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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from maggyluv in Any Az sleevers?   
    Thank you and congratulations on your weight loss!
  2. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from mtnhomeeee in Any Az sleevers?   
    I had my surgery at St. Luke's in PHX back on August 19th, currently 85lbs down! I live in Mesa.
  3. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from mtnhomeeee in Any Az sleevers?   
    I had my surgery at St. Luke's in PHX back on August 19th, currently 85lbs down! I live in Mesa.
  4. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from mtnhomeeee in Any Az sleevers?   
    I had my surgery at St. Luke's in PHX back on August 19th, currently 85lbs down! I live in Mesa.
  5. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Just Checking In   
    Thanks! I know me, I would be obsessed with the scale in my house, I will probably buy one once I've lost at least a 100lbs, that's my personal goal. After that then I'll cave and buy a scale. Lol until then nope.
  6. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Just Checking In   
    Yeah, I thought I was going to be in a good spot with my finally get my surgery, everything else though has just been crazy, but I'm praying that 2014 will be a better year, as far as my health, I know it will be, but everything else I'm working on making it better and making 2014, my year!
    Good luck and fingers crossed you get your approval and surgery date! Will it be this year?
  7. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Just Checking In   
    Thank you! I can't see it but my.clothes feel loose!
    Yes, he wants me to get more in, at the very least 800. With me eating 4-6 meals a day, I'm still drinking a Protein Shake a day. And trying to get my calories up, it's just harder now.
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    gia24 got a reaction from pnutpen in just need a buddy.   
    I'm finding my support system is still intact, but different they don't understand the mental, physical and sometimes emotional changes that come with having the gastric sleeve. So I need a buddy. Would prefer someone in AZ, but I'm open to anyone, female our male, Just need a sleeve buddy.
  9. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from pnutpen in just need a buddy.   
    I'm finding my support system is still intact, but different they don't understand the mental, physical and sometimes emotional changes that come with having the gastric sleeve. So I need a buddy. Would prefer someone in AZ, but I'm open to anyone, female our male, Just need a sleeve buddy.
  10. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from jaymzee in Syntrax Nectar - Protein Deals and discounts   
    I am not sure about anyone else but buying my Protein shakes and drinks, Vitamins, supplements and other things, have been kinda expensive. I have been buying samples from bjbariatrics.com, Syntrax nectar, it's 11 packets for $14.95 each packet had 23 grams of Protein, 0 carbs, and 0 sugar, I tried almost all the samples and have found a few I like, but basically spending $20 for 11 packets each time, was getting a little bothersome.
    I searched the web and found another website BariatricChoice.com that carried Syntrax Nectar in the tubs which are about 36 servings per container, and about $36.99. I signed up and got $20 off my first order! So I paid the same amount for a 2.0 lb tub which I was paying for the samples. I did get a referral code to share, basically you get $20 off your first order of $30 or more, and I get $20 for the referral.. kinda a win, win. It's not a scam, or spam. Feel free to check the website out and see for yourself their referral program and discounts they offer. Www.bariatricchoice.com
    I thought I would share if anyone who wanted to get a discount towards their protein needs.
    or you can use my personal referral code: 8432886
    Just thought I would share for anyone who lives on a budget too. =)
  11. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from jaymzee in Syntrax Nectar - Protein Deals and discounts   
    I am not sure about anyone else but buying my Protein shakes and drinks, Vitamins, supplements and other things, have been kinda expensive. I have been buying samples from bjbariatrics.com, Syntrax nectar, it's 11 packets for $14.95 each packet had 23 grams of Protein, 0 carbs, and 0 sugar, I tried almost all the samples and have found a few I like, but basically spending $20 for 11 packets each time, was getting a little bothersome.
    I searched the web and found another website BariatricChoice.com that carried Syntrax Nectar in the tubs which are about 36 servings per container, and about $36.99. I signed up and got $20 off my first order! So I paid the same amount for a 2.0 lb tub which I was paying for the samples. I did get a referral code to share, basically you get $20 off your first order of $30 or more, and I get $20 for the referral.. kinda a win, win. It's not a scam, or spam. Feel free to check the website out and see for yourself their referral program and discounts they offer. Www.bariatricchoice.com
    I thought I would share if anyone who wanted to get a discount towards their protein needs.
    or you can use my personal referral code: 8432886
    Just thought I would share for anyone who lives on a budget too. =)
  12. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in almost 3 weeks post op, rant & random thoughts.   
    I'm 3 weeks out. I haven't bought a scale. I was always embarrassed, Because of my weight. Even now I have a hard time actually telling anyone my highest weight..which was 386, lost 10lbs, pre-op but right after surgery in the hospital I seemed to gain it all back. I was so depressed, but was told this was typical and normal, not to worry. But of course I did. I struggled in the pre-op liquid diet and I did cheat, but didn't beat myself up and got back on track. I still lost weight though so I was happy.
