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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tcisme

  1. I was so glad to meet my surgeon and turn in my paperwork. Now the waiting game begins on my insurance approval. They said it would be 2 weeks. And my mom is now on board... She understands that I want to be healthier. Totally supporting me!
  2. Well I finally got the first Protein shake down. It was disgusting to say the least.... But It gave me TONSSS of Energy! So that was an upside. I also took 2 sips of that nasty Protein Shot! Anyone know of an alternative to get the protein that is needed in??
  3. And you did help Thank you so much
  4. Where can I get isopure from??
  5. Tcisme

    1st Protein Shake Down

    I got the shakes that we're already made.... And got it reallll cold... Haven't got the powder yet. Yikes !
  6. Ok... I didn't realize how gross Protein taste... LOL anyway I jus sipped a Special K Protein shake strawberry.... Got about half down but it only has 10g of protein... Gonna taste one of the shots today!
  7. Tcisme

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    That's good... When I seen that pic... I started freakin out!!
  8. Well I went out and bought some different protein stuff today to see how I can tolerate it. My Dr. Requires 3 months of Dr. Reports before I can start anything else. My second Dr. Appt is tommorrow... And my seminar is the 6th. Then it's all uphill. it's a kind of slow process waiting for insurance to be approved and things like that... I'm soooo ready!
  9. I know exactly how you feel. My parents (Mom more than Dad) does NOT want me to have this GB surgery. She is closed minded to the reality that I will be healthier. She has seen a few people who it has failed. They are sick all the time... But they are NOT Doing what they are supposed to do. I am taking my mom on the 6th to a seminar and to meet the surgeon, hopefully it will change her mind I would love to have her support. But, If it doesn't.... I still have to do this for myself. And I told her I WAS doing this regardless of her decision. Glad I'm not the only one goin thru this
  10. Tcisme

    Getting grilled

  11. Tcisme

    Protein shakes

    I've not had surgery yet either! But I'm gonna start trying different protein shakes and stuff to see what I can tolerate. I went to Walmart today and bought some Adkins Strawberry Shakes and Advant ones. I got a Body Fortress fruit punch protein shot.. It has 26grams of protein only 2.9 oz. and I got 1 New Whey liquid protein (grape) shot. It has 42 g of protein in 3.8 oz. I'm gonna start trying them tomorrow. Wish me luck with something I like.
  12. I'm in Walnut Mississippi! About an jour from Memphis... Where ill be having surgery!
  13. Tcisme

    Alabama Here

    Well I have sleep apnea... They said that they didn't need my medication list that if I had sleep apnea it would automatically approve for surgery.
  14. Tcisme

    Alabama Here

    I'm not sure I'm hoping everything is ready by July.... That's when my insurance will kick in. I think I have plenty of time... I hope
  15. I'm ready to have mine too. But I know I have at least another month or 2. I'm going to my 2nd dr appt Wed. Then 1 more month but In the mean time... I've gotta do my psyc eval. And waiting on my insurance approval. But I am soooo ready!
  16. Tcisme

    Getting grilled

    Thanks for the encouragement. Yes my mind is totally made up... I would love to have my moms support, but once she sees that I'm not turning back. I'm going strong with my decision maybe she will jump on board. I know she worries about me but maybe the seminar will show her that is to help me. I luv this app y'all are so positive and encouraging!
  17. Tcisme

    Getting grilled

    Has not gas LOL
  18. Tcisme

    Getting grilled

    My mom has expressed to me quite Boldly that she does NOT want me to have GB surgery. I've tried to explain to her it will make me healthier.... But she gas only heard bad stuff. So I've decided to take her with me to a seminar. I'm hoping and praying this will change her mind.
  19. Y'all have helped me so much... I've been searching these sites! I'm gonna try several different ones and see what I like.
  20. I'm new here so I'm not quite sure how this works. I luv the site! Does anyone know Protein Shakes that don't taste powdery and that is good to taste? I would love some input. I'm jus fixing to start my journey. So I'm trying to get myself ready. Thanks in advance for all the help!

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