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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ree

  1. Thanks for the tips! I actually just sent my husband out to get me some gasX strips just in case I might need them. I have to be at the hospital at 10:45 am and my surgery will be around 12: 45 pm. I'm trying to do everything I need to do now, before tomorrow. I have already made a bunch of meals for my husband and daughter so they don't go without while I'm not here, plus extra meals for when I get out of the hospital so I don't have to prepare and cook meals for them. Overhauled my kitchen and cleaned it all out so there aren't any tempting foods in this house. Got all the Christmas gifts all wrapped so I don't have to worry about doing that after surgery when I may be too weak to do that. Now I shall focus on myself and prepare for tomorrow's surgery.
  2. So tomorrow is the big day and I know I'm ready but damn I wish this anxiety I have would take off! Not gonna lie, I did throw a going away party for my stomach last night. I wasn't on any pre op diet but today I'm instructed to drink liquids only, up till midnight and then nothing after that. So who else will be getting sleeved on the 18th? Besides chap stick, is there anything else that I need to remember to bring? I'll be all alone in this as my husband will be left caring for my daughter and I have chosen not to tell anyone else about the surgery. My husband will come visit me sometime after I get out of surgery. Would it be safe for me to bring my phone to the surgery? I don't want it to get stolen but how else can I call my husband once I'm awake?
  3. I don't know why or how I didn't catch this sooner but when I left my pre surgery screening they sent me home with a sheet of instructions and on there it says to stop OTC meds (such as advil, motrin etc... ) 5 days prior to surgery, which I did remember and made sure I didn't take any meds. But tonight I went and re-read the instructions to make sure I didn't forget anything I had to do since my surgery is coming up and on there I noticed that it also said that you must stop taking Vitamins 5 days prior to surgery as well. I didn't catch that the first time I looked over my instructions and I have been taking my Multivitamin, as well as Biotin and b-12. Now I don't know if this makes a difference or not but none of my vitamins are the kind you have to swallow, they are either in liquid form or the kind that melt under your tongue. Is this going to prevent me from getting the surgery? Why do they ask you stop taking vitamins 5 days before surgery? My surgery date is December 18th and now I'm worried.
  4. I just did an internet search on this because now I'm worried sick. I found out the reason they want you to stop multi Vitamins 5 days prior is because many multi vitamins contain Vitamin E and that can interact with clotting. However I read that the amount of vitamin E would have to exceed 400 IU before it would cause a problem. I hope that's true. My multi vitamin does contain vitamin E but the amount was 60 IU and I have only been taking 2/3 the daily dosage.
  5. I had my pre surgery testing yesterday and I was really surprised when I received my instructions packet. No where on there did it say I had to do a pre op diet. It seems as though many are required to do a pre op diet on here. So how many of you guys were required to do a pre op diet? and for how long? My instructions only say to start a clear liquid diet on the 17th (surgery date is next week on the 18th) and not to drink anything at all after midnight, except for in the morning (of surgery day) to take my medications.
  6. Were you all required to do a pre op diet? I had my pre surgery screening a couple of days ago and they only said I needed to drink clear liquids the day before and nothing after midnight on the day of the surgery. It just seems like many are required to do the pre op diet.
  7. Hi guys! My surgery date is on December 18th. I'm excited but really scared. I keep thinking "how is this going to be any different from past diets?" I know this isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change but in my past with diets I use to be extremely irritable and that was my downfall because I was irritable from not being able to eat foods that I liked or wanted. I'm trying hard to figure out how to make sure this time is different. I guess I took the first step by realizing and acknowledging it. Now I just have to figure out a coping mechanism that I can put into play when those hiccups surface.
  8. I just tried to add a scoop of unflavored Protein powder to a 1/2 cup of heated beef broth and it came out lumpy and disgusting. I kept adding more Water to smooth it out and reheated it but it tasted really gross. How do you add Protein Powder to your meals so it doesn't taste lumpy, grainy and gross? It was seriously making me gag.
  9. Thanks so much for the tips. The protein powder I am using is vegan by harmonized brand.
  10. I guess I'm just a bit confused over this because a few months ago when I was still seeing the NUT she told me there is a pre op diet that needs to be followed for 7 to 10 days. She never went into it with me and never mentioned it again after that one time. I always figured at some point I would be starting a pre op diet and I was a little surprised when I found out I wasn't required to do one. I don't know if not having a pre op diet is a good thing or a bad thing, or if it really doesn't matter either way?
  11. I was wondering how common it is for people to end up back in the hospital for any reason having to do with the WLS?
  12. Thanks. I have my surgery in 10 days and my husband is taking time off for that but I have a small child that I have no one else available to care for her but myself and If I needed to go back to the hospital the only other person who can take care of her is her dad and he's constantly working. I know the risk of having to be readmitted is there but I was just wanting to see how common it is.
