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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by smryan

  1. smryan

    It's Surgery Eve

    Tomorrow is my surgery. I feel like I'm going to wake up and it's Christmas. The future is bright! I can envision a HEALTHIER me now - being more active, less self-conscious about how I look, how I'm always the biggest in the room, etc. People keep asking me if I'm scared or nervous. I can honestly say I'm not. I've put a ton of thought and planning in to this. I've followed my Center's directions. I've lost weight pre-surgery. I have amazing support. And I want this BADLY. 99% of weight loss is MENTAL. I've got this and I will be successful. I'm excited to fit into smaller clothes, shop for amazing jeans at The Gap or Levis (no offense Lane Bryant and Macy's Plus Size, but this girl's MOVING ON), walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I will fall over, tie my shoes with ease, use a smaller bath towel and have it wrap around me, sit in an airplane seat without the buckle being all the way extended, go sideways to fit around people and not worry about bumping in to them...I could go on and on. Wheels up - let's do this!
  2. I go in today as well! Please stay in touch and here's to a speedy recovery!
  3. Today's the day - wheels up, let's roll!

  4. So weak from not eating today, but it's temporary. 24 hours from now I will be recovering in the hospital!

  5. It's surgery eve - I feel like I'm going to wake up to Christmas eve tomorrow!

  6. Celebrated my last day of eating "real" food with great friends. I even had a couple bites of cake without any guilt.

  7. Today is my last day of my pre-op diet, although my Center didn't put me on liquids only - just high protein, LOW carb, no sugar, fruit, booze, etc. for a little over a week. I've lost 10 lbs since starting it and feel great. Since tonight will be my last "meal" (tomorrow is liquids only, Monday is surgery) I plan to relax a bit and enjoy myself. I'll be at a wedding and may even have a small glass of wine. You can put your mind to anything and be successful!
  8. Today is my last day of eating solid foods for at least 3 weeks. I check in Monday at 1 for my sugery. Beyond excited!

  9. smryan

    Last weekend of my old life

    This is the last weekend of my current life as I know it. No remorse, no regrets, just an urge to get a move on with surgery. I'm going to enjoy these last 2 days of actually being able to eat and chew food for a few weeks, but stick to my low carb, high protein ways as I've become very accustomed to it. Sunday is liquids only, no shakes, just WATER. Monday is NOTHING by mouth and a check-in time of 1:00. I'm more nervous about not being able to drink anything for a half a day than I am about surgery. I've grown so used to drinking approx. 64 oz. of water a day that I find I can't go long without sipping. I'm hoping the next 2 days will fly by, filled with fun activities with great friends. I find that with a bit of pre-planning I can go just about anywhere now. I make sure I have a shake with me, some water, a cheese stick, etc. with me to snack on. This will be my new way of life.
  10. smryan

    52 today but feeling 25

    Happy birthday! Your post inspired me. I'm being sleeved this Monday the 26th and will be 50 in March. Can't wait to celebrate a new me! And I love the rebirth idea and will adopt it!
  11. smryan

    I'm New!/ Dr. Wants 5 lbs lost

    I'm on a pre-op diet, prepping my liver for surgery. I've followed a very low carb program (20 grams or less) and huge amounts of protein since last Thursday. I've lost 10 lbs. in a week. I'm drinking Nectar shakes once a day, lot's of lean meats (salmon, shrimp, chicken, etc.), tons of water and really watching the carbs. NO sugar, alcohol, grains, pasta, rice, bread, etc. It's working. You can do it!
  12. smryan

    My foot went in the Jordan

    Six months ago today marks the anniversary of a very important day. The day I put my foot in the Jordan River (metaphorically speaking, of course) and took a leap of faith. I decided to quit my extremely stressful, horrible, high-paying corporate job at a large wireless company, put my house on the market, had my last panic attack and jumped head first, heart open into my new life. Little did I know the changes that were in store for me, including the miracle of stumbling on to this surgery I'm about to undergo. I couldn't imagine then what I know now - happiness, serenity & peace. I don't know what the future holds but I do know this: I'm where I'm supposed to be and being guided by something greater and bigger than I could ever imagine. Don't get me wrong - it's not all roses, sunshine and butterflies, but I'm choosing to make the most of every day, despite the fact I'm selling my home, a business, a rental cabin, no full-time job (yet), a daughter that will be leaving the nest (most likely permanently) in a few weeks, a son who is starting his senior year of high school and no idea where I will land in a few months. What I DO have is faith - faith in me (after a very long time, tons of therapy, etc.), faith in my husband of 23+ years, faith in my weight loss (down 10 lbs. from high protein/low carbs in just a week!) and faith that a year from now I will be a completely different person. Just five more "sleeps" (as my kids used to say) until I check in the hospital. My husband asked me this morning if I was scared. I can honestly say I'm not. Just super excited to get rolling.
  13. Awesome post and a great reminder. I'm less than a week from surgery and will remember these words - thanks for that!
  14. Don't do it!! My surgery is 8/26 and I'm not getting rid of anything yet. Try sorting your clothes by Item, then color and just clean it up for now. I purchased 2 pair of pants in smaller sizes and 3 tops for now. The rest I'm waiting on
  15. smryan

    Pre-surgery efforts

    Yesterday I signed consent papers and was instructed on the diet that will in effect "detox" my liver. Limited carbs, no sugar, avoid alcohol (gulp) and tons of protein. I can do this (I keep telling myself) but have some events coming up in the next 1 1/2 weeks that will be challenging. If I can get past those hurdles, I should be ok. Last night I spent time with a friend that had the sleeve 4 years ago. It was encouraging to have the support and she joined me in one last round of cocktails and chips and salsa to celebrate. The one thing she said that stuck out was how she wished she had journaled her experience so she could look back on it. I'm committing to doing that on this forum so I can remember the big and small things. I also came home with 3 huge containers of protein shakes, vitamins, etc. from the Center and filled my prescription for some surgery day meds I will be taking. Now counting the days until I check in - 10 days to go.
  16. smryan

    Pre-surgery efforts

  17. smryan

    Pre-surgery efforts

    Hit there! Congrats on your surgery!! Two things I can tell you: follow your doctor's directions the BEST you can. They will most likely put you on a pre-surgery diet. DO IT. I've lost 13 lbs. in a month following a very restrictive carb/high protein diet. Hard at first, but you become used to it. The 2nd advice is: you have to REALLY want this and keep telling yourself that. Be at a place where you are ready for change. Most of what people go through during weight gain is a mental game - losing it is just the same. Best of luck to you - you can DO THIS!!
  18. smryan

    Pre-surgery efforts

  19. smryan

    What a difference a day makes

    I'm on pre-op diet as well and doing alright. You can DO this!! I see your surgery is this week - best of luck. Mine is the 26th. Love your posts and I added you as a friend.
  20. smryan

    Low carb is working

    I'm down 10 lbs. in 1 month. I started this process on 7/16. Amazing what not eating carbs will do for you. I'm hyper-sensitive now to reading food labels. Went to Costco yesterday and was shocked by how many carbs there are in everything I love to eat. Doc has me on a 20 grams or less of carbs per day until day before surgery and then it's liquids only. I can eat unlimited protein. The shakes are saving me as I really don't have much of an appetite. I weigh myself once in the morning and then log it and my food intake on myfitnesspal.com. Love that site and it's really keeping me on track! I keep telling myself I can DO THIS! I'm excited to be healthier, to be able to walk (eventually jog/run), wear different clothes, etc. Tonight I'm going to a bachelorette party for a friend and it's going to be tough to not drink, but I have a ton of support from the friends that will be there.
  21. August 26th is my date! I'm on my pre-op, low-to-no carbs, high protein, no sugar, etc. program as of today. So excited!
  22. smryan

    And it begins

    I got the call this morning that will change my life forever - I'm approved for weight loss surgery. It's scheduled, in pen. I'm not turning back now. It's time. Time for me, time for change, time to get healthy. No more size 20 pants. No more hiding in cover ups when I'm in my humongous bathing suits. I'm done with the way things are and so happy to be on this new road.
  23. smryan

    And So My Journey Begins

    We're on this journey together! My surgery is 8/26. Stay strong and be in touch - you are a beauty inside and out and can DO THIS! I need to lose at least 110 lbs. I'm 5'10 and 285 right now, pushing 50 and determined to do this. All the best!
  24. smryan

    Before, pre surgery

    Some Misc pix of me to remind me of where I'm starting

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
