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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by becogolfer

  1. a man is never so tall as when he stoops to help a boy

  2. I have noticed something similar but am only at week 12. I have had no weeks where I didn't lose weight but I had a few where I only lost 1 lb. I ate a little more and walked/exercised more and my weight loss bumped back up. I may try the liquid only thing with protein shakes if this happens again just to compare the two methods. (but I did enjoy having more chicken and greek yogurt)
  3. becogolfer

    omg my stomach tried to kill me last night!

    I found that about week 5 or 6 my acid mouth subsided significantly. I still don't lay down for at least 30 min after eating but it gets better every week. Hang in there!!!
  4. becogolfer

    Gnc Irony

    Glad to hear that. I have always found that building people up is more rewarding than tearing them down. Keep up the good work.
  5. becogolfer

    saved by the pickle

    when I saw this blog I thought the pickle was slang for something else. Glad though that something is helping when there is some acid issues.
  6. becogolfer

    MAY sleeverss

    May 13th, down 57 lbs. What a ride!!!
  7. becogolfer

    Gnc Irony

    "The manager weighs 300 lb and the sales employees are both plump (30-50 lb overweight). This is not a statement about individuals, but more about the type of people GNC hires to represent their stores to the healthy fit minded customer ". While I understand fiddlemans wanting great customer service when he goes into a store for a product I can't help but feel that he is judging these individuals based on their weight. I think that's sad. While I certainly can understand if you wanted to rant about how they didn't know their business or didn't know what their products could do for you I think that your description of their weight was out of line. Didn't you have a vsg because you once were over your ideal body weight ? I have been a Physical therapist in orthopedics for 28 years. Most of that time I was very fit but for the past 7-8 years I gained weight for a lot of reasons. I still brought passion, skill and knowledge to my clinic where I worked with the injured worker, retiree, child and professional athlete irregardless of my waist size. My success over the years was because of the passion I brought to my job. If anyone didn't want me to work on them because I carried extra weight then they didn't get to see the real me. Being overweight showed me what it's like to be judged just because of my size. I would think that you would be sensitive to others given your past weight yourself and only judged them based on their actions and service to you in that gnc, not because of how many lbs they carried or what size they were. Do you really want to be that person who judges those that are significantly overweight because of that, or someone who gives people a chance to show you what they can do. Your post suggested the former and that's a shame. Maybe that's not what you meant to imply, I hope not.
  8. becogolfer

    Durham, North Carolina?

    I had a 40 which i think is the largest.I think how they use the bougie and whether or not they leave itin when stapling makes a difference. You can get the same size sleeve if you used 2 different size bougies if you have different techniques. I think that is a good question for the surgeon when you meet them.
  9. becogolfer


    I love shrimp. Then one Christmas eve my evil mother in law made her usual shrimp and i got itchy and ad just some minoe trouble breathing that benedryl took care of. Now i haveheard that after sleeving many folks seem to feel the effect of alcohol is increased. Does anyone know if food allergies will be enhanced as well? If so should i avoid them or go eat a shrimp cocktail in my docs waiting room.
  10. Regarding the original post. I understand having cold feet. I was sleeved near my home at a center of exccellence and i too gave thought to sayin no thanks the morning of surgery. I would think the stakes are higher or at least ratcheted up if you have too fly to another country for surgery. At least you got to meet them so you know more now than before. I hope you find peace in your decision whether you eventually get surgery or not. Either way its your call and nobody elses to make.
  11. becogolfer

    sex after sleeve

    I was feelingg bad after surgery till about 4 weeks so i waited. At first there was not much change but at about 40 lbs lost things in the bedroom heated up. Its like being 20 again. Hang in there. Your body is still healing and it knows it.
  12. becogolfer

    Durham, North Carolina?