  13. Anyone ever worry that their surgeon will do the wrong surgery and instead of doing the VSG, they do a gastric bypass or lap band on you? I know it's so stupid to worry about something like this but the NUT kept on getting confused and kept on thinking I was getting gastric bypass so now I'm worried.
  14. I need some tips on feeding my family in the days directly after surgery? If I leave this to my husband he'll be eating boxed dinners and I really want to make sure my daughter continues to eat healthy meals. I'm thinking meals that I can make ahead of time that freeze and thaw nicely? while I'm in the hospital they will be eating homemade meatballs, sauce and pasta (I'll make the meatballs and sauce ahead of time) and chicken quesadilla's that I will also make ahead of time. For lunches and breakfast my husband can make himself and our daughter sandwiches and cereal. It's just dinners that I need help with. Any suggestions?
  15. Awesome! thanks so much. I do have a crockpot but I have only used it a handful of times since getting for Christmas in 2010.
  16. When should I expect a phone call to schedule my pre surgery testing? My surgery is scheduled for December 18th and the NUT has said that there is a pre-op liquid diet to follow 7 to 10 days prior to surgery, but then I've heard of someone only having to do a liquid diet for 48 hours prior to surgery. So I really don't know which is correct. And I was wondering when I should be expecting that phone call?
  17. I called them and now I have an appointment for the pre-surgical screening next Tuesday. So should I also expect to start my liquid diet at this time too?
  18. Good luck queencitygal! Our surgeries are scheduled only a day apart!!
  19. I guess you can say I'm weak and he knows this so he preying on my weakness, especially when some time has passed and i'm most vulnerable because of extreme irritability from not being allowed to eat foods that I do enjoy. I'm working on that, I am, but I still need him to *support* me, not break me down.
  20. Anyone else notice that the number of posts they've made has gone down? I know my post count was well over 200 and now it shows (under my name) my post count as being a little over 100. Weird!
  21. Oh and it use to say "guru" something or another under my name and now it went back to 'expert member'.
  22. This is what scares me too. My husband is the same way. In the past when I had been dieting he would get sick and tired of the foods I was bringing in the house (healthy foods) and he would say something like "pizza sounds good, how about tonight we order pizza" knowing I can't have it but because he wants it, it ends up sabotaging my efforts to lose weight. It's selfish is what it is and just a few days ago I told him he can't do that anymore and that I really need him in my corner supporting me because I don't have anyone else. See, with him he has always been able to eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound but just in these last 3 years that has changed, he is getting older now (well in his 30's) and his metabolism isn't as awesome anymore. Granted he is still thin but when we started dating 15 years ago he weighed around 130 (really skinny) and now he weighs around 165. A lot has to do with his attitude that he can eat whatever he wants and ain't nobody gonna tell him what he can and can not eat. It's frustrating to say the least. Your husband is suppose to be supporting you in your efforts to lose weight and when he mentions going out to a fast food restaurant (where you have to go with him) then he is putting his own wants before your needs and that's just not right. Recognize it now and nip it in the bud before it gets out of control.
  23. Good luck Hallen with your up coming surgery! dp81796 & longtimecoming7, how have you girls been feeling since having the surgery? I'm excited to be having the surgery in another 3 more weeks but freaking out a bit on the inside too. I first decided to take this route and started this journey in May of this year. I probably had more appointments just over the summertime than I have ever had in my adult life!
  24. To start with I do not own a smart phone. I have a phone that is older than dirt. I've had it for over 4 years and it's complete crap. I plan to get a new phone (a smart phone) in a few more months. So with that said, can I bring my laptop to use during my hospital stay? I'm confused, the hospital website says during your stay one of the amenities are wifi availability. But then on their list of "what not to bring" it says: "Electrical appliances such as air dryers, CD players, electric razors, TVs, computers, and other audio/video equipment are not permitted to be brought into the hospital according to the standards of the Joint Commission, a nationally recognized, independent organization that evaluates hospitals on safety and quality performance standards." Did you get to bring a laptop? just another question i'll need to remember to ask when they call me about my pre surgery screening.
  25. Update: I've decided to buy a really cheap tablet to use while in the hospital, rather than lug around my 17.3" laptop. For one thing I was really hoping to be able to listen to some music in the hospital and with the tablet I now can. I had planned on getting my daughter a tablet anyways so when I don't need it anymore I'll give it to her to play with. For under $100 I feel more comfortable bringing a 7" tablet. If I had my laptop stolen that would be more painful, but I'm going to do my best to keep a good eye on my tablet too. And thank you all for giving me a heads up that things can get stolen. These things never even cross my mind because it's not something I would ever do to someone.

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