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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cookielover

  1. cookielover


    Eeyore- Welcome to Bandland. It is your exes loss that he could not share in the transformation you are going through. Some men have no respect for themselves and date a woman they think are "broken." However when the woman says, "Alright I am going to fix myself up and make a few changes around here!" The men hit the deck, because they feel that they would never be able to hold on to a woman who has everything and is not "broken" anymore. Your ex did you a favor by stepping aside and letting you move forward in your life. I am not saying the next month or two will be a cake walk, but it is do-able. Make sure you have a strong in-house support team for the first couple of days after banding, and then make sure you get visitors often. Another thing: It is hard to turn off love, so allow yourself to grieve. (Even if we all think he is a jerk!)
  2. cookielover

    Who decides when you've lost enough weight?

    I have a "feel good" number! What is it today? Wait a minute it is coming to me... Forget it, the number changes everyday depending on my mood. What number on the scale would make you happy? Are you sure? Maybe you will get to the "new improved" number and decide that you still are not skinny enough. And around and around it goes. Just a few more pounds... I would not worry what your family thinks. I would be more concerned aboout what you feel. You have to ask yourself this one question as you look at yourself in the mirror: "What number will make me happy?" and then ask yourself, "Am I missing happiness now by worrying about weight issues that I do not need to worry about. In fact I am so tied up with these issues I forgot to Celebrate my accomplishments! I totally ROCK!":thumbup:
  3. cookielover

    Shoes shoes shoes!!! :)

    I put on my sandals from last year, and whoa baby they did not fit. My lovely pump feet from last year stretched them out. Now that I have my narrow feet back; my toes are hanging out over the top rim or my heal is not fitting into the back. I quicky donated my oh-so-lovely-but-hey-its-not-fault-it-they-don't-fit-me-any-more-shoes to the Sallyann. Then it was off to the mall for a pedicure and new sandals. I love getting thin there are so many benefits.
  4. cookielover

    Bandster Hell?? Why???

    I can only second what the others have said, and believe me when I say that they are right. That being said you have the right to feel like you want to bang you head into a brick wall. I too assumed that I would be forever "cured"; meaning that I would not have the urge to overeat, after my surgery. However my lapband journey has been the most rewarding journey that I have ever taken. It has been painful at times, harder at other times, but mostly greatest joy.I have more power over food than I ever had before, and that is all me...not the band. Good luck and please understand hell WILL end.
  5. I was banded in October and I had my first ice cream yesterday. It was so good, but sweet. The whole time I ate it I kept wondering if I was going to keep coming back for more and more! It was what I would call a bitter sweet experience. I have now had strong words with myself and I will not be visiting my local DQ again! That being said I refuse to judge the poor new "summer" banders. Being banded in October I was fine eating soup and sugar free jello. In fact I did not touch the SF popsicles. My advice is find some better alternatives if you must color outside of the lines. There is SF ice cream and Skinny Cow when you get a little further in your journey. The only draw back is the more sugar you consume the more sugar you want. If you can use the post-op time to get off the "white-stuff" the futher along you will be. Do your absolute best to stick to the plan but if you trip don't lose faith it all works out.
  6. I don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" amount of weight to lose during the first month or so of post-op. The truth is most of us are on such limited calories we are bound to lose a lot of weight. But the diets are so restrictive there is nothing we can do about it. Just take the loss as good news, because you may not always lose 10 pounds a week (but you may wish you could.)
  7. We all know about the clothes and the being smaller thing but here are the unexpected joys that I absolutely love: 1. Not worrying about bumping into people and things in tight spaces. 2.Not spilling food on the front of all my tee-shirts, and having to throw them out after one wear. 3. Being able to scratch my entire back all by myself.
  8. cookielover

    Weight gain after the surgery...

    Remember the post-op diet is not for losing weight it is for healing! My doctor told me not to worry about gaining weight, because my body would need the extra calories to recover from surgery. Make sure that you are constantly drinking water all day long to keep your body from retaining water. (Drinking water is a full time job!) Exercise is a great thing for the heart burn and such, and you are correct you are gaining muscle so that does account for some gain. Bottom line is don't let some weight gain depress you, because you are doing nothing wrong; it is all par for the course. Do not compare yourself to anyone elses journey, just do what feels right for you. Take care of yourself and focus on recovery-I promise weight loss witll come.
  9. cookielover

    Pains in abdomen?

    I got the same pains too, and I still have the pain I get it when I haven't had a BM. Since banded I find more often then not it is when it is hard (pardon the pun) to go. Maybe you are consipated. Just a thought. If that isn't the case check in with the doctor. If you are a little backed up I suggest milk of mag. it works wonders without the cramping.
  10. Hi Nettie- I am sorry I have not been here for a long time. Do I know you? You are doing so wonderful and if we have crossed paths I am sorry if I have forgotten I have been out of comission, but I am back in full force now!

