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Everything posted by TheWatcher

  1. TheWatcher


    do you still eat fruits and veggies... i know that some fruits and veggies are discouraged so .... whats on peoples list of dos and don't s.
  2. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    Ill succeed with my band because it was never about loosing the weight for me ... I got the band as a tool to assist me in keeping the weight off. I have been a jock all my life and it is only after i focused more on my studies than my athleticism that i began to gain the weight that helped me to 400+. I have always had a very good grasp oh how my body works. i also know how and why i blew up like i did. To respond to one of your statements more specifically knew what i got myself into... i researched this process for ... about a year and still seek council of people here and other that i know who have the band ... so i am not saying that my philosophy is for every one...im just putting my thoughts info and experiences out there. mock me if you will ... but i got this pimpin!
  3. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    yea and there is another thingthat is different about me ... i never ...ever ... eva eva eva eva... counted calories... and i never will... kudos to those of you who do... but thats... yea to me that would be too much.. the other thing is having a beer going to get you into trouble.. i have Iron will power. i have always been able to quit addictions such as cigs cold turkey and never looked back... if food is an addiction to you then it might be good to just forever stop that addiction. beer goes along with many foods well... so if a beer is going to cause you to want pizza and moreover more that one slice of pizza then considerable thought must be given. and remember there's always wine. and its stronger anyway ... kinda taste better too!! :lol:
  4. my biggest problem is that according to my doc when you are back to real food ill be 1 week till im "supposedly "off full liquids and im only 6 days after you... now im fine... but a month on liquids... its down right excessive.
  5. so now that i see im not the only one .... how did you cheat.??
  6. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    hey don't panic yet.... search my threads and you will see i have the same issue ... got some really good responses .... not everyone gives up beer...
  7. Applaud this human being!!!!!
  8. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    ok maybe im just true rebel but thin crust pizza wouldn't that work... the crist is vert thing dry... get say chicken and belpeper and you bet Protein... whouldnt that keep someform of pizza... i have no problem eliminating something from my diet... but if i can find a way not to ... believe me i will traverse that road.
  9. TheWatcher


    my surgeon is trying to get me to cut out organic applesauce... witch reminds me i need to make another post.. table sugar what is that ...lol i haven't used that in years...candy... thats the reason my dentist is about to own a yacht... so i already stay away from candy......(most of the time)... but hypoglycemia is when your body produces way too much insulin and at times you blood glocose can go fron like 190 to 30.
  10. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    yes coat those4 teeth in sugary goodness...lol jk Ive never been a big fan of carbonation... i never even drank sodas unless they were flat
  11. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    that fact that i am actually attempting to stick to my docs month long full liquid diet regiment. I am angry a lot now... seriously a month... i don't wanna be but i need substance... sigh im not sure if im going to make it to Oct on full liquids
  12. TheWatcher


    yea my pain reason for asking the question is my doc is sooo against sugar like its arsenic :tongue2: but im hypoglycemic it doesn't make alotta sense for me to give up sugar
  13. TheWatcher

    Why is sugar bad for banders

    but isnt that a cop out... sugar didnt make me fat .... my over indulgence in everything made me fat... moderation has been my key to sucess so far... but i cant put sole blame on sugar
  14. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    it really helps when you know your own body ... that's important
  15. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    all types.... i would think spinach would be semi ok
  16. TheWatcher

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    now why did you give it up ... is it because you can take the carbonation... or the calories... or what was the reason ... because i started a nouther thread and not everyone gave up beer. mmmmm beer
  17. why did you show me that .... now i will never finish post :tongue2: :drum: :cool2: :tt2: :w00t:
  18. lana is now my new favorite contributor:thumbup: to this thread... where to u get ur smiles
  19. wow... i almost forgot how philosophical and clairvoyant ganja can make you well said!
  20. this idiot makes me need a blunt
  21. I was going to come and say something profound and get on a few peoples cases but it seems like some people already beat me to the punch.... the fact is that there are a lot of self righteous people out there who think they know more than everyone else... the same type of people who actually think that you can go to jail for possessing pot... news flash in most states its a misdemeanor if that and a 125$ ticket. but to judge people on something that you have never even tried.. is lunacy i mean we arnt talking about a harsh drug (meth,crack,heroin) 9 times out of 10 you can pick them out of a line up.... but pot is a herb... you cant even tell most stoners when you see them... they are your coworkers your friends, bosses,police officers, and even your locak garbage men... you are surrounded and there isnt anything you can do about it... its less dangerous that any drug street or perscription, 150 times less cancerous than any tabacco product... so please gont spread you closed minded republican ignorance here please.
  22. yea i think its hilarious simply hilarious
  23. i think we all agree with that .... i bet hes a republican plan that scours the net to find post about obama and spread nonsense...

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