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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TheWatcher

  1. For me i think it may be easier because i mainly use my ganja to help me focus... i have add so when i smoke i have zen like concentration... and with water loading the munchies have been all but eliminated.... i would recommend that you guys try that it will be easier to ward off the munchies
  2. TheWatcher

    Sex Soundtrack

    hey you can never count out barry to start a good time
  3. I guess what i am interested in is to see if people followed the diet the full month that is recommended i was banded last week and im already picking back up on my activity levels ... and now im hungry more cause im way more active. i have every intention to follow the diet and stick to the soups and broths of the full liquid diet... but i just bought a blender incase i beed to make a move to more substantial foods... holla at me people
  4. TheWatcher

    Post op full liquid diet

    im not debating the doctors advice but the doctor his generalizing the instructions for all people ... but just like some people are more or less sensitive to pain meds and drugs the same goes for healing. im sure when he says a month of full liquids its to help promote healing but even now the pain of my cars are nearly gone and im back to my pre op activitiesschedual... with little pain... and the fact is that im not getting enough energy to do that... im going to call the doc but a full month each day as i get busier and busier is looking like a finish line i wont be able to hit with the full liquids.... I have a very demanding job that requires alot of energy especially seeming as though apparently when i took off all hell broke loose... and it seems to me that all the required diets are not the same. so i guess ill just have to play it by ear
  5. Thats because in this country you can cal it identity grouping.... you look white therefore you are white.... Obama looks black so therefore no matter how technical you want to be ... people and the public at large will always and forever consider him to be a black man.... because thats what they see. Yeah its a shitty way to think about it but thats America for ya.
  6. August bandees who toke sound off
  7. TheWatcher

    Sex Soundtrack

    cmon people lets get some late summer song updates... i need to update my playlist
  8. TheWatcher

    This was the last straw

    Any new stories?? lets keep em commin
  9. TheWatcher

    Day 3 with no pot :]

    you poor poor child.... i feel for you ..... i had to have a few friends come over with a happy box this afternoon if you know what im sayin had to take the edge off so to speak 2 in the morning 2 at night 2 in the afternoon to make me feel alright 2 in peace and 2 in time of war 2 before i 2 and then i 2 more
  10. TheWatcher

    does it hurt when any1 hiccups?

    Kickash73 im right there with you banded Tuesday but its more like im not eating enough when i get it... but it hurts a bit when i do hiccup i just hope it goes away
  11. TheWatcher

    does it hurt when any1 hiccups?

    thank god i was thinking there was something wrong with my band ..... thanks for posting people
  12. Jack .... jack jack jack... all i scan ask is did you watch the speech or did you listen to it... because if you watched it then well i cant help you believe in something that you fully get a comprehension on. You needed to listen to that speech and realize that its not about him its about you ... that speech was nothing more that a rallying call to all Americans to stand up together and do more... to want better. and to make better happen. Obama throws himself down as a tool to help grease the wheels ... but if we want the changes that he promises we must fight for it. the Change he speaks of can only be brought about tbu the American people engaging and actively applying our power to make things happen. Thats what you would have under stoop if you listened to the speech instead of watched it.... heres what you can do dl the speech and replace the word i with you.... or us ... or American people and see if the power of that speech doesnt shine though...
  13. Thats what i have been saying all along... its goon how people are seriously giving him at least the benefit of the doubt now... i mean my favorite line from the speech has got to be "im not willing to take a 10% chance on change" :thumbup:classic:thumbup:
  14. TheWatcher

    For Just Us Guys

    Hey people ... i have been having a lot of pain and i can barely get outta be by my self.. but im not complaining but i need some help... any pain relief methods... or anything that you can suggest for the full liquid diet that can help me just get through this first month... help me out brothas.....:smile2:
  15. TheWatcher

    For Just Us Guys

    Hey people ... i have been having a lot of pain and i can barely get outta be by my self.. but im not complaining but i need some help... any pain relief methods... or anything that you can suggest for the full liquid diet that can help me just get through this first month... help me out brothas.....:smile2:
  16. TheWatcher

    It is done

    and it hurts like hell i mean really where the heck is my button.... i want my pain button back... Im tired hungry and in pain... but at least i got the banding out of the way... now its time to go check out my realize site... So im calling out to all august 26th bandees holla at cha boi!!!!!:thumbup:
  17. ok sooo im getting banded in the morning ... and i can finally put the first leg behind me.. and i cant wait but here is the thing i have lost about 40 lbs already in post op and it just seems to me that for every 5-10 pounds or so that i loose ... my sex drive jumps that much more:thumbup:... granted im not complaining but i have only lost 40 pounds what happends when i get to 60, 80, 100.:confused2: the thought is disctracting to say the least.... doesn anyone have similar issues or experiences.:smile2:
  18. TheWatcher

    August 25 band date

    my surgury date got moved forward to the 25th so im hella juiced but im getting more and more antsy by the day .... not because of the surgery but because sat i got the flu. no im done with the fever and i feel 100 time better but i still have a really slight cough mostly from post nasal drip and a runny nose.... will this jeopardize my surgery??
  19. TheWatcher

    August 25 band date

    Thanks... man... yeah for a while there i was stressin about the surgery then the funk hit the fan at work... on top of that i literally met to woman of my dreams:wub: and lost her:confused2:... so i was more than happy when Stanford called and pushed my surgury forward... put things back in perspective. Whats good on your end
  20. TheWatcher

    August 25

    duplicate duplicate
  21. TheWatcher


    Ok to its amazing how the right information at the right time can change anything... i just ended a very intense relationship and was sulking about that then the hospital calls and they want to move my surgury date up to now... 8-25 to be exact... barely gives me time to get my work situation situated but ... danm if its not a relief i mean the wait is friggen over finally. not not really as nervous as i was before then... thank God something is going my way
  22. This seems to be the thread for me ... am about a month out from my surgery and well im flipping the hell out to say the least everything from mourning food to wondering how much access skinn i may have after dropping so much weight... i have never really been small so im not even sure if i will recognize myself after... i have always been a jock so im glad to be getting back to where i can do the things i love doing but seriously im having a hard time manning up in these my last days as a citizen of fatdom. I mean it took me a long time to become one with my fatness and now im turning my back on it .... sept 9th is the day ... i started eating to much as a coping mechanism to depression and skeletons in the closet... when i cant hide behind the fatass what will i do then?
  23. whats good how are you

  24. welcome to the forums... have you been banded or are you still researching

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