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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    atlchick reacted to joatsaint in A new milestone for me!   
    Congrats. My license has my pre-op weight. :-P
  2. Like
    atlchick got a reaction from beverlyfox in A new milestone for me!   
    Yay, I just realized today that I know weigh what my driver's license says I weigh! That is so awesome!! Just thought I'd share my "win" today LOL
  3. Like
    atlchick got a reaction from beverlyfox in A new milestone for me!   
    Yay, I just realized today that I know weigh what my driver's license says I weigh! That is so awesome!! Just thought I'd share my "win" today LOL
  4. Like
    atlchick got a reaction from beverlyfox in A new milestone for me!   
    Yay, I just realized today that I know weigh what my driver's license says I weigh! That is so awesome!! Just thought I'd share my "win" today LOL
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    atlchick reacted to 4me4them in A new milestone for me!   
    Woo Hoo! Congrats... I have a way to go for my drivers license to be correct...lol
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    atlchick reacted to Tamlyn in A new milestone for me!   
    That's fabulous! Congratulations! My driver's license lies like a rug!
  7. Like
    atlchick got a reaction from beverlyfox in A new milestone for me!   
    Yay, I just realized today that I know weigh what my driver's license says I weigh! That is so awesome!! Just thought I'd share my "win" today LOL
  8. Like
    atlchick reacted to ShrinkyDinkMe22 in first 5k!   
    Ran my first ever 5k today. It was the biggest loser in Chicago. Got to meet Danni Allen and Bobby Saleem. Was an amazing day and can't wait to do my next one.

  9. Like
    atlchick reacted to LipstickLady in My weight has increased 20 pounds from my stable point over the past few months....   
    If this young man is a troll, I'll forgive myself for being a fool. If he is a young man who is of an age where I could be his (very young ) mother, I'd never forgive myself for not trying to be more compassionate for the learning curve of youth.
  10. Like
    atlchick reacted to Kindle in How often do you step on the scale?   
    I don't even own a scale so I weigh once a week at work (fully clothed, with shoes on and after I've had coffee and breakfast). I usually do it on a Friday so I have something to put on my ticker and to post on the "December 2013 sleevers weight loss" thread. Sometimes I forget so I don't weigh until the next Monday.
    I also don't track or measure my food, count calories, or go to a gym, so I guess I'm one of the "bad" examples. But below goal in under 6 months is good enough for me.
  11. Like
    atlchick reacted to LipstickLady in How often do you step on the scale?   
    3-4 times a day, for real. Fluctuations don't bother me a bit. I'm completely fascinated (yes, even almost 14 months out) that I only weigh 152 pounds.
  12. Like
    atlchick reacted to Healthier2day1227 in One year surgiversary!   
    Yesterday was my one year surgiversary of the sleeve. I was so nervous about it, but it was one of the best decisions I've made. I've lost 131 pounds and counting. My foot pain is gone, I'm active and feel great. I've gone from a size 22 to an 8 and actually enjoy shopping now. I'm able to do any activities my kids ask of me. I couldn't be happier!

