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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by vsginkc

  1. vsginkc

    released today

    Thanks for posting! So many of us on here are getting ready for surgery and stories like yours are really inspiring! Congratulations at being on "the other side." Here's to a speedy recovery! -Angela
  2. vsginkc

    I must be insane......

    I think it will be a great distraction to have the house to think about! Good for you! These things tend to work out the way they are supposed to - sounds like the right house showed up! Congratulations! (PS. I moved two weeks ago and my surgery is in 2 weeks - it worked out perfectly...totally motivated me to get stuff put away!!) -Angela
  3. vsginkc

    July 31 sleevers

    Just wanted to say thanks to all the July 31 sleevers who have posted. I am watching your journey very closely! (I'm set for Aug. 22). Keep up the great work! Can't wait to continue to hear your stories!
  4. vsginkc

    Why am I so nervous?

    I think we all feel this way to some extent. I am 2 weeks from my surgery date and I'm a total wreck. I will tell you that the thing that has helped me the most is this board. I check it in the morning, once during the day, and again at night. The people on here are just like us - all of us are going through this together and we are all having the same doubts, fears, frustrations. I am especially encouraged by posts like the one you got in response. There are two people who just told (us) how happy they are with their decision. Hang in there girlfriend. It's all going to work out!
  5. vsginkc

    Need encouragement :(

    Don't let ANYONE freak you out at this juncture. You have made a decision to do this. You thought long and hard about it before you made your decision (or at least I assume you did). Once you do that (i.e., do your research and make your decision), it's time to just stick with it and block out anything negative. It does NO good. I freaked out about the catheter and the drain and then remembered -- I'll be knocked out - I'm not going to give a darn. By the time I know I have these, I'll be on the other end of surgery! I have no clue why they give you all these gory details so late in the game - the day before surgery is no time to be re-thinking your well-reasoned decision! You'll do great! Keep us posted! -Angela
  6. I'm in the same boat - will be traveling 2 weeks post-op. Some ideas (and will look forward to others): Starbucks has greek yogurt. Wendy's has chili that can be mashed up. McDonalds has oatmeal (prob not much Protein though). Premier shakes are pre-made and can be bought at costco - high protein, low carb. Although you said you'll be bringing powder on the road, I think I will pack some pre-mades for when I'm not in a position to do the mixing. With regard to the mixing, at Target/Walmart, you can get a mini-blender that holds 16 oz and is very travel friendly. To the extent you'll have a refrigerator, cottage cheese, string cheese might be good options. Same mashed bananas. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
  7. vsginkc

    2nd day post op

    Thanks for the post. I'm 2 weeks out and it is nice to hear about a mostly smooth process! Best of luck to you!
  8. I'm in the same boat with many of you! Had to start my pre-op/liquid only diet early because I was on an eating bender which was making me crazy. My misery loves your company. It really is nice to know that none of us is alone. Hang in there friends! -Angela
  9. I'm grateful for the posting of this topic. This is the kind of stuff that would FREAK me out after surgery and so pre-surgery I can do my freaking out with you. I ordered Alex's Big Book on Gastric Sleeve. In the complications section it lists all these very non-specific symptoms that may indicate a leak or an infection -- fever is one of them (along with shortness of breath, etc). That said, if your doctor's office is calm about it and says it is normal, I'm sure it is. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!
  10. vsginkc

    Need encouragement.

    Just wanted to chime in. Pre-surgery jitters are normal. I'm set to be sleeved later this month and my emotions are all over the place -- scared, excited, frustrated, questioning whether I really "need" this. The problem is not that we are jittery -- the problem is that we are jittery and we think we shouldn't be (if that makes any sense). I'm trying to really relax into that uncomfortable place. We are all cheering for you. PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW THE OTHER SIDE GOES! All the best, Angela
  11. Without being all "holy roller-ish," I will tell you that, in my experience, God handles these things. Most of the stuff I worry and obsess over turn out just fine if I pray about it and truly turn it over to my higher power. I am confident that your situation will work out just perfectly. Try not to worry!
  12. vsginkc

