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    mrs.petethecat reacted to BKLYNgal87 in Dr Luna   
    I have been reading these related threads the last few days but felt since I wasn't involved in any way I should refrain from commenting. But since I work in a hospital I have seen instances where doctors had inappropriate relationships with patients. Doesn't always mean sex, flirtation is more common but is NOT appropriate behavior for a physician. It isn't usually reported at the time because the patients involved seemed either ashamed right after the fact and wanted to forget it, or they were enthralled with their doctor and the doctor strung them along for a time hoping to avoid disciplinary action. Regardless of consent, doctors are always in a position of power over patients. That is why any hospital or clinic worth their salt takes disciplinary action against doctors who abuse the doctor-patient relationship. Mine certainly does, and they do investigate the incidents carefully.
    As for the rampant **** shaming that has gone on in these threads - I am appalled and disgusted. You ladies should be ashamed of yourselves. Another member corroborated her story and other patients alleged similar behavior from this doctor. Even if you don't believe her story or you took her retraction as truth, you stooped to the gutter level by outing her and harassing her. This man wasn't fired and I'm betting based on Dr. Garcia's Facebook message that he will be exonerated, rightly or wrongly. So congratulations to those who have a misguided mission of protecting this doctor's unethical behavior.
    You may think this story is clear-cut and that this is an obvious instance of a woman scorned, but consider this: I was raped in college and beaten in the course of the attack. I did everything I was supposed to -went to the hospital, had painful and invasive tests, filed a police report, had my day in court. From the day my rapist was arrested I was harassed and **** shamed by his girlfriend, his friends, and the university itself. I was threatened with bodily harm and death. I was called a crazy **** who had buyers remorse. My rapist's defense attorney convinced the jury of this too and he was acquitted. I am not saying my story is similar to the story at hand, but what is similar and deeply troubling is the way women gang up on each other rather than support each other. I grow so tired of it.
  2. Like
    mrs.petethecat got a reaction from christieouchley in I just cant do it /:   
    Unjury Protein, all flavors are great!
  3. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Supersweetums in Egg Muffins   
    From Kalyn's Kitchen Blog
    I only use about 10 eggs which makes a dozen muffins for me. I use a cup of shredded cheddar, green and red peppers, green onions, and Smokey River meat Company turkey Breakfast sausages. With the way I make them, stats are approximately
    126Cal 3g Carbs 12g fat 9g Protein 1g Fiber 0g sugar
    These are super delicious, like scrambled eggs to go!
    Egg Muffins Revisited
    (Makes 12 muffins, recipe created by Kalyn with inspiration from The South Beach Diet book.
    15 eggs (for silicone muffin pans, use 12 eggs for metal muffin tins or individual silicone cups. You can use less egg yolks and more egg white if you prefer.)
    1-2 tsp. Spike Seasoning (optional, if you have food allergies or don't have Spike, use any type of seasoning blend that's good with eggs.)
    1-2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
    Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
    Optional: chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
    Optional: diced Canadian bacon, lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage
    Preheat oven to 375 F. Use regular or silicone muffin pan, 12 muffin size. If using silicone pan, spray with nonstick spray. If using regular muffin pan, put two paper liners into each slot, then spray liner with nonstick spray.
    In the bottom of the muffin cups layer diced meat, if using, vegetables, if using, cheese and green onions. You want the muffin cups to be about 2/3 full, with just enough room to pour a little egg around the other ingredients. Break eggs into large measuring bowl with pour spout, add Spike, and beat well. (I used to add a bit of half and half or milk, but lately I like the way they turn out without it.) Pour egg into each muffin cup until it is 3/4 full. I like to stir slightly with a fork. Bake 25-35 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.- See more at: http://www.kalynskit...h.NejoLn4U.dpuf

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    mrs.petethecat got a reaction from Banned member in Up 2 lbs, don't understand exercise & the cal deficit   
    There is also the theory that as fat cells empty they fill with Water causing short term weight gain or lack of loss. The fat cells then over time release the water and weight loss is the result.
  5. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to allthatjazz4u in if I read about another stall Imma pull my hair out!   
