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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jmacvgs

  1. Bariatric Surgery doesn't change brains. We (should) all know that. I hope you are respectful and kind to your BIL. He's obviously struggling. Just keep modeling good choices and don't be judgmental. I have a coworker with a band and her "work arounds" with her band was what influenced me to go the sleeve route. She's gained weight, I've lost 95 pounds since starting this whole adventure last November. She sees my success and is talking about a band to sleeve revision. I dread her struggle she'll have if she does this since she's a full fledged food addict. But I concentrate on me. That's all I have time and energy to do right now, but whatever choices she makes I'll still support her.

    Bariatric Surgery doesn't change brains. We (should) all know that. I hope you are respectful and kind to your BIL. He's obviously struggling. Just keep modeling good choices and don't be judgmental. I have a coworker with a band and her "work arounds" with her band was what influenced me to go the sleeve route. She's gained weight, I've lost 95 pounds since starting this whole adventure last November. She sees my success and is talking about a band to sleeve revision. I dread her struggle she'll have if she does this since she's a full fledged food addict. But I concentrate on me. That's all I have time and energy to do right now, but whatever choices she makes I'll still support her.

    I didn't say a peep when he was rambling on. Just listened and threw in some, "Oh, interesting" and "uh huh". What gets me is he doesn't see anything wrong with the way he eats, in fact, he was encouraging me to smush down the hamburger roll as it took up less room in the pouch. I won't go near white bread, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

    I appreciate all the support I receive from this site. I scour the boards looking for information, tips and inspiration, but I was sincerely looking forward to actually speaking with someone who was familiar with WLS. It was so disconcerting to listen to him talk though. He said he went through 6 months of classes with a nutritionist before his surgery. Did he learn nothing in those classes? I just can't understand why? Why do people go through a surgery and dramatically change their diets only to sabotage their success?

    My surgeon doesn't even perform lap bands anymore. Says there are too many complications that arise and that it's too easy to cheat with it.

  2. My BIL had a lap band done last November so he's not even a year out and he hasn't lost that much weight (IMO). He was telling me (horror) stories about his experience. Then, started listing foods that didn't sit well with him and I was absolutely horrified! Not because they didn't sit well, but because he would even eat them in the first place!

    Hamburger and hot dog Buns


    carrot cake

    chocolate milk (2% because he can't stomach the lower fat ones)

    That's just to name a few. I wouldn't DARE eat a hamburger or hot dog roll, that's insanity! What a waste of tummy space, calories and carbs for a day! I was honestly appalled. No wonder he's not losing weight!

    I'm only a month out, but am cleared for a "normal" diet, but in that month I've already ingrained in my head that there are foods that will not touch my lips ever again, especially less than a year out.

    My husband was so proud of me this weekend. We attended a birthday party with tons of yummy foods and Desserts and I didn't cheat AT ALL! I barely paid them any mind. To me, eating something unhealthy has the same effect on me as cursing in front of my parents did as a teenager. It's just trouble-nothing good comes of it. lol

  3. That's what it's come to when trying to get my liquid Protein in. I now use the New whey Protein Shots. Some 40 grams of Protein for 4oz of liquid. I only do a quarter at a time as our bodies can only process so much protein at once, but it's a good/simple way to get in a decent amount of protein, and it usually pushes me over 100 grams of protein a day when counting the food ingested.

    I just can't do it anymore. Choking down chalky, slimy, nasty tasting Protein drinks. I think I just need to take a break from the shakes. Maybe introduce them again in a month or so...or whenever it is that I can look at the container and not gag.

  4. My doc told me to skip Purees and to just chew, chew, chew. No starches. I have had halibut, tuna, and salmon and tried turkey this past weekend. Thanks for posting.

    My doc told me the same thing. I skipped purees. I'm allowed to have Cereal soaked in milk (kashi with protein), 1/2 piece of whole wheat toast with sugar free jam (bird seed bread I call it). Obviously eat in moderation.

    I eat turkey meatballs. Just cut them up and chew well. Atkins frozen meals are okay as well. How about baking a piece of chicken, sprinkle with some seasoning (so it tastes like SOMETHING) and add some veggies on the side?

    Basically anything I can chew really well I eat and I still lose a pound a day.

