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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LosingItForMe2011

  1. LosingItForMe2011

    Newest Guy

    Congrats and welcome Walleye Even better that your wife had the surgery already. Sounds like you have a good helper and guide right in your own home. Nothing better than that! AND too boot you have everyone here on your side and ready to watch you walk that journey and support you. Go Walleye Go!
  2. LosingItForMe2011

    Pre-Op Diet

    Awsome work Jeff! It's not easy but, you're working it
  3. LosingItForMe2011

    Waiting To Go Into Surgery!

    congrats. Hope you're doing well. Let us know how you are!
  4. LosingItForMe2011

    To Sad Right Now

    It could be either your PCP or surgeon. I needed information from my PCP and ended up having to delay my surgery for a month because of it.
  5. LosingItForMe2011


    Thats awsome! Congrats and you should be proud!
  6. LosingItForMe2011

    40's New Beginnings

    Hello 40's peeps...how is everything going?
  7. LosingItForMe2011

    Massachusetts, Usa

    Hey there Massachusetts peeps! How is everything going? Anyone interested in maybe getting together...meeting somewhere central?
  8. LosingItForMe2011

    Hey Fat Girl

    Thank you for sharing this. Very inspirational!
  9. Sharoncarrie - so sorry to hear of your breakup. Don't know the past issues etc but, now is the time to take the time for you! You're so worth your choice and effort to have this surgery done. You made the decision to get healthy and please don't let any one or any situation change your mind. Its not easy.....we all have gone through emotional roller coasters to say the least and there are battles to stay positive all the time. But you can do it....you can for you and your kids. Soon you'll be on the losing side of surgery and you'll gain better health and more confidence. Something to look forward too for sure. Look at your children and look within yourself....you can do it for YOU. You're stronger than you know! Hugs
  10. LosingItForMe2011

    New To The Group Hello Everyone!

    Hello lilbee and welcome to the boards! Good luck with your surgery and let us know how you made out!
  11. LosingItForMe2011


    My nutritionist won't allow gummy vitamins because there aren't enough vitamins in them. Double check to see if your surgeon/nutritionist allows them.
  12. LosingItForMe2011

    "you Fat Slob"

    Mizzlaw you didn't deserve that comment from your husband no matter what the fight was about. You're doing something for yourself so YOU can feel better about YOU. No one else can do that for you but, you so go for it if it's what you really want. You say your husband isn't insecure but, that comment he said proves he is. If you want to get healthy for the right reasons then no one elses opinion matters I hope it's gotten better and he realizes his comment was uncalled for.
  13. LosingItForMe2011


    Definitely pay attention to it though. Some folks become lactose intolerant for a while after surgery. I do believe a lot has to do with no Fiber and no solids in our diets - I had the issues too and once I was able to have things with fiber it helped. Folks who have had to take antibiotics after surgery - especially strong ones....listen up. I had to take 500 mg of an antibiotic 4 times a day for a while to help clear up an incision infection. Those antibiotic caused an imbalance in my intestines/bowel and caused awful Diarrhea and some cramping. This may be TMI but, it's important....that diarrhea starts to smell really bad...kinda fishy like and can be greenish and well...flaky pieces within the Fluid. It's not something to ignore and you really need to contact your surgeon. I had this and called my surgeon and was tested. I tested positive for Clostridium Difficile or C. Diff. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clostridium_difficile ) I had to take yet another antibiotic to help kill off some of the bad bacteria so the good bacteria could balance out. That antibiotic was also 500 mg 4 times a day. I was done after 14 days and thought I was doing well. Well after about a week off the antibiotic it came back. Here we go again....this time around my doc put me on the same antibiotic Flagil (generic: Metronidazole) and Florastor to try to get the balance back. Tomorrow is my last day on the antibiotic but, I think this go round I'm staying on the Florastor for at least an additional week if not more. Believe me, this thing is awful! I have to bring extra clothes with me to work "just in case" and until about 11am, I can't trust that I can hold it in. I get the urge, I run! Back to regular diarrhea though......I have read a few books on RNY and they do mention it happens. It can happen on the early stages after surgery because our systems aren't used to things going directly in so quickly, if you wash the food out of your pouch too quickly after eating, if you have a tad more fat then usual, you have a lactose intollerance or in my case antibiotics caused a problem. Make sure to stay hydrated and if it lasts longer than a day or two you should definitely call your doc.
  14. LosingItForMe2011

    Change Surgeons

    Yeap if you switch surgeons, unless the one you switch to is within the same practice/bariatric center and hospital...you'll have to start the process all over again. I know I had too. Took me a year longer to have the surgery.
  15. LosingItForMe2011

    Help With The Hair-Do

    I just started losing some of my hair so I'm thinking I need to get some Biotin caplets and take them myself. I believe they said there is a shampoo out there to use as well.
  16. LosingItForMe2011

    1St Grocery Store Visit**post-Op

    I used Hormel Turkey chili without Beans, greek yogurt (if you don't like the taste try the Yoplait 100 greek...I can't stomach the others myself), lowfat cottage cheese, Soups you can puree in a blender or with a hand blender, egg beaters, 2%, lowfat or fat free cheeses, poached eggs work, sugar free pudding with Protein powder mixed. Hope that helps somewhat. If I can think of more I'll post em
  17. LosingItForMe2011

    Just To Make Sure I'm Not A Freak!

    lydia - The only one who knows if you're going too fast would be you. So many of us have had different instructions from our surgeons that it's really hard to say if you're taking in something too much or not. Sounds like you have a handle on "how much" to take into your pouch but, maybe not the kinds of food? Onions can be tough. Are you on the soft or mushy stage of eating? If so everything has to be puree'd or chewed extremely well down to a puree before swallowed. Bread..well I couldn't have that until stage 5 or full food stage and even then my nutritionist said one slice of diet bread and toast it. But...it's true that everyone has different diet plans..similar but often different. No matter what you eat though chew it well, take small bites and make sure it's super moist and you should be good. Good luck!
  18. LosingItForMe2011

    Two Surgeries? How Long In Between?

    My lapband came out in Jan or Feb of 2010 and I had the RNY July 2012. My band was put in in 2006, revised to a bigger band in 2008 and then came out 2010 due to a really bad prolaps. It was to the point where even being unfilled caused me awful acid reflux that woke me up in the middle of the night as if I were drowning in my own salava and I was cooking from the inside out. I had to wait for at least 6 months for my stomach to heal in order to have another bariatric surgery. It took me a while to get over the emergency surgery and to grasp the thought of having my organs re-routed.
  19. LosingItForMe2011

    Anyone Try This?

    The fat content was too high when I looked at it. I'm not allowed more than 6 grams per serving.
  20. LosingItForMe2011

    Got A Date!

    Congrats lilmickey and welcome to the boards!
  21. LosingItForMe2011

    New Here

    Hello Megan and welcome to the boards.
  22. LosingItForMe2011

    Please Help

    I found it difficult too but, had to try different flavorings and temperatures until I found one that worked. Keep trying, making sure to take small sips and call your doc to be safe.
  23. LosingItForMe2011

    This Is An Odd Question...

    Depending on where you're incisions are a bra can be uncomfortable. You'll have some bleeding from the incisions that will get on your clothes so you'll probably want to watch for that as well. When I woke up I had a catheter for a while so anything like pants wouldn't have worked and by the time that came out I only had a few more hours so just stayed in the gowns they gave me. I wore one in the back then another in the front. You're pretty covered up in them if you use two.
  24. LosingItForMe2011

    Down 20Lbs!

    Congrats! Keep up the great work!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