    I don't know if I'm the only one who gets EXTREMELY annoyed when reading complaints about alleged "stalls". *sigh* sometimes I feel empathy for folks but most times I feel extreme aggravation. Listen folks...we aren't gonna lose weight every day or every week for that matter. If that was the case we would lose 365 lbs in a year! This surgery was not intended to be a "quick fix". I personally don't believe in "stalls". Have I experienced weeks of no loss??? SURE! What did I do to "break my stall"? NOTHING!!! Im 8 month's out and still follow my doctors orders and exercise...REGULARLY. That's it...that's all! When the numbers don't move I don't give into fear...I simply "stay the course". I really get dissappointed when I read about folks being taking on an emotional roller coaster by the scale. If you are eating what you're suppose to be eating and exercising like you're suppose too...YOU WILL LOSE!!!! This is not a race...its a lifelong journey. Our main goal should be to optimize our health and live better lives..not chasing a number on a scale or a size. We have to have the mindsets of those who've lost weight and maintain healthy lifestyles without surgery! I hope I don't sound harsh or judgemental...that's not my intention. I just want to encourage those who are feeling down about the "sta lls" or "slow loss" not to give up! I send my "cyber love" to all of you!
  6. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to johnlatte in So far, not loving my sleeve   
    You are having the " WTF did I just do" moment that a lot of people go through. You have to look at the long term. The weight didn't appear over night and it isn't going away over night either. It will take time for the body to adjust to the major surgery you just had. First thing is to stop weighing every day...just stop that! It doesn't do you any good what so ever to measure in .5 increments. Second, stay on your plan. It will work, you just have to have the patience and the mind set that over the long run, you will be successful. It is easy to get discouraged, I have been there. I see people that have lost more weight than me that was sleeved after me. I follow my eating plan and I work out, I track everything like a crazy, but I got through stalls and have lost really slowly. But you know what, that's fine, it isn't more weight coming on, it is weight that is going off, never to return. This isn't going to be a quick fix, but more of a permanent solution, if you do things correctly. Hang in there!
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to Yasmine in 7mos Post-Op :)   
    Old pics...

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    mrs.petethecat reacted to joatsaint in Why did I do this again?   
    It does get better. It did for me, around day 7. But I think you are going through Stage 15 right now. :-)
    Stages of Weight Loss Surgery
    1 - I'm fatter than ever. I've tried everything, I'm miserable and I'll never be normal.
    2 - Contact insurance company and get referral for WLS
    3 - Do I really want to cut out part of my stomach? Is this really what I want to do? Maybe just one more try, to do it "on my own."
    4 - Okay, I'm sure. I need help losing the weight.
    6 - First doctor's appointment. So Excited!!
    7 - What? Why can't I get the surgery next week? Why do I have to do all these appointments?
    8 - OMG OMG OMG I Got my date!!! Wonder if I can bring my leftover stomach home in a jar, like tonsils????
    9 - I'M NOT READY FOR THIS! What if I'm the one person this doesn't work for?
    10 - food funeral - One last pigout to say goodbye to my favorites.
    11 - Two week liquid diet - Holy crap! How am I suppose to live on this gunk! Feels like I am starving. Maybe just one slice of pizza?
    12 - Day before surgery - Am I sure... am I sure? They can't put my stomach back in if this is a mistake. I can't do this, I can't!
    13 - Hour after surgery - Okay, it feels like an alien is trying to pop out of my chest. Where's that morphine pump! ...I'm feeling ok, I can make it!
    14 - Hours after surgery - What do you mean you want me to get up and walk?! Can I have a popsicle?
    15 - Home - Can't lay down, can't sit up, can't eat anything without stomach complaining. I CAN'T DO THIS!! What the F did I do to myself? Please Lord, take me now.
    16 - Week after surgery - Okay... things aren't so bad now. I can make it. Still can't get in the recommended Protein and fluids. Still wondering if I really messed up.
    17 - One month - Okay, soft foods are getting old, things still hard, but I can live with this. Am I ever gonna poop?
  9. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Dont know what to do!   
    You are doing great so far!!
    There are a lot of factors that go into losing. Getting your Protein in is important to maintain energy and muscle. You have to get in enough calories a day Where does your doctor want you to be? At 6 weeks out my doctor wanted me at 1000 calories a day. Try adding a high Protein shake a day to increase your numbers. Where are you in your diet? What is a typical day for you?
    Skipping meals won't help you lose, try eating smaller meals more often. I agree with those above, it is hard initially get in all your Protein, but you need to do your best for your own sake. You can do this!! Tracking with a program like MyFitnessPal absolutely helps. It is not easy getting into an exercise plan. Start slow, but move. Walk... park further at the market. Walk up the street. Go up and down the stairs a few times. It will get much easier as you lose, your mobility will get better and better and you'll be able to do more. Anything is better than nothing. 'll say it again, You can do this! You made a great decision to go forward with surgery, finish the job and do everything you can to be as successful as you can. You have a great tool to help you. now is the time to be committed. We are all here for you and are all going through this together.
  10. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to JoiaRox in Dont know what to do!   
