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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LosingItForMe2011

  1. LosingItForMe2011

    My Birthday Next Week, Need Ideas

    Odiemom...how far out from surgery are you? That's going to make a difference in ideas to give you as well. There are recipes out there for small (tea size) Protein cakes that I've seen that are easy to make. So your family can have the regular cake your kids make and you could have one of the protein cakes with SF whip cream and fruits to decorate it and still be within your guidelines with no guilt
  2. LosingItForMe2011

    This It I Am Dumping!

    Definitely not worth testing the grounds. Your nutritionist from your bariatric group should have supplied a food listing for you. I know they are all different but, most don't even allow solids until after your visit with them. For the first two weeks the most solid piece of food I could have was cottage cheese and even with that I was told to chew, chew, chew. Hope you're feeling better! Take it as a lesson learned for sure and stick to what your doc is giving you for a food list. Believe me I know things are tempting but, I keep repeating to myself.....it's not worth it, it's what got me here in the first place so keep with the list
  3. Hello Everyone, Finally on the post-op of things and I've had a slight set-back with an infection in the left incision site. You know the incision site that most of the work is done from. Everything else is healing up well, the drain was removed 5 days after surgery but, then I started with the infection. Went in this past Monday and the doctor had to reopen the incision in the office and pack it. (Ouchy!) A visiting nurse has been set up to help with the packing and did so yesterday. Today I went in for my 2 week post op and repacking....nutritionist also moved me to the next stage of eating. Doing well except for the infection and a few days of having nausea. I've been able to get all the fluids and Protein in that they required though so that's a good thing. I'm looking forward to this infection healing and being on the healthy side of it all. In the meantime, it's lots of gauze and dressing covers for me. I have lost weight though so I'm happy with that. Haven't been able to walk much because of the infection but, after todays work it feels good enough to go for some short walks so that's what I plan on doing. Hope all is going well and I'll be back pooking around the boards soon. Taking the time to spend the time with my mom who came down to help me and graciously offered to stay a second week with me. I only have a few more days before she heads back home so I'm going to enjoy my time with her. So VERY thankful she's been here Hugs
  4. LosingItForMe2011

    2 Weeks Post Op - Infection

    Thank you for the support RNYT friends. I went to see my surgeon today and man was I afraid she'd take the scalpel to me again. THANKFULLY it wasn't needed. My surgeon said that the wound looks good and is healing well. That was after she put her finger into it to check the depth...ewww glad I didn't see that. My husband said he was kinda gross LOL. She said I should take the gauze out while I'm in the shower....let the shower Water and soap on my body hit it. I had tried to take the gauze out myself before and it hurt but, I'll have to try again. She showed my husband how to pack the wound but, I don't think he has the stomach for it and well....I can't really do it myself. It's very sore right now after the work it received today but, I'm SO glad she didn't have to cut it again and she said the lump I'm feeling is scarring that is healing. Love my surgeon....very patient, even through my crying because I saw the scalpel on the table and was afraid she'd have to use it. Whew! So for now it's more time for healing and continuing with my antibiotics. Not sure I'll ever be able to pack it myself though. Just so very thankful it's looking ok to the surgeon for now. I go back in two weeks. Thanks again for the well wishes and prayers. Oh and I did ask her how often this infection happens and she says about 10% of RNY patients end up with it. If you didn't get an infection...you were one of the lucky 90%
  5. LosingItForMe2011

    Day 3 Of The New Me

    I'm starting my 4th week post op. The first few weeks you're taking pain meds, and healing so it's natural for your body to want to rest. Takes it's cue.....take the naps and rest. Then while you're awake walk, walk, walk so the gas used leaves your system. Hiccups can be a sign that you're taking things in too fast...smaller sips should help. I still get them occassionally myself. Congrats and welcome to the losing side.
  6. LosingItForMe2011


  7. LosingItForMe2011

    2 Weeks Post Op - Infection

    This infection is starting to get to me The visiting nurse today felt around the infection and said it was warm and she was concerned. I can feel another lump in that area and I'm so worried a second spot is starting She's going to come by again tomorrow to repack the open wound and track the progress. She said if it's warm or red tomorrow she'll have to call their specialist that works on infected wounds. OH man I know after this heals I'll be happy with it all but, I'm really concerned. My Doc is keeping me out of work until she see's me again on 8/7. That's when she was planning on looking at the infection site herself but, I may have to call her sooner. Has anyone had this happen? Meaning a 2nd infection in the same incision?
  8. LosingItForMe2011

