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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ElyQuint

  1. ElyQuint

    What is your theme song?

    Murder of One by Counting Crows
  2. ElyQuint

    six month waiting period driving me crazy!

    Its your initial bmi that matters. Ask your surgeon.
  3. ElyQuint

    I really want a

    I'm about 6 weeks and suddenly craving pizza. I keep hoping my daughter will get one so I can try a single bite. Today I took fresh mozz, a slice of tomato and some basil and stuck it in the toaster oven broiler. Yum. Not pizza but yum.
  4. ElyQuint

    six month waiting period driving me crazy!

    Physically, yes, the surgery helps prevent emotional eating. But not forever and the shock of not having any crutches is profound. No cheez-its, no coffee, no wine, no chocolate. Nothing to sedate, numb, self punish. You have to sit with all the emotions of withdrawal and wait. If you don't address the things that you hide from with food now you will have to face them while also recovering from surgery. I wish I had more fully understood this.
  5. ElyQuint

    Why now

    You would be surprised how many physical ailments are caused by unrecognized anxiety and non diabetic sugar fluctuations. And if your eating crap (which most of us did, your likely getting high doses of msg, hfs, artificial coloring and flavors and a healthy dose of unknowns.
  6. Two things: a. Pot made the head hunger indistinguishable from real hunger. b. If you are super pain sensitive you will be in pain for a while as its major surgery and not everybody recovers right away (a surprise to me). You run a higher chance of addiction to dilauded than to pot.
  7. Hey all, I'm about a month ahead of you and just wanted to let you know purees made everything better including that "hunger". Be patient. Relief is coming.
  8. ElyQuint

    Any vegetarian sleevers?

    Ima turn into a soy bean!
  9. ElyQuint

    Are you FREAKING kidding me?!?

    Seriously I think my man is afraid that if he says anything positive about the weight lost he will be saying something negative about my body prior to it. He clearly doesn't care about my appearance and that is ultimately supportive.
  10. ElyQuint

    Are you FREAKING kidding me?!?

    Okay, I have been thinking about this post all night. I dropped 39 pounds so far and my man won't "validate" me by congratulating or noticing and it makes me crazy. Last night he was watching WWE and some guy named the big show came on and he said "wow, he lost a lot of weight". I just pretended he was talking about me, and said thank you. Lol.
  11. ElyQuint

    July 2013 Sleevers

    I eat about 800 to 900 daily. Its high protein low carb (50 or less). I have lost 28 pounds since surgery exactly 5 weeks ago. I stalled at weeks 2-4. Not being good enough is a paralyzing feeling. One I used to heal with food. But this, isn't about me. Its math, science and time. All I have to do is wait.
  12. ElyQuint

    July 2013 Sleevers

    Stay calm. Breath deep. Think about Brad Pitt. Ketosis happens when the body burns fat. I get purple every day and I eat many more calories than you are now. It takes calories to burn calories so cutting them might be a poor choice of self sacrifice. The same folks who posted about stalls a year ago are posting skinny pics today. Keep hope alive!
  13. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

    8/26/13 never forget.
  14. ElyQuint

    I live with The Food ****!

    My man is a nag in so many ways. My advice, get naked. He cant focus on your plate if your naked. Science is on your side.
  15. ElyQuint

    July 2013 Sleevers

    Stop getting on the scale daily. Journal your intake, buy ketosis test strips at Walmart and test daily. If the stick turns pink or purple your burning fat. This way you can ensure your on track without obsessing about numbers. Have faith in science if not in yourself.
  16. ElyQuint

    Any vegetarian sleevers?

    I don't have much issue. I eat eggs and tofu daily. Quiche for breakfast, tofu and veggies for lunch, cheese or nuts for snack and dinner is usually dannon light and fit with 2x protein or cottage cheese with some berries and seeds. You can add protein powder to anything! I'm at 800 to 900 calories daily. If I have room I have some apple slices and protein for dessert. I think vegan would be impossible but vegetarian is easy peasy.
  17. ElyQuint

    July sleevers please check in..

    I've noticed the same disinterest in eating. I don't like the full feeling anymore, it doesn't sedate me like it used to. But I'm afraid of losing my hair so I still try to eat enough to get my nourishment. As far as being able to eat less I think I just got less interested in eating more than I need.
  18. ElyQuint

    July 2013 Sleevers

    Dilauded. Worked well for me but everybody is different.
  19. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

  20. ElyQuint

    warning:TMI - constipation

    I'm thinking about getting a calonic done. Anybody ever tried it? Just to get a "clean start".
  21. ElyQuint

    Liquid stage


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
