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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by FRED1977

  1. I was 316 pounds at my heaviest down to 259 pounds, I can see the skin getting a little loose but nothing to major. I won't let it bother me living a healthier lifestyle is better than being overweight and dead because I wouldn't stop eating myself to death. Finding relationships are easy keeping it going is another. My suggestion is to look for someone that has already had the surgery so the know what your going through. My wife and me share this bond and its awesome. I could never love another woman as much now that we do. We know what each other goes through just to make it.

  2. Snufflegus gave great suggestions about eating out but I am here to discuss loose skin.

    I am 21 and I started out well over 300 pounds. I have lost 100 pounds before in my life and had loose skin after that. People always preach, "Oh you're so young, it will snap back!" But I have been very heavy my entire life and I have terrible, dry skin from multiple endocrine issues. So yeah, the loose skin definitely turned me off to the idea of WLS because it's a lot faster than normal dieting.

    But someone said, "Erika you may not look good in a bikini but you will look smokin hot in a good pair of jeans and fitted top!" That motivated me. We may not look the best naked but we would look AMAZING out in public in normal clothes! Our confidence will be through the roof and our HEALTH WILL BE GREAT! No medications, no high blood pressure and be able to have a fun and active life. And I would take that with saggy skin anyday. Plus I could just chop it off/get a lift later on in life. Heh. :rolleyes: So try not to be too upset by the skin and as for dating - there are many loving and understanding people out there that won't be bothered by it.

    And food is all of our "best friends". Fast, cheap and convenient and always there for us through the tears, boredom, late night TV and basically whatever emotions we have. But best friends try to bring you up, not down. I'm happy that you are beginning to realize this and changing your life. Good luck with everything!

    Awesome post and advice made me smile, thanks for being so real with your post.

  3. Hello all i am 3 wks Post op. I have lost 36 pounds so far. I m jst a little annoyed because i feel my normalcy has been stripped away due to surgery :( I loved food before..hence the reason i was 346 Pre surgery. But i feel like i m not allowed to love food anylonger n it frustrates me. You dont realize the little things you take for granted before surgery like gulping cold Water when thirsty...ughh i have to NOW sip. I dont want to cook in the kitchen anymore n experiment with receipes because i cant eat n enjoy it. Did anyone else have these feelings in the beginning?? Sometimes i ask myself...Why did i do this?! Please help with this struggle

    Yes, you are not alone. I have been eating smaller meals and most of the time I'm full before I even get to enjoy the food. I take a few small bites 3 is my limit,and if I take 4 it seems to give me a bad case of acid reflux. A nasty thing to go through. Everyday is a constant struggle on what should I eat today, constantly watching the scale. Getting frustrated very easy over minor things when it comes to eating food. I'm happy that my food bill has went down by several hundred dollars. NO MORE FAST FOOD diets,or excuses. I'm not sure what or which emotion I should be having now that I have the sleeve. The positives out weigh any negative feelings I had. I used to think someone had to be really messed up mentally if they had to have surgery to loose weight. No w I realize that no matter what I know have control over the biggest problem I had,my appetite. No longer am I the guy that will eat your left overs or ask for an extra piece of this or that. I feel good about the surgery but I know if I was to continue on that old path I would have been eating myself into a hospital bed.

  4. We all have stalls Jamie, it is very frustrating just search the forum and you will find several people that re going through the same thing. When we think about it our body's are stubborn and selfish they are used to this high calorie and fat diet and now it has to starve and give up the fat. It's a love hate type relationship. Just keep doing the right things like you posted and I'm sure you will see results. (:

  5. I'm on the fence about this because I'm just not sure if this is really the last time I will ever be obese. I have lost and gained so much weight over the years and I just really want this to be the last time I have to go in that closet and pull out a pair of size 44 pants. After 6 weeks I can now wear size 40 so I'm getting smaller but everyday I still wonder will there ever be a day I wake up and have to go back in that closet and pull the 44 size out. At one point when I lost 94 lbs on my own I had to bag up all my big clothes and then I stored them away in my storage. Less than 5 years later I was back to wearing clothes from the bag. I pray every day that we can all remain healthy and never have any set backs.

  6. Okay...this is my rant for today. I have read countless health books and i could be a nutritionist or dietician for people because i have studied it so much over the years...I like research...what can i say?

    Here is my rant today: What is the nonesense about the different preop diets for every person. Each person is trying to shrink their liver because like just about every obese or morbidly obese person..our liver gets enlarged due to the years of abuse on our bodies from eating unhealthy food.

    Howevee..there is no real difference between a preop liquid Protein shake diet or a low carb high Protein 3 shakes plus lean and green diet. Why starve the liquid shake diet people by giving them 600 calories of liquids when you could give them a 4-6 oz lean steak with 2-4 cups of non starchy vegetables containing little carbs and increased fibre?

    Both are proven to work just as effectively shrinking the liver and causing ketosis and aiding in weight loss.

    I can understand the difference in time frames and the need for some to lose a certain amount of weight. This i get....but drs feeding patients bull about how one preop over the other is a better choice for liver shrinking diet....total B friggen S!

    Oh and if the dr implies that a liquid diet is better to help teach the patient how to live post op for a couple of weeks...fine! Just dont go telling the patient its better for the liver to be on a liquid diet!!

    -end of rant! :)

    I agree the liquid diet is hell and all it did was take me away from eating. The diet also made me not want or crave food anymore. Till this day I still do not crave food. I find myself hungry but I don't want certain foods or sweets like I used to. I'm not sure how small the liver would be if we have been over eating for many years. Good rant. I'm right there with you.

  7. thanks guys! Yes, my meds need adjusting, again. I just want to flip the switch and have everything be OK, which is a good sign I'm in a funk. I appreciate the advice, and the support.

    I'm going to have some Water and take a few deep breaths, and then go back to my arts and crafts project at work (I'm cleaning up my lab notebook, to shut off my analytical mind for a while).


    Try and see what type of therapy you are receiving from your clinician. You may want to inquire about doing client centered therapy, this type of therapy revolves around the clients particular needs and will help you with your current mood concerns. I have to admit there are days I feel ust liek you do. Everyday is getting better but right now I'm in a financial burden and have so much stress that I just keep praying and pushing for the best. Please continue to post and gather support,you are not alone.

  8. Fred, did you hurt from day one? I had absolutely no pain, then 16 days out, I started hurting and am still hurting. It's not my incisions though. I feel like someone punched me in the stomach. I drink at least 70 oz of Water a day. As far as the laxative goes, I knew I should be taking softener, but didn't have any and was unable to go get any. The dosage was 2 pills so I only took one. Doc didn't say there was an issue with that, but who knows. I'm constantly drinking and have no problem getting in enough Protein. So tired of the pain :(

    Yes I hurt from day 1, but things got better around week 4. Your body may just need more time. If all your vital signs are normal and you have a lot of stomach pain then the dr may want to wait quite awhile until your stomach is safe to address. You have staples in there now and some people have different body reactions to the surgery. I hope you do get to feel better. Is there anything that you take or do that does help with your pain?

  9. I had the same pain issue, it seem liked my incisions would hurt so bad that I couldn't get any relief. I'm not sure if this is whats causing your pain. I would feel like they were shooting pains coming from stomach and they did not stop until week 4. Your stomach will need a lot of time to heal. 6 weeks out and I can say I don't have any pain what so ever from the surgery.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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