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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About My4Boys

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/22/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a nurse and a proud mom of 4 amazing sons and 2 beautiful bulldogs
  • Occupation
    Registered Nurse
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  1. Went shopping for a new dress for an upcoming wedding....size 6!! Stepped on the scale today and found I have reached my goal weight...great weekend!
  2. Finally stopped weighing myself every day awhile ago, for awhile there I was so obsessed with it (I'm sure many out there can relate...) Anyway today I got on that scale and found that I am only 2 lbs from my goal weight-yay!!
  3. I don't know about you but I cannot stomach the bariatric shakes that I get from my surgeon...gag!! I don't know what area you're from, but people in my support group swear by the Premier protein shakes, they say they taste like Slim Fast-30g protein and only 1 g sugar, I think about 160 calories. I know they have them at Sam's Club, but I shop at BJ's and was never able to find them-until this weekend, they must have just started carrying them. Hopefully they will continue, because they really are pretty good and they carry the Premier bars as well (I haven't tried those). If you can't find them at a store near you I believe you can get them online at Amazon. I had surgery this past December and like you, have found myself straying away from the foods we should be eating and not being as careful about my protein intake. I figure if I start out my day with one of these shakes, at least I know I can get 30 g in without much effort
  4. Woo Hoo...did a little shopping last night. Started out to finish up some back to school for my youngest son (which I did) but also decided that yesterday morning when I went down to the kitchen for coffee and PJ bottoms dropped to the floor TWICE it might be time for some new jammies, especially with 4 sons in the house and any number of overnight guests here at any time who definitely do not want a free show from their buddy's mom, lol. I have officially moved into a size 6!! Never ever thought I would see that size again in my life, at least not since high school and having kids. Not bad for starting out a size 20 and 1-2X tops-now down to a 6 in pants and a medium top. So, just thought I'd share my little success story-I know I sometimes post about my frustrations with depression, etc., but this was a real mood booster. I also wanted to share with some of you just starting out on this journey that there are ups and downs, but that the ups are so worth it.
  5. My4Boys

    The Good and the Bad

    thanks so much for the encouragement
  6. Hello all, its been awhile since I posted anything, summer comes, everyone is busier, etc. But also another thing-depression is back and worse than ever. Quite awhile ago I had posted on this same topic. I had been seeing a great psychiatrist for depression and anxiety for about 3 years prior to my surgery, and everything was very well controlled and he was in favor of me having my gastric bypass surgery. After the surgery, I made the mistake of deciding I was in such a good place, losing weight, feeling great about everything. I decided to stop seeing my doctor and gradually wean off the meds I had been on for years. BIG mistake on my part, which I can readily admit now. Jumping ahead, I did find a new doctor. She is wonderful, and leaving my other one may have been a blessing in disguise as he did not have much (if any) experience with bypass patients. My current doctor has at least 5 of us and is very familiar with the trials and tribulations that can go along with the surgery. Please be advised that if you have similar issues, the meds that work for you may no longer be effective due to the change in the way your body absorbs them. Oral meds may lose their efficacy. You may need to change to meds that melt in your mouth or under the tongue, or a patch that absorbs through the skin. Don't get me wrong, as you can see from my ticker, my surgery went great-I have lost 90 lbs since December 12,2012, and although the weight loss is slowing down, it is continuing. I guess my frustration comes with not being a little better warned about this prior to the surgery. My surgeon knew my history as well as the meds I was on, and I feel like it was a topic that should have been discussed with me. I feel like as long as you can pass the psych eval, nothing is really said about these types of effects following the surgery. Would I still have had it? Yes, no doubt about it. Physically, I have had absolutely no ill effects, it has been very easy for me in that way. Emotionally/mentally though-much different story. I am in the midst of major med changes with my doctor, hopefully something soon will start to make a difference, I am beginning to at least see light at the end of the tunnel. She assures me that with bypass patients, it can be a long process to get things right but we will get there. I have been off work due to the depression/instability as well as med changes since early July, and am hoping and expecting to be able to go back September 3rd. To say that it has not been an easy road would be an understatement. There are times I worry like crazy about the stupidest things and cry on an almost daily basis. Please understand, this is in no way meant to discourage anyone, just to hopefully provide some insight and a little education. Just like with all the physical effects of the surgery, we should all go into it completely and fully informed of the other possible effects as well. I am in total agreement with my psychiatrist who told me, do not second guess the decision to have the surgery-first of all, what's done is done. Secondly, without it, I would have been facing other health issues such as possible diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. down the line. Just like anything else in this world, there is good and bad to making any decision this major, and all aspects should be taken into account in order to make an educated decision.
  7. My4Boys

    6 months post op

    you look amazing!
  8. My4Boys

    Lirri's Journey

    Hi and welcome! Just a thought about the stimuli bothering you-could very well be a side effect of the anesthesia, it really stays in your system for awhile. I'm sure things will get better now that you're home. My hospital stay pretty much sucked as well...and I am a nurse, so the ambivalence you described really irked me as well. The only good thing I can say about my stay is that thankfully, it was short, just one night and that was more than enough for me. Like you, I am crazy about my surgeon and his team. Super supportive and helpful during all parts of this journey. (My surgery was 12/13/12.) I have my 6 month appointment coming up next week, am anxious to see how all my labs look,etc.
  9. you look fantastic!! even your watch loks big on you
  10. My4Boys


    I had my RNY 12/13/12 and was on 4 depression/anxiety meds beforehand. There was no problem staying on them post-op...except that I started feeling so good, losing the weight and so happy, that I decided I didn't need the meds or the doc anymore...BIG mistake!! Everything crashed down around me, I ended up in a deep depression and with terrible anxiety. Luckily my primary doc put me back on two meds to get me through until I could get in with a new psych doc. It was a blessing in disguise, because it turns out she has a lot more experience with WLS patients than the one I was seeing before. The first time I saw her, she changed some meds around, and started me on one I have never been on before, but explained that it would help me more because of the way it is absorbed. She was right, I am back on track and have had no issues being on the meds after surgery.
  11. My4Boys

    Surgery is cancel :(

    your nails look amazing,i love them!!
  12. My4Boys

    Brown sugar muffin recipe

    This sounds amazing, cant wait to try them!!
  13. My4Boys


    I am really having an issue giving up coffee. I don't drink very much, but that cup in the morning is a must for me-I have heard some surgeons say that a cup is ok if you make sure to drink an extra 8 oz of water that day. Otherwise I follow all the rules completely but this one is sooo hard
  14. My4Boys

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hi all, just wanted to add myself to this group, my RNY was 12/13/12.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
