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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by nervousnellie

  1. I had VSG in May of this year. I had a wonderful experience. I have lost 53 lbs and could not be happier with my sleeve. Due to my success, and seeming ease of recuperation (overall, that is), my husband decided to have the surgery in August.

    He has had nothing but problems. He has never been able to keep any food or Water down. He constantly throws up anything he takes in, including Vitamins and medications. It is not nausea--it is an inability to digest anything. He has had multiple IV's for dehydration, and would have been hospitalized multiple times if he did not work in the medical field (which allows him access to IV Fluid without being admitted to the hospital).

    He is now about 6 weeks post-op. His doctor finally did an EGD this week. They found a kink in the area where his small intestine connects to his stomach. Essentially, it causes the food to have to travel "uphill" (for lack of a better description) to exit his stomach. It's just not working. He has erosion in his esophagus and severe GERD b/c of the buildup of acid in his stomach. They dilated the spot that is kinked, but it didn't make a difference, which they didn't expect it would because it is not a stricture.

    Now his doctor wants to convert to gastric bypass. It is sooo disheartening. Neither of us would have considered having a bypass electively and he is terrified of the side effects of the bypass. We know that the side effects cant really be much worse than what he is going through now but it is still stressful. We have been unable to get a second opinion (my surgeon just retired and another is on vacation). My husbands surgeon (whohas been absolutely wonderful through this whole process) wants to do the bypass ASAP.

    I have read a few posts with similar circumstances, but can't find any recent updates. Does anyone have any information/thoughts/ideas/experience with this? If so we would love to hear!

    Thanks for letting me vent and for any suggestions or thoughts! Right now we are just trying to process this whole mess!

  2. I always dread working out. Every single day. I don't enjoy it. I never have, though I wish I did. However, I just got done working out with my trainer and I feel sooo much better (more energy). I just wish I could internalize this feeling BEFORE I work out so I didn't have all the dread..... ugh!

  3. So, I had a first meeting with a trainer today. She had me do some basic moves and my blood sugar plummeted. I almost passed out. I will be 5 weeks post op on Wednesday. I eat very few carbs, mostly because I don't tolerate them well. Do you guys have any suggestions on slow digesting carbs I can eat early in the day before working out? I don't really like oatmeal very much. Thanks for any help!

  4. I see so many people saying they're eating hummus...what do you eat it with? Or do you eat it alone?

    I do eat it alone. I sometimes use pretzel chips, but I kind of just use the pretzel as a spoon. When the section I am licking the hummus off of gets soggy, I eat it. But, I usually only go through two pretzel chips since I can't eat much at time.

  5. I use full fat mayo and cheeses. I would rather eat less and have the full flavor. I do also use the olive oil mayo sometimes. If I don't have some oils in my diet, it messes up my digestion. I do use them in moderation though!

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