    Last Monday I went for my 2 week post-op check and I weighed 358.9. I was shocked, excited and fought back tears. Seriously? 2 weeks and I lost 27.1lbs.
    I struggle to get all my liquids in and Protein, but I drink syntex nectar, I keep buying the sample pack until I finally find ones I really like, so far I've tried the Roadside Lemonade, I do have to tweek with a crystal light lemonade packet to make it tolerable, I have to do the same with the Twisted cherry, I add a packet of crystal light fruit punch, which I really like both of those I use with Water, I also like the double stuff cookie, Cappuccino, vanilla been torte, chocolate truffle, which I use with skim milk, I still have some other flavors to try before I commit and stop buying samples and actually buy a container or two. In one packet there are 4 servings, each serving has 25 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 carbs and 6 grams of protein per serving. I'm.also looking for more protein shakes/drinks with more protein so I can reach my protein goals of 70-90g per day.
    At my 2 week post-op I was advanced to soft foods, I love low fat skim mozzarella cheese sticks, Low fat cottage cheese and Greek yogurt, because of the protein usually around 12g to 14g depending on brand. I'm freaked out about the carbs and I know I need some and can't avoid them like in the Greek yogurt and other foods, but I need to stop being afraid to eat and only relying on drinking my protein.
    I'm very conscious of food and my choices so I'm trying, I obsess about food labels and everything that is in it, especially carbs, sugar, and sodium.
    I do try to get in as much liquid as I can. Mostly crystal light, regular water and sugar free Apple juice. I'm still eating sf Jello and sf popsicles occasionally, and low fat sugar free pudding.
    Tomorrow I'm going to try chicken fajitas I found some great low fat recipes and need to get over my fear of trying to eat real soft food.
    I'm still scared to buy a scale, but I want to, I want to monitor myself weekly but I'm afraid I'll become obsessive, I know there will be a stall and I don't want to be upset if the scale doesn't move out I don't lose weight.
    Everything is all so new to me. I just don't know what to do. Anyone else feel this way, or do I have post-op brain, and too much time to think about my new sleeve, and not wanting to mess up my new tool or fall into bad habits again. I just want to reach my goals and be healthy.
  13. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from anggeorge in Arizona Surgeons   
    I am having my surgery at St. Luke's in PHX, with Dr. Juarez, Abdominal Surgeons is his practice and he works with Bridges AZ. Very good Dr. Spent a lot of time with me in my appointment with him, and it depends on your insurance requirements what you need to do. Unless you're paying cash. His office lays everything out for you, and they help you get everything in order to get you approved, but ultimately it's up to your insurance. My surgery is Aug 19th.
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    gia24 reacted to kimikat3 in total blindside.   
    Thank you. Time will make this all much easier to get through. I have went through my initial shock time... My grieving/angry stage... And I'm now ready to move on and do what I need to do for myself and for my daughter. I have been blessed with such a wonderful support system through my friends and family with my surgery, and they all have been supportive with all of this as well... I have no doubt that everything happens for its reasons... There are brighter days ahead.
  15. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from indecision in total blindside.   
    Thanks, I think I'm over the initial shock. If he can't be reasoned with, I'm going to be ok. Never needed a relationship to make me. But I also know if I am single, I have my kids so I'll be good, and if it's meant to be, I'll meet someone who loves me for me, and doesn't have insecurities about my decision to get healthier.
  16. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from indecision in total blindside.   
    Thanks, I think I'm over the initial shock. If he can't be reasoned with, I'm going to be ok. Never needed a relationship to make me. But I also know if I am single, I have my kids so I'll be good, and if it's meant to be, I'll meet someone who loves me for me, and doesn't have insecurities about my decision to get healthier.
  17. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from indecision in total blindside.   
    Thanks, I think I'm over the initial shock. If he can't be reasoned with, I'm going to be ok. Never needed a relationship to make me. But I also know if I am single, I have my kids so I'll be good, and if it's meant to be, I'll meet someone who loves me for me, and doesn't have insecurities about my decision to get healthier.
  18. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in total blindside.   
    I knew my husband was having a hard time with my choice for WLS, in the past when we discussed my having wls he'd be less than enthusiastic and downplay it, basically saying I was all talk and wouldn't do it. But he seemed to come around and was supportive, we had some heated conversations, mostly since he thought I'd leave him once I lost my.weight, which I have no desire to, before I love him, yes he is a big guy but I've always been attracted to men like that. I told him, I love him and only him and would never leave him, he seemed to come around and be ok and we'd be ok again. Towards the end of my requirements and pending approval of my surgery it was harder on him I could tell but he was still supportive, we talked about vacations we'd take, more family pictures, renewing our vows and having a baby of our own Adobe muy weight and PCOS made it hard to conceive, and all the things I was afraid to do because of my weight, I was happy and excited about our new life together
    But I didn't talk about my Surgery or fears, because I knew his fears were bad too.