    Sounds like you need to spend some time looking on the inside for what's going on...some ideas:
    1. Track your food (use MyFitnessPal or similar free program online) to see what you're consuming, if you're not already. You MUST eat enough calories or your body won't lose - funny way of thinking, I know. Print out reports of your habits (or bring them up on your phone) to take to your doctor/NUT to discuss what you're doing and what you could be doing differently.
    2. Focus on high Protein, at this point. If it doesn't have a good Protein number, it doesn't belong in your mouth. You are HEALING - you can't afford to eat stuff that may go down easily or be a former fave food if you're sacrificing nutrition.
    3. Get off your ass. Yes, I know that's harsh - but why choose to be weak and make excuses? Be stronger than your excuses. GO FOR A WALK. If you have a smartphone, download the "Couch to 5k" app to help motivate you toward a goal. Set a goal yourself outside of that - even mini-goals (i.e. take 10 minute walks 3x/day) are important. Share your goals with your support network (family, friends, Facebook, etc.) and Celebrate your accomplishments with them.
    SO MUCH of this journey is in your head - you have GOT to start conquering THAT, in whatever way works best for you, before you can expect results. Sure, the sleeve is a fantastic tool that forces a behavior modification (i.e. smaller portion sizes), but you've got to make the right choices in the kitchen AND the gym (figuratively - many don't "work out" at the gym) if you want to see results.
    This surgery was NOT a magic wand. If you were led to believe that, that's highly unfortunate. Take charge of this journey - because it's YOUR journey. No one else can do this for you!
  11. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Firëfly in Liquid phase diarrhea...   
    Isopure and many SF puddings contain sucralose (otherwise known as Splenda) or other sugar alcohols that can make you have diarrhea or other gastro problems because your body has a hard time breaking those additives down. I thought I was lactose intolerant too and it was "liquids in, liquids out" until I realized it wasn't the milk or the Protein -- it was the artificial sweeteners that was causing the problem.
  12. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to mendymayhem in Should it Stay or Should it Go! (My Fat)   
    Hi there, I can relate to all you wrote about. Do your research , and decide for yourself. That said......I worried about all those things. Eight months post op, I have no regrets. None. My energy is soaring. My blood work shows I am getting everything my body needs. I never feel hungry. I do feel at times that I need to eat. Like my body needs nourishment. And my small portions fill me up. Protein first, then vegetables, fruit......I know this is hard to imagine from where you are, so you'll have to take our word for it. Like I said, do a lot of research. I'm so happy I did this. My diabetes is greatly improved. From four injections a day to no meds at all! That alone makes it all worth it!
  13. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to fatnomo in New Whey Liquid Protein. Very Funny   
    Researching reviews on Amazon and saw this. About wet myself laughing.
    "3.0 out of 5 stars Gross, but has a lot of proteinI drink these for lunch because I need Protein and like to torture myself. They taste like a wild boar's butthole farting green apple, but I just close my eyes and pretend that I am Dumbledore drinking the Drink of Despair and I'm able to choke it down."
  14. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to mistysj in List of VSG Post-Op Diets from Surgeons   
    Here are links to several VSG diets from well-respected bariatric surgeons, hospitals, and clinics around the world. I didn't make this list for the purpose of "diet shopping". It is remarkable how similar the advice is in most of these lists. We all know it:
    Protein first Lots of Protein (I think the lowest plan here calls for 50 grams) Don't drink with meals Drink 8+ glasses of Water a day If your surgeon's plan is not on this list already and it's published online, leave the link as a reply and I'll add it. Maybe we can get this thread added to the stickies. Auckland Weight Loss Surgery (New Zealand)
    Baker Bariatrics
    Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Columbia University
    Goodnight Surgical
    HealthPoint(New Zealand)
    Highland Hospital, Rochester NY
    Institute for Advanced Bariatric Surgery
    Johns Hopkins (diet progression first month post-op)
    Johns Hopkins (Ongoing dietary guidelines)
    Johns Hopkins (additional info)
    London Bariatric Group (UK)
    London Obesity Clinic (UK)
    Miami HOPE Center
    Murfressboro Surgical Specialists
    North London Obesity Surgery Services (UK)
    Northwest Obesity Center
    Peachtree Bariatrics
    Pinnacle Health
    St. George Obesity Surgery (Australia)
    St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton (Canada)
    University of Missouri
    Upper Gastro Intestinal Surgery (Dr. Talbot, Australia)
    Virginia Hospital Center
    Walter Reed - Booklet or Powerpoint
  15. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to laneyBEE31 in big week with progess   
    These last 2 weeks have been great for me! 1st let me say that this has been like an up and down roller coaster ride. I have good days and I have bad days but I always look forward to my good days!
