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About gcurlygirl

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  1. gcurlygirl

    Fatigue 2.5 Weeks Post Op

    Hi Bakawaka, The answer is YES!!! You are just 2.5 wks out and your body is trying to heal from major surgery...my mantra is walk, sip, rest and repeat...I applaude you that you are pushing your self to get up and move...a body in motion stays in motion!!!! Please make sure you are getting in plenty of Fluid. When I was first post op I set a timer to remind me to sip on something every 15 minutes...I put the timer in a place I had to get up to turn off...made me move...I walked around my house and had a few sips of Water or Protein shake and went back to rest...and repeated it...before long it became habit...I am 19 months post op and can tell you it gets much better. Also take your Vitamins...I find a big difference when I am off schedule with them too. Good luck and welcome to the loosers bench! Hugs!
  2. gcurlygirl

    No progress :(

    Hi Ms. Mandy, I don't know much about you...have you had surgery or in the waiting stages? If you have had surgery what type and how far out are you? I am 19 months post op- RNY... It is possible that you are loosing inches while your body catches up with your weight loss...take measurements and try on clothes that used to be snug or you are saving to " get back in"... Are you keeping a food journal? Look at the amount of carbs you are taking in...as far as fluids...water in your protein shake counts as fluid intake...sugar free popcisles count as fluid...power ade zero, G2, decaf tea and coffee...try water with orange slices or lemon or even cucumber sliced in it...I keep a big pitcher in the fridge and keep adding water to it...makes it easier to drink. Hope this helps.
  3. gcurlygirl

    protein chips

    One word about the special K chips and tortillia chips etc...please be aware of the carb count...I would not even think of adding anything like this to my diet until I was in maintance and was sure I was not ready to stop my weight loss...I manage between 50-75 grams a day now that I want to stop loosing...and that includes my vitamins! While I was loosing I kept my carbs to 35gms including my vitamins...so for you newbies out there, please be aware of the dangers of adding too many carbs to your diet...
  4. gcurlygirl

    on my way

    Positive energy your way for you and your surgical team. Remember, sip,walk, rest and repeat! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  5. gcurlygirl

    Not Execrising

    I used to be that way; now I need to have my workout in as much as I need to eat! You have to find something that you like...there are a lot of things out there to do...walking the mall like Worm2872 said is fine...but you need to remember many of you are new at this...this is the time that you need to set your good habits in motions...repitition becomes habit...I started walking, then had my Ipod set up with music I love to listen to, I told myself that I would walk 3 of my favoirites and be done...the next thing you know your are doing three more to add to it and so the next thing is you have gone three miles and never realized it! Water areobics are great for newbies...low impact something to do at you own pace...I now run three miles every other day and cycle two days a week and bellydance for the fun workout! The one thing I always do is drink!!! Dehydration for us is a real serious problem, I sip something every fifteen minutes...for those of you that are having a difficult time, I understand...I have been there...a trip to the hospital is a lot more expensive than a bottle of water...I carry a little soft cooler in my car packed with water, Protein shakes and healthy Snacks... In my first weeks post-op I used to set a timer for 15 minutes and take a fews sips when the timer went off...I also put the timer in a place I would have to get up to get it and turn it off... You guys can do it!!! Believe in yourself, remember why you had this life changing surgery...to change your life...get out there and live life!! Hugs, L
  6. Congratulations on making the decision to clean your slate... your rebirth day is a great date and will be celebrated by many milestone events, births , weddings, engagements and your surgery will be one of them! Remember to sip, walk and rest and repeat...when they let you drink something..go easy and sip, sip, sip...get up and walk as soon as you can...even if it is just to the bathroom and back...then rest, it will be important to rest so your body can repair itself...even when you look healed on the outside you need to remember the inside is not...listen to your surgeon about your diet, I was on Clear liquids for a couple of weeks then full and then pureed and then soft...it took me 6 weeks before I was looking at soild food...take your time...this is not a race and you will be fine. Sending positive energy to you and your surgical team for a speedy recovery and successful surgery.
  7. gcurlygirl

    Buyers Remorse?!?!

    I am 19 months post op and have been where you are now...I remember feeling ok one minute and the next all I wanted to do was scream!!! The most important thing you can do at this time is Rest, Sip, Walk and Repeat...It is critical that you sip small amounts of Water or something sugar free every 15 minutes...walk around inside your house and then rest...I keep a journal and everyday I log in there what I ate, drank, felt and exercise I accomplished every day...So, today when I slipped on that size 6 and not that size 26, I am proud of the new, stronger me. Hang in there, it will get better I promise...enjoy the ride it is unlike any journey you will ever take. Hugs, L
  8. gcurlygirl

    protein chips

    Cjoyce, I have to say chips of any kind are a slippery slope for me...I can't think about them because of triggers...but I have an alternative for you that is both high Protein and crunchy and salty like chips...pepperoni slices cooked till crisp in the microwave...put about 6 slices on a papertowel and microwave about a minute...they become crunchy and very crisp...I like the turkey pepperoni slices the best...I also use them to dip into humus!!! Yummo. Hope this is helpful to you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
