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Beach Lover

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Everything posted by Beach Lover

  1. Beach Lover

    What am i doing wrong?

    A agree with this. That is what I was saying about changing up the exercise. My doctor said to never do the same thing and that includes food consumption. Your body must always be kept guessing. These are some good suggestions.
  2. Beach Lover

    What am i doing wrong?

    Change up your exercise routine your body gets accustomed to what you are doing. Go bike riding, swim, take a walk. The exercise you are doing will only have to be increased if that is what your body is used to. Sometimes it can be water weight that is playing with you or the time of the month that you get bloat. It is rough and I am currently going through something similar it just sucks and we have to wait it out. I don't think you are doing anything wrong just try changing up the exercise a little. You also might be gaining some muscle with all that you are doing and that does add a little weight. Hang in there you have already done a great job!
  3. Beach Lover

    Anesthesia Cost

    I have never consulted with a lawyer but we must have one on this forum who might be able to give you some insight into this. I just don't think this should all fall on you. You trusted them to handle it correctly and use an in network provider. That is what she is being paid for. You could also talk to your insurance company and see if they have any advice also.
  4. Beach Lover

    Anesthesia Cost

    Out of network and they didn't tell you? Seems like your coordinator is at fault with this. Isn't she responsible for coordinating your surgery according to your insurance providers? I would take this further with your doctor because at this point you are responsible and you trusted his people to take care of you. Seems like there has to be some place to take this grievance. I am sorry you have to pay this but it is still cheaper than the $10,500 I had to pay. Good luck and don't let this go!!
  5. Beach Lover

    how do you know when to stop eating?

    It is something you just learn. Usually I would get a runny nose, hiccup, sneeze but that happened before I finished eating early on. Then I began to get in tune with my body and I could just tell when it was time to stop or the above would start happening. We want to eat until satisfied not stuffed. You will get the hang of it! Good luck with your journey!
  6. Beach Lover

    Fecal Impaction... tmi... HELP!

    Works great but don't trust a fart!! Just saying!!
  7. Beach Lover

    Profile Question

    Thanks for the laughs!! I definitely want that egg role! So how do you help others with this?
  8. So what does the Excellent thing on our profile mean and why does the number jump around so much?
  9. Beach Lover

    I HATE working out!

    I have been going to the gym for over 3 years now. I never go more than 3 times a week because I don't want to burn out. In addition you need to do different things at the gym do not do the same routine every time. You should also mix that up with some bike riding, swimming, walking etc. I enjoy the gym but I will never let myself get caught up in a head trip. If you miss a day it's not the end of the world. Go biking instead! I enjoy the gym and want to keep it that way it shouldn't be a chore to go. With that said it doesn't mean I don't have days that I just don't want to go. I make myself go and within 15 minutes of my workout I am happy with myself. Try it you never know and that is what this new life is about breaking out of the box and experiencing new things that will help us!
  10. Beach Lover


    Go for it and enjoy!!
  11. Beach Lover

    Tricky tricky Sleeve Buscemi

    I too only drink liquids in the morning and have food for lunch and dinner. The amount I can eat differs from day to day. It's always a great day when I can get 2 extra bites in. Always protein and veggie's I stay away from the carbs.
  12. Beach Lover

    Profile Question

    That is what I thought but the number changes all the time. I wander if they clear it out monthly, weekly heck I don't know. I just know one day it will be 200 more than it was the day before. I know I don't post that much!
  13. Beach Lover

    Best Protein Shake

    They are also at Sam's and IMHO the best ones out there. You get 30g of Protein with just one shake and the flavor is superior to many of them.
  14. Beach Lover

    Fecal Impaction... tmi... HELP!

    I agree 1000% You do not want to do this right before work. I would consider doing this when you have at least another day before you go back to work. At the very least do it early in the morning the day before you go back to work. Good luck to you!
  15. Beach Lover

    June surgery dates

  16. Beach Lover

    Whole Foods Market

    I love the Applegate products especially the grilled chicken and the salami! I have looked at the Brat Hans meatballs but wasn't sure how they would taste. So you like them a lot? How do you fix them?
  17. Beach Lover

    Habits are hard to break!

    I am having to go buy clothes for work and looking at all the clearance racks right now for summer. Fortunately I live in Florida so summer runs until mid to late October. I am hoping some of the fall stuff will be on clearance by then. I tried the thrift stores but not much luck. I have found a few things at Walmart as well. I just don't want to spend a lot on clothes that I won't wear for another season. Its a good bad problem.
  18. Beach Lover

    Almost passed out and hungry

    I take mine twice a day. Still need it eventually I many not need it at all.
  19. Beach Lover

    Report on surgery!

    Congratulations on your surgery! Glad things are going well. The burping is very common and hopefully the nausea will pass soon. I still burp a lot so I am hoping that will lessen with time. Do you have some nausea medicine? If not call your doctor and ask him to script you some. It will help quite a bit.I wish you a great recovery!
  20. Beach Lover


    I think your right. When we are working and have to get things done we push past and ignore what our body is telling us. Then when we can rest it hits hard. It was week 9/10 before I honestly got all of my energy back and felt totally 100% again. I would have good days and really tired days. The good days I had to pace myself because it would go to hell real quick! Stay out of the heat that will sap your energy also. Hang in there and treat yourself to some quiet rest!
  21. Beach Lover

    how is this even possible?

    This is very common like everyone said get a PPI. Hang in there!
  22. Beach Lover

    Almost passed out and hungry

    I agree with the exercise. You might want to scale it back a little until you have healed some more. Exhaustion is something a lot of us go through and the intense exercise will exacerbate it. Try a stationary bike or a walk, the swimming is good also just not intensely.
  23. Beach Lover

    eating between meals

    I will snack on some cubed cheese, nuts, beef jerky, hard boiled egg, piece of lunch meat, sf popsicles etc. It doesn't take but a little bit to satisfy me.
  24. Beach Lover

    Almost passed out and hungry

    Are you taking an acid reducer? If I don't take mine I get what feels like hunger but it is actually the acid that is causing pain that mimics hunger.
  25. Beach Lover

    Whole Foods Market

    I believe it is made in store. The clerk let me sample it and when he did all the other clerks came around looking for their sample. The served it on a wafer thin cracker that was so good. It is called Savory Crisps You get 9 crackers for 50 calories and 10 carbs. It was delicious!! They are right there in the cheese section.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
