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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Jenelle

  1. :-) People are noticing the weight loss...Im so happy

    1. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher


    2. Dragonsmate


      It is the best feeling in the world ;D enjoy-you deserve it!

  2. Three week stall you will not win. It's onnnnn... lol

  3. Happy I did it for sure. 230 lbs as of today. Loving my sleeve.

  4. Getting better every day. 5 day post op.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jenelle


      Jazzy59 I have very little pain. Sometimes a little stabbing pain but not much. I have been walking everyday little by little and I have no problem drinking the liquids. The premier protein makes me feel full. Go to the link above I started posting since I went in to the hospital.. :-)

    3. Jenelle


      Jazzy59 I have very little pain. Sometimes a little stabbing pain but not much. I have been walking everyday little by little and I have no problem drinking the liquids. The premier protein makes me feel full. Go to the link above I started posting since I went in to the hospital.. :-)

    4. jazzy59


      Jenelle,sorry I haven't been on much. I had a leak in the pouch and ended back up in the hospital for another 5 days. Then i left the hospital with a new infection called c-diff. Very unpleasant. It took two weeks and several antibiotics to clear it up. My main incision kept opening and leaking as well. As of today I am almost 11 weeks and feeling like a human again. I've lost over 50 lbs but pretty much the hard way! Now I just need to get my motivation back.

  5. Day 3 post op. Feeling good. can't wait to stop feeling so bloated. Pain wise not bad I would say it's at 2, only when I walk that I feel so bloated. I have been walking that helps. Wondering how long this feeling will stay.

    1. butterflypinup


      So glad you are doing so well. :)

  6. Today is the day. Getting ready to go to the hospital.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rayanne


      you can do this !!!!!


    3. Zoey716


      Best of luck today!!




  7. Doing laundry and last minute things, getting my bag ready I go in tomorrow. I am so scared and thinking OMG is this the right thing to do? Every 5 minutes I'm talking to God in my head, praying that it goes well.

    1. BigGirlPanties


      congrats...you've got this! think about your life without the surgery...for me it was no way to live and wasn't sure how much longer I would have had if I didn't do it...

    2. butterflypinup


      I am in the same place but I dont let me stinkin thinkin get me down. This is right for me and I will so much better. Just need to get through the next couple of months. You can do this and God will be there watching over us. Remember if you need support we are here :)

    3. Jenelle


      Thank you guys.

  8. Post-op grocery shopping done...April 10th get here already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigGirlPanties


      good luck...keep us informed!

    3. Jenelle


      I will keep you guys updated. I'm so anxious right now. LOL

    4. Tracy Learmonth Shaw

      Tracy Learmonth Shaw

      good luck, I go May 16th


  9. 5 more days getting anxious. If I wasn't on this pre-op diet I would be eating like crazy at this point.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jenelle


      I started mine about 4 days early just to give myself time to adjust and of course to cheat. And I did cheat during those 4 days but not a lot...The first 3 days (with no cheating) were hard and the headaches were horrible. Thennnn on the 7th day I cheated with a big plate of mac and cheese LOL..but since then I've been good. I have not lost much only 5 pounds and Im starving but I think it has to do that with the nerves last month I totally lost my period. Just think if you stick to it and you shrink your liver you only get 4 incisions instead of 5.



      Oh ok, that good tho ,I am going to try that.. so what did you do for the headache because i know you cant take any pill for the headach right? and i know i will have them becasue when i dont eat i get them bad. and it might that your nerves stop ur period , just relax and everything will be fine, you should be excited not scared. just dont worry and think postive .. after all you gonna be skinny and healthy lol My main reason for the surgery is that me and my husband have been trying to concieve for 8 years and nothing has happened because i have pcos! i hate you pcos by the way but anyway i have heard and my doctor has told me that having this surgery will help my infertilty issues so i pray to god that soon after a year of my surgery i will have my bundle of joy.

    4. Jenelle


      I did nothing for the headaches, after the third day they were gone. In the seminar I went to one of the girls said she had been trying for years to have a baby and a year after the operation she got pregnant. Good luck with yours I will be posting how it goes for me. I can't wait.

  10. Shopping for my post op. April 10. Wooo hooo

  11. Pre-op diet is stressing the hell out of me. :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jenelle


      It's day 6 and at the beginning I lost 4 pounds (water weight Im sure) then yesterday I gained 2 back..How is this possible? Im following it to the teeth...I'm hardly eating compared to what I used to eat. It made me so mad I wanted to go and eat something out of my diet...I got a skim milk string cheese instead...watch tomorrow that cheese stick will cost me a pound. :-(

    3. Jenelle


      Thank You Preciosme123...I know it will be worth it..Surgery April 10th can't wait.

    4. Preciousme123


      You are more than welcome girl...if I can help at anytime let me know :0)

  12. Feeling determined now started pre-op diet woohooo...

    1. Mikee57


      You Go Jenelle...waiting to hear more from you on here!!! Best wishes.

  13. On my way to my psyc eval. So nervous. :-(

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