    I was sleeved on 1-16-13 my highest weight was 376. surgery day was 363 today I weigh 292 for a total of 84#s down.
    A big week because I cannot remember when I was under 300#. when I weighed myself I got off and got back on just to make sure!! It was an amazing feeling. I'm sure somee of u know the feeling! Also, I have not made a purchase on any kind of clothing because I think its a waste but I would walk by cars or mirrors and all I would see is a person looking like a slob with big ol baggy clothes. So... I decided I needed to buy something. Pre op I was wearing size 26 I recently bought some size 20s!! I'm glad I made this decision just wish I wouldve did it sooner!
    Even tho I don't post much on here Im grateful for the support and inspiration!
  16. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to LipstickLady in Beware! woman traveling to TJ   
    I'm not judging you, you are an adult and free to do the nasty with anyone you choose. That said, I'm sure there are very few people that are interested in having sex 4 days post op, much less in a foreign country with a total stranger.
    Please, expose the cad that seduced you! If this happened, it is unethical and should be known. Otherwise, I must say it smells like bull doodles to me.
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    mrs.petethecat reacted to stephanie1678 in Beware! woman traveling to TJ   
    You are dealing with Latinos. Hot blooded. Sexy. Sensual.
    Are you trying to tell me this was not in your post op expectations? :wub:
    Come on. It is part of the package. For ALL of us.
    Eet ees why vee go to Mexico (said in my best Latino accent).
  18. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to LipstickLady in Beware! woman traveling to TJ   
    So you went to TJ, had surgery and four days later had consensual sex with your doctor? And you are upset at who?
  19. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to 2blessed in Just saying Hellooo...   
    Im new here but have been researching alot about the VSG for a few mths. This forum has really helped me alot in making my decision. I've read the good, the bad, the ugly, but most importantly i've read the stories of success, inspiration, and overjoyment in your NEW selves My first appt with the Surgeon is Aug 15th. I know i know...Im the very beginning of my journey but im excited and glad to have found all of you!!
  20. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to Molly Sleeved in Was I Invisible Before?   
    I had surgery as soon as I got out of school so no one actually seen me, but I did post a picture on Facebook when I hit the 50 lb mark. (Picture attached). Suddenly, guys that wouldn't give me the time of day are striking up conversations with me just to chat. People keep telling me it's because I have new found confidence, but this is solely based on one picture I posted since we're not in school right now. Was I really invisible before? Because I'm sure with the comments that got made about me, no one thought I was easily not seen! Ugh, sometimes it's just so hard to take the new attention knowing all those years I was ignored simply because of my size.

  21. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to measureofme in Beware! woman traveling to TJ   
    I tend to have a rosey and innocent view of human nature, I'd like to think everyone operates on honesty as the best policy in general and I know that there is nothing worse than a victim of a sex crime not having their story heard... so I'll bite and say this:
    Tell. Tattle. Share with the world. If you were taken advantage of, it needs to be said. It's true we don't know what the laws there are (well, most of us probably don't) but ethics is ethics and regardless of how it could have gone down at another time or place, a doctor had power in that situation- you were not used, you were victimized. Seek help and tell the authorities. If a person takes liberties like that in such a vulnerable situation, it's probably not the first time and if someone doesn't say something it won't be the last.
    That said... I feel like I'm feeding a troll. I hope MY trust hasn't just been blindsided.
  22. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to ppasjm in =(   
    Hi, looked at your profile and I'm from Belleville. Hey, 30 lbs in 2 months is great! When have you ever lost that much in 2 months before? As long as you're losing, you're doing great! Besides, if you lose the weight slower, your skin has more time to shrink with you and won't be as saggy! You have to find the positives in every situation. Keep up the good work!
  23. Like
    mrs.petethecat reacted to HatheryOnHerWay in The Fat Whoosh Theory   
    I had been researching why you can stall and then suddenly lose a bunch of weight in a matter of a day, and I encountered a lot of talk of the "Whoosh Effect." Here is an interesting article about it:
    It makes sense! What do you think?
  24. Like
    mrs.petethecat got a reaction from Jiggly Puff in Unresponsive coordinator, anyone else having issues with that?   
    Is there anyone else at this compamy that you can speak to and express your concerns? Usually there are several coordinators working and sometimes they help each other out.
  25. Like
    mrs.petethecat got a reaction from getlownurse in Speaks English and Uses Dermabond   
    Forgot to tell you...Incisions are stitched from the inside and silicone is used on top, except for your drain of course. For me, that is the only incision that has given me a slight amount of pain. I have not needed any pain killers since I came off the IV.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
