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  1. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to hayleylamas in Yesterday was my day   
    Yes the not gulping my Water I think I the hardest for me!!!! I love water so I'm literally drinking it every 1min lol.... But things re going well still! Lost 12lbs so far (5days) so not too shabby! Goo luck to you both as well!
  2. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to lyloo in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    I just had my surgery this morning. I was terrified to say the least. Just try to relax. I tried to go without the heavy duty pain meds except for right after surgery. I just called my nurse and asked for some. I feel so much better. Good luck and remember to walk so that horrible gas will clear.
  3. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to JCP in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    I think you'd be crazy not to be scared, or at least apprehensive! This is major surgery and a huge lifestyle change! But you decided this for a reason. You are doing a very brave thing. So believe in yourself! Think of where you will be a year from now! God bless!
  4. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to NothingUpMySleeve in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    You can do this!
  5. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to cryss in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    Hang in there! Breath in as you acknowledge the fear.... then breath out with the knowledge that this will pass and you, along with thousands before, are on your way to a transformed new life; honor this tool, and handle it with reverence, and it will serve you greatly!
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to karen44 in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    I'm 5 days out. Day 1 fine. Day 2 omg what did I do , buyers remorse . Nausea vomiting. Day 4 felt good. Day 5 omg ! Feel wonderful . New chapter starting for all of us. Best of luck!
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    ShelleyHolt got a reaction from cryss in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    I just got my date today, it's June 16th. That's just 3 short days away and I'm absolutely scared to death! My anxiety is ridiculous right now and my nerves are shot!
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to jdillon in Surgery is in 3 days! I'm terrified!   
    Ahhhhhhhh don't be scared. It's going to be OK. I have about a month to go and I can imagine the feelings you're having. Just think it will be over soon and you can get that first uncomfortable adjusting month out of the way and before you know it you'll be posting YouTube videos and before and after shots and looking fabulous!
  9. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to shmily in 2 weeks post op struggling with a capital fail   
    You are only failing this because of the choices you are making. I continue to prepare my husbands favorite foods and there are women here who have to cook for their families. You may be throwing up because of what you are eating that your body isn't ready for. BACK AWAY FROM THE BAD FOOD!! LOL
    Try to stick with the plan, it was easier for me knowing that if I ate something I wasn't ready for, I would puke, and who wants to puke??
  10. Like
    ShelleyHolt got a reaction from rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Thank you so much for asking! My anxiety has certainly reared it's ugly face a few times but for the most part, I've been doing really well. I have only a couple more months of my supervised diet until I'll be given a date! That in itself is scary and exciting at the same time! I've been trying my hardest to mentally prepare myself as well as my family for the changes about to take place, but I suppose there's only so much "preparing" you can do. It's really helpful when I read of other's experiences on here and certain situations they've dealt with for me to better understand what's "normal" and when to seek medical attention. I worry about everything on an abnormal level, lol, but regardless, I'm ready for this and optimistically look forward to having my surgery! :-)
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Positive thoughts :-)
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Before and after pic. Weight loss over well over 100 since day of surgery.

  13. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to sweet4422 in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    I was getting anxiety before my pre op and as I stated my concerns, my dr said, "well maybe it's not the right time....." I was like what?! No!!! I'm getting this!! Lol it literally took her saying that to take me from "oh nervous, anxiety what if!" To " F. That! I'm doing this for sure, I need it and I'm determined to be healthy for me and my family'", so I say ask yourself that question ..... "What if someone said you can't have the surgery ?" Wouldn't you be pissed! Lol I hope this helps you, because I was feeling that way too... Good luck:) prayers for you!
  14. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Btw Shelley I love the new picture!
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Shell and Girlie~
    As a little bit of a relief to yourself ask your doctor or dietician or nutritionist what their leak percentage has been or was last year. I'm thinking it will help you settle a bit . I got a bit anxious about that and when I asked I was relieved, although I did still have a little anxiety about it but not as much as I would have if I didn't know what my hospitals percentage of leaks was. In two years doing thousands and thousands of surgeries there was one leak total. With a second one that was marked as possible leak. That's very low for two years. I'm thinking you will both be VERY suprised with the minimal pain as I expected ALOT, I mean ALOT, and was shocked to realize there wasn't nearly the pain of imagined, more of a discomfort. Following surgery never hesitate to call your Bariatric Doctors office for any concerns or questions, I def did lol. I was at high risk for infection and complications because I also have Lupus and surprisingly things really worked out great. I am now five months out and lost over 100 pounds SINCE DAY OF SURGERY! Your guys are going to do fantastic! And to be honest as all hell, those that have high stress and anxiety really succeed at this because we tend to follow the rules of the sleeve to the T because we worry about complications. So, we actually benifit from our anxiety :-). You both are going to do fantastic!
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to Recycled in No support from my family.....   
    If you're gonna use a score card to keep track of the pros and the cons in choosing, you're gonna drive yourself crazy. Try and look at it in another way.
    If they wheeled you into the ER after an auto accident an said we have to operate or your're gonna die.........You AND you family would be crossing your fingers and saying "sure, get to it". Of course you would be nervous and surely scared, but that would not be you main concern.....living would be.

    When you become morbidly obese, issues develop that will just as assuredly kill you. Even if your life is not in immediate jeopardy now, at some point it will be. The real irony is when accidents happen, we don't hesitate to take action, but when faced with choices when obese, we tend to ignore the dangers and hope the worst won't happen. Undoubtedly, the risks of staying obese are many many times higher than any potential risk from WLS.

