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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Wendilou

  1. Wowza!! You look fantastic!!
  2. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So I was started on clear liquids yesterday. --yay!! I'm trying to figure out what my new baby pouch is telling me,. I seem to burp lot. Is this normal? I haven't passed gas yet, but I have done several walks up and down the hallways trying to get that moving. Does burping mean I'm full?
  3. Wendilou

    What ya eating tonight?

    1st1/4 c Beef broth, few bites of sugar free jello, crystal light and half a grape sugar free Popsicle. stage 1: clear liquids. And I am burping like crazy--does that mean I'm eating too fast?
  4. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Nice!! Yay for puréed foods!
  5. hi all! my name is Wendilou and I live in Austin,Texas. I'm 38 years old and I've been obese most of my adult life. now is the time to change that! I am currently in my three-month weight loss program with my PCP; just a couple more weeks of that to go. I have already had a chest x-ray, lab work, EKG, barium swallow, and yesterday I went for my psychological clearance. that was a weird appt! I felt like I answered everything wrong! I am 5'4" my current weight is 246 My heaviest weight was 280 my goal weight is 135, although my surgeon says he only expects me to get down to 180 I hope to make a lot of WLS friends here
  6. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Yippee! My catheter is out and I can drink clear liquids. My tummy is a little sore, still tolerable. Feels kinda like I did 100 sit-ups. I am also now off the pain pump and onto pills. Drinking feels weird to my new pouch. I'll have to give it time for the swelling to go down. Time for dinner--chicken broth and orange Jello. hallelujah!
  7. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yay!! I'm allowed to have water and they are taking out my catheter!
  8. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Yes my surgery went well, also fixed a hiatal hernia while he was in there. I can't wait to go home and be in my own comfy bed. I'm scheduled to go home tomorrow evening. I had my upper GI with contrast four hours ago and I still don't have the results. until Then, i'm not allowed to have any ice chips or Water. Arghhh!
  9. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I cannot wait to drink something! Hopefully right after my EGD which is scheduled for 8am )30ore min). Over 24 hours with no water and my mouth is like a desert!
  10. Wendilou

    April Dates

    I'm so glad everything went smoothly for you! isn't the excitement weird? I was not expecting to feel that, but I can't wait to go home and get on the treadmill and start living a more active life !
  11. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Having a lot of trouble sleeping tonight...not because of pain though. Maybe because I slept for five hours during surgery and post-op.... Definitely bored, reading is still difficult-having trouble concentrating for vey long. I won't be going home until Wednesday evening. they gave me a scopolamine patch for nausea even before the surgery, so I'm sure that's keeping me comfortable. my tummy is starting to make some Grumbling noises which is oddly comforting. I also have a drain in and I can't wait to get it and my catheter out!
  12. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Good luck to our Tuesday group!!
  13. Wendilou

    April Dates

    At my Pre op appt I met with the surgeon and he went overt medical history with me, felt my abdomen, gave me a prescription for at home pain relief, told me to buy Gas-X and Prilosec OTC. Then they weighed me again and did a test to determine my metabolic rate and body fat percentage.
  14. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Good luck Mary!!! You're almost there!!
  15. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Just got to stand up at bedside!!! It felt good to stretch my tummy out. and now I'm burping! Yay! My insides are waking up
  16. Wendilou

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Okay so i got to the hospital at 5am, and checked in. Then they took me to the Pre-op area where I got my IV started and hooked up to lactated ringers and antibiotics. Then I met the Nurse anesthetist, operating room nurse, and anesthesiologist. Each of them reviewed my medical history with me, asked about allergies and such. my doctor came in and said hi. Then they gave me some sedation and took me into the OR. I woke up in recovery and had been there for about an hour and a half. My pulse ox and BP were continually monitored. I initially had some mild pain, about a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. I have a morphine pump which I pressed every five minutes or so. When my room was ready they wheeled me there and my Mom was waiting for me. my mom is a retired OR nurse so she and my floor nurse chit chatted for a while which was a bit annoying cause couldn't follow the conversation due to the morphine. After Mom left, I dozed on and off since then. I am not needing to push the morphine pump for pain. I only have a slight soreness now. I have a catheter in and IV still. I just asked if I would be able to remove the catheter and go for a walk, but the doc wants me on bed rest today. No water or ice chips or anything until tomorrow afteR my EGD but they did let me brush my teeth thank goodness! My mouth is so dry. I am so happy to be on the Losers Bench!!
  17. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Okay so i got to the hospital at 5am, and checked in. Then they took me to the Pre-op area where I got my IV started and hooked up to lactated ringers and antibiotics. Then I met the Nurse anesthetist, operating room nurse, and anesthesiologist. Each of them reviewed my medical history with me, asked about allergies and such. my doctor came in and said hi. Then they gave me some sedation and took me into the OR. I woke up in recovery and had been there for about an hour and a half. My pulse ox and BP were continually monitored. I initially had some mild pain, about a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. I have a morphine pump which I pressed every five minutes or so. When my room was ready they wheeled me there and my Mom was waiting for me. my mom is a retired OR nurse so she and my floor nurse chit chatted for a whole, which was a bit annoying cause couldn't follow the conversation due to the morphine. After Mom left, I dozed on and off since then. I am not needing to push the morphine pump for pain. I only have a slight soreness now. I have a catheter in and IV still. I just asked if I would be able to remove the catheter and go for a walk, but the doc wants me on bed rest today. No water or ice chips or anything until tomorrow afteR my EGD but they did let me brush my teeth thank goodness! My mouth is so dry.
  18. Wendilou

    April Dates

    I'm out of surgery and been resting. The morphine pump is doing a fantastic job of keeepingn me out of pain. But t also makes t hard to focus. I'll do a more thorough update when I get off the morphine. Thank you fr all your thoughts and prayers everyone!!! Xoxox
  19. Wendilou

    April Dates

    CONGRATS!!! Yipppeeeee!!!
  20. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Good lord--I'm sitting here waiting and have the hiccups of all things! Hopefully they won't come back post-op--ouch!
  21. Wendilou

    April Dates

    Waiting in Pre-op to get my IV's

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