    So my Surgery was August 19, and in the hospital and home he has been pretty good about getting with the kids, but I handle myself and do most things for myself, but getting out of our new bed which is lower to the ground is challenging at times.
    But the last few days he's been distant, and suddenly last night before bed, he just says he is leaving, because he doesn't want to be left and that he knows I'll leave once I've lost my weight. He then got out of bed and went outside to smoke. I was shocked and devastated, I love him, been in love with him for 8 years, we were just about to file the paperwork for him to formally adopt my children from a previous marriage, and now he says he is leaving since he can't handle being left.
    My children are involved, they love him deeply and that's their dad and that's my husband, I can't believe I'm not even 2 weeks out and get this dropped on me. He had been asleep all day so I haven't been able to talk to him, I want to go to therapy to try and reassure him and work.through this, I don't want to lose my marriage because he has fears of something I'll never do, or because he's heard other people did that to their spouses once they lost their weight. That's them, not me. I think his so called friends have been telling him this bs and to expect the worst. It's crazy how can people try to destroy a family and put more fear and doubt in a man at a time like this. My husband does have a history of depression, PTSD and bi polor disorder but it's been managed, but I do think he stopped his meds because he wouldn't do this to me otherwise.
    If I can't get him to see reason or go to therapy there isn't anything I can do. I'm lost and hurt.
  19. Like
    gia24 reacted to kathp in What do you tell the haters?   
    I'm of two minds on this topic.
    First, I told people. I let my FB friends know and told them if they weren't going to be supportive they were getting deleted. And I meant it. I made sure I did my research before I told anyone, though. I kind of explored the idea, after years of saying I'd never do it (being a hater myself, actually), before I committed. Once I decided, I shared it.
    There are people who say it's our job to educate the haters. I'm not sure I agree all the time. Yeah, sometimes we can offer help to those that might not also consider surgery, but sometimes we can be selfish and make it about us (if we don't look out for us, who will?) and ignore their negativity.
    So, when someone suggests that surgery is the easy way out, or that just modifying behavior is the simple answer, I take a deep breath. If they've been successful, I congratulate them on their success. And then I say that I want to make this permanent, that it's hard work, and then move on in the conversation.
    I read somewhere recently that cancer is something we have, but obese is something we are. It was a pretty powerful observation. Somehow the label gives people to be more judgemental and tell us how to deal with our health problems. If I had breast cancer and decided to have a masectomy versus a less radical treatment, people wouldn't be so bold about second guessing my decision with my doctor, so why are they with surgery. Just food for thought.
    Best wishes. I love my sleeve. (even if some days it doesn't love me... eat slowly)
  20. Like
    gia24 reacted to DonRodolfo in be honest   
    i know a couple of people who have lost weight from weight loss surgery without a significant amount of exercise - one can't because of his knees, and one won't because she doesn't believe in it. Hey, if that works for them.
    i'm here to tell you I started this journey in January of this year. I was 416lbs and couldn't stand for 10 minutes without breaking into a sweat IN A COLD DATACENTER. Yesterday I did a 5k on the treadmill for the first time in my 50 year old life. Today I'm shopping for my first 5K to walk.
    Did exercise contribute to my weight loss. Maybe or maybe not but i know I'm healthier because of it.
  21. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Mocha2871 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    Got home yesterday, while in the hospital walked around and used the restroom by myself, and sat up for awhile. Worst pain is the incision where they pulled the stomach out of, it's on my left side. It's the only real pain I have which sucks. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. In the hospital I ate pudding, and cream of wheat which I tolerated well. I didn't sleep well in the hospital so when I came home I crashed. Been up walking around, and sitting up.. Got maybe 40g of Protein, and 20 or so oz of Water, and a few bites of pudding. So I'm trying. I can wait to feel like myself again. But I'm alive ave can't wait to feel better and start losing weight!
  22. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from SmilinNC in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    I'm alive! In pain. No nausea, occasionally burping up air but that's it. Walked once and went to the bathroom on my own 4x. The incision where he took my stomach out hurts so Damn bad. Hitting the morphine as needed.
  23. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from desertgirl6801 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    Today is the day! Heading to the hospital now. Check in at 11, surgery at 1. I'm.So scared. Prayers needed please! Thanks for all the support.
  24. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from desertgirl6801 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    Today is the day! Heading to the hospital now. Check in at 11, surgery at 1. I'm.So scared. Prayers needed please! Thanks for all the support.
  25. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from SmilinNC in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    I'm alive! In pain. No nausea, occasionally burping up air but that's it. Walked once and went to the bathroom on my own 4x. The incision where he took my stomach out hurts so Damn bad. Hitting the morphine as needed.

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