  11. cookielover

    7 month check-in

    Everyone is doing fantastic work! I can't not believe that we are already 7 months out of bandster hell. Ha Ha Ha those days all we could do is sit on our computers and console each other and commiserate about what we were experiencing. (The good old days, which thank you I am please to be out of.) The band and I are getting along famously; except when my brain says, 'eat more'. And my band says, 'shut up crazy lady!' I have only PB'd one time...and it was a bitch to tell you the truth. I thought I was going to die. My calories are in lines EXPECT at night...I am starving and my band seems to desert me in my hours of weakness. But despite all of my troubles and tribulations I have managed to lose around 60 pounds. I want to lose 30 by the end of the year. It is very do-able I think. Overall- I am pleased with my progress and I am determined to go further. BTW- If you really want to know where I have been hiding...I am very ill then and now, and I find it difficult to be on the computer. But I will stay committed, because it will keep me accountable and focused. Love to you all-
  12. Ok I have another idea... I am so proud to be a part of the TENS, and I am sure that I am not alone in my feelings. This is an awesome group of people. We discuss our diets, our accomplishments, our fears, our opps, our bands, but what do we really know about each other? We know Holly is very organized and we love her very much, and she has a cat. My idea is that we share a little about ourselves. You know where we hail from. What our interests are. If we have family. You never know some of us could be neighbors and friends. Now don't feel like you have to do this. Share as much as you like. I would like to keep "band" talk out of this thread if at all possible, this is just a place for us to hang out. I don't if it will work...but I am willing to give it a shot. :eek:
  13. I have become addicted to the gym...well not so much the gym but to the calories I am burning. I workout for about an 1 1/2 per day. I started going to the gym because the scale wasn't moving, but guess what? The scale still isn't moving! I cut out all re-fined carbs, such as bread, and Pasta, because I thought that would also help but so far no luck...so I thought I would come to you guys for a bit of advice... Here is my diet: Breakfast: Starbucks mocha half sweet-non fat- no whip 175 calories ( I cant give it up...I tried but when I don't have it I eat and eat and eat, because I am looking for my fix!) Fruit salad-berries, pineapple, melon, grapes- 250 grams Lunch Chili 1.5 cups Sour cream-fat free 2 to 3 table spoons Dinner Chicken breast no skin 4- 5 oz. Salad- cabbage-veggies-lettuce- 1.5 cup Tomato -just a few chopped up for taste Green peppers small hand full Sour cream-fat free 2 to 3 table spoons Frank's Red hot sauce ( I use the sour cream and the hot sauce as dressing- it is only 45 calories and 0 grams of fat. I figure it helps make up for the mocha in the morning!) Snack Protein drink with 23 grams of Protein (right before bed)I drink 10 - 12 glasses of Water per day. Totals for the day: Calories: 1450 Fat: 34 grams Carbs: 179 (they are from fruit, milk, and bean products) Protein: 101 grams I am burning 900 to 1000 calories per day- 6 times a week. I do cardio every other day, and strengh training on the other days- which consist of Tai chi, yoga, an hour of curves, and an hour walk. Sunday I rest. My scale has refused to budge. I want to know if anyone has suggestions for me. I don't want to lose my spirit and put the breaks on and turn into a couch potato, but it is hard to be motivated when your scale is not backing you up.:thumbup: My pants are still tight too...I could accept all of this if I could fit into to smaller clothes and have a NSV, but I am still in my FAT pants! Has this happened to anyone else?:smile: ANY advice is appreciated! I have never worked this hard to stay in the same spot.
  14. Thank you all for your advice. I agree with most of it, except the carb issue. I didn't get the band so I could do an "atkins" diet. I got the band so I could live a healthy and balanced life. I do not eat any bread, Pasta, Cookies, potatoes, rice, cake...na-da...zip. Did you know there are 12 carbs in one glass of skim milk? Nobody drinks milk? If I add my Protein mix to milk it turns into 34 grams of carbs. I don't have scrambled eggs because they are too light and I get hungry, so fruit salad has fewer calories and fills me up longer but has 20 grams of carbs. Also if I am at exercising and burning 800 to 1000 calories a day I need carbs and protein. I don't work, so I spend two hours a day at the gym, pool, yoga, Curves, walking...you name it I do it. I get over 100 grams of protein per day. I am also going to do the impossible...(gulp) I am going to give up Starbucks for two weeks, because there is sugar and carbs that I can not justify having and see if that makes a difference. That should cut my carbs down and sugar down, so maybe I will lose weight around my waist. I might be really grumpy,:thumbup: but it is for the greater good. I asked for your advice and I am taking it to heart... BTW- I did get the scale to move I lost three pounds last week!:biggrin2: I am tracking my calories and exercise on Sparkpeople.com/ It is a awesome FREE site.
  15. Oh sweety- It must be terrible going in with one expectation and then going out with something completely different - I can barely comprehend. Your recovery time is going to take a lot more time like you said, and you are going to need a lot more pampering. Give yourself the opportunity to feel sad and mad about the surgery not going as planned, because you don't want to "stuff" those feelings, but also remember to focus on why you did this. You will reap big rewards at the end of this- I promise.
  16. cookielover

