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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Jessiegurl2686 in Today is THE day!   
    Well my time has FINallY come!!!! It's been a long road. Getting all my things gathered up and gotta drive 3 hours to hospital. My surgery is at 4pm. Any last minute things i should pack that u wished u would have brought ???
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to 1stBabeBorn5th in Theme songs for your sleeve journey?   
    Freak'um dress by Beyonce
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Lisa O in Did you keep your surgery a secret?   
    I am keeping it to a handful of people. When I first started researching it and mentioned it, I got a lot of negative responses....its a lazy persons way out etc. Now that I've decided to do it...I don't want the negativity to get me down. I feel like over the years my own negativity kept me down about myself, and sine I am looking for a new beginning....I want only positivity. Since my Dr. Recommended to stick more to an Atkins kind of diet...that's what I'll say when they ask....I'm following the Atkins plan. I know....a bit misleading...but I really can't stand the negativity.
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Itsme! in How long to take off of work?   
    I had surgery in 5/1 (a Wednesday) and go back to work next Monday 5/13 - so 8 working days off. I could easily have gone back this past Monday but instead I took a me-week. It's been nice. Too nice perhaps. I haven't had any complications. I'm not hungry. My dr didn't have any activity or lifting restrictions. I've been gardening, shopping, walkinf, working out on the eliptical machine, wrestling two toddlers, etc without any hesitation or any problem.
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to LMarie in How long to take off of work?   
    Hey guys! Im new here and i am enjoying it! I am currently in my 3 month pre approval program and hoping to have surgery sometime close to July/ mid August. I have read a couple of threads relating to time taken off of work and I continue to read that most people take off 3+ weeks... My doctor has said more then once that 1 week is sufficient, and im worried it may not be enough.
    I know everyone is different.. just asking so I can hear different opinions and experiences.
    Im a hairdresser so its fairly important I know how much time to take off in advance so I can block my appointment book and not schedule appointments for while I am off.
    Thanks in advance!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Busterdoodoo in FINALLY!   
    After months and months and months, I can finally say I have a surgery date!! I have been reading all of your posts and wishing and hoping I could participate in these discussions and now I can!! 6/25/13 is my date! So I'd love to get in contact with anyone who has a similar surgery date so we can talk about things as they happen I'm so happy :)
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to BethTN in July 2013 sleevers   
    Hello. I'm in the Knoxville area. I having surgery with Dr. Boyce at Turkey Creek Medical Center. I'm very excited too.... A little nervous!! It helps ready these blogs, to see how people feel that have gone thru it!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to marielove in July 2013 sleevers   
    Good luck to all !! Anyone from MA?
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to KenneKat in July 2013 sleevers   
    I'm from Oklahoma, and I will have my sleeve sometime in July. I'm ready!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Beachbum2017 in July 2013 sleevers   
    LillyRose -
    I know! I feel so very lucky to have met up with Sunshine on here. I really like your response to Brandon - I love the "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!" - I think that could be my mantra at this point -t might need to get a tshirt made! That is absolutely my main reason for doing this - I just want to enjoy my life again. Girl - I got a spare room - you can switch to Dr Antonetti and come join me & Sunshine in Sunny South Carolina and we'll take this adventure together!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Beachbum2017 in July 2013 sleevers   
    Good evening, Sunshine! I'm so jealous that you didn't have to do the sleep study! It was a real pain but just another step I have to take on this journey. Don't worry about the endoscopy - it was a piece of cake - oops - bad analogy - it was a piece of 2% cheese! One minute I was talking to Dr Antonetti and the next thing I knew I was being wheeled back into my little cubicle to get dressed and go home. Little bit of sore throat next day but not bad at all. I'm having trouble adjusting to the new diet too! It's kind of completely opposite of what I had trained myself to do which was lots & lots of veggies and very little Protein. I have actually lost 13 lbs in the last month and a half but I think that is more due to being diagnosed with diabetes and being given Metformin. I've heard that it makes you lose weight at first. That won't work for long - I can assure you! I've been researching a good bit about the Protein Shakes that we'll have to drink for a while - getting a little concerned since I hear so many of them taste bad - guess it's a good thing we won't be able to drink much! I live in Irmo and work at Ft. Jackson so that's why my appts are in the afternoons - I'm trying to miss the fun at Malfunction Junction . Have a good weekend!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to lilyrose in July 2013 sleevers   
    You guys Terri and Sunshine, how awesome that you guys found each other.. Same time , same place, being sleeved, that is so lovely.... Ohhhhh I wish you guys lived over here in oz, we could have all been sleeve buddies together lol oh and hey to the above post, I'm July 2nd, so we are so close.... I just wish that the time could go faster now !!!!!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Beachbum2017 in July 2013 sleevers   
    Girl! This is too cool! We have to be sleeve buddies!! Sorry I didn't answer last night - I was doing my "Lack of sleep Study". I actually LOVE the name Sunshine! What dates are your nutrition classes? I go on May 8th @ 1:30, June 5th @1:30 and then my last appt with the nutritionist on the 15th. Have you been to any of the Support Group meetings yet? I can't go to the one in May because I have a hair appt that evening. My hairdresser is scheduled out 6 months in advance and if I miss an appt - it's very hard to get back in the rotation AND I end up looking like my profile picture. This is great - we can help each other through this adventure. I did my Endoscopy on Monday, Sleep Study last night and I have my "Head" doctor appt on Tuesday, then my stress test on Wednesday. Really, really worried about that stress test thing - never had one before and I'm afraid I'll keel over!!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Beachbum2017 in July 2013 sleevers   
    I believe my surgery will end up being in August also. In the process with all the tests and drs appointments now. My last appt with nutritionist is on Jul 15th. Just joined this site so haven't had time to add picture, etc. I originally was going to do the lap band but my doctor talked me out of it! I'm so excited - can't wait to get this done so that I can get that "helping hand" to get myself back in shape and able to live my life the way I want to again. My name's Terri and I'm from Columbia, South Carolina.
