogurt and now I am finding it to be really sweet lol. Not complaining because sweets are the reason why I got into this place.
    I have a lot of energy. I work full time and I am a full time student taking 6 classes and I still make time to go to the gym 3 times per week and I walk everyday during my lunch.
    Knock on wood, I have to gas or acid problem at all. I wish I could use the bathroom more often but I will get there soon enough. Sometimes I think I did not have the sleeve at all haha. I remember the first 2 weeks were hard and everyone told me how it will get better to hang in there and I would say to myself no this will never get better but it's true it does get better. Just have patience and you won't believe how fast time flys.
    Ok going to do homework now, I just wanted to share something positive.
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    Schmincke reacted to SlowlybutSurely in OVER A MONTH POST OP AND NO CHANGE!   
    I know the feeling about having that temporary regret and wishing that I had tried harder before the surgery but I also know that that is temporary. What I'm concentrating on right now is making sure I don't go thru this in vain and doing the right thing NOW to lose the weight and that includes completely leaving junk food alone...for now at least. When you're at a stage where you can only eat a few ounces a day, JUNK food shouldn't be a factor in that equation. Protein and Water....and watch the carbs and sugars because they can surely sabotage your weight loss, even with the surgery. I started keeping a food journal just so I could better watch my intake of carbs (with juices & all) but it will really come in handy once I'm more than 2 weeks post-op and able to eat more. I've never like fish but I'm actually looking forward to a tilapia dinner.
    Also, whenever I think about eating junk or NOT eating the way I'm suppose to, I think about this girl that I know that sabotaged her whole weight loss after the sleeve by constantly eating Gummy worms. She found out that she could eat them without pain, etc., and she ate them all the time because she had always had a sweet tooth. She lost a total of 45 pounds and then gained all it back PLUS more all within ONE YEAR! I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME! I didn't even know it was possible but it was.
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    Schmincke reacted to feedyoureye in Gastric Sleeve Experts... Please Chime In!   
    Protein and water are medicine now. If you have to carry it around with you and sip every minute to get it in, then do that. Many people have to do that. Later it will become easier, and really, most people find their hunger comes back and it is VERY easy to eat, so take this as part of the honeymoon, do what you need to to heal and get your protein/water in, and watch the scale go down! (not always when you want, or how much you want... but it will go down)
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    Schmincke reacted to Comfy_Blue in She likes me fat - I make her feel better about herself   
    My husband has been super supportive this entire journey(including lifting me up so i could use the bed pan rightnafter surgery) but he let it slip yesterday that he "missed how we used to eat out and eat so much at Chevy's". I was like "honey we can still eat there" and he was like "yeah but sll you can have is like half a flauta and maybe a couple bites of quesadillas."
    He apologized later andnsaid he was proud of me and he didn't mesn to make me feel bad, but I still think a little part of him misses when I was pre-opt because we were eating buddies. We'd do Chipotle, then share a carton of chunky monkey. When i start to miss those days, i remind myself how much I've gained(like lower blood pressure, control over myself, more money, better mobility, etc)
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    Schmincke reacted to DaddyMarie in She likes me fat - I make her feel better about herself   
    Funny this is the first post I see this morning because just last night I was telling my best friend last night that I am scared she wont love me anymore after im a skinny non foodie, non drinker. She said, "OMFG are you KIDDING ME?! Did that really just come out of your mouth?" She goes, "Steph I love you!! All of you, big, little, skinny, fat, poor, rich, drunk, sober, whatever! We sill have tons of fun together when were sober so chill out mama, im here forever!!"
    I love her!
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    Schmincke reacted to Indigo1991 in She likes me fat - I make her feel better about herself   
    Oh no, you're not, been there, done that and got the t-shirt!
    When we start to lose weight, we shake up how people see us - and where they think we fit in their life. You might have always been the fat friend - so what are you when you're no longer playing that role?
    I have one friend who, when she saw me after a couple of months, said "I have 19lbs to lose" - and that was before she said hello. It's been a bit awkward because she obviously felt better about herself when she wasn't the fattest of us.