    why is this so hard

    A great place to track your calories is a FREE site that I love so much it is called sparkpeople.com Come and check it out. I track everyday and the best part I am motivated to exercise everyday as a result of the program. My friends and my husband joined they have all lost weight. I haven't weighed myself yet...but I sure am feeling better. It is the best weight loss site on the web-bar none. If you decide to check it out-look me up. My user name is:acdane
  17. Jack to answer your question- Could I have done any of this "pre-op"? Well that took me back a few steps...(knocked me right on my cry-baby butt!) I could have not done any of these things pre-op! I would have chewed off my limbs if I didn't include bread and chocolate into my daily diet. I never would have had the POWER to work out as long and as hard as I do. I have to give this thing time-I like the idea of getting stronger and I want to lose weight, so I have increased my workouts this week. I did cut out the chili and replace it with plain chicken instead- fewer calories and it does hold my hunger at bay longer. I have a pear and some leafy greens to go with it. I am just going to take this journey one day at a time. I won't get too frustrated. (Well maybe just a little...I am just saying I might kick my scale a time or two.:biggrin: It is fair warning. But I won't throw my scale out the window like I was planning on doing. :thumbup:)
  18. I am totally going to take the solid Protein for lunch suggestion to heart! I will try that tomorrow to see if that won't kick this thing in the ass. Also I put away my scale until the March 1st. (A watched pot never boils. Well it is worth a try.) LJM- You truly are an inspiration to me. I follow your blog, and I love of your snapshots of your exercise accomplishments- it keeps me motivated to stay the course. Thank you to everyone who is putting in their two cents...I really need the encouragement!
  19. As far as inches go...my legs are turning into chicken legs, but the rest of me is still a pumpkin...I am still in my size 18 pants...which is what I was in last November. I have been stuck since Jan 1. I have lost a total of 3 pounds since then. At first I was good humored about it. I just thought that I needed to bring my A game to the table. I have been increasing my workout routine since then. Now I am going full tilt. I have lost 49 pounds since I was banded on October 3rd. I have lost a total of 24 inches.
  20. I am not an expert by any means but I heard that we are swollen in the mornings causing the tightness, and it eases during the day. At night we are not swollen and our bands are looser. If we don't eat properly during the day; then just like in "real life" we get hungier at night and eat more. I have the same issue...
  21. cookielover

    How do you deal with head hunger??

    Head hunger I hate it so much! In the daytime I am fine, but when it is dark out- lock down the kitchen! To be completely honest I have not tried finding constructive things to do at night I either sit at the computer or in front of the TV and think about how hungry I am. Before I go to bed I am starving, so I must have something to tide me over until morning, or I won't be able to sleep. Yep my brain enables me to eat. :cursing:I am going to keep checking in on this post to see if someone has a good answer to how they cured their stupid head hunger. I would be forever grateful.:thumbdown:
  22. cookielover

    Taking pills with the band...

    I take over 15 pills a day. Sometimes if I am tight I crush them up, and take them with water. It tasted gross at the beginning but like anything else you get used to it. (Please check with your doctor before you crush pills, because some can NOT be crushed.)
  23. cookielover

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    If you have told them that you are not interested in pizza, soda, or anything of that nature and they still put it in front of you then they are a jealous group of people; that is all this boils down to! They may hate the fact that you are successful and they may want you to fail! How low can they go? Keep your chin up and don't feel bad; just keep the picture in your mind of your thin self walking into the office in the near future wearing cute clothes. Pizza and soda can't hold a candle to how good it will be seeing them turn green with envy! (Let them stuff their face...they will get fatter and you will get thinner...even better! Woo Hoo.):thumbdown:
  24. Here are my before and "during": White shirt: 6 weeks prior to surgery Blue tank top: 1 week after surgery Pink top: 2 weeks after surgery Blue shirt: today-almost 50 pounds lighter!:tongue2:
  25. cookielover

    4 months out

    Way to go! It was my 4 months on the 3rd of Feb...I forgot to Celebrate, oh well a missed opportunity for another cake I suppose.:biggrin: 75 pounds! That is a real accomplishment you must feel wonderful!

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