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to lilyrose in July 2013 sleevers   
    Hi, are there any other July sleevers out there. Golly it feels like forever away... 10 weeks to go...
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to jgarnick in I've been approved!   
    Just got my approval from my insurance company and have a surgery date if May 13! It's coming so fast. Bring on the excitement and the nerves!!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Less of Leslie in Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under   
    WOOT WOOT!! Shorties in the house!!
    I'm 5"2, 4 weeks post op. Total loss of 40 lbs, 20 of that is post-op. Current weight is 210.
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    Divalicious9700 got a reaction from blackie220 in just got the call....   
    Congrats!!!! I am JUST getting started. I had my consultation yesterday and they said that my "projected surgery will be in July) I'm super excited!!! Best wishes to you on your journey and Congrats again!!!
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to TES in something apropros Oprah said once--re: "the easy way out"   
    I remember once when Oprah had lost a lot of weight...she heard that people were saying things like "Well, she's rich, it's easy to lose weight when someone cooks all of your food and does everything for you." She was talking about it on her show and basically said...she was the one who had to make healthful dietary choices every day and refuse her beloved Ruffles potato chips. Her wealth didn't do that for her. And she is the one who had to get her butt on the track and walk every day. She couldn't pay someone to do that for her.
    I think it is so similar when people say that VSG is "the easy way out." We are the ones who have make sure that every morsel we put in our mouths is good fuel for our bodies and resist head hunger. The surgery doesn't do that for us. We're the ones who make special holiday meals for our families and then don't partake in most of it. The surgery doesn't do that for us. We're the ones who go to the gym even when the weather isn't good or we feel like going to bed early instead. The surgery doesn't do that for us. We're the ones who keep drinking (and drinking and drinking) Water when part of us would rather hang out with our old friend Diet Coke or Frozen Margarita. The surgery doesn't do that for us.
    And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, the surgery is a tool, but I still feel that we own and deserve every hard-earned victory we see on the scale and every NSV. If others don't understand that, it's okay. I know that I haven't taken the easy way out, but I also know that what I'm doing is an investment in something very important--me. And that's something that money definitely can't buy.
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    Divalicious9700 got a reaction from sm8705 in 18 weeks post op   
    Wow! You look great! Congrats
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    Divalicious9700 got a reaction from Jessica H in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 34.... 5'2...255...BMI 46.6... I've always been around 140-150 pounds. Around 2003 I started gaining weight (PCOS). 2011-2012 I went through 3 cycles of IVF and gained about 20lbs from the fertility meds(Steroids). From 2002-2013 I've gained a total of 100 pounds. I've tried almost every diet known to man and typically loose 20-30lbs then gain it back after each diet (deep sigh) At this point I've decided to get help(WLS) I think that 10 years is long enough to battle this weight issue on my own. I want to be healthy and enjoy living an active lifestyle again. I started this process in 2010. I went in for a consultation, sleep study and psych test but my hubby didn't think it was a good idea so I changed my mind and decided to try it on my own AGAIN. After seeing my constant struggle, my hubby is now supporting me 100% in this decision. My Consultation is tomorrow????
    I'm looking fwd to:
    1)Crossing my legs
    2) My thighs NOT constantly rubbing together
    3)Not being so winded during sex with the hubster ????
    4)Being able to work out without being so self conscious.
    5)Not having joint pains in my knees
    6) Feeling like my old self again
    7)Being able to enjoy sports again (Jet Ski, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Marathons)
    8)Enjoying taking pictures
    9)Feeling sexy again. ????
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Nikki_D in African American Sleevers   
    Hi ATLGirl,
    Please forgive any errors as I am writing this message from my phone. I was quite excited to see this post after lurking on this discussion board for weeks. I have acquired so much useful info and courage from this board. I am just ending the beginning stage of getting approval for the vsg. My insurance company required a psych eval, documentation of prior weightloss attempts, a letter of medical necessity from my pcp, 3 sessions with a nutritionist, as well as clearance from a pulmonary dr and cardiologist. I have completed everything and have my 3rd this Friday. YAY!!!! So after Friday I will be playing the waiting game. I hope this process goes quickly. I teach and was hoping to be sleeved on my spring break (early April) but now if I get an earlier approval I might decide to do it sooner than April.
    I see that you will be sleeved this weekend. I wish you lots of luck with your surgery. Are you required to do a two week pre op liquid diet? How has your pre op journey been going?
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to dynamitetee in I DID IT! Sleeved march 22nd   
    I was really sore the first day. I didn't want to walk.. but I did. This is SO IMPORTANT if u are to avoid bloodclots. This is day 5. Each day the pain seems to subside more and more ESPECIALLY when Ur taking the pain meds. I've been taking my vitamins.......everything except my Protein which I start on day 8. I've lost close to 10lbs post op. AWESOME. For the most part craving food hasn't been a major problem. My soreness is what keeps me in check with the food. I bought this blue lawn chair like chair that allows me to sit propped up.
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    Divalicious9700 reacted to Kristina J. in 7 months post-op! Before/After Picture   
    Wow!! Dean is right... and I AM jealous You look fantastic. With the weight loss in your face, you look like a different person!! Absolutely stunning! And I don't think I've ever commented on a before and after picture, just "liked" or admired from afar lol, but I felt compelled to gush this time!! Definitely the hot one!

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