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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jencys

  1. I hope this helps... its what I do.... I have a bunch of the 34 ounce smart Water bottles. I've found I really can not tolerate water post op and have heard the same from others. However if I put some Mio or crystal light in to give it some flavor I can drink it. So I fill my bottle up in the morning and add my Mio and start drinking it. My goal is to get three bottles in a day but some days I only get two in. However I've found if I can get the first bottle in before noon I can get all three bottles in. Usually finishing the last one right before bed. So instead of thinking about getting 90 ounces of water in a day... aim for 30 ounces separated into three mini goals and see if that works for you.

  2. Lowe get your Water in girl! I'm a slow loser too... I lost 12 lbs the first week and was estatic then I stalled out for 2 1/2 weeks lost 7 lbs after a couple of weeks then stalled out for a few more weeks... lost 4 more pounds and hit a stall again. I usually start stalling a week before my TOM and then have a big loss about a week after. So it comes in spurts.. but the inches have steadily came off. :)

  3. Be careful about how much you are eating, your nerves are not functioning and so you really can't tell when you are full until about 6 weeks out. Eat off small plates and small bowls and measure and record everything!! Use small eating utensils so you eat slower and wait at least a minute or two between bites. If you are eating larger portions that you should be you are not letting the sleeve work for you. You want it to remain as small as possible :)

  4. Be patient with your body and yourself. Everyone that I have talked to had a three week stall for 1-2 weeks. You are losing inches but not pounds during this time. So stay off the scale and just pay attention to how your clothes are fitting looser. Also make sure you are drinking Water, your body tends to hold onto everything it can right now because its in starvation mode. It will keep coming off just hang in there :)

  5. Oh my gosh .. sweets are my down fall too! Luckily I found a herbal product that numbs your sweet taste buds for 30 minutes. It has been a lifesave for me, I can still enjoy a couple of pieces of candy or a slice of pie.. then I use the spray so I don't eat the entire pie. Now if they could just develop one that makes carbs tast awful I'd have no weight issues ever again! LOL

    By the way.. any statistics showing that lap band fills with floroscopy are better then without? I think they are a must with fluro since the other way you are literally just shooting in the dark! Right???

  6. Wow I should have checked back more recent. It sounds like we are all in the same boat! I had my lap band unfilled Sep 10 and went on a super strick diet and lost 60 lbs in 5 months. Of course gained it all back during the next year. I just called and set an appointment to have mine filled again and hoping this will work this time. Ugh. I have been taking some natural supplements and herbs that are working and I'm slowing losing the weight, however I think the added benefit of some restriction might speed up the process. Otherwise I am considering getting the gastric sleeve. So tired of this weight issue!

  7. So after a crappy day of not getting even liquids to go down I finally saw my doctor. I could tell just by looking at my crackly flaking skin that I was totally dehydrated! So we talked and he is concerned that the band may have slipped,, especially because of how fast I was losing weight! So he took some out.. I went from 6 3/4ths cc to 5.5 cc in my band. I was sooo happy to drink again... I drank a 32 oz gatorade that was in my car on the way home (20 minutes) with no problems at all. So I tried some food... ate about 1/2 slowly... felt some restriction so I stopped and waited. Yeah it all went down.. no pb'ing, no sliming, no vomiting! So I'm pretty sure it hasn't slipped it was just way too tight.

    So I'm gonna take a week to enjoy eating again and then I'll go in and have him put .5 cc in. I was 6.3 CC before the last fill so I'm thinking I should be able to do 6.5 again eventually. To battle off gaining any weight I've got to really push it on my hikes and at the gym. I didn't go through all that pain and misery for nothing!

    Anyways thanks for listening to my trials :)

  8. I don't know what has happened ... in the last week I went from being at my sweet spot to not being able to eat anything! I'm even having a hard time getting liquids down now. The really odd thing is I usually go in for a fill after I lose 15-20 lbs because the band has loosened up. Anyone else had this happen to them? I'm really hoping the band has not slipped! I'm going in on Thursday to see the doctor and maybe have some taken out. Which really bums me out because I've been loving the weight loss I've experienced of the last two months! Ugh!!

  9. So I went shopping yesterday since the clothes I bought in August are too big now! It was the first time I've been shopping in a store where I wasn't invisible! I'm on that borderline now where I'm in the smallest "woman's" size and just not small enough to fit into the largest regular size. I did a little happy dance in the dressing room!

    I'm hoping by Christmas to be into regular sizes .. no more large woman stores for me!

  10. Hello again! I think I've finally reached that sweet spot that everyone talks about. I can definitely only eat 2 oz of food and if I don't sip my liquids they get stuck! The weight is coming off appropriately and I'm finally down to a size where I can start hiking and playing volleyball well again!

    I know restricting the amount of food is key, but I've found if I don't change up my exercise routine I'm not losing the weight....

  11. I'm checking in again... it's always fun catching up on where everyone is. I agree with some of you being frustrated at how slow the weight is coming off. Sometimes I wish it was coming off faster on me as well! However, I'm just really glad that the scale keeps moving down. Without the band I'd probably be much heavier then I was when I started. I'd also have at 10 more failed diet attempts under my belt as well. So I'll take the slow road as long as I can keep traveling on it!

    Congratulations to everyone's current success :)

  12. Aw Fenton.. I'm always glad to read your posts. Your so honest and keep it real and have a great way of expressing yourself. One of the main reasons I chose to have the lapband instead of gastric is because it is a slower way to lose the weight. I know myself. and knowing that I knew I needed to lose some really bad habits. That is the wonderful thing about the band, it is helping me replace bad habits as I lose this weight. Recently I had some relationship stress and I wanted to binge! I quickly ate through some bad foods before I felt that headache set it. You know the one that sets in right before you PB! Even though I was full I still wanted to stuff those emotions down with food. However I was no longer to use this as a solution! I had to try a few other things like actually feeling those emotions.

    So Fenton stop hiding from the scale.. face your reality :rolleyes: I've found writing down my feelings and letting the emotions ride out are much better then a piece of chocolate cake. Oh and for an added piece of inspiration, I recently found this site. Send them a pic and they will downsize you up to 50 lbs! I'm going to print mine out and place it in a few strategic places.

    Home | WeightView.com - Seeing is Believing

    Of course next time your going on a business trip, take me along! I'll make sure you stay on track :thumbup:

  13. Hello Everyone!

    I'd love to join you for dinner, evenings work best for me. I went to a nice support group but everyone had gastric bypass and it wasn't really helpful for me. I was banded last March so I'm coming up on my year mark and my last fill finally hit the 'sweet spot' Thank goodness! I went through Rocky Mountain and he does flouroscopy when needed.

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