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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About juliansmommy

  • Rank
    Junior Guru

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    New York
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  1. juliansmommy

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Joy ann. I had posner! He's great!! There's a support group. In box me if ur interested!! Colette
  2. juliansmommy

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi! I had my sleeve by posner on 2/25. There is a great support group if u want to come!! In box me! Colette
  3. juliansmommy

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    There is a great support group on fb called the sassy sleevers. It is awesome! Pls check it out love it there!!
  4. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Good luck!!! Keep us posted!!
  5. juliansmommy

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi!! Welcome! I am just over a week out with dr posner. Same group! I have no regrets. But I haven't been hungry at all. Head or stomach. There is a support group on the third weds of the month. In box me for more information!!
  6. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Half water half white grape Jucie was great for me.
  7. juliansmommy

    February 25 anyone?

    Glad it went well!! Take your time and rest as much as possible!!
  8. juliansmommy

    February 25 anyone?

    Good luck going back to work!!! Let us know how you do!! Xo
  9. juliansmommy

    February 25 anyone?

    Yay!! Me too!!
  10. juliansmommy

    Pureed stage

    Just wonder. Did u have a pre op diet like south beach?
  11. juliansmommy

    Pureed stage

    My surgeon says no pasta, potatoes and rice! That is a strong no no thru him. I would contact ur dr if u can! Gl
  12. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I Am home resting. Gassy but walking and sipping and resting.
  13. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Super excited!!! No leaks!!! Sigh of relief!!
  14. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I'm sleeved!! Feeling great!! Tired hurting and I have the room mate from hell. But other then that I'm in good shape!!
  15. juliansmommy

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I'm sleeved!! Feeling great!! Tired hurting and I have the room mate from hell. But other then that I'm in good shape!!

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