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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SarahB928

  1. So aggravated!!! scale showing 211.0 this morning, that's a 5.5 gain from last Friday and not to mention the scale showed 203.5 on Thursday. I have been battling a kidney stone this week and I haven't been able to exercise but a 5.5 gain. Ugh!!! I think it's safe to say I am not going to meet my goal but hopefully I will pass this thing over the weekend and I can get back to my diet and exercise Monday.

  2. 210.5 this week, only a 0.9 loss, still a loss though. Not sure how it's not more because I have been so sick these last couple of weeks. Consumer very little and very little of it has stayed down. I guess my body is holding on to what little bit I have it. Plus no exercise due to illness, I actually miss exercising, never thought I would say that. Keep up the good work everyone!

  3. I went Friday to have my drain removed, my surgeon requires them for a week following surgery. Hubby took off work to drive me as it is an hour away. Got there and there was a note on the window saying the office was closed until Monday. I started to freak out! I found the number to the main surgical department and the lady at first told me I would need to wait to Monday. I explained that I am not a local and hubby had to drive me. She took my info and promised to call back. I was in tears, I don't know if it was the thought that I was going to have to leave the drain in or the fact that the office didn't bother to let me know they were closed. 15 minutes later I received a call to come to the hospital to have it removed. A resident came in and removed it and I was on my way. About 2 hours later I received a call from my surgeon who was in Arizona at a conference apologizing and admitting it was his fault. Another call today from his nurse apologizing. Other than all of that, I am doing fantastic! I can't wait until Wednesday to have puréed food.< /p>

  4. Tomorrow I have my surgery!

    I am very excited to start ! I know that I will be in good hands and have a lot of support.

    I will check in often!


    You will do great! I am 5 days post op and really believe that a positive attitude has helped my recovery. I was even released from the hospital a day early. I really thinking walking us the key, make yourself get up and do it. Best of luck to you and you will be on the loser side in no time.

  5. I am 4 days post op and feeling pretty good. So far no major complications and I even came home from the hospital a day early. My surgeon requires everyone to wear a drain for a week post op, it's annoying but I guess it's a good thing. I am having trouble getting all of my Water and Protein down. Every time I drink I feel like I need to burp for it to go down, hopefully this is temporary. sleep has been an issue, I seem to be up every couple of hours through the night.

  6. I am 4 days post op and feeling pretty good. So far no major complications and I even came home from the hospital a day early. My surgeon requires everyone to wear a drain for a week post op, it's annoying but I guess it's a good thing. I am having trouble getting all of my Water and Protein down. Every time I drink I feel like I need to burp for it to go down, hopefully this is temporary. sleep has been an issue, I seem to be up every couple of hours through the night.

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