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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About ilenerm

  • Rank
  • Birthday August 4

About Me

  • Occupation
    Former Toddler Teacher, former Medical Transcriptionist, former Administrative Assistant
  • City
  • State
    New York
  1. Happy -- Birthday ilenerm!

  2. Had my RNY in 2004. Although I had a regain (have lost 2/3 of it, though), I am definitely glad I had WLS. If I hadn't, who knows how heavy I would be now! At 62 I have my mobility problems (arthritis - a family trait), but would have had to have 2 knee replacements by now if I hadn't lost the weight. WLS is not a cure for our problem. We still have to do "the right things" - proper eating, exercising, etc. - but it can help us get to where we want to IF we are willing to overcome the hurdles in our path.
  3. I doubt VERY much that you've stretched your pouch out. It is possible that you are entering a new period of adjustment for your body. Are you getting enough Protein (eating protein first, I hope)? Eating complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) after the protein? Are you eating 3 to 6 small meals a day plus drinking LOTS of Water (most studies say 8 glasses minimum, but more like 1/2 your body weight in water is best)? I hope you're not drinking with your meals - that will cause the food to pass through your pouch quickly and make you feel hungry quicker (follow the 30/30 rule). DO NOT SKIP Breakfast. DO NOT MISS MEALS. Maybe you need a bit more food. Make sure you're getting enough protein. It will not only help your body continue to heal, but will help keep you from feeling hungry. For shakes - avoid soy protein and whey Concentrates - Whey Isolates are best. Good luck! ♥
  4. ilenerm

    New and feel alone!

    What you're experiencing is very normal. Including the ***-sitting husband! LOL Your body has gone through a traumatic experience and needs time to heal. It is definitely hard to eat enough right now. You're probably on a liquid-only diet right now, so just try to have whatever you can. Broths, SF Jell-O, and Water. Sip your water whenever possible. sleep if your body tells you it needs sleep. Now is the time to rest and recuperate. Tell your husband to get you something if you need him to. But don't forget that you need to walk, so sometimes getting yourself something is good (as long as it doesn't mean lifting or doing anything you're not supposed to do). Walking will help with the tummy sounds, etc., too. When your dr says you can have Protein, add some high protein/low-or-no sugar shakes - maybe start off with some that are already made since they should be very smooth. If necessary, water them down (or add skim milk). It will take time to work up to the amounts you are "supposed" to have. Just remember, as you progress, to do it slowly and don't add anything that doesn't assist your being healthy (NO candies even when/if the dr says you can have them in moderation, and don't drink alcohol except once in a blue moon and very little of it). Take it from someone who regained 76 lbs and has been struggling to get down below the almost 50 lbs she finally lost!!! (As for the alcohol, that's because even many drs don't know the latest research on WLS and drinking. It turns out that RNYers get high quickly, may feel like it went through us quickly, but the effects and blood alcohol levels stay longer - plus we tend to become addicted to it very easily. Don't risk cross addiction.) End of "lecture." LOL Good luck! ♥

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