  13. Like
    atlchick reacted to skinnygirlwithin in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    @Sharon C. the only thing i can say is you need to update your stats... You havent had surgery yet & you have already lost 300lbs. SHE IS NO FRIEND! Say good bye, have a funeral or whatever you need to... but as it was said many times before, Dont walk, RUN as fast as you can away from this nightmare of a friend. she is very unstable & it will continue as long as you keep feeding this fire. No matter what she does, dont allow her name to cross your lips... treat her like she doesnt exist....
    She sounds really messed up... just think of it this way, you might have lost one "friend" but have gained all of us as friends!!
  14. Like
    atlchick reacted to mrshawk92 in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    boy.....somebody really thinks highly of their self importance in this world, don't they?????? sharon.....this woman has issues.....real issues! let it sink in for a moment the real crux of her issue. she is pissed becuase of how you were so inconsiderate as to make a decision of what to do with your OWN body without thinking about how it would AFFECT her! YEESH!!!! personally, i would tell her to f#*k off without an ounce of guilt. it never ceases to amaze me how someone always manages to surprise me with new lows of scrapping the bottom of the barrel of human selfishness and narcissism. i would like to be your friend too! and we are somewhat neighbors....virginia, here!
  15. Like
    atlchick reacted to dylanmiles23 in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    Sorry to hear all this. Time to have a lawyer write her a letter. She needs to stop It is her problem not yours.
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    atlchick reacted to JawaGal42 in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    This is someone whose own sense of identity and self-worth is threatened by your very personal decisions to have WLS. She's toxic. Please, Celebrate your freedom from this person.
  17. Like
    atlchick reacted to Ginger Snaps in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    Your ex-friend did say 1 thing truthful:
    Never, ever feel guilty for taking care of yourself. You’re totally worth taking care of.
    Too bad she can't extend that compassion to her "friends". I agree with the poster above -- try to stop looking at what she's writing. She's got a new soapbox to stand on now and she'll eventually move on. If you know her in person, you might try to talk to her and tell her you don't appreciate her making you a topic of online rants but I doubt if it will do any good-- she'll make your discussion the next blog entry.
    I'm so sorry you're going through this -- this chick seems very unstable and wants to stir up drama.
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    atlchick reacted to Sharon C. in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    I've had a lot of people tell me she's jealous of my getting the surgery and losing weight.
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    atlchick reacted to Olarance75 in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    Not to be mean or insensitive here but your former friend has some serious mental health issues...each person has to find their path in life and someone wanting to control ur life is not nor never was your friend. your decision to become thin is really not affecting her...she jealous that u will be successful
    Whereas her previous attempts at thinness ended in failure. She wants u to be miserable with her. Let's be honest who chooses to be obese and have tons of obesity related illnesses. Be glad she ended the "friendship"..
  20. Like
    atlchick reacted to nerms in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    Omg my blood is boiling, it makes no sense to me? She wants to be around people that positive about their bodies but dumps you when you make the decision that you want to love yourself?
    It's not healthy to be fat FOR MIND BODY AND SOUL? Why should you have to "accept" it and suffer in order for her "mental health" to be stable? It's your fucking life!! YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL HEALTH IS THE MAIN PRIORITY, forget her. She mustn't have been a great friend to begin with.
    It sounds to be that she's maybe jealous because she knows you're going to succeed? One if the first lines was "us fatties" so I'm assuming she's overweight and in denial with the "fat acceptance" bullshit.
  21. Like
    atlchick reacted to moonlitestarbrite in Ex-Friend Keeps Writing Negatively About Me on Different Blogs and Web Sites   
    she is a very disturbed woman. you need to stop reading things she writes. you need to make a promise to yourself that you are letting her go 100%. that you will not look up things she writes online, you will not think about her, that you will move on so you can start a new life that is positive and healthy. walk away, move on, let her go. pursuing her will only bring you pain. you deserve better. cut her loose in your head and give yourself a loving break.
  22. Like
    atlchick reacted to blondiebabs in Anybody else tired of the attention?   
    @KBlood to me the "how much have you lost" question is very violating and rude, no matter how you've lost the weight. If you wanted people to know you would volunteer a number, or wear a sign around your neck.
  23. Like
    atlchick reacted to thesupportedhalf in Why you shouldnt drink while eating   
    Found a link to a video that explains so well why we shouldn't eat and drink at the same time, well worth a look
  24. Like
    atlchick reacted to lockkill in I can cross my legs!   
    Start weight 265 cw 224 and I can cross my legs ya can't wait to get below 200 it's been yrs !! Oh ya my surgery was 4-2-14!!!
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    atlchick reacted to feedyoureye in Weight Gained Since Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    Now is the time to get back on the horse. I really had to get to the point where it was real to me that I needed to watch what I eat and get moving forever. I really just wanted to be normal and not have to do anything special except "be myself" and follow my desires and not gain the wight back. I did gain 22 pounds back without even seeing myself doing it. I just lived life and gained 22 pounds. I then realized I had to watch everything I ate.... I don't mean I can never have things the I like to eat... I really just have to watch it, I write everything down I eat, not mater if its healthy or crap... I write it down, try to get in my Protein, vitimins, Water and exercise. I also am working on getting more sleep. Seriously, when people say you need a lifestyle change, they wern't kidding. How much do you want to live longer? Healthier? Be there for your kids and see the world? Enjoy life? Some days I still feel that little twinge that I want to eat the whole box of donuts... and sometimes I eat one... and write it down in MFP. I think writing it down takes some of the romance out of eating it. Its harder for me to see it as my lover if I reduce it to calories and protein and saturated fat. I try and keep the fridge full of Snacks I can eat. All kinds, sweet, protein, crunchy, smooth.... salty... I dont want to be caught with a box of Cookies when Im down... I will dig in. But if I have SF fudge bars, or 100 cal yogurts, or SF pudding, or oatmeal or something that hits the spot without taking a huge bite out of my calorie allotment, and doesn't wake up my sugar monster... I can make it through the day. Be prepared....for the long haul. I LOVE being at goal.It took me three years to get there. I still fight for it on many days... It is worth it. Good luck to you all.

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