    Protein Shake Recipes

    I've been reading about so many folks having issues with getting their Protein in each day. One of the main resources for protein are protein shakes especially in the beginning stages so I thought...why not share recipes with each other strictly for shakes! We all start getting tired of the same ole' same ole shakes so why not share how you make your shake extra special or tolerable So lets keep this thread strictly for shake recipes so we can make it an easy resource for everyone. Remember to put in the measurements and name brands of protein powder/liquid you used and where you bought them if we can't get them at the local store. Here are a few of mine: Almond Joy shake: 1 scoop Pure Protein chocolate 8 oz cold Water ice cubes to make it extra cold 10 drops capella coconut flavoring (Capella website) 6 drops capella toasted almond flavoring Put it all in a Blender Bottle and shake, shake, shake. Let sit and thicken up for 2 minutes and enjoy. Peanut Butter Cup Shake: 1 scoop Pure Protein Chocolate 8 oz cold water ice cubes to make it extra cold 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons PB2 (Amazon - it's peanutbutter with the fat/liquids taken out) Put it all in a blender bottle and shake it up! Let it sit for 2 minutes and enjoy. Peanut Butter and Jelly Shake: 1 scoop Pure Protein vanilla 8 oz cold water ice cubes to make it extra cold 1 tablespoon PB2 8 drops capella strawberry flavoring. PUt it all in a blender bottle and shake. Green Monster Shake: 1 scoop Pure Protein Vanilla 8 oz skim milk 1 tablespoon sugar free instant pistachio pudding 1 drop green food coloring Put in a blender bottle and shake away. Hints to help flavor your shakes: Sugar Free instant pudding mixes, Capella Drops, Sugar Free Torani syrups, cinnamon, nutmeg, extracts (mint is great in vanilla or chocolate), Sugar Free maple syrup. If you have fruit flavored based shake mixes like Syntrax Twisted cherry - mix in a little no sugar added, or sugar substitute Koolaid or crystal light. Enjoy! As I experiment more...I'll add more recipes
  9. Hello folks....What tools to you find helpful to you to stay with the program? What I mean is do you have certain items that help you along the way such as: Bento Box - to help with portion control Blender Bottle - to help mix your shakes without lumps food Journal - to help track your Protein, exercise, Water etc.
  10. LosingItForMe2011

    I Did It!

  11. LosingItForMe2011

    Hi All! 3 More Days! Teeth Chattering!

    Its been good so far. Worse thing eas the upper g.i. that stuff is nasty.
  12. LosingItForMe2011

    Hi All! 3 More Days! Teeth Chattering!

    Surgery was today All went well. Mine was revision from lap band that was removed in 2010. When doc went in my liver was adhered to my stomach a bit so surgeon had to fix that. She released to lap band flap and was able to do the surgery. So hard to sleep because pain meds are now giving me symptoms of sleep apnea.
  13. LosingItForMe2011


    Glad you're doing well. Great to hear.
  14. LosingItForMe2011

    Me Bein Goofy

    I got my Ninjas when I was doing Medifast. It really helped with the shakes. Hubby uses it for his shakeology too. Today I used it to purer tomatoes for soup. Sharp blades so be careful.
  15. LosingItForMe2011

    How Long Until Doing Housework?

    Great news Jenneliza. I bet the will love helping you. I made a big batch of chicken taco soup for my son before I left. He loves it and I know its something good for him. I'm checked in at the hotel. Surgery in the morning for me.
  16. LosingItForMe2011

    Massachusetts, Usa

    Well I'm checked in at the hotel in Boston. Surgery in the morning for me. Hope I can get some sleep...so nervous but excited.
  17. LosingItForMe2011

    Massachusetts, Usa

    Well I'm checked in at the hotel in Boston. Surgery in the morning for me. Hope I can get some sleep...so nervous but excited.
  18. LosingItForMe2011

    Protein Shake Recipes

    Glad you liked it. I'm typing from my kindle and I have to say I prefer my computer. So I do apologize for short answers tonight. The Capella drops are great and if you don't like the flavor of your shakes they do help. LOVE the almond joy one. Hopefully still will after surgery.
  19. LosingItForMe2011

    Hi All! 3 More Days! Teeth Chattering!

    Zoiks...don't know if I'll be able to sleep. Lots of nesting done today...everything at home is set and ready. Just work from home tomorrow and then head into Boston for the night. Wake up and walk into the hospital. shakin' in my boots but, dang gummit I'm doing this and getting myself healthy! If I don't catch you folks tomorrow....I hope all goes well and I'll be thinking of you.
  20. take a peek at this thread: http://www.rnytalk.com/topic/109-helpful-tools-that-help-you-with-your-rny-routines/page__fromsearch__1
  21. LosingItForMe2011

    Helpful Quotes And Sayings

    There are some quotes and sayings I love that help me keep going in the RNY/weightloss journey and with life in general. I thought maybe they'd help some folks here and I'd also love for you all to share those that inspire you as well. Enjoy! You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and effection. There are 3 C's in life: Choices, Chances, and Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. Don't give up what you really want, for what you want right now. Nothing worth having comes easy. Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do. If you change nothing, nothing will change. Believe you can and you're halfway there. If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. You don't always get what you wish for, you get what you work for. I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it. People inspire you, or they drain you - pick them wisely Your choices have consequences, so eat for the body you want.
  22. LosingItForMe2011

    Helpful Tools That Help You With Your Rny Routines?

    Hey Dave....Oh I think you're going to like it I make it with water and let it sit for a couple minutes to thicken up. It's yummy
  23. LosingItForMe2011

    Hi All! 3 More Days! Teeth Chattering!

    I'll be joining you as well. Wednesday 6am for me. Good luck to you all and see you on the losing side
  24. LosingItForMe2011

    Helpful Tools That Help You With Your Rny Routines?

    DL if you have a Target charge card or debit card you get 5% off and free shipping when you order from them online. 5% off at the stores. I ordered online and it was great to have the free shipping especially on 2 tubs of the protein powder when it was $15.99 or so. I like the Pure Protein bars as well......I'll probably be using them when I'm allowed solids.
  25. LosingItForMe2011

    Me Bein Goofy

    Love, Love, Love my Ninja! Makes super thick Protein shakes when you put ice in it! Watch those blades, they are SHARP! Or as people in Massachusetts would say....Shaaaaap

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