    I had Dr. Yoo and an out 11 weeks tomorrow i think.. I am down 51 lbs now. Dr. Yoo did a vsg on 2 people i know and they did well and spoke highly off him. I am very pleased with my sleeve so far. i also liked dr park at duke. Best wishes.
  13. becogolfer

    May sleevers results so far!

    Sleeved 5-13 at 277 lbs. Now at 228 11 weeks out.
  14. Its normal from burning your fat stores and it goes away as you start eating more food esp carbs. Tic tacs helped me just dont swallow or chew them.
  15. Don't be frusrated, you are only 2 weeks in. You knew going into this that it takes longer than 2 weeks. There will be stalls and its ok. In my stall days i think my clothes actually got looser during those days than when i was losing. Hang in there and remember this will take time.
  16. becogolfer

    Sleeping positions?

    I was 2 weeks till I could sleep on my right side, 4 weeks till my left side or stomach. My surgeon follow up was at 4 weeks and when I asked about it he told me that at that time the tummy was strong enough to handle bungy jumping but to expect some pain when moving around for a few months as he "stabbed me many, many times" , then he laughed. I laughed but it was more that nervous, that's not really very funny laugh that you give someone when you don't know what else to do. I am not almost 11 weeks out and sleep just fine in any position. It's all good now, hang in there.
  17. becogolfer

    bad knees !

    I am down 50 lbs now and the left calf, foot and back pain is gone.. unfortunately i have gotten really bad plantar fasciitis in my right foot that is killing my walking. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
  18. becogolfer

    Slice of pizza

    At 8 weeks i got a stromboli when my ceo wanted to go for pizza near the office. I ate the cheese , sauce and meat and a few bites of crust. This was about 1/5th of the whole. I lost over 2 lbs that week and it was fine. The odd thing is i would much rather have had some chicken or any protein. Have not had any stromboli or pizza since. I will if the mood srikes but i am not like iused to be thats for sure. If i had not tried a little i would have wondered about it aa long time. Now i just have a nibble of this and that but always keep my thoughts on getting. some tasty protein and enough water. An occasional snack seems to work well for me.
  19. I hiccup when full. Both my doc and nut said its just a sign you are full and no worries. My doc said eating till you feel full is fine and not to worry about stretching the sleeve. I at more now but theres a limit and it is pretty consistent. He said eating more was a sign that the swelling was going down. Good luck!
  20. becogolfer

    I'm outta here!

    Good Luck! It's not too bad and even in the few times you'll wonder, "what did I do?" it will just keep getting better.
  21. becogolfer

    Buyers remorse anyone?

    I am 7.5 weeks out. I had the ""what the hell did i do to myself" thoughts in the first few weeks but you keep remembering that you can't undo it so you might as well go with it. I am enjoying feeling a little light (about 46 lbs so far) and i no longer have those feelings of doubt. This surgery made me make a change in how much and what i eat and i feel grateful for that. Hang in there it gets better. Rnemember the bible says if your hand causes you to sin then cut it off. My belly was causing me to have problems so i cut it out, wee dr. Yoo did.
  22. becogolfer

    people at work

    I know what you mean and have had a few people say to me thatI must have had surgery to have lost as much as i have so quickly. Nevermind that i have not told them why i was out for 6 weeks. It bothered me at first but not now. They are not my family, nor friends and they are just trying to fill a hole in their heart by picking on others. The bible says if your hand causes you to sin then cut it off. My stomach was causing me problems so i cut it out. Well, my doc did.
  23. Hang in there. Do what your nut and sugeon says and you will do great. Try to do what your told and don't obsess over the scale.
  24. I didn't go back to work as a physical therapist for 5 weeks. I felt like crud for 1 week, poorly the second week, poor on the 3rd week but by week 4 I was feeling fair, good by week 5 and now I am doing very well. I still get weak if I don't eat enough or god forbid I eat too much. Every day it gets easier. Hang in there and start getting back to the rest of your life as you can. It's a long journey so 1 day won't make or break you, hang in there!

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