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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by gamergirl

  1. Even four years after surgery I still have trouble with chicken sometimes--but I figured out how to make chicken salad right after surgery that we could tolerate and enjoy during the soft foods stage. It's stupid simple but very creamy and delicious, and of course, high Protein, high fat, and low carb.

    I felt stupid when I poasted it 4 years ago but it's actually very popular amongst my blog readers and on pinterest, so I figured I'd share it here. . You’ll wonder if this will be bland and tasteless with just few ingredients, but I promise you, it won’t. Super flavorful and extremely easy.

    Creamy Chicken Salad recipe

    Chicken Salad-overhead.jpg

  2. 19 minutes ago, vamping said:

    Thank you, @gamergirl for sharing your blog. The recipes just made my day!!! I can't wait to share the link with others.

    Thank you! I started the blog as a way to track my weight loss after the sleeve, but then I ended up showing people how easy it was to eat well while eating low carb. So I used to post a lot of recipes here. Thought I'd come back and see how things were going :) Thanks for sharing the blog.

  3. I had vsg 4 years ago and lost 82 lbs; my husband had surgery the same day and lost 100 lbs. I started a blog to keep up with what I was feeling and eating, and that has now migrated to a full-blown food blog. But I wanted to share this yummy lobster bisque recipe that we used a lot during Post-Op/Full Liquids stage.



  4. First few days were very painful. From day one I really didn't want to eat but made myself. Got behind on fluids and ended up in the ER yesterday. After IV fluids I felt better. Feel great. Hopefully get my drain out Monday. Right now it's the most aggravating part. binder is great. Didn't realize how sore I really was because it provides wonderful support but when the ER doc examined my abdomen I realized how sore it was. So excited. Glad I did it even though there is a lot of healing left. I have some preop pictures and when I get the ok to remove my binder I'll take postop and post them.

    Mine is only 2 days away! Tuesday at noon. I'm scared and excited at the same time. I'm glad I read your post because now I will be more vigilant about the liquids.

  5. Well, I received an early Christmas present. My plastic surgeon is awesome. We went in to do panniculectomy and I awoke to everyone saying merry Christmas. While she was there she did a mini Tummy Tuck. It took the same amount of time I was scheduled for. From what I can see she did an amazing job. Can't wait til Monday to get drain out and take a real look.

    So happy I could cry.

    Merry Christmas indeed! How are you feeling now?

  6. My goal weight chose me a little. I've always had to work hard to lose and around 155 I was stalled for months despite eating under 800 calories and less than 45 gms of carbs. And I didn't mind how I looked, still had curves, so I decided I was happy at 152. I sway between 147-153 most times. I got to maintenance by increasing calories by 100 each week.

    Over time you can indeed eat more. I have to force myself to not eat whenever I want to. And I can def put on weight at 1400 calories. So I am still measuring, weighing and tracking daily, still eating under 1200 calories, still can't go over 75 gms of carbs without gaining weight.

  7. Hi there! It's been a while since we last "spoke" but I just saw your post and thought I'd chime in.

    For me I still weight myself every morning, I weigh and measure my food, I log everything and I keep carbs under 70 gms and calories under 1200. And even with that there will be days I'm up a lb.

    I think the key to getting back on track for me is to quit carbs for a week and go back down to the 42 gms I eat during weight loss. Hard as heck!! But it's the ONLY thing that brings my hunger under control.

    First few days of that, I make veggie and meat Soup and if I get hungry--I eat. But only meat and veggies. Three-four days of that and the hunger comes back in control. During that time I also drink liquids like a mad woman. And I prepare to gut through 3-4 days of feeling like crap.

    And then I'm usually back to normal.

    Until the next time I over-carb. And then the cycle is repeated. :)

  8. I'm scheduled for a mini tuck with no muscle repair only skin removal on the 16th of this month. My doc said I didn't need muscle repair. Have you asked yours if she/he thinks you need it? If yes then agree it may be worth waiting to afford it. But you might not need? Also agree that for most people the diff between what insurance covers and extra for muscle repair is small so maybe you could try that route.

  9. I'd say the same for myself. It has definitely been an eye opening experience for me, too. You are the only person I know who has to eat so little besides myself to lose! I can lose slowly on 900 calories, and better at 700. I also came to the realization that I can't eat carbs.

    It was a little affirming for me that I hadn't lost the weight before this because I sort of had the deck stacked against me. I never really thought that or realized it before surgery until I had that barrier removed. I always felt a little guilty or something, that I caused myself to be that obese. While I'm not making excuses for it, having a reasonable explanation for it made my light bulb come on. Having surgery leveled the playing field and gave me a fighting chance at successful weight loss. Now I still have to work for it, but at least now I know what it takes. Now I'm at a more normal weight, so it not an insurmountable task, and with only 15% of my stomach left, the restriction can help me if I start to go overboard, and the knowledge and habits I've gained are becoming ingrained.

    I know EXACTLY what you mean about the guilt. All the beating up of myself I did...the surgery made me realize that I didn't really have the fighting chance you refer to earlier. At 230 lbs, I struggled to lose weight at 1200 calories and 4 miles of walking daily! After 6 months of that I had lost a grand total of 10 lbs. Sooo discouraging.

    So grateful for the sleeve.

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