    I'm 4 weeks on Wednesday and do you know what I ate for dinner last night. A BLT (minus the bread) I wrapped up a piece of turkey bacon, diced up tomatoes and wrapped it in a lettuce leaf. I had absolutely no problems eating it and it stayed down just fine.

    Eat sensibly, Protein first and then add some veggies.

  5. I had surgery 8/28. I've sped up all my stages. Started pureed on day 6 (instead of day 8). Started mushed about a week early as well.

    As of yesterday I was 3 weeks post-op. Had my follow up with my surgeon yesterday and I told him about my "cheating". He said it was fine as long as my stomach was able to tolerate it. He said to take small bites and chew it up well and if it was something that I couldn't handle my stomach would let me know.

    He also said the stomach takes between 3-4 weeks to completely heal and to stay away from anything crunchy or with seeds.

    Honestly, to each their own. It's not like you're trying to down a burger and fries. It's cottage cheese which probably has less fat, cals, carbs than some of the Protein shakes out there! Have at it as my surgeon says!

  6. The variety in post-op care given by doctors just blows me away. I started pureed/mushy foods on day 8 (if I felt well enough to move along).

    I wish there was a big Dr. conference where all bariatric surgeons got together and agreed on the same terms for all patients. It actually makes me upset to see people who are dying for a fricken cheese stick and can't have it.

    I saw a post...there was a woman who had to wait 8 WEEKS before she could start pureed foods. 8 WEEKS! She had no health conditions and her surgery was very successful without complications. That's insanity and if you ask me, just plain cruel.

  7. I'd talk to your psychiatrist (if you have one) and see if you can get into therapy. It's a good sign that you can admit to yourself you need help with this and that's always the first step. You've got to take control of this now before it gets out of hand, and there is no reason to suffer because of it.

    Just find a qualified professional (therapist/psychologist) who can help you get through this and has your best interest in mind. Sometimes, while family means well...they often become enablers without realizing it, or exacerbate a situation because they either didn't realize there was a problem, or they have no idea what to do to fix/help it.

    Stay strong.

  8. I don't particularly care for canned chicken. Smells too much like tuna to me.

    I found these Tyson Grilled and Ready strips. 19 grams of Protein per 3oz and they taste pretty darn good too! They're soft so they are easy to mush up or chop, and they come in several different flavors (I think there are beef strips as well).

    Today, I tried the fajita chicken breast strips. Tossed them in some olive oil, peppers and onions. VERY TASTY.


  9. I've stumbled upon many recipes while scouring this site that were utilizing wonton wrappers. Aren't those high in carbs? I'm hesitant to use them for fear I'll be adding unnecessary carbs towards my daily intake?

    Okay...thoughts on wonton wrappers....GO!

  10. Cold, Raw shrimp with tartar sauce, not unusual. My family serves that at parties and picnics. Not all that different from sushi if you think about it.

    elyod59 - How are you coping being on liquids for 8 weeks? I was frustrated after a couple days so props to you for sticking to it for 8 weeks! Dr's post-op instructions are as different as night and day. I've seen so many variations of pre and post-op diets, it's unbelievable. 8 weeks seems a bit conservative. You should call and ask if you could start some pureed a couple weeks early or something...

  11. I dislike all Protein powders, and I've tried a lot of them. I've been relying on Isopure drinks (20oz = 40g protein) to get me through the liquid stage.

    I found a post that recommended Atkins ready-made shakes and tried the Cafe Caramel shake and LOVED IT! Reminds me of a McDonalds Frappe.

    BUT it has 9 grams of fat per 11oz.

    Only 4 carbs, 15g of protein, 160 calories....is that fat content too high? Should I not concern myself with fat content at this early stage post-op (10 days out)?

    My doctor started me on pureed foods day 8 and I've been doing great.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  12. My doctors plan had me on full liquid the first 7 days and on day 8 I moved onto pureed. I'm on day 10 and I'm eating scrambled eggs, pureed turkey chili...anything allowed in the pureed stage. I've had no problems whatsoever starting pureed early. In fact, I've made my Protein total the past 2 days through food, but I add a Protein Shake to put myself over 80g of protein.

    I've lost 12 pounds since my surgery and I feel frickin' fantastic.

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