    Don't let anyone throw you off course as you lose weight. The problem is theirs but how we respond to them is our choice. Good luck!
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    Schmincke reacted to gmanbat in She likes me fat - I make her feel better about herself   
    I have a big problem with folks who feel better about themselves at the expense of the suffering of other people. Love does not do this. Such is not friendship, it is leaching. Count the surgery as getting rid of excess fat and excess bloodsuckers.
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    Schmincke reacted to keish_lorraine in She likes me fat - I make her feel better about herself   
    I have a guy friend that I have been seeing, and he doesn't want me to have surgery. He told me that if I lose a lot of weight, then he won't like me. I think that's code for "I'm afraid you're going get skinny and leave me for another man." I told him that he could do me a favor and move on now, because I'm having the surgery for ME.
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    Schmincke got a reaction from BellaHugz in Does anyone know why we dont sweat anymore? or it takes a long time to begin to sweat when working out ?   
    Maybe we have turned down our metabolisms so we don't get as hot. DH says it is no longer like sleeping with a polar bear.
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    Schmincke reacted to RJ'S/beginning in RJ has moved to the next step for herself!   
    Well guys I hired a personal trainer..Yup that's right!!!!!!!!! He comes on Tuesday for our first meeting...
    This guy specializes in helping those who have had severe problems like recovering from heart and stroke..MS, long hospital stays..Oh yes that's me......When I was in the coma and my months after I lost all my muscle mass..I only have recovered a little because of continued illness...
    I was told about this man as he suffered similar circumstances in the fact that he almost died. Lost all his muscle mass and started from the ground up rebuilding himself....
    I am nervous but excited as well to get started...
    I told him I have no desire to sweat, be sore or ever run a marathon.........He laughed and said you will sweat and you will be sore. running a Marathon is up to you or not....
    Looking forward to the next step in this journey......Thought I would share it with you guys...........I am going to start exercising after 14 months!!!!!!!!!!!! Other then walking I might add!!
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    Schmincke reacted to chanelle102 in 6 weeks out   
    I'm officially 6 weeks and one day out!!! Down 58 pounds!!!! Week one through 4 was nice and easy and weeks 5 and 6 has been a bit of a tough time for me!!! But everyday get better!! This week is the first time I actually have the feeling of hunger and I ate it!!!!
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    Schmincke reacted to cheyenneb in Just approved!   
    Just got a phone call today that I've been APPROVED and I'm freaking out!!! This literally made my day, I was so nervous and didn't think it would happen but now my life can finally start my new life;)
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    Schmincke reacted to jen.jones in Watched 'Forks over Knives' and 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' this weekend. Feeling confused this morning!   
    Here's how I look at it. I do believe the ideal diet is one that is primarily vegan, organic, unprocessed, with no refined sugar, etc. However, seeing that most of us here are in the "morbidly obese" category preop, I think that the health issues related to our weight override all else. For me, once I'm at my healthy goal weight, then I can focus on "cleaner" eating. Drinking Crystal Light and eating beef Jerky is not the path to optimal health, but until my excess weight is gone, I'll make losing that weight my priority.
    On the other hand, you CAN eat a vegan diet postop. It takes more work and creativity than what our WLS doctors' diets, yes. You may find resistance from your surgeon. However, it isn't impossible. If it's important to you right now in your life to make that change, don't let anyone tell you differently.
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    Schmincke reacted to A_ReNUDE_me in January 2014 Sleevers Come In!   
    I was sleeved on Monday, surgery went well. Arrived at hospital at 8am was on surgery by 11:30, was in room by 2:30pm.woke up with a NG tube down my nose (my MD does as a protocol to prevent vomiting) also had a drain.Was NPO until 24 hours. On Tuesday morning was given leak test with horrible tasting bleu dye. (abt 5 oz) it took my 2 hours to drink, but no leaks. Then they gave me a 20oz water bottle with crystal lite. That took me 6 hours to drink. MD d/c me around 6pm and I was able to sleep only own bed last night. So far no nausea or vomiting...incisions & tummy muscles very sore. (Hard to get in/out of bed). But all in all things are going well. My new schedule includes walking and sipping.

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