    Surgery Tomorrow...Fears

    Great topic - thanks for sharing! I think we all feel this way. Or, speaking for myself, I sure do. I think most of us on here have had some food insanity. Otherwise we wouldn't be considering major surgery. I am really looking forward to sanity returning when it comes to food. If you would, please update us all and let us know how you are doing! You'll do great - see you on the other side!!!
  13. Thanks to all for the helpful comments. Update: I went ahead and started my liquid diet early. (Surgeon said one week; I'm going with 2.5 weeks). I gotta tell you.... this was a GOOD CALL for me. I was feeling really insane (more than usual :-) about food. Eating everything I could get my hands on and then sleeping it off like I'd been drinking. Gross. I woke up today (day 2 of liquids) and feel sanity returning. The discipline of this is good for me and has allowed me to quit feeling so out of control. Beyond the health issues, that "out of control" feeling going away is what I am most looking forward to. Don't get me wrong - I think I have realistic expectations about having to change just about everything, including my thinking and using food. That said, the sleeve should be a great tool to help with those changes. Again, thanks to all. Blessings and love to all of you.
  14. Hello friends! What a WONDERFUL support group I have found online. I just can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouraging comments. Today's update: Went to bed last night after reading on here about 2 people dying after surgery. Not sure if it's true but leave it to me to find something to be scared about and obsess on. Went to bed nervous, questioning, and resolving to update my will before surgery. This morning.... sanity has returned. Here's today's gift: I am GRATEFUL to be on a liquid diet today. For those of you who haven't read the earlier posts, I was talking about how the food insanity of "preparing to prepare" for surgery was making me crazy. I was eating everything I could get my hands on and then sleeping it off almost like after a few drinks. It was scary how crazy I felt. Started liquids yesterday and woke up today SO glad to be free from the food insanity. The structure of liquid diet and not thinking about what "fun" thing I could eat today feels sooooo good. I am even more convinced that this surgery is the right thing for me. I have realistic expectations -- I don't expect it to be a breeze, but if better health and increased sanity are on the other side, count me in. It's a risk I'm willing to take.
  15. vsginkc

    5 Month Update

    Congratulations! Thanks for posting - so inspiring! (And I need some...I have pre-surgery jitters!)
  16. 18 days til surgery. Having all kinds of second thoughts but in my heart of hearts I know this is the right decision for me. I've gained and lost the same 70 lbs over, and over, and over, and over again. Now, at 40, the weight is catching up with me. PCOS, high cholesterol, horrible knee pain, insulin resistance. It's time. I think what is getting me the worst right now is how much I am committing to an entirely new lifestyle and there is no going back. For me, this isn't just about food. It is about smoking, using food as comfort, not drinking. Those are three BIG changes for me. And part of my fear is that I just can't imagine that I am capable of this. God please help me. Help soothe my nerves and my fears and stand with me through this process so that I might better do your will.
  17. I've posted on this topic because I've had a horrible time with what I call "electric chair eating." I went ahead and started my pre-op diet today even though I am 2.5 weeks before surgery because I couldn't quit eating - was literally sitting around and thinking of all the things I was going to miss. I literally made myself sick. I do NOT recommend it. I do, however, understand it. For me, once i get the sugar out of my system, the cravings become manageable. I hope that will be your experience on liquids as well. Best of luck on your journey!
  18. First, I just want to say how grateful I am for this forum. I've posted questions and gotten such great answers. This one really isn't a question as much as a "How the heck are we going to do this." As surgery gets closer, I start realizing that this isn't just about a new way of approaching food. I'm taking a HUGE step in every area of unhealthy behavior. All my favorite vices -- sugar fixes, cigarettes, martinis/cocktails. Am I crazy? For others who have walked this "road less traveled," was it a bigger deal than you thought or less of a big deal. (I should also say that OBVIOUSLY I should have been preparing for this more slowly by giving these things up slowly as I worked up to surgery, but here I am 3 weeks out!). I guess a new way of life is just that... a totally new way of life. God help me. Seriously.
  19. You guys are the best! Besides the laugh, I was really wanting someone to say, "I did this and so can you." I really feel in my heart of hearts that a big change is a big change and if you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly bear. Thanks for the laughs and the encouragement! Smoke stop date is tomorrow and I'm starting on 2 meal a day liquid diet just to practice this week. P.S. I'm NEVER giving up COCK....tails.
  20. vsginkc

    Anyone have PCOS?

    I have PCOS and am having my sleeve later this month. I will tell you that I did LOTS of research and the consensus is that the PCOS dramatically improves. I'm not trying to have babies, but lots of people on this forum and others have said that their fertility issues were resolved following surgery. I gotta tell you (and this sounds vain) but I am really worried about the post-surgery hair loss. My hair loss already sucks because of my PCOS. That said, totally worth it if my insulin resistance improves/goes away. Best of luck to you!
  21. THAT IS AWESOME! I really, really needed a laugh!
  22. vsginkc

    Sleeved on June 24.

    Thanks June sleevers! I'm scheduled for Aug. 22 and trolling this board to find out what "life on the other side" is like. You guys are big time encouragement! Thanks!
  23. I have the same concern but my surgeon has said not to worry -- he said that the day I come home (day after surgery), I will be able to take all my medications. As someone here suggested, I'm also looking into whether there are other "forms" of my pills (i.e., liquid or dissolvable) -- just in case...! Good luck to you!
  24. First, I am so jealous of those of you who have already been sleeved. I'm 3 weeks from my date and I am a total wreck - excited and then ready to back out and then excited again... Here's my question: I live alone. My sister has offered to give me rides to/from the hospital, but that's it - I'll pretty much be on my own. I have a friend who has offered to come and stay with me for a week. I'm wondering if I should take him up on it. Will I want/need someone around or am I going to be so miserable that I'd rather just sleep and be left alone? Any input is most appreciated!

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