    My guess is the above reason may not have even been one of your considerations for WLS. Yours might have been more like quality of life, self confidence, mobility, comfort, attractiveness, physical ease of doing things......etc. etc. All those things are things that affect YOUR life when obese. Decisions about things affecting your life are yours and yours alone. Most other's negative opinions are a reflection of their own insecurities and envy, not what is in your best interest. So, if you feel the desire for others to understand, then explain to them how you feel. But any decisions should be solely yours. Good luck, with whatever you decide.
  17. Like
    ShelleyHolt got a reaction from rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    Thank you so much for asking! My anxiety has certainly reared it's ugly face a few times but for the most part, I've been doing really well. I have only a couple more months of my supervised diet until I'll be given a date! That in itself is scary and exciting at the same time! I've been trying my hardest to mentally prepare myself as well as my family for the changes about to take place, but I suppose there's only so much "preparing" you can do. It's really helpful when I read of other's experiences on here and certain situations they've dealt with for me to better understand what's "normal" and when to seek medical attention. I worry about everything on an abnormal level, lol, but regardless, I'm ready for this and optimistically look forward to having my surgery! :-)
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    I was sleeved four months ago and prior to my sleeve for many years and still do I have severe anxiety and I take Xanex 2mg three times a days. My anxiety is severe. My WORST fear is dying as well as cancer, which in many cases obviously leads to death. Prior to surgery I was very, very, very anxious and my anxiety was up there. After surgery, while still in hospital I kind of laughed at myself at worrying the way I did. Compared to my worries and anxiety it was cake. I put myself through anxiety hell for no reason, truly.
    Following surgery the emotional changes have been differcult but nothing as I expected. Once I hit month two I was pretty much good. I've noticed following the surgery I face changes, but they honestly don't seem to be emotional changes as I expected, and I don't find them overwhelming as I definitly expected. Yes, challenges such as am I eating the right thing, did I drink enough Water, do I go to dinner with friends, if I eat this and sneak it in with it hurt me, did I take the meds exactly as prescribed, am I doing this right, am I doing that right, and so on. I am rambling on so I will stop, hopefully this helped a little. I have attached a before and after pic. I take a pic every week and put it in my scrapbook to motivate myself and show myself I can do it! I can! I can! I am down over 95 pounds since date of surgery four months ago. Please keep is posted.

  19. Like
    ShelleyHolt got a reaction from rensterness in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    The fears of dying and failing health are also my 2 greatest fears. I've seen the behavioral specialist twice and although some of what she says is helpful,she hasn't been sleeved and therefore can't truly know what we'll experience emotionally after our surgery.
    I'm so excited to have mine despite my fears though! I wish you the best 2m and a safe,speedy recovery! Keep me posted on your journey!
  20. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to Indigo1991 in My last 4 can of diet pepsi   
    Support takes many forms - and sometimes it involves being direct and honest. For many of us, no one has ever bothered to do that for us and it's easy to keep persuading yourself woe is me when you should really be taking responsibility.
    I can see no name calling but if anyone has concerns about anything said on the site, as feedyoureye says, report it immediately. However, bear in mind, everyone is entitled to their opinion but that shouldn't be allowed to distract us from helping the OP...
    Lauri407 and Wags, good well meant advice. Nancy264, you have a lot of support here, we are willing you on. We have all had issues with food, for some of us it's been a long term addiction. But there came a point when I had to take responsibility for what went in my mouth. For me, it was when I had surgery, when I had the practical support of my sleeve. You're not there yet - but it is time to start taking responsibility. You will feel great when you go a day without your drug of choice - in this case Diet soda, lol!!!! Of course, it's hard but keep trying.
    Good luck, keep posting. Remember, lots of people have been where you are -and they have succeeded.
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to XXShelXX in 7 weeks progress pic   
    thank u! I'm feeling better now for sure
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    ShelleyHolt got a reaction from SoCal Sleeve in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    I know! I've been reading about all these different things that can go wrong and it just amps up the anxiety! On the other hand,I want to be as educated as I can be before I have my surgery,on the good and the bad. The more informed I am,the better I think I'll feel when/if I experience something bc I can just remind myself about all the posts I've read about similar experiences and what helped them get through it.
    Congrats on your upcoming surgery!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait until day 1 of my brand new life,a brand new me!! Keep me updated on your journey!
  23. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to cejiogu in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    But if you don't change you can die from the complications from being over weight. I know I was questioning the surgery up until they were putting the mask over my face on the OR table. That was may 1 2013. 130 lbs lost since jan 2 nd. You will all be glad for the change. You will feel up and down with the change but I eat anything I want just in real small amounts. Hang in there! I was 310 now 179.
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    ShelleyHolt reacted to SoCal Sleeve in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    I am feeling your pain. I am 13 days from having the surgery and I am really struggling with anxiety. I have been telling my friends all the possible negatives and they are telling me to stop reading. I am pretty sure I will make it through the process but I will definitely need some positive encouragement to get there. Good luck and stay strong (mentally).
  25. Like
    ShelleyHolt reacted to katt1584 in Anxiety and getting sleeved   
    I know exactly how you feel. Ive been living with severe OCD since I was a child and as an adult my obsessions are often about my health and fear of dying. I am getting sleeved in less than 24 hours and although im very nervous the doctors and this forum are a great support. I figured I could get answers for any little pain I had. Its scary but there will be someome to answer your questions day or night

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