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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jencys

  1. jencys

    March 28th!

    Congrats! I can't believe its almost been a year. I'm trying to lose 70 by my year mark!
  2. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hello everyone! I need some helpful advice.... I'm going out on a date tomorrow night and he wants to try out some new Indian restaurant. I've never had Indian cuisine.. what items do they serve that are lapband friendly?
  3. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Neti pots rock! I went in for a fill yesterday and my doctor couldn't hit the port. Waiting for them to make an appointment to do it under flouroscopy.. ugh! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one on a plateau
  4. jencys

    For the singles here... Just do this..

    Great idea! I'm 38 divorced and no kids. I do have two dogs to give me some responsibility! LOL I have a great job love my life but would like to find someone to share it with
  5. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hello everyone... I know long time.. I'm such a lurker. The weight is slowly coming off for me too. I'm trying to be patient but with all the walking I do at work it should be coming off much faster! Oh well at least it's not going up.. right?
  6. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well I'm going to call my doctor on monday an get in for an unfill. I had another cc put in on July 3rd and just haven't been able to eat since then. The first night i couldn't even swallow air, just kept burping it up all night. On the bright side I've lost 9lbs in the last 15 days... but not being able to eat anything is really starting to suck big time
  7. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Oh my gosh I almost went the the ER Thursday... I had my fill that day and was only able to get about 8 oz of Water and about 5 bites of Jello in for the entire day. When I went to bed that night.. I had to burp every 3-4 breaths.. air wasn't even going down! I was scared for the morning to come as that is when i tend to be the tightest. I kept thinking I should go to the ER and see if they can take some out. But had no idea if doctors were familiar with what to do. Of course my Dr's office was closed for the holiday and I didn't want to bother anyone in the middle of the night... ( I am great at rationalizing!) So I just kept trying to get some sleep but was up most of the night.. fell asleep around 3am. The next morning I was able to get some water down, and then later in the morning tried some milk and that went down ok. But I still can hardly eat anything, I'm definitely in that 2oz zone. So we will see if this loosens up any over the next few weeks. My head still wants to eat more then 2oz... but my stomach is screaming out.. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  8. So most of my meals are heated. I am tired of them and want some fun summer recipe ideas to get me excited for the summer. Outside of cold deli meats and cheese... what is everyone else eating this summer?
  9. Yummy!!! Thanks so much for the ideas :tt1:
  10. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I had my third fill today and I'm up to 6cc. I'm having a hard time with just Water right now. Tomorrow I can have creamy Soups. My restriction is pretty tight, and even tighter in the morning so I'm curious to see how it goes tomorrow. This last month has been hard as the scale only wants to budge up and not down! My doctor said that is very common 3 months after the surgery. He said just to keep going and soon the plateau will break. Reading through everyone blogs the last few weeks I'm seeing a lot of similarities. So I'll just wait it out... patience is not my forte when it comes to losing weight. In my head I see I'm burning over 3500 calories per day, and eating less then 1200 so it only makes sense that the weight will start coming off eventually. I'm gonna go buy that kinetics game.. looks fun and is cheaper then buying a new Wii! LOL
  11. I make beaded bracelets you can hook onto your Medical ID.... I"ve even sold some!
  12. I just need a tall man... where did they all go?
  13. So what are you eating that causes you to have the problems? I've found I just can't eat some foods. After this last fill I really had to get back to basics. Make sure I was taking super tiny bites and chewing them completely. I still can't eat much in the morning when I'm the hungriest, I can usually eat more later in the day. So I guess that is a hidden bonus. I even had to start measuring out my foods as I had forgotten just how small 2 ozs really is
  14. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Went in on Thursday and doctor added 2cc's so I'm up to 5cc's and I think I've found my spot. I'm eating the right amount, and feeling full all day while I feel my stomach churning. Weirdest feeling ever! LOL Of course the scale is starting to budge as well. I think everyone is doing great so far! Lets keep it going!!
  15. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ha harley! I have that song in my ipod and it's one of my favorite ones to work out to! Do you know that Mika was commissioned by the Butterfly club ( I think that is the name) and the used this for advertisement. Love it!!
  16. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Yay! The scale finally budged today. 3 lbs down from yesterday to my lowest weight yet. Patience finally paid off
  17. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Had my fill today! Woo hoo I made it... interesting experience. A cheese stick filled me up :blushing:
  18. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I still have problems eating meat, I can get some chicken to go through but I have to cut it into really tiny pieces and chew chew chew. My first fill is on Tuesday. Funny thing is I think one of my stitches is sticking out of my incision on the left. It appears to be this clear piece of thread so I plan to show it to the doctor to see what he says. It's like a hard little knot there.. weird!
  19. jencys

    TMI - Embarassing questions

    My tummy tells me I'm full by sending hiccups my way. It's kinda funny like a built in alarm system
  20. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ugh! Temptation!! I really really wanted a piece of toast today. Damn bread is my biggest temptation and it's been a month! So I tried some.. and it was delicious!! Sadly I felt it all get stuck and thought.. I better go walk or stretch or something to help this food get unstuck. Yeah nothing worked.. I kept burping and my saliva was not going through...pain pain pain!! Then all of a sudden it just all came back up. Gross!!!!!!! Seriously was so glad to have a bunch of napkins on hand in an empty cafeteria. NO MORE BREAD!!!
  21. jencys

    Sharp pain while gardening outside today

    Pain by the port side is pretty common. I went and had a massage a few weeks after my surgery and she worked on my belly area. I think the gas gets clustered up by the port which gives the side ache. I would massage my belly area very gently every day after and never had the pain again. Good luck!
  22. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    You have to enter the foods you have eaten, then it calculates the calories from there.... you can adjust the portion size as well
  23. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    It has to be on the back of your right arm. It comes with two bands, the smaller one was too tight on my arms so I was glad to have the second one. It's really not a big as you think. It fits under my sleeves and no one even knows I have it on.
  24. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ok so here are my results from yesterday (keep in mind I work in a hospital and walk all day) Calories burned 3424 Steps taken 14810 Exercise minutes: 1:51 There is also a trip reset button that will zero out your totals at the end of the week so you can keep a running tally. The website is awesome, you enter the foods you've eaten however you like. I do it at the end of the day, and keep a food journal to keep track. Then plug in your body bugg to sinc with your totals and the food eaten. They also have a program for members with weight loss surgery. I have an appointment coming up with my body bugg coach that will give me some more tips At the end of the day I can see if I need to go work out or if I'm on track for my goals. I know it's pricey but I figure I'm saving the price of the website since I've cut out fast food. The watch face can come out and go into a clip if you don't want to wear it as a watch. I would definitely suggest buying the watch so you can check the display throughout the day. Without it you can only get your totals by logging in to the computer. Let me know if I missed any questions
  25. jencys

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My body bugg arrived today! Oh my gosh it is soooo cool!! I bought the watch that goes with it. I can't wait to see how many steps I take tomorrow. The watch tells you how many calories you have burned so far today, what you burned yeterday, what your target is, and how many total calories you've burned. It also tells you the calories you have left to burn to hit your target, how many steps you've taken, a countdown time for your workout, the time, and a light. The bugg itself will set up a workout program and even a diet to follow. They have special ones set up for those of us that have had surgery. It's going to be a huge help in my weight loss experience. If you can